Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1826: White bones everywhere

However, among the other three poisons, there are also sub-presences of the Taikoo Thunder beast, such as the vertical eye dragon scorpion and the moon scorpion. However, the two are not famous for their poison, and the vertical eye dragon owl is an ancient alien. It has been lost, and the New Moon, in the legend of the Terran, is even more fascinating. It is said that it is related to the rushing to the moon. In reality, it cannot be found at all. ?燃?文小?说?????????

Among the crickets, the strongest name is the gold-backed flying wing. Although the strength is not very strong, it is a orthodox poison.

The gecko in the aristocratic classics does not mention it, because it is medicine, not poisonous.

The spiders advocated by the grass poison people are also the more powerful ones among the five poisons. The grass poison people listed a total of ten strong poisonous spiders and arranged them rationally. For different races, the ranking of poisonous spiders The order is slightly different, but no matter which kind of smart race, the three spiders are always in the top three, and Sun Hao has a very deep memory.

The third-ranked spider, named the black widow, saw the habit of this spider. Sun Hao’s heart could not help but feel a sense of horror. The female spider of this spider has a face that looks like a beautiful woman. Supported by the legs, it looks delicate and fascinating, but it is very fierce and ruthless. When mating, it will inject toxins to poison the male spider and turn it into juice for self-absorption.

The second-ranked spider, named the six-eyed sand scorpion spider, is actually a little different from the human black widow, but its most horrible place is that it can be invisible, and his venom can directly cause the blood of the monk to coagulate. The effect, once in the middle, there are very few elixir detoxification.

Whether it is a six-eyed satay spider or a black-faced widow, the toxicity may be comparable to each other, but in any case, it is better than the first-ranked "Sibaman tarantula". The grass poisoned person complimented the fifth poison.

The ranking is only under the scorpio, it can roam in the air, the toxins that can numb the monk, can ruin the spirit of the monk, the weaker monk encounters the Sibman tarantula, that is running and running However, the resistance can't resist, only the one who suffers from death.

Sun Hao is in the "five poisonous cockroaches". In the feeling, the "five poisons" suffocating, have been formed, can be very clear, can feel the pressure from the five poisons.

Such five poisonous cockroaches illustrate two problems. One is the poisonous death zone. There are a lot of five poisons, which are gathered into suffocating gas. The second is that there should be a strong presence of five poisons in the hidden poisonous domain, or else , not so balanced.

Just entering the poisonous death zone, he met the five poisonous deafs of the monks, and Sun Hao also fully felt the difficulty of the poisonous death.

Zhang Ba Jin was quickly consumed in the gas of five poisons. In less than three days, Sun Hao had to retreat from the five poisonous scorpions, sitting cross-legged and began to recover.

Judging from the state of the golden body, Sun Hao knows that if he can really penetrate the poisonous dead zone and walk in it, then he will have a great chance of finding the poison of the golden back flying wing and the human face black widow.

The West Barman tarantula has to look at the opportunity.

After two hours, Sun Hao recovered.

At this time, Bianmu has been able to trotting within the five drug lords. The strength of the grazing is not very strong, but the adaptability is super metamorphosis. Sun Hao observed a little and found the grazing in the five poisonous scorpions. At this point, it has shown a completely different form from the usual.

The khaki leather surface became gray, making this guy look more like a dead object. If you don't know the bottom of the animal husbandry, at first glance, Sun Hao thought it was a dead dog.

Sweeping the state of the pastoral, Sun Hao once again put on the golden body and entered the five poisonous scorpions.

However, after entering this time, Sun Hao began various attempts to slowly dissipate the golden body, but with the flesh, try to get the five poisonous cockroaches.

The poisonous dead zone is one of the sinister places of the sin, which is the kind of Jedi that can deter the mighty existence of the complex period. However, the strong body of the complex period is not a dry meal, and Sun Hao does not believe in his own ancient white jade. The battle experience is completely unstoppable.

The golden body dissipated, and the whole body was as crystal-clear as white jade. Sun Hao drove the wilderness and began to try to stick to the time in the five drug lords.

After a day, Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

Sun Hao tested it. If the flesh does not drive the gods to brave and digest, at most it can only support two hours.

