Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1775: Wars

These six colors of the golden-winged Dapeng bird are not the real golden-winged Dapeng, but they have the blood of the golden-winged Dapeng. They have a certain chance to advance to the sub-level beast of the golden-winged Dapeng bird.

Within the uncertain winds, there are records of the six-color golden-winged Dapeng bird, which is the second-level goal of Sun Hao this time. But now, seeing the black Dapeng bird, it has not yet produced gold wings. Severe, Sun Hao suddenly knows that it is not easy to get a six-color golden-winged Dapeng bird.

In the records of the male and female witches, before the six-color Dapeng bird did not produce the golden wings, it was often called "six-color windpeng."

Feng Peng's strength is strong, the most crucial thing is that the speed of the single, Feng Peng has risen very fast with the wind, the wind Peng Peng does not know why he is angry, the surrounding animals, actually did not escape, was It kills the spot, even though it is so, Feng Peng is still screaming in the air, acting very violently, flying around and flying.

The heart is unwilling, the air is not smooth, the black wind Peng is still angry, like to choose people and devour.

After a while, Sun Hao felt a slight vibration on his wrist and looked in the direction of the vibration. He suddenly found out that in front of him, there was no fixed-cut wood, and the animal husbandry sneaked out and found his head.

Seeing the edge of the animal husbandry, Sun Hao immediately understood why Feng Peng was angry.

At this moment, there was a huge egg in the side of the shepherd, which was not much smaller than its head. It was carefully carried out and sticked to the ground, and it was a guilty conscience.

Feng Peng egg, this guy actually stole the Feng Peng egg, it is no wonder that Feng Peng will be furious.

According to the classics, the average bird is egg-born, but the six-color Dapeng garuda is slightly different. The Dapeng bird has four kinds of "fetal birth, egg birth, wet life, metaplasia", which correspond to the four colors "white, Black, red, yellow, grass green and colored Dapeng birds are possible in four ways.

The black wind Peng continued the reproduction of the black Dapeng garuda, and it was also an oviparous.

Unfortunately, Bianmu didn't know what kind of method, but actually sneaked to the bird eggs that had gone down Feng Peng, and the animal husbandry was extremely magical. With the ability of Feng Peng, Feng Peng’s ability to sense his own eggs was actually Did not find the thief stealing, can only anger in the air to protest.

The windy nature of the beasts on the hills, unfortunately suffered from the disaster of the pool fish, was expelled by Feng Peng, and hunted for nothing.

Seeing the wind Peng egg in the side of the animal husbandry, Sun Hao could not help but move.

Feng Peng is fast, this egg hatches the car for the younger generation, but it can make the younger evade more dangers, but Feng Peng is lower for himself, but it is not suitable for the soul.

What Sun Hao did not know was that, unconsciously, as his foundation became more and more solid, his eyes became more and more open, and even Feng Peng could not see it.

In fact, in addition to the six-color Dapeng garudas at the level of the beast and the sub-beast, Feng Peng is already among the windy beasts and extremely powerful.

If it is not in the indefinite winds, other places are really rare and rare.

Even in the middle of the virtual, Feng Peng is also famous, can be in the name of the wind, the speed is fast, even if it is a fit period, if you do not tear the space, it is really not necessarily catch up.

The records of the male and female witches are recorded in the large area of ​​the Zhongxu Yaozu, and there are also Fengpeng Road. It is called the "Feng Sheng" Xiaoyaozi, which is one of the fastest monks in Zhongxu.

Sun Hao can't go to the demon's large field to capture the wind attribute. The spirit beasts and monsters in the big demon domain are mostly open, that is, there is no weak wisdom, and, if you can't stand behind, you will stand. A million-year-old demon, Sun Hao must dare to go in and catch the monster, absolutely will die without a place of burial.

The strength of the Yaozu in the virtual is also very strong, ranked in the top 50, higher than the ranking of the Terran.

The wind attribute of the unrestricted wind domain is a two-handed thing. The special law and special environment here make the strength of the alien beast strong, but it is difficult to open up the wisdom, only the existence of the beast, such as the dragon Qingpeng and the more powerful Jinpeng and Golden-winged Dapeng birds can have wisdom that is not weaker than the human race.

If these will be the most powerful beasts, if they are willing, they will have the ability to break away from the unrestricted winds. They can play in the more vast space of the virtual world. The premise is that they are willing to choose the wind domain that is most suitable for them to survive. The wind attribute environment.

