Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1719: Terran victory

Can't beat Golden Retriever, isn't it still awkward?

Strong screaming, rushing to the golden king, the two sides began a big battle.

Under normal circumstances, a war like this usually occurs in a stalemate state, and it may take a few days or even longer to decide the outcome.

But today, the situation is very different.

The great changes broke out from the Terran army that rushed out of Angola.

After the four Terran knights rushed out, when they raised the knight's rifle in their hands and prepared for the impact, a miraculous scene took place.

The will to fight, resonated at this moment, among the ranks, each of the knight’s true elements resonated, and the four knights of the army suddenly turned into four silver-colored knights, and the running mounts vacated, each The Cavaliers are automated as part of the rifle.

Brushing and brushing... The Mercedes-Benz Cavalry Corps is extremely fast, such as the arrow of the string, unstoppable, and goes from the undead army.

Wherever he went, whether it was a blood-sucking warrior or an armored warrior or a prince's guardian steel shackles, all of them were instantly pierced, and the four rifles instantly tore the undead army and pierced them.

Can not stop, simply can not stop.

Not only that, but the silver-and-white swordsman army that rushed out of Angola also turned into four real silver swords, followed by a long gun and fell to the undead army.

Four flaming arrows fell after the silver sword.

Four huge meteors also descended from the sky and fell to the cemetery of the undead warriors.

These few battles, the speed of development is extremely fast, the Chinese side of the virtual reinforcements has just the morale of the unstoppable army. The strong and the golden king have just fought a few strokes, and the undead army is facing the direction of Angola. Actually, it collapsed in an instant, and it was not an enemy at all.

Moreover, the situation of disintegration spread rapidly.

The king of gold screamed: "Damn," the sword in his hand was ready to return to fight against the Angolan Terran warriors. The strong mace was falling from the sky Suddenly glued up.

Golden Retriever frowned at the child without any expression, what happened?

When was the Terran Warrior in Angola City so brave? For many years, the strength of both sides is also known as the roots. According to the truth, it should be that the strength of the cemetery is stronger. It should be that the cemetery is pressing the city of Angola. Even if there is a medium-defense reinforcement, the troops of the cemetery should also have the upper hand. .

But today is the evil door. The combat power displayed by the Terran warriors can be multiplied. Can it be said that they have been in Tibet for a long time, and have been waiting for a strong reinforcement, and they are deadly to themselves?

The golden fist of the child was slammed out and slammed into Sun Hao. At the same time, the body rose high and a body flickered, trying to rush to the direction of the Angolan Terran army.

Sun Hao strode in a big way, disappeared in the same place, reappeared, and had already been blocked by the side of the son, and the huge punishment of the squadron slammed forward to the front, and the rushing scorpion blocked him. The way to go, the belly button mouth screamed: "Golden-haired dog, where to go, you and I have not scored a victory."

Within the Zijin belt, Sun Hao clearly perceives that he has his own existence. The warriors of all ethnic groups, especially the Terran warriors, get their own commanding skills to bless, and the fighting ability multiplies. As long as they block the scorpion, then the victory of this war. The person must be his own side.

How could it be possible to break through the line of defense?

He once bowed a little, and in the recent war, he and Sun Hao played against each other for a long time. Sun Hao showed his unparalleled strength and defensive ability, but when it comes to flexibility, it is far worse than himself. Just now, Sun Hao’s speed and responsiveness are not at all.

This guy still has spare time?

The fist crashed down and squatted on Sun Hao’s square shield. He flashed his son and changed direction. He wanted to get rid of Sun Hao’s entanglement. He also wanted to see if Sun Hao could really stop himself. .

The golden body flashed, and with the help of the impact of the boxing shield, it slammed into the Terran army from another direction.

Sun Hao’s sensation reflected the trajectory of the son’s movement clearly, and the movement of the gods and the body slightly shook, and the hill-like body was again accurately and accurately stopped in the direction of the child.

With a bang, the right hand big hammer screamed with a whisper.

Once it was accidental, twice was inevitable. I didn’t expect such a big opponent, but it was still so agile. It seems that it’s hard to get rid of the interception without destroying the opponent.

At this time, after being repeatedly intercepted by Sun Hao twice, the army of the Angolan city of the Terran has severely cut off the cemetery army and began to encircle the block. If the cemetery troops are not afraid of death, there is no morale. Sometimes it will be completely defeated.

However, if there is no powerful way for Zizi to fight, today’s World War I will be a foregone conclusion if it is defeated by an undead army.

Backward flashing quickly, avoiding Sun Hao’s big hammer, and stopping the son’s squatting opposite Sun Haozheng, the whole body of the golden hair roots erected, and the eyes were getting more and more red.

Above the golden hair, there seems to be a gray corpse airflow, covering the whole body. It looks like a metallic luster. It beats the fists and fists of his chest, and even sends out a "sticky stick" like a gold and iron cross. The voice, the mouth is even more grinning, and roaring at Sun Hao.

In the city of Angola, a Terran hero wearing a heroic scarf flew up, and far away, loudly, and shouted: "Adults are careful, this is the golden stunt of the Golden Retriever, the Golden Corpse."

Sun Hao’s belly button snarls.

The left hand was sentenced to a whirlwind, and the shield was slowly launched. The shield surface was covered with blue ripples, such as water ripples.

The right hand of the giant spirit broke the army hammer in the air, hit and touch, patted his own strong chest, dark red hammer, bloody, murderous.

The headless body is straight and straight, and it stands in the sky. It seems to be the light of fighting spirit.

At this moment, the roaring singer suddenly had an illusion, and the giant giant opposite him turned into a giant sword rising from the sky, bursting with swords, and powerful swordsmanship, letting his own hegemony There is a bitter cold feeling.

The golden corpse of the son.

Sun Hao's three swords.

A strong gas field formed in the air and collided.

The rapids of the road, the energy flow of the road as the two people climbed up, scattered to the four sides, like a huge storm, so that the other monks can not get close to the gods, can only use their eyes, can barely see the battlefield, two The strong, are making their own stunts, ready to fight.

Spread the hands of Zizi, and the nails of the ten fingers are in the air, forming a cross. The whole body is shaking, the power of the gold corpse is rushing into the nails, ten gold. The sword eventually turned into two huge golden knives, one after the other, and fell to Sun Hao.

The sky is dark.

In the fierce battle, it seems that all the sounds disappeared in an instant, and they were absorbed by the two golden swords. In the incomparable power, the heads were quite headless and fierce.

Gerland was on his own team and shouted: "Hill, be careful."

The second time it broke.

The son-in-law is full of confidence and expectation for his second annihilation. His opponent is very strong. However, his own corpse is a blow to the ground, and the headless man is so powerful that he should not be able to withstand it.

After issuing a second burst of shackles, he couldn’t help but scream at Sun Hao and open his mouth.

The belly button was screaming: "It’s good."

Sun Hao’s body was slightly vibrated, and the force of the swordless sword was instantly applied to a hammer and a hammer. The air seemed to sound a thunder.

The squadron of the squadron was silent and turned into a vast ocean, forming a huge whirlpool.

No explosions, no crashes.

The son suddenly found out that his powerful blow disappeared silently into the blue ripples. What happened?

Strong and powerful mood!

After the sigh of Zizi’s sigh was still lost, he suddenly discovered that his powerful second smashed smashed, and he was drowned in the air by a golden temperament spit out by Sun Hao’s mouth.

And the big hammer, but it has already carried the power of Wan Hao, locked himself with the momentum of infinite murder, and knocked down.

The son 忱 闪 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 忱 , , ,


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