Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1737: Lay the big picture

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Sun Hao woke up from the entrance, and the gods swept away. He accidentally discovered that Gerland was riding on a tall nightmare and was giggling in the cemetery.

Behind the nightmare, Andewei smiled with a charming face, trotting all the way, yelling in his mouth: "Little princess, little princess, count me to serve you, can you run faster, I run on both legs broken"

Sun Hao’s silent voice, such a strange zombie, is really rare.

After thinking about it, the body shook, and Sun Hao stood inside the cemetery and called out: "Xiaolan, come back."

Gerland giggled and cheered: "Oh, brother, you finally woke up."

The nightmare ran quickly, and the body of Gellan emptied from the nightmare and quickly rushed over to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao opened his arms.

Gerland quickly hugged Sun Hao, his eyes flashed with excitement and seemed to be a long-lost light. He said with a crisp voice: "Small brother, Xiaolan seems to have done a long, long dream, giggling, dreaming, hill brother. It’s really the guardian knight of Xiaolan, and I’ve had a hard time with me.”

Sun Hao touched her nose and smiled and said: "The hill brother is not only the guardian knight of Xiaolan, but now, it is difficult to stop us."

Gellan smiled with Sun Hao’s arm, and his face was filled with a happy smile.

At this time, Andervi trotting over, his face showed a brilliant smile: "Congratulations to the boss, He Xi boss, merits, and then the upper floor"

Gerland giggled and said: "This zombie said that he is already the covenant hero of the hill brother. I originally did not believe it. Now it seems that it is true."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Well, he is Andrei, it is my contract hero. Right, Xiaolan, in the ghost road, if he has not helped him a few times, maybe you will suffer some soul damage, he It is good for you."

Gellan relied on Sun Hao's side, and his eyes were surprised. His mouth said: "Really, since this is the case, good, Xiaoan, then I will accept your gift and recognize your younger brother. It is."

The happy expression came to the face of Andrei’s zombie: "Thank you little princess, thank you very much to the little princess. After that, Xiaogong mainly has what it needs. Even though he told me to come, this is a nightmare horse. This is The soul card of Ghost II, the little princess collects, and may become a powerful card for the little princess in the future."

The nightmare horse, Sun Hao knows.

The nightmare is unique in shape, extremely fast, and very cool. Gerland rides it around and can see it.

What is the soul card of Ghost II, Sun Hao has never seen it.

Geerland happily took over two wooden cards, and the gods knew that there was a huge bat shadow behind her.

After a few swaying, the bat was virtualized into the image of a blood-sucking warrior, but it was still in a state of phantom, half a squat in the air, and there was a spiritual wave: "Ghost II has seen the little princess."

Gerland said loudly: "Immediate, impolite, giggling, hill brother, you think the ghost is not cool."

a vampire in a virtual state

This is the first time Sun Hao saw the species. Sun Hao curiously released his knowledge and said with amazement: "Ghost II will actually be a ghost dragon incarnation, what is going on?"

Andrei smiled and said: "Boss, you are not defeating the ghost dragon? I ran to collect the energy of the escape, and condensed such a strange thing with the secret method, named ghost two, exactly, It should be a kind of dragon soul sucker. Unlike a vampire, this guy should be able to absorb the soul of other things to maintain his own existence, improve his cultivation, and put it on the side of the little princess. It should be a good boost in the future. ”

Gerland giggled and said: "That is to say, the real identity of Ghost II is actually one. Since this is the case, then I will give him a name again, and I will call it Dragon Shadow later."

Andrei groaned, a thumbs up, and a slap in the face: "High, the little princess is really high."

In the heart, Sun Hao quickly judged two things. One of them is that Anderwi’s ​​secret technique is only quite powerful. It is a hero of the Golden Belt and a powerful dragon. He has a deep understanding and can gather the free dragon. Condensed into this new and rare variety, Andervi's ability is not generally strong.