However, if you force the driving force of the wilderness, it is another matter.

The savage and savage days are brave and fierce. The stamina of the ancient 罡 white jade is also extraordinary. If you are not afraid of becoming a poisonous person, and you are not afraid of leaving the body after suffering, you can choose to refine the five poisonous scorpions into the body and enhance your toxicity. And form an anti-toxicity.

If it was before, Sun Hao might have done it.

However, after the process of yin and yang two gas forging, Sun Hao knows that the wildness is completely ruthless, and he really has to do this. In the future, he has to spend a lot of energy to polish the flesh.

There is a fundamental difference between the golden body and the flesh. The golden body is full defense, and it does not inject drugs into the body. It is purely consumable, but the flesh is able to drive the wild and digestive toxins. The two methods of resistance are different.

The golden body can stand for three days, and the flesh can only support two or three hours. This is the normal contrast.

After testing this result, Sun Hao’s heart was settled down.

I do have the basic conditions for walking poisonous death, and the sequela of the ridiculous punishment of the sky, can make up for it afterwards, but I can walk the poisonous dead domain without much problem, encounter the big battle, I have the golden body and the magical law, and should also Have a good fighting ability.

While waiting for the driving of the ridiculous punishment, Tian Jing began to smash the poisonous death field, Sun Hao could not help but move a little, sitting cross-legged, his body slowly faded.

After a while, Sun Hao has become a sneaky, tombstone, standing in the poisonous dead zone, at the same time, the body of the rabbit, Han Yujin began to drive.

Among the eyes, the light flashed, and Sun Hao’s heart flashed amazed. I didn’t expect the sneaky body to be better in the five poisonous scorpions.

Strictly speaking, the poison of the five poisonous cockroaches has a strong toxic effect on the body and the soul. The ordinary monks come to the scene, but they are not necessarily able to withstand it. Sun Hao can feel it, and the chilly atmosphere is from the five poisonous scorpions. Influx, the body of the sneaky, these should be the toxicity that can hurt the soul.

The yin scorpion's yin rabbit Han Yujin is slightly different from the brave and fierce temperament. It does not directly and fiercely swallow these toxic toxicities, but introduces them into the sneaky tombstones, using the tombstone as a medium. Started refining.

Among the five poisonous scorpions, it is a kind of sinister, yin-toxic toxic atmosphere. Under the transformation of the tombstone, it can be turned into a yin-cold true yuan that is very beneficial to the ~ is very conducive to the cultivation of the cold rabbit Han Yujin, of course, inevitably, the spirit of the tombstone, was driven by Sun Hao with the combination of yin and yang, began to assist in their own practice.

Under this state, Sun Hao's sneaky body can walk freely in the poisonous death field without much effort.

Almost transparent face with a faint smile, Sun Hao screamed: "Border animal husbandry, gone."

Bianmu surrounded Sun Hao and turned a few laps. Wang Wang cried: "Boss, you are really supernatural. You can see that you are now more relaxed than my second dog in this world. I am really convinced, boss, let us go. What direction?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "When you go the most important direction of suffocation and death, can you find it?"

Bianmu bowed his head and sniffed a few times on the ground. He jumped up and stood on Sun Hao’s almost transparent shoulder. The paw pointed forward: "This is not wrong, absolutely sturdy, absolutely dead..."

Sun Hao’s body floated, and the wind was in the body. With the help of the hurricane, he followed the border grazing and floated into the depths of the five poisonous scorpions. Along the way, under the five poisonous scorpions, it is still black and white. The black ones are like the trees that have been calcined by the fire. The gray is like the ashes of the dead.

Go all the way, all over the place.

Sun Hao saw some strange all-black or all-white vegetation, but so far, no creatures have been found, and there are no poisons.

Within the poisonous death zone, after coming in, you will go through the area where the dead spirits are going, continue to go inside, and you will encounter the area where the dead spirit and the poison are symbiotic. In the final core area, it is the killing place of the poison everywhere.

Three days later, the speed was extremely fast, and Sun Hao, who came from the wind, appeared in a huge valley, looking forward and looking forward, the heart could not help but stunned, ahead, white bones. (To be continued.)

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