Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1850: King of Poison (1)

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The altar is now, this is the posture of the challenge.

In the same year, the former generation of grass-toothed people, Agong, was in the sky above the altar of the seedlings. The big battle was a seedling, and it was very likely that the thirteen corpses were the seedlings who died under the ancestors of the previous generation.

However, in any case, after the whole genocide was extinct, the corpses were not ruined for thousands of years. They were also broken by some means. At this time, the altar was born, and after the death, he could pray to the altar in the same way. It can be seen that the willpower of this seedling family is also strong.

If it wasn’t for the strong extinction of the grass-smelling person, it might have risen strongly at this time.

The black-faced Agongyi is daring. After discovering the altar, he has already stepped on the five poisonous compasses and flew to the altar. He flew to the front, and he did not say anything. He took the compass and took the lead to the altar.

The position of the five poisoned compasses is very high. Everyone flies down. According to the truth, it should fall on the fourth floor of the altar, that is, the layer on which the seedlings are standing.

But when a few people fell to the altar, they fixed their minds a little, but found that they had stood at the bottom of the broad altar and saw the five poisons that were suppressed under the altar.

Sun Hao was a little bit sighed, and his heart sighed.

Just how it fell in this place, Sun Hao did not feel it at all, it seems that it should be like that, of course, it is just like that, Sun Hao jumped to the altar, as if it should appear here.

Sun Hao, Black Day Komaki strangely stunned: "It’s so strange to reverse the feeling, how is the position completely wrong? Shouldn’t we stand on the top?”

The black-faced Agong eyes narrowed slightly, and the mouth said faintly: "This is a mandatory result of the self-contained law attribute. No matter what direction we come from, it will appear in this place, and it will appear at the entrance to the altar. Komaki, this time, let your stupid go in and explore the road, telling it, if you find it wrong, and quickly withdraw, we need to have more information."

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly shocked. At this time, he went to explore the road. The danger can be imagined. I am afraid that the black-faced aunt is not a drunkard, but he wants to test himself.

It seems that the black-faced grandfather never gave up his doubts about himself, but he did not kill himself. It is estimated that this time, he can use himself.

Black day Xiaomu brows slightly wrinkled, his mouth said: "Agong, the peerless poison is extremely dangerous, stupid ghosts go in for nine life, do you have to send a stupid dog to see it?"

The strength of the animal husbandry is not strong, the performance is stupid, there is no spirituality, but it is not for the black day Xiaomu. The first pathfinder that comes to mind at this time is the border animal husbandry.

Bianmu is still a foolish look, but his heart is open: "You are a stupid dog, your family is a stupid dog."

The black-faced Agong swept Sun Hao and said, "With you, you can let them go. The key is to explore the road and see what is going on."

Koji Komaki smiled happily and said: "Well, stupid dog, you go to the road, the situation is wrong, return immediately."

After that, the law was pinched and hit the back of the head of the animal husbandry.

Bianmu is like a zombie, jumping and jumping. He walked over to the bronze altar and passed through the gate of the altar. He disappeared. After half a ring, there were two barking dogs in the altar. No more. Any sound.

Not coming back, there is no cry.

The black-faced grandfather waited for a while, and his face said with a gloomy face: "It seems that the stupid dog is suffering from an accident, Komaki, let the stupid ghost continue to explore."

This time, Kobe Kommu no longer insisted, let Sun Hao go in to explore the road, it is better to let him go, the teeth bite, the mouth licking, a black light, hit the poison on the head of Sun Hao: "Stupid Ghost, go in and see, what's wrong, come back soon."

The black-faced grandfather’s spirit was a little tight, his eyes were stunned, and he looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao turned around without incident and floated to the altar.

The black-faced Agong eyes flashed a stunned look, and the ghost in front of him was absolutely wrong, but now he can't understand it.

It is reasonable to say that at this time, such a strange bronze altar, if this ghost has a sense of autonomy, it will not be easy to risk, and the bigger possibility is to take the road and escape.

Sun Hao floated to the door of the altar and his body was slightly.

The black face of A Gong’s face was cold, Li Mang flashed through his eyes, and God’s movements were driven by poison.

