Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1805: Yin and Yang 2 gas

Dapeng Golden Wings hated the side of Sun Hao's shoulders.

This dog is not only bad for his own good things, but also smothers himself, for a long time, a scream in the air, a huge Peng mouth, a powerful force rushed out of his mouth.

Bianmu did not pay attention, the limbs kicked, Wang Wang shouted: "Boss, pull me a hand, rely on, so fast, dry, big bird, you have bad breath..."

This is a kind of supernatural power that is not reflected by Sun Hao.

The priests were not able to prevent them, but they were swallowed into the stomach by a Dapeng garuda.

Sun Hao’s face sank slightly, and his mouth said: “It is said that Dapeng Golden Wings can be swallowed into the belly for dozens of miles, and escape is inevitable. Dapeng’s brother is powerful.”

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird swallowed the edge of the animal husbandry, and his heart was a little bit smooth. Zijin looked at Sun Hao with his eyes, and the thunderous voice rang through the sky: "I want to use your flesh to use it, but it can't be swallowed. Now, if you want to be willing If the spirit is out of the body, I will not kill it, but I will leave you with a glimmer of life. Otherwise, once I start, you will die without a place of burial, and it will be difficult to reincarnate."

Sun Hao’s face, with a faint smile: “In fact, if you tell me the truth, I can completely transform Peng Peng. I will completely turn Peng Peng into my sixth, so hello, I’m good, everyone, but You have chosen a big fight, conspiracy, and endless stream, and it has reached the point where it is now."

Dapeng Golden Wings suddenly remembered Sun Hao's five-pointed, but some believed, but his mouth said: "Who knows that you are a human monk, can a barbarian have your strength? But, you said Yes, we can really work together now, you helped me to refine my Peng Peng, I let you live a happy way, all happy."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "But I changed my mind. Now, my sixth, I naturally prefer the Dapeng garuda."

The avenue is like a narrow road, and the winner is qualified to go on.

Dapeng Golden Wings suddenly understood, and the eyes flashed in admiration: "Good boy, you are stronger than my heart, so good, let us see, who can laugh at the end, eight wind two Gas, yin and yang refining, kid watching, you can stop my refining, come back to talk to me..."

In the sky, the flames of the Dapeng Golden-winged Birds swelled and slammed, and the giant mouth was sprayed. Two powerful airflows, like two long dragons, rushed over to Sun Hao.

Shen Xiangjian puts a pendulum, Sun Hao's body sways slightly, and the eight winds are indefinitely swords, and they are flying in a flash.

However, after flying out, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly had an illusion that he suddenly became smaller before the two airflows, and he was a scent of a scent. It seemed to be a thousand miles, but it may not be very far away...

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, a terrible space magical power, Sun Hao instantly understands this move, this trick, with the Dapeng Golden Winged Birds swallowing the edge of the grazing is almost the same principle, but also with Tie Peng Peng grabs Peng Peng and Cai Peng At the same time, the principle is a powerful direct space magic.

I am afraid that I can't run away.

I didn't have time to think about it. Sun Hao discovered that the two airflows had been completely entangled in one's own body, and I was trapped in myself. With the effect of eight winds and localization, I firmly held myself and could not move.

Powerful airflow, the raging fire instantly drowned Sun Hao completely. The Dapeng garuda bird stretched out like a kneading dough, and it would be like a smashing breeze. In front of it, it suddenly appeared like a burning bear. It is a huge bottle of white jade.

From the outside, inside the bottle, Sun Hao sat cross-legged, his body around, but it was a burning fire, two claws caught the white jade fire bottle, Dapeng gold-winged bird eyes purple gold flashed, the road rushed Come out, hold it at the bottom of the bottle and bake it up.

Eight winds and two gas, yin and yang refining.

I don't know how long this kid can support. The body of the kid is a white jade body, and the anti-burning ability should be good, but the spirit of the kid may not be so easy. As long as the spirit of the kid is refining with the yin and yang, he can drive the Peng Peng even if he achieves the goal. Look for a new shell and digest it.

In the eyes of the fire, Dapeng Golden Wings thought: "The body of the kid is good, if you completely digest it, it may be a chance. After the calf of the kid is burned, it should be a big supplement..."

Since he chose to play against Dapeng Golden Wings, Sun Hao was psychologically prepared, and he also arranged some spare backhands, but Sun Hao still did not expect that the Dapeng Golden Wingbird after the resurrection would be so powerful.

In addition to the role of the hook should not be able to recover, the powerful space magical power actually opened his mouth.

