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Taking a step, stepping into the flames of purgatory, and taking a few steps, Sun Hao suddenly stopped again and slowly turned around.

Still basalt, basalt, still empty.

However, Sun Hao looked under the basalt rock, under the rock, and the small fire was kneeling on the ground, looking at it.

Seeing the eyes of Sun Hao looking at the past, the small body of the small fire slammed into a shock, hesitated, and turned around and drilled into the cave.

Sun Hao’s heart was moving.

What does a small fire think? Simply bid farewell to yourself? Why don’t you cover yourself?

Why do you want to let the little fire alone die in this mountain?

After a small fire, I was abandoned. I was most afraid of being abandoned. She panicked and rushed into Dongfu. She was afraid that she would not like to die here. The reason why she chose this, the most fundamental reason, I am afraid that I will not be dragged down. You are it.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao turned and turned back, took a big step and walked over to Dongfu.

Drilled into the Dongfu, looking at it, the small fire was lying on the ground, his head buried between his legs, his body shivering, as if crying silently.

Sun Hao reached out and grabbed the fire.

The small fire suddenly stunned, looking at Sun Hao, his eyes filled with surprises, tears of red tears, rolling down.

Sun Hao also had tears in his eyes. He took a small fire and snorted on his face. He said softly in his mouth: "Small fire, let me go with you. I will accompany you through the last road."

The small head of the small fire leaned on the cheek of Sun Hao and nodded hard.

She is very afraid of leaving Sun Hao, she is used to being around Sun Hao, she also knows that she is not much time. More cherish the time with Sun Hao.

However, Sun Hao let her live in Dongfu, she can not resist, after all, for Sun Hao, she is a complete oil bottle.

And it is the oil bottle that will be scrapped.

But Sun Hao is back. I decided to take her on the road. Once again, Sun Hao did not abandon her. Once again, she took her on the road of cultivation, even if she knew. On this road, I can't stay with Sun Hao for a long time, but as long as she can accompany her for a day, she feels satisfied.

Lift the fire and place it on your shoulder. In the heart of Sun Hao, it seems that a stone is falling, and the heart is filled with warmth, touch the fur of the small fire folds, and whisper in the mouth: "Go, small fire, accompany me to the fire abyss."

Yes, the fire is in the abyss. Sun Hao itself has a lot of crisis, and can't say that it is absolutely safe and bring a small fire. What about the same life and death?

With a small fire, stepping out of Tianbo Reality Dongfu, standing at the entrance of Dongfu, Sun Hao's heart moved, could not help but think of Xuanyuanhong's prediction.

"Life and death are not separated. People in the flames of fire, infinite fire and sorrowful tears. Not full of flames rolling..."

This situation, is not exactly "life and death do not leave. There is no side of the fire and Xiao Xiao tears"?

Just one heart on the small fire, sinking into the memory of the past, Sun Hao really did not think Xuan Honghong this sentence is very obvious, things in the past, suddenly turned back, Sun Hao found that Xuanyuan Red Laojun Wei Ling is really quite The efficacious, it is the prediction that she exhausted her mind.

Then what is the "flame in the fire" and "not the flames of the flames"?

Sun Hao thought, while carrying a small fire through the flames of purgatory, arrived at the caldera of the Yanyan Mountain.

This time, there was no active monk in the crater of Jiyanshan. Sun Hao soon found a huge pumice stone, sinking into the magma, and slowly sinking down.

For more than two hours, Sun Hao has come to the pure fire and saw a blazing void under the magma.

The gods are fascinated, and the pure fire **** appears on the surface of the body, sinking into the void. Became a monk of Jindan. This time, Sun Hao was more relaxed than the first time here. The five-inch gods had already condensed the pure fire, and the pure fire could not hurt Sun Hao. Sun Hao’s body was empty and slow. Landed down.

In the abyss of the fire, a large number of magma monsters were gathered again. Sun Hao just fell, and the monsters in the magma sat up together. Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and the small fire on his shoulder smiled: “Small fire, Seeing that I am showing great powers, when I speak, my gods move, and the deep purple flames appear in the air, and the earthquake is shocked. They are scattered and turned into Mars and fall into the magma.

After the real fire seven turns, the power of the small flames did not know how many times increased. The ignition star fell into the magma, and it was drilled into the magma, and the tea was smashed. These monsters that used to force Sun Hao’s partiality were absorbed by the small flame. The fire source of the whole body is turned into ashes and sinks into the magma.

The small fire was on Sun Hao’s shoulder, and he kept flapping his claws as if he was yelling loudly. Among the eyes, there was a memory of nostalgia.

At that time, Xiaohuo just followed Sun Hao, where he lived for more than two years, hard, dangerous and full of warm memories.

Falling in the corner of the year, Sun Hao patted a small fire, smiled and asked: "Small fire, remember that year?"