Sun Hao’s flying body suddenly fell short and quickly, and went into the altar.

In the black day, the little priest shouted: "The stupid ghost, really a stupid ghost, actually floats higher than the door, almost hit his head."

The black-faced grandfather looked at the quiet door, for a long time without words, and his face showed a faint expression.

After Sun Hao entered the door, he suddenly felt a huge pulling force on his body, and the body of the ghost could no longer float, and quickly and involuntarily fell down.

Suddenly fell three or four feet, a slamming sound, fell on the cold bronze ground, tightly, as if the pressure of Wan Hao squashed, squatting on the ground, can not move.

The body barely moved a few times, and the greater pressure came over. Sun Hao was like a pastry, tightly attached to the ground, and struggled again.

Not far away, the dog is also the same as Sun Hao, spit on the dog's tongue, squatting on the ground, motionless, Sun Hao's movements alarmed the dead dog, as if it was very difficult to blink and smashed Sun Hao, and Closed his eyes.

Sun Hao’s heart moved, and he closed his eyes and squatted on the ground.

Soon after, Sun Hao perceived that the poison on his back brain moved a few times, and then was suppressed by tremendous pressure.

Within the bronze altar, there is a huge force similar to the powerful pull of gravity. The power will increase rapidly with the resistance of the monk. If the monk does not reach a certain level, after entering, the iron will not move.

Sun Hao squatted on the ground, closed his eyes and carefully felt the powerful pulling force. Compared with his own magnetic power, he found some wonderful works. At the same time, Sun Hao finally realized that the five poisonous souls disappeared inexplicably. The root cause is that without him, among the five poisonous scorpions, this kind of supernatural seed should be densely covered. The peerless poison can adjust the direction of gravity and absorb the soul of his own interest as long as it is based on the five poisonous scorpions.

No matter how toxic the poison of the world is, just this gravity power is already a surprise to Sun Hao. It is quite difficult to have this kind of magical poison.

Soon after, Sun Hao felt that the poison on his back had beaten a few times. At the same time, a cool and sultry breath spread from the back of his head to his own soul.

In the shade, Sun Hao has a feeling of paralysis and rigidity.

Sighing the strangeness of the poisonousness of the grass poisonous people, Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved, the tombstone was quickly driven, and a force of attraction was generated. The toxic power of the chilly and cold was absorbed quickly. Miha looked at the ghost and matched the ghost. Hey, quickly drive the yin and yang combination and start the poisoning.

After a while, it is estimated that Sun Hao has never seen a response, and the poisonous drive has no effect. Black Komaki and Black Face Agong finally couldn’t help but also came in to explore the road.

Sun Hao felt that his body was not far away, and there was a gust of wind, and then he only heard the ordinary sound. The black priest screamed and threw himself on the bronze floor.

The black-faced grandfather should have a way to perceive the state of Kobe Komaki. Less than three times, Sun Hao feels that there is a hurricane in his sky, and the poisonous smoke is filled. The black face is cold and standing, standing. On the channel of the bronze altar body swaying, but not affected by the slightest gravity.

Koji Komaki called out on the ground: "Agong."

The black-faced agong opened his mouth and spit, and layers of poisonous smoke covered him, and Sun Hao and Bianmu were also enveloped.

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly moving, and it doesn’t move, so that the poisonous smoke covers his body.

The black-faced singer screamed in the air: "District gravity power, give me a break..."

The toxic smoke rolled and caused buoyancy. Sun Hao only felt that his body was light and floated up. The animal husbandry stood on the bronze ground and kept shaking his body.

Black smoked the foot of the grass to drive the poisonous smoke, as if flying on the clouds, the mouth said: "Agong is really amazing, such a strong magical power, Agong raised his hand and broke it."

The black face is cold and whispered: "This is just an appetizer. The strongest move of the opponent is waiting for us. Be careful, don't leave me within two feet, let's move on."

After that, the body swayed slightly, bringing a burst of dark poisonous smoke, which followed the bronze path that seemed to be a rising ladder, slowly drifting past.

Black Day Komaki screamed "Follow up", and Sun Hao and Bian Mu did not dare to neglect, followed closely and climbed to the bronze altar. (To be continued.)

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