Moreover, he is trapped in his own powerful fire and fire, and he is very uncomfortable.

Sun Hao, sitting cross-legged, once again learned something, the wind, the wind from the eight sides is actually divided into yin and yang, Dapeng Golden Wings not only divided the octagonal into yin and yang, but also produced a strong yin and yang to calcine Yourself.

The two fires of yin and yang are exerted on themselves at the same time. Sun Hao has a feeling of being frustrated at the same time as the body and the soul. In the sea, there is an invisible fire, baking some of his own high-lying souls, baking Knowing the sea by yourself, it seems that you have to steam yourself.

The body is also uncomfortable, the body of white jade is fully operational, and it is quite ridiculous that Tianjin and the yin rabbit are cold and sturdy, and they are driven to resist the burning of yin and yang.

Do you want to drive the back hand immediately and fight the Dapeng Golden Wings?

Sun Hao felt the double suffering of the soul and the body. When the whole battle was over, the heart could not help but move.

In the spirit of the gods, feeling the oppression of the power of calcination, the sneaky scorpion automatically opened his eyes, the tombstones in his hands burst into a glimpse of the light, knowing the sea, the five elements of the smoldering fire seem to have been towed, and poured into the tombstone.

The sneaky scorpion beat the tombstone, the yin and yang combination began to work, and the tombstones appeared again and again. They began to cooperate with the ghosts to absorb the smoldering smoldering fire, transforming the yin and yang, and the pressure of the soul was suddenly light.

Within this, 燚神炎 also moved slightly, quietly absorbed a glimmer of burning flame and began to digest.

Sun Hao couldn’t help but move.

Dapeng Golden Wings are the ultimate in the use of wind power, especially the emergence of yin and yang. It makes Sun Hao stunned. Since his own soul and body can stabilize his position, he is not in a hurry to fight a deadly battle. One or two.

In the heart, Sun Hao sinks his heart, feels fierce, and constantly calcines his own yin and yang, and in his mind, there is also a record about Dapeng Golden Winged Bird.

The Taikoo Xiandian "Journey to the West" records that the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, known as the Buddha's old man, was in the hands of the magic weapon "Yin and Yang two gas cylinders", which is extremely powerful.

There are 典: yin and yang two gas cylinders, there are seven treasures and eight scorpions, twenty-four gas, to thirty-six people, according to the number of celestial scorpions This treasure can be loaded with people, people are among them. If you don't talk, the bottle is very cool. Once you talk, there will be a fire, and it will be pus-blood for a while.

At that time, when Sun Hao saw this treasure description in the tribe of the Terran, it was completely a biography and a myth and legend, but now I want to come, I am afraid that there are some inevitable connections.

Dapeng garuda, eight weathered two gas, yin and yang fire.

If it is slightly weaker, or there is no special counter-measure, enter the yin and yang, and fear that it will not be a moment, it will become pus.

Of course, the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird that Sun Hao encountered should be the kind of Cai Peng Golden Wing cultivation evolved, and its strength is far less powerful than that of the Taikoo Beast. It is still in the unsuccessful stage and suffers from the stage of sacredness, and its The yin and yang are also just small, at least, they have not become a magic weapon, and there is no Qibao gossip, twenty-four gas, it is estimated that it is really the kind of yin and yang two gas cylinders. At this moment, Sun Hao has long since mourned. .

In the distant underground palace, Minorha was once again awakened in the deep retreat, and exclaimed in his mouth: "Oh my little sister, you are coming again. This time, how long will you have to harass the slaves? The slave swears that one day To push you under your body, yin and yang are combined for a hundred times, a hundred times..."

When the words were not finished, the invisible smoldering rushed into the tombstone. Minuoha blessed a cold war and felt helplessly. He felt that he was asking for help from Sun Hao’s sneaky ghost: "Dead ghost, hug me, cold and aunt."

Yin and Yang are divided into two qis, and the Tao is from heaven and earth.

Where the yin and yang are required, the Yang Mi is solid, and the two do not. If there is no autumn in the spring, if there is no summer in winter, and thus, it is a sacrament...

The sputum of yin and yang is in the same breath.

Among the souls of Sun Hao, the ghosts hold the tombstones and practice with the spirits, and Sun Hao’s subjective consciousness also drives the wilderness and the yin rabbit’s cold jade, under the rotation of the five elements of the round, two The practice method is transferred, and the yin and yang are combined to resist the refining of the yin and yang. (To be continued.)

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