Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1610: Mourning 2 circles

Cold and cut, looking at Jianshan, speechless and sad.

In the past, the sword was rushing, and today it was immersed in blood.

Jianfeng has no front and is not hidden.

Hundreds of millions of flying swords, while worshipping the unparalleled sword bones, seem to be also telling the grief and dissatisfaction suppressed in the heart.

The sound of the long whistle, Sun Hao Qing Lang's voice spread throughout the Lingjianjian: "I, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, today back to the mountain, here swear by the agarwood, took us, to return, there is blood debt, a hundred times blood to pay, Break my sword peak, destroy the full door"

Shen Xiangjian was in the air, and a crisp sword was heard.

Ling Tianjian sent hundreds of millions of flying swords Qi Qiming to scream, above the various sword peaks of the Lingtianjian faction, rushing with the sorrow and anger of the peerless sword, piercing the heavenly universe, for a long time.

Sun Haofei came up and fell to Ling Tianjian, who was also cut off.

Ling Tian Jian's farmhouse is just above Jianfeng. Sun Hao falls into the yard, and his eyes are not shrunk.

The small courtyard of Ling Tian Jian Zu was also cut off. The roof of the cottage was missing, and it stood in the wind and looked like a rundown and a depression.

Ling Tian Jianzu sat quietly at the stone table in front of the hut and silently looked at the tea cup on the stone table.

Sun Hao walked into the yard and Ling Tian said softly: "Come, sit."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Good."

Put on your sleeves and sit down opposite Lingtian.

Ling Tianjianzu reached out and said: "Drink tea."

Sun Hao brows slightly wrinkled, drink a bit of tea according to the words, gently put down the cup: "Master, your state?"

Ling Tian’s face is ruddy: “I can’t die, things have passed for a long time, my state is good, but I didn’t think that you can get out of trouble yourself, but also think about how to fight this. Remnant, let you out of the sword!"

Sun Hao said slightly: "Thank you Master, my disciples have gone for more than two hundred years. Not long ago, they finally became unparalleled. When I saw my Lingtian Excalibur, I got the help of the Excalibur and got out of trouble."

The spirit of Ling Tian’s sword ancestor: "What is the state of the Excalibur?"

Sun Hao said softly: "The disciple assisted the Excalibur, suppressed the weapon, and the Shenjian Jianfeng was damaged, but under the support of the disciples' three swords, it is recovering."

Ling Tianjian's face has a smile on his face: "Well, as long as the Excalibur is still there, then my Lingtian will inevitably reinvigorate Shenwei, Shenxiang, you are doing very well, haha, there is aloes sitting in the town, my Lingtian future must be weak No."

Sun Hao said: "In the future, don't say it in advance, Master, I really want to know what happened to the Ling Tianjian faction. How can it be done like this? Also, what is the loss of my Lingtianjian faction? Excalibur four chains, three broken, don't tell me, Ling Tianjian sent nothing."

Ling Tianjian looked at the tea cup in his hand.

After half a ring, Ling Tian said: "The past things, let him go, Aquilaria, you now, the most need to do, in fact, is to bear the burden of shame, secret development, do not think about the beginning, the past things, let him follow the wind And die, wait a day, you are strong, and it’s not too late to revenge."

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

Ling Tianjian is telling himself that the enemy is too powerful, can't he act rashly?

Do you need to swallow this breath and develop slowly?

The heart was thinking so, the door of the broken farmyard, Xiaoya pale, holding half of the door, standing in front of the door, said in his mouth: "Brother, he does not say, I said"

The spirit of Sun Hao was alive and he looked at Xiaoya.

The knowledge of Xiaoya in the body of Xiaoya, Sun Hao's brow could not help but a slight wrinkle, looked at Ling Tianjian.

Ling Tianjian’s face was as heavy as water, and his mouth said: “If you really want to say, I will not stop you, but the result may not be good.”

Xiaoya hesitated for a moment, his lips biting and looking at Sun Hao.

When Sun Hao was waiting to speak, there was another voice coming over him: "My generation of swords repaired, fighting in the sky, people are dead, and there is nothing to dare to say, and there is nothing to dare to do, Shen Xiang, they don’t say, I Come tell you"

Sun Hao turned back and said softly: "Two ancestors, you are here!"

Huang Yu Jianzu strode to the stone table, sat next to Sun Hao and Ling Tianjian, picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and said: "Agarwood, you have to ask me the loss, not afraid to tell you This is a catastrophic catastrophe that was almost completely destroyed since I sent the faction. I saw it with the boss and I was seriously injured and suffocated, but we are still good."

