Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1723: Xuanyuan Kun bow (2)

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The sacred mountain Nanwu, the corner of the swallow, the scorpion of the scorpion, the glue of the river fish... made the bow of the Tai'aoman ethnic group, Xuanyuan Kun bow.

According to the Thai Ouman mainland, in the same year, the Terran and Keratin continents competed for hegemony. The Terran Emperor held the bow of the gods and fired three arrows, shooting the **** patriarchs and laying the hegemony of the Terran in the Tioman continent.

In the ancient times of the Tioman continent, the Terran war broke out inside the Terran. The human hero Li Qing Zhang bowed an archery, and the arrow was sealed. The master of Bishan, the bones of the Lushan Mountain, fell to the ground and died, which made the name of the **** bow.

Only later generations, with the rise of the monks and monks, with the decline of the human race, the technique of the human-owned townsmen’s arch bows was lost, and the descendants of the human races have not been recognized by the gods for hundreds of millions of years, and no alien monk can use them. A brute force forced the bow.

At this time, the reason why Gail Ridge moved Xuanyuankun bow was because he instinctively perceives Sun Hao’s anomaly, Sun Hao is able to rival the powerful power of Golden Retriever, and has a powerful and powerful increase to the Terran Warriors, as well as the head. The ancient purple light that can be seen faintly makes him feel that perhaps Sun Hao can pull the human **** bow, and let the family **** bow reproduce the glory in the Tioman continent.

The Tioman mainland people have always had a common understanding, that is, when the **** bow is in power, it is bound to be a great opportunity for the human race.

In the battle of the fighting world, the crisis in Angola City ushered in a strong reinforcement of the army, and even the famous Golden Retriever of the undead army suffered a fiasco, and the Terran army has unprecedented powerful combat skills. Maybe, this is the sign that the Terran is about to prosper.

Of course, Gail Ridge is also quite clever. After introducing the magical function of Xuanyuankun bow, he did not let Sun Hao try it alone, but said with a smile: "Now, I am willing to give you all the power. And the hero let go of the Xuanyuankun bow, you can try as much as you can. If you can pull the bow, you will have an unparalleled exercise for your distraction..."

Baihe stayed for a while, and thought to him, how can the monks of other races be able to pull open? If it can be forcibly opened, then the monk’s brute force is really to reach the point where he is so horrified, sweeping Sun Hao’s eyes, she said in her heart, I’m afraid that it’s not a hill.

However, her face still smiled and said loudly: "Actually, Xuanyuan Kun has a spiritual imprint of the power of my ancestors. I can't pull even the younger monks. In the process of pulling the bow, Can have an unusual sentiment, one of my biggest wishes in this lower bound, is to be able to pull a Xuanyuan Kun bow, I did not expect that Erling is so comfortable, but I have lost a bit of my tongue."

The on-site monks heard all the words and spirits.

The monks are mirrored in the lower bounds, with no return to things, but they can bring back to the realization. If you can really pull the Xuanyuankun bow, there is no doubt that it is a chance.

Of course, if you can pull the bow of the gods and shoot the tombstone of the golden retriever, the magical realization may directly divide one or two distractions.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved.

Although Sun Hao is not a major bow shot, but the technique of bow shooting is not bad, but after the upper bound, there is no suitable bow, and the technique of bow shooting has rarely come in handy.

If you can really pull Xuanyuan Kun bow, maybe you can really defeat the golden tortoise's tombstone in one fell swoop, and truly destroy its cemetery.

Of course, no one can pull the bow of the gods for hundreds of millions of years. I don’t want to pull it myself. It is estimated that pulling the bow is not only a matter of strength, but it is likely to be a comprehensive test.

Gaelic sneaked a glance at Sun Hao and said with enthusiasm: "You are powerful, please come with me."

At the top of the holy mountain, there is a high altar.

Follow the golden altar steps, step up and climb to the top of the altar, a huge white marble heroic monument rising from the sky, engraved with a full essay.

Just below the heroic monument, there are three big tripods, the smoke inside is lingering, and the fireworks that rush to worship are rising upwards.

Dading over the sky, floating in the air, an imposing manner, it is like seeing a beautiful bow of a king.

The bow body is composed of three colors: golden, grass green and white.

