Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1685: Mirror lower bound

The five elements are all in turn, and the five elements are repaired.

The strength of this method of cultivation is undoubtedly the source of the real source, the accumulation is unmatched, the shortcoming is that if it is not Sun Hao, this kind of monk who has rotated the roots, there are really no other monks who dare to be so bold, not to say The other is the progress of this cultivation, it will be as slow as a snail.

Among them, only the female rabbit Han Yujin is the culprit of the witches. The other exercises are the top single attribute exercises of the affiliated races photographed at the auction site. The cost of these exercises is not low, but also the basic consumption. Doing the accumulation of Sun Hao.

Moreover, even if Sun Hao only needs to supplement the real yuan, even if Sun Hao spends a lot and goes to the secret cultivation, it takes a hundred years to complete the five-element real element, just like watering the bucket, and going to the five elements. The swords that belonged to the gold were all in line, and they all accumulated to the level of distraction.

And the distance is completely accumulated until the middle of distraction, there is still a distance.

Among them, the difficulty of cultivation, even the five attributes of Sun Hao, the roots of the spirit, the five attributes of the monks with foreign objects blessing are so slow, other monks are estimated not to try.

After the distraction period, the monks' lifespans are calculated in tens of thousands of years, and it is really not very long for hundreds of years.

Sun Hao is not in a hurry and slowly cultivates.

Without waiting for Sun Hao to completely upgrade the training to the middle of distraction, Gerland completed the retreat and happily came out. After the retreat, Gerland has successfully entered the robbery period and has already passed. After four catastrophe, the repair was really leaps and bounds.

The witches hope that Gerland can survive the nine-time catastrophe, so she was released at this time, let her accumulate again, and began to prepare for the next robbery.

Gellan was alone in a special environment for more than a hundred years. When he came out, he saw that Sun Hao was amazed, holding Sun Hao as a little girl and crying and laughing.

Geerland lacked the soul of the silk, and was born pure. Instead, he really regarded the big son and grandson as his closest knight. After the retreat was over, he found Sun Hao and sticked to Sun Hao.

When Gerland came out, Sun Hao was quite happy.

With Gerland, Sun Hao has a lot of convenience, and many things can be thought of.

Of course, for many years, Sun Hao’s heart is really a little bit of a simple, unsatisfactory Xiaolan, especially when she sees the kind of thoughts she has not concealed, and her heart is filled with warmth.

When Gerland came back, the biggest advantage brought to Sun Hao was that Sun Hao could finally begin to practice the real distraction, and also had the opportunity to find a formula of seven or more pharmaceuticals.

In the midst of the emptiness, especially after more than a hundred years of cultivation, and after the Middle East of the various ethnic groups of the Witches, Sun Hao’s cultivation knowledge has gradually enriched, especially the understanding and cultivation of the distraction period. With more ideas.

If the distraction period is slowly polished according to the normal cultivation method, it will definitely last for a long time.

Especially Sun Hao, the front is just filling the five-element true element of the deficit, it took so long, if it is really from the mid-disciplinary cultivation to the later stage, and then cultivated to the peak, it is estimated that there are not thousands of years to come. However, compared with the longevity of the longevity period, this is considered normal.

However, after years of gradual understanding, Sun Hao knows that the distraction period actually has a unique way of cultivation.

The biggest difference between the distracting period and the biggest difference in the previous practice period is the generation of the **** of the gods, the Yuan Yinghua Yuan Shen, and the reason why this period is called distraction, not the Yuanshen period, the fundamental reason is that the monk’s main **** is mainly The degree of cultivation and the level of cultivation are determined by the amount of distraction.

According to the arrangement from low to high, there is a god, a dichotomous god, a three-point god... until the nine-point god.

With the nine major disasters of the monks crossing the robbery, every three robbers are a general, the strength of the monk Yuanshen, is also divided into three.

The three-point god, the soul of one to three points, is the young god, this is the lowest file, in fact, if the soul is a point, the monk **** is too weak, basically no difference with the yuan baby, more than two points, barely count is young Weak, more than three points, it can be cultivated to the peak of distraction, and forced to advance to fit.

This kind of promotion takes a long, long time, and the foundation is also very weak, which is the lowest level.

The six-point god, the soul of four to six points, is for the strong god, this is the mid-range.

