Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1713: Refining tombstone

Nine refinery to the fairy 1713, the first seventy-three chapter refining tombstone-567 Chinese Sun Hao Da Ma Jindao, sitting in front of the ghost road, holding a shield and a hammer, waiting for Gerland to bring people.

After Goffney came, he asked a lot of miscellaneous questions, and he was all smiled by Sun Hao. He asked me three times or confusedly.

A confused account.

How did the cemetery be attacked, and it became a foolish account.

What is even more ridiculous is that the name of the hill is indeed hanging on the tombstone, and the tombstone is indeed the industry under the name of the hill and the county. The tombstone magical law and the law take effect, but Gerland also Ok, oh, the hill is fine, nothing happens.

There is no legendary idiot, not even the slightest immortality, but it looks even more radiant.

If there are many tombstones in front of them, Goffney would like to try it out personally. Anyway, this image is idiotized. It is estimated that it is only expelled from the battlefield. If it is like Geerlan and Qiushan, it is not a big profit.

The level of the road in Gerland is quite high, and the more Goffney.

In this regard, Goffney is psychologically prepared. Under the command of Gerland, everyone together, set up a singular seal for the cemetery, and the undead hero wants to kill through the ghost road, unless it is a martyrdom. On top of Gerland, otherwise it will automatically kill the road and rush into the void.

The ghost road was sealed, and Gerland was happy.

Goffney touched his head and didn't know what to say. What kind of girl is Gerlan? Is it a witch? Still not dead? Well, it’s more like a dwarf. Where is it, a group of dwarfs screaming in front, not to mention, standing in the dwarf pile, she is really like a little princess in a fairy tale.

Sealing the ghost road, the cemetery truly became the stronghold of Gellan. To be precise, it became a strange magic weapon after Sun Hao’s refining.

The process of refining and cultivating the cemetery was not particularly difficult for Sun Hao. Sun Hao did not take a piece of purple gold to suppress the cemetery as Ander expected, but actually put his name on the cemetery.

Only at the moment when the cemetery came into effect and recognized the Lord, Sun Hao was sneaky, and in the eyes of Ander’s stunned, he turned into a ghost body, and completed the whole land, so that the tombstone branded the name of the hill. Here, one product The purple gold belt still plays a certain guiding role.

Otherwise, maybe the tombstone shows the name of Sun Hao.

After leaving the big name, Sun Hao’s ghosts gave birth to a wonderful change. Under the internal view, the star that represents the sneaky is no longer a vain, but a vain, but a More solid, hands like a tiger, holding an entity with a pedestal pagoda, sitting devoutly.

The pagoda is the epitome of the tombstone inside the cemetery. It is held in the hands of the ghosts. It always blooms with pure feminine spirit to nourish the ghosts, and the sneaky scorpion absorbs the chilly attribute energy from the outside and continues to integrate into the tombstone. Formed a small inner loop.

The tombstone tombstone should be a strange magic weapon that has greatly helped Sun Hao’s ghosts, and was successfully collected by Sun Hao.

In the vain and turbulent, thousands of strange, Sun Hao did not expect, actually got such a strange treasure, the tombstone in the end what some magical use, but also to seriously refer to.

At least one thing is certain, that is, the appearance of tombstones is also a practice that is extremely conducive to the practice of yin and yang, and becomes a source of another very important feminine atmosphere in the body.

What Sun Hao did not know was that when he erased the name of Minohayou and dropped his name, within the distant palace, Minoha blessed the pale face of the paper, his face was flushed, his mouth was in his mouth. Rusted, **** barbaric: "The old lady is not finished with you."

After half a ring, Minoha blessed his knees and looked at himself. As a result, a young monk sitting cross-legged was firmly suppressed on his own soul. It was like riding on himself. Let yourself not move.

Pale face, involuntary blush.

Losing a big loss, actually was captured by the cemetery of the cemetery, and now I am afraid that it will be repaired as a big loss.

Brows and wrinkles, after a long time, Minohayou showed a very strange look on his face. The cemetery of this life showed a very strange state, which was completely different from the legendary capture.