The second is within the ghost road, there may be another change, nor

--0---0---Small--say---This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Jiu Lian Guixian 00 novel users please remind: long time to read, please pay attention to the rest of the eyes. 00 novel recommended reading: comprehensive blood sea Shura

-0--0---Small--say---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Knowing that the ghost dragon was killed by himself, even the free dragon can be gathered by Andrei, and what will happen inside the ghost road.

Silently, Sun Hao smiled and said: "Well, Xiaolan, you like it, the dragon shadow has no trace, no trace, and later used to defend itself, it may be really good."

Gellan jumped up happily, and flew to the nightmare. He said in a froth: "Dragon Shadow, go with me for a ride."

The nightmare squirted a ringing nose, and the four hooves vacated, flying fast. The dragon shadow was like the shadow of Gerland, and it was attached to the ground and followed closely.

A master and two strange pets quickly went away in the laughter of Gerland.

Sun Hao stood up in the air, smiling at Gerland with a smile, her carefree, her simple and lovely, in the monk world, let Sun Hao feel particularly rare, cruel and difficult monk world, Gerland is like a happy elf. Her joy needs to be guarded by her own heart.

Until Gerland went away, Sun Hao turned to Anderville and asked: "How is the ghost road now?"

Andrei gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao: "The boss is really the boss, and the clues can find the key."

Sun Hao’s mouth is rising: “Let’s be a little flatter, I want actual information.”

Andrei’s look was right, and he quickly said: “The Qing army, the undead army led by the ghost dragon, is one of the most powerful teams in the fighting world. I didn’t expect it to be defeated by people, especially the ghost dragon. It disappeared into the ghost road without any remaining, and finally caused the horror of the undead. Therefore, five days ago, the ghost road completely collapsed."

The collapse of the ghost line means that Sun Hao can no longer attack the cemetery through the ghost road.

The undead found an abnormal ghost, and naturally did not leave such a large loop for Sun Hao to drill, destroy the ghost road, and reason.

Sun Hao thought about it and continued to ask: "What is the meaning of the destruction of the ghost road to the undead?"

Andrei’s eyes were admired and his eyes were respectful: “The boss really has an amazing judgment. Usually, when the ghost road collapses, it means that the undead will immediately retreat, especially this time, the ghost dragon is Extinguished, the undead hero cemetery was unplugged more than 20, and the losses were heavy. Therefore, within two months, the undead cemetery will be withdrawn from the fighting world."

Sun Hao’s eyes are not bright.

It’s true that the hero who did not control the lower bounds of the dead to seize the control of this world suffered heavy losses. It was normal to lose the ghost road and be forced to retreat. It’s normal, then, in fact, it’s the initiative of the various circles in the virtual world to fight for the fighting world. And the time of control Theoretically, the battle of the fighting world is very successful, there is a great opportunity to gain control of the fighting world, but in fact, if the Tai Oman mainland people If you dare to do this, you are likely to encounter sieges of other races. Maybe it will not be uprooted.

After all, the strength of the Terran in the virtual is not very strong, even the top 50 have not been able to rank, to eat the Tioman continent, others do not blame.

Sun Hao’s eyes looked into the distance.

At this moment, how do the monks of the Terran think about it? How do you need to intervene?

After half a ring, Sun Hao stood in the cemetery and looked at the towering tombstone. He whispered: "On the Tioman continent, the orc family's physique is the strongest, and the Ayi's soul is the most condensed. ”

A word without a tail.

Andervi was able to understand, standing on the side, whispered: "Well, the boss is right, the orc can refine the black warrior, the Ayi can condense the vampire, it is indeed the most suitable material. ”

Sun Hao said with a smile: "If you don't know, how can you take you to China?"

Andrei whispered: "This is simple, the boss went to the imaginary, as long as I found out when my name was lit, it means that the conditions for my emptiness have matured. The boss just needs to summon Ander, naturally. I can summon me."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, well, wait for the situation in Tioman to stabilize, you should be able to go up."

Andrei is overjoyed: "Thank you, boss, you are really wise, and you are far-sighted."

Sun Hao was dumbfounded, his heart moved, his body suddenly grew taller and bigger, became the body of the Wu people, stood in the cemetery, and said with aloud: "Taiwan copper, come see me."~~

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