The nine-point god, the soul of seven to nine points, is for the great yuan, this is the strongest.

In the actual cultivation, the real ability to achieve nine points, in fact, there is another unique name, Shengying.

At the beginning, when Sun Hao first came into contact with the nine-point god, he instinctively frightened a big jump. He wondered if it was above the nine-point **** and there would be a twelve-yuan god.

Sun Hao has been scared by the nine, refining nine layers, coming out of a twelve-layer refining perfect perfect for the foundation, the robbery period, directly gave a twelve-layer purple gold thunder ring.

Above the holy baby, there will be no more than twelve big babies!

However, after seriously trying to figure out the distraction, Sun Hao let go of his heart. This time, the nine points are really the biggest, and there will never be twelve points. Especially for the human race monks, there will definitely be no more abnormalities.

Distraction is divided into the soul of the gods, but in the exact sense, it is the process of strengthening the soul of the monks. In the case of Sun Hao, it is actually the refining soul that Sun Hao has been practicing and has been making progress.

For example, Sun Hao has now turned into the five major shackles of "Taigu Leiyin, Shenxiang Sword, Ghosts, Heavenly Silkworm, and Heavenly Witch". In fact, it is invisible, and has completed the growth of the five major distractions, as long as they are The practice of cultivation, the five souls after the growth is gradually reflected in Yuan Ying, blessing on Yuan Ying, then Sun Hao can immediately achieve a five-point **** monk.

However, the reason why Sun Hao’s headless and savage state can force his own refining to advance to distraction is actually the root cause of Sun Hao’s own soul has grown to a very powerful level.

Then, next, Sun Hao only needs to complete his own "three souls and seven scorpions" in addition to the main soul, which is the other two souls and seven scorpions outside the sense of the soul, then Sun Hao will logically achieve "nine points." Yuanshen, this cultivation technique is completely complete for Sun Hao to let go.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea, there are indeed only nine stars, and the Terran monks are not likely to have more souls. That is to say, the apex of Sun Hao is also the “nine-pointed god”, and there is no need to cultivate what ten Two great gods.

That is to say, because of the opportunity, when Sun Hao was actually in the lower bounds, he began to prepare for his own distraction and made a foreshadowing. Now he only needs to enter some special scenes of the witches and generate a five-point god. And, there is also a chance to generate a nine-point god.

However, Sun Hao feels his five major distractions, but he also understands that he wants to generate a nine-point god, but he is not very difficult.

The reason is not the other but the distraction that I have already completed is too strong, especially the Taikoo Lei Beast, Shen Xiangjian and the criminal sorcerer, these three are not the general horror, its direct consequences It is to ask the two souls that Sun Hao has made in the future, that is, the two deputy souls other than the main soul, to be extremely powerful, at least to be able to suppress the sorcerer and the Taikoo beast, in order to form their own seven scorpions. A certain commanding ability, or else, can not be changed.

In these years, Sun Hao has consulted a large amount of information, and even found the ideal of the Seven Miles, but the two deputy souls are completely unsettled.

It is stronger than the Archaic Thunder, and it is more ferocious than the sorcerer of the sorcerer. It is really hard to come by.

Perhaps, in the end, Sun Hao can only do it, that is, to complete the seven souls of the soul, to achieve the seven-point god, the impact of the fit.

Fortunately, the seven-point **** is also considered to enter the category of the Great God.

After Gerland came out, Sun Hao had the basic conditions and opportunities to practice the Yuanshen.

The disciples of the male and female witches will begin to exercise the method of distraction before they are promoted to distraction. Of course, after distraction, they also need to continue to cultivate. Their cultivation methods are the long-awaited "mirror of the mirror".

Through a special array method, the disciples of the male and female witches can enter the heavenly continent as the magical power of the demon, and put their own mirror into some special lower-level scenes to condense their souls and grow. God's soul, the purpose of the great god.

In this way of cultivation, in theory, the guardian knight is eligible to participate, but the premise is that Gerland is back. Now, when Gerland is back, Sun Hao is considered to have the opportunity to cultivate.

In recent decades, Gerland's brother, Gelman, has organized his own team, and even with the soldiers and heroes recruited from the ancient city, began the cultivation of this mirrored lower bound. (To be continued.)

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