The biggest difference is that this kind of being captured is not harmful to her own. Well, it is not only non-destructive, but also very beneficial.

It is equivalent to the unrecognized Taoist fellows. It seems that this kind of cemetery is suppressed and blended with each other. However, because his strength is too weak and he is suppressed too much, he becomes a rider. shape.

Except for a little embarrassed, it seems that there is not much harm.

Although the phantom that is above his own soul is constantly absorbing his own yin, but it is constantly giving back, the important thing is the breath of feedback, with the true yang of his own promotion. Very helpful to yourself.

Well, if you were forced to suppress it, forcibly seized, and forced to be under the pressure, in fact, this state is very good, it is estimated that many undead monks do not want this opportunity.

Another very different thing is that the suppression of oneself is indeed the masculinity of the barbarians of the battle, but now, Minorha is now, the virtual shadow above his soul is a handsome, very handsome human monk.

At the root of it is not the kind of five big three thick style, quietly oppressing on the soul of his own soul, the treasure is solemn, actually let yourself can not afford too much resentment.

It’s weird, the guy is a barbarian or a human race. In theory, the state of the soul is more real. Then, the hateful guy is really a human monk. It’s strange that this man’s monk is going on. Not only can I become a big man, I will expel myself, and I will be incarnate, and I will take my own tombstone as my own and strengthen myself.

Is there such a ridiculous thing?

Fortunately, this kid doesn't know how to repair the spirits, or else, isn't it awful?

I think so in my heart.

Within the cemetery, Sun Hao drove the yin and yang combination and began to consciously absorb the feminine yin within the tombstone and neutralize his pure yang.

When Sun Hao was practicing, it felt very strange. It was like a soul. The tombstone in the hands of the ghosts was turned into a singularly sacred woman. It was wrapped around the ghosts, and it was extremely lingering.

For a time, Sun Hao did not figure out what was going on. Guessing that this is the existence of the tombstone spirit. In the spirit of not being able to damage the spirit, the long stream, and gradually expanding the cemetery, Sun Hao did not plunder excessively. Command the ghosts to drive the yin and yang combination and cultivate.

It feels good. There is a feeling of physical and mental pleasure similar to that of the sorcerer in the sneaky sorrow. The yin and yang combination practice is very good.

It was not until the fascinating and ruthless woman was overwhelmed. It was estimated that after a bit of overdraft, Sun Haoyi was still trying to stop her sneaky first practice.

Minoha noodles red face, lying on his own cloud The whole body is soft, completely powerless, and keeps cursing in his mouth: "Damn, damn, the old lady is not finished with you..."

Those who have no resistance at all are doubled.

And it's still the double level of spiritual level. If you say it, your own world name is not a failure, but now, touching your hot cheek, Minoha really feels that it has been defeated, and even more outrageous. It’s as if I haven’t figured out who the other party is.

Minoha swears to swear, really swears that he must do everything possible, strengthen cultivation, and increase his spirit of strength, and grow stronger. One day, he will ride the **** boy under his body, as if he was shackled today. In general, rumoring the past, killing him, must kill him.

Minorha, who swears to swear, has not seen herself. Now she only thinks about how to ruminate, just thinking about how to put the wicked boy under her body, showing her strength and fierceness, but completely forgetting herself. If you have the ability, you should actually expel the kid from the first time.

Sun Hao sits cross-legged and digests the yin and yang.

In the spirit of the gods, there is a sense of refreshment and good results. Sun Hao feels that after this fight, he should be able to complete the five-point **** and start planning for his seven-point **** and even the nine-point god. .

Minoha gnawed his teeth and looked like a grudge. His face was also red, but when he sank into cultivation, his heart could not help but burst into surprise. Although the boy was not authentic, the double revision was really high, as if his soul was so powerful. Zhenyang is no longer a trace, but is growing fast.

Well, although it is a little embarrassing, but Minohayou has to say that this cultivation is very effective, she may soon be able to rise strongly within the undead. (To be continued.) 8

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