The little fire has a small head.

Sun Hao smiled and said, "So little fire, do you still remember the fire of the year?"

Sun Hao scored for a while, and Xiaohuo understood the meaning of Sun Hao, and the little head clicked.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "So good, this time, we will follow the route you made last time, to find the fire of the year, perhaps, can be found in the area of ​​this fire activity."

Among the predictions of Xuanyuanhong, there is a saying that "the flames are in the fire", isn’t the fire essence the shape of a person? In this case, why not search directly into the area of ​​the fire activity, you may find something.

Now, the fire source of the magma is not very helpful to the small flames, so the fire is fine?

Fire is the elf in the fire. If you can refine its body fire, it should help Sun Hao's real fire.

Moreover, where the fire is active, it is likely that there will be a generation of Yang Jing.

Yang Jing, a special fire jade that is formed in the abyss of the fire, far away from the classical books "Zhou Li? Tianguan? Yufu" has a cloud "Wang Qi, then eat jade", "Jade is pure pure, eat It’s watery.”

Ancient "Yi? said rumors" cloud: "dry for jade", it is Yang Jing. ”

The small fire looked back at the head for a while, then began to use the small claws to guide Sun Hao.

In order to avoid getting lost in the abyss of the fire, Sun Hao wrapped the lead bee with the gods, first positioned, and then began to explore the top of the magma river according to the guidance of the small fire.

The heat of the yang is a fire, and the essence of the fire is fire.

Fire essence is a very strange life, the essence of fire, born in fire, stronger than fire, is the darling of fire. Fire is not a spirit beast, because the fire essence is not the ordinary spirit of the ordinary beast*, but a group of flames that can condense the adult type, the fire essence is not a spiritual thing, but the fire essence does not lose the spirituality of the higher spirit beast.

Going along the magma flow, marching forward for more than 30 miles, the front is no longer a void, but a complete magma river, with a red magma, and the underground void of Sun Hao is like this magma river. The huge bubbles in it.

In the direction of the small fire, Sun Hao propped up the guardian **** and drilled into the magma river.

After the generation of the sea, especially after becoming the monk of Jindan, Sun Hao’s knowledge has been greatly strengthened. Although this is an abyss of the earth, in the endless magma, but God can still find a certain distance.

Exploring the gods, Sun Hao carefully moved forward and explored. According to the hint of the small fire, not far ahead, she found the area of ​​fire.

I don’t know how many kinds of fires are there, and what is the strength.

If it is only the last time the strength of the fire, Sun Hao is not afraid at all, with Sun Hao's current strength, to clean up the strength of the fire, not to mention.

Drilled into the magma, the pressure has increased. It is not known how deep the magma is, and the pressure is also normal. Sun Hao withstood the pressure and slowly moved forward.

Soon, within the knowledge of Sun Hao, he discovered a fire.

This fire is curling up and sleeping under a huge basalt. In the magma, the fire is hard to find. If Sun Hao knows that this area may have fire, it will increase the visibility, if not Sun Hao. The little flames showed an unusually excited reaction, and Sun Hao was really not easy to find this guy.

With a finger, the small flame disappeared silently into the magma, and drilled in the direction of the fire.

With the improvement of Sun Haoxiu, the distance between the small flames and the body is getting farther and farther, flying through the magma, and the small firecrackers are immersed in the body of the fire.

The fire body shook violently. From the magma, a pair of eyes looked around and did not feel anything wrong.

Sun Hao opened the five-inch god, and accommodated the magma, and the distance was far away. The fire did not find Sun Hao, but the fire spirit that was very sensitive to the flames had already felt a strange fire in his body.

In the whole life, there are many opportunities to meet different, and there is no vigilance against this group of fires. Such fires are often automatically assimilated into bodies by a certain period of time. portion.

Look around the fire, no abnormalities, curled under the basalt, ready to continue to sleep.

After a while, the fire trembled again and again, and sat up again, his eyes flashing an incredible look, and he kept picking his chest and trying to pull out the little flame.

He felt that the horrible strange flame was actually swallowing his fire!

The small flame is like a bone locust. When the fire is on the squat, it is still firmly absorbed in his heart. The source of the fire is absorbed continuously. Gradually, the fire is more and more weak, and the fire gradually becomes It tends to be bleak. After half an hour, the fire is completely turned into nothingness. The small flames rush out from the magma and fall on the palm of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and looked at the small flames carefully. He found that the fire source of this fire was absorbed. The small flames did improve, but it was quite far away from the eighth turn.

The eighth turn will not be so easy, Sun Hao is not in a hurry, his wrists are slightly shaken, the small flames fall on his shoulders, standing side by side with the small fire, and then, Sun Hao runs along the magma river and gradually flows upwards. (To be continued)

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