In the side of the grazing mouth, the wind and the eggs.

Feng Peng, who could not find the thief, kept roaring in the air, screaming, sharp and harsh.

Under this circumstance, it is absolutely difficult for Bianmu to safely take the bird's egg out of the Wudingmu wood. If you really want to collect the bird's egg, then it is necessary to fight against the wind.

Sun Hao enters the undecided winds to kill powerful winds and animals. The battle is inevitable. The black winds are extremely fast. .

Sun Hao thought for a moment and decided to go to war. He gently shook his hands in the dragon's ribs. The whole ghost body quickly flew forward with the help of the strength of the dragon's ribs.

Turned into a faint shadow, the right hand gently clenched his fists, Sun Hao fluttered the dragon ribs gently, along the bright wind, quickly rushed to the wind above the hills.

Right fist, white light flashed, punched a punch, attacked the shadow of the middle of the hill.

Huge power came out at hand, bringing a scream of wind and rushing to Sun Hao's goal.

Feng Peng, who was screaming and screaming, did not find any enemies, but instinctively perceived the different airflows in the wind.

At the same time as Sun Hao’s right fist attacked, the black shadows in the air swayed, as if the black fog could not withstand the impact of the boxing, and the black shadow was under the boxing force, it was torn apart, and it was as if it was A group of feathers were blown away by the wind and flew away.

However, Sun Hao’s fist did not hit the feeling of the entity at all, that is, it seemed to be a punch, and the smoke was scattered by himself. Not far away, there was a black smoke-like body of Feng Peng. Look, the black fog that stagnate in the air at this time is actually a virtual shadow formed by Feng Peng, a huge and constantly changing flight direction. Sun Hao’s fist completely hit the endless wind.

Feng Peng is not damaged, but for the time being, Feng Peng is also the first time to meet Sun Hao, the hidden enemy. It is the first time to encounter such a strange attack. Therefore, Sun Hao’s existence has not been discovered for a time. Floating in the air, kept screaming.

Sun Hao's wrist was pulled hard with a little effort, and the whole ghost body quickly fell to the bottom, floating in the sky above the 10,000-foot wooden canopy, gently shaking it from side to side.

Looking to the right, not far away, there, Feng Peng is wondering about the position he has just appeared, and the wings continue to make a road to attack the past, trying to force himself to appear.

The first exploratory attack allowed Sun Hao to understand that his speed could not catch up with Feng Peng. I am afraid it is very difficult to hurt this I thought about it, Sun Hao pulled the dragon tendon and quietly floated. Just below the wind Peng, the wrists are loosened, and the hurricane rises rapidly along the unidentified hurricane, and one claw is grabbed and smashed toward Feng Peng's neck.

This time, Sun Hao is prepared, faster, trying to grasp the claws, with the strength of Sun Hao, as long as he grasps Feng Peng, then no matter how fast it is, only the death of the enemy.

To see that you have to make a contribution in one fell swoop, Feng Peng's shadows are shaking, and Sun Hao is caught in the air.

The heart was a bit disappointed, but the hand did not dare to neglect, just in the moment of catching the air, Sun Hao's hands were quickly recovered, and the sneaky body quickly rushed down.

Almost instantaneous work, Sun Hao has just appeared in the position, has been submerged by a large blade of wind, huge wind, Sun Hao, who is blowing the ghost state is also far from throwing.

Sun Hao knows a little bit, the strange environment in the wind, so that every attack has its own wind, and this wind, Feng Peng can clearly perceive himself and quickly escape.

If it wasn’t for his own ghost state that Feng Peng had never seen it, and that the sneaky scorpion could drift quickly in the uncertain wind, then maybe he had already faced the endless attack of Feng Peng.

The huge wind that broke out in Fengpeng pushed Sun Hao far away. In order to prevent Feng Peng from perceiving his own existence, Sun Hao put the dragon ribs to the maximum, and flew far and far.

After a while, Feng Peng completed his own attack, stopped and felt carefully, but still could not perceive any enemy.

Sun Hao quietly pulled the dragon ribs, and floated again gently, like the leaves, as well as the kites tied by the neck of the animal husbandry, Sun Hao stopped on the volcanic wood and began to think of ways.

If this Feng Peng can't cope with it, then Sun Hao can't help but get a more powerful six-color gold-winged Dapeng bird. (To be continued.)


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