The bow of the arrow is like a golden faucet with a roaring mouth. It follows the faucet. It is the green bow of the grass, that is, the bow arm. There is a golden yellow like a dagger on the bow.

The bows on both sides are very flamboyant, and there are three flying horseshoes on each side, and the golden corners of grass and green are raised high.

The entire bow body, up to half a mile, the whole body of golden and grass green outside seems to have a white edging, bursting with three colors of light.

Sun Hao looked at it at first glance, as if he only saw the bow frame and did not have a bowstring, but he observed it carefully, but found that the bowstring was faint, with a color in the void, as if it could absorb light, and if it was not careful, it would be ignored.

This is Xuanyuan Kun bow.

Next to the bow of the gods, three dark golden arrows were still floating quietly on the shoulders, and the murderous anger was so astounding that the monks and heroes who came up were slightly surprised.

After everyone came up, there was a team of white priestess next to each other, solemnly, each took three fragrances.

Gail Ridge first stepped forward, facing the direction of the heroic monument, and devoutly bowed to the Xuanyuankun bow, and another squatting down, respectfully respecting the three heads.

A priestess, standing next to him, also bowed slightly, and after the beheading of Gaeling, he came forward and handed him three fragrances.

Gail Ridge stepped forward and said with respectfulness: "The descendants of the later generations, Gail Lingte, came to worship the gods, and they looked at the gods and bowed spirits. They could help my people, kill the dead tombstones, and also the Thai Ottoman continent. ""

Xuanyuankun bow seems to understand the general, slowly turning in the air, the three-color radiance, a slamming sound.

Gail Ridge inserted the fragrance in his hand into the giant tripod. He turned around and smiled and said to the monks of all ethnic groups: "You can't bow to the gods, you can only get a bow." Opportunity, of course, if you are willing to bow to the gods, you may get a better recognition of the bow, everyone, who will come first?"

Everyone looked at it and didn't have the first one to go up.

Baihe giggled and stood up: "I am a human monk. Naturally, I need to be the first to pay homage to the bow of God. Whether it is a success or not, it is a chance."

After that, the White River is like Gaelic, first squatting, then beheading the incense, and his mouth whispered: "The descendants of the human race, Baihe, ask the **** bow."

Xuanyuankun bow stopped rotating, and the whole bow body was converge, slowly falling from the sky, and placed on the two ears of the three-legged giant tripod.

The White River stepped forward and extended his right hand, gently holding it and holding the bow.

The right arm was shaken, the body was strong, and the White River was lifted up, trying to pick up the bow. Only the huge force rushed out. The bow of the **** only shook a few times on the three-legged giant tripod, and did not rise up.

Baihe stayed for a while, his face was faint. Actually didn't pick it up!

After thinking about it, Baihe held the bow with both hands and shook it in his mouth: "The descendants of the human race, Baihe, have a bow."

The whole body circulates, and the white brilliance blooms on both hands, which seems to resonate with the white edging of the sacred bow. Finally, in one fell swoop, Baihe successfully took the Xuanyuankun bow.

Huge pressure It seems that the white river is so heavy that it sinks and shakes a few times before it stands firm again.

Philip put the bow on the left hand, and Baihe picked up an arrow and placed it on the bowstring, swaying at the graveyard below.

Exhaled and opened, the real yuan turned sharply, Baihe crisply said: "Open..."

The bow of the **** was slightly shocked. It was only opened less than half an inch. He slammed and returned to the original position. Baihe stayed and stayed in the real thing again. He said: "Open..."

The situation is still the same, still less than half an inch, the bow of the gods will shrink back.

I tried it twice, and it was impossible to pull it apart. The white river leisurely sighed and the hands were loose.

The bow of the **** flashed, and the sound of the bow fell back on the giant tripod.

Baihe was deeply stunned by the bow of the god. He said in his mouth: "Thank you for the seniors to let Baihe experience the power of pulling the bow..."

After that, fly quickly to the side, sit cross-legged, and recall the insights that have just been drawn.

Although Baihe could not open the bow of the gods, it is obviously gaining income. Several monks suddenly became energetic and eager to try. Even Gerland was a little red face, with both eyes shining and full of enthusiasm.

Sun Hao smiled and looked at Gellan sideways and made a mouth shape: "Don't worry."

Gerland nodded intently. (To be continued.)

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