Huang Yu Jianzu said here, the waist is quite straight, and one is unwilling to rise up: "The third child, the war died outside Ling Tianfeng, Ling Cang died in the next virtual battlefield, 20 big swordsmen, only left The fifth, the remaining, Jian Wang Jianjun is dead and wounded, Yinpeng team, most of the deaths"

Sun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the heart became deeper and deeper. The casualties of Ling Tianjian were far beyond the imagination of Sun Hao.

Feng Yu and Ling Cang were killed, indicating that the level of combat has reached the stage of the robbery.

The news of the 20th Great Sword King is only five, and it is the heart of Sun Hao.

For example, Xue Xiaoqing and four women are all big sword kings.

Among them, is there someone killed in the Lingtianjian faction?

Inhale deeply, Sun Hao said in a deep voice: "The Lingtian swordsmen should not have such a big enemy. Even if there is, the Terran should not stand by and watch this. How can this happen?"

Ling Tian Jianzu took a sip of tea and sighed leisurely.

Sitting in a straight phoenix sword ancestors said: "Speaking, Ling Tianjian sent such a difficult encounter, or some connection with Shen Xiang, and, Shen Xiang should be psychologically prepared, some things that have already happened, must be brave Come down."

The hands of Sun Hao holding the tea to drink are slightly stiff, and the mouth said: "The second ancestor said, Shen Xiang listened."

Ling Tian did not stop, Phoenix Yu Jianzu slowly, one by one and fifty and ten slowly came.

In the first hundred years after Sun Hao entered the sword battle, the first hundred years after Sun Hao entered the sword, the Shuguang City, which was just built by the Terran, suffered a huge crisis, and attracted the violent attack of the golden age. The Terran could not resist it and had to use the privilege twice. The Chongtian City reinforcements have weathered the storm.

But I did not expect that in the second hundred years, Shuguangcheng suffered a more powerful beast and beast siege than the first hundred years.

The Terran can't hold it.

The Yinpeng team played, but together with the new Ren Peng, most of the Yinpeng soldiers within the Ling Chong elite swordsmen were killed in front of Shuguang City.

Shuguang City was broken.

At this time, the Terran Shuguangcheng Jiang family proposed a solution that was eventually adopted by the Terran.

Twilight City successfully invited the Flying People's Relief Force. The Flying Heroes single-handedly led the army to help, repelled the wild beast and solved the danger of the Twilight City.

Twilight City has weathered the storm and began to honor its commitment to the Flying People.

Other commitments have been smooth, but the last one involves the Lingtian Sword.

Single stagnation stays imaginary, actually cultivates a secret technique, helps himself to survive the ninth day of robbery, other conditions of the sacred surgery are already in place, but the lack of a peerless unparalleled, scaleless furnace.

When the Terran went to the Flying People for help, and really impressed the Flying People, it was Ji Jixue’s unstained sword heart. After Shuguang City held it, it was natural to ask Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue, the first of Yin Peng.

If Sun Hao is still there, whoever dares to be the master of the Terran? However, Sun Hao has not seen it for hundreds of The human race is facing the danger of life and death. In the end, he has to compromise in the face of reality, accepting the advice of Jiang, and taking the condition of Ji Ruxue for the city of Shuguang. Safety.

The upper class of the Terran thought that even Sun Hao should not have any opinions on this. After all, in the face of the human righteousness, some sacrifices are acceptable.

However, the Terran upper class incorrectly estimated Ling Tianjian.

Ling Tianjian swears to die, and categorically refuses to surrender Ji Ruxue.

The flying man single-handedly led the army to kill Ling Tian.

The upper class of the Terran was obsessed with the promise, or it was dissatisfied with the Ling Tianjian’s resistance, and did not lend a helping hand to Ling Tian and chose silence.

Ling Tianjian sent three ancestors to fight, one death and two injuries.

At the end of the battle, Ji Ruxue couldn’t bear to be annihilated, and the sword was self-sufficient before the single army, Xiaoqing took the lead.

Shan Hao lost his motivation to start, but still angered the Flying People's army, issued a final blow, and cut off Ling Tianjian sent thousands of Jianfeng.

Sun Hao’s heart sank again.

The feeling of cold and biting makes Sun Hao feel uncomfortable.

Among the teacups, it seems that I saw the cold Ji Jixue smiled at the moon, and it was as if I saw Xiaoqing’s small body like Yan’s, and opened her arms to herself.

Ji family four women, only Ji Yuliu, after the war, I do not know where to go.

Even Ji Yun, also fallen into the war.

Recalling that before entering the sword, the four women gave up their own scenes, and Sun Hao’s heart was filled with the feeling of being extremely uncomfortable.

Sun Hao opposite, gently took a sip of tea, Ling Tianjian ancestors looked at the sky, said in his mouth: "Agarwood, everything thinks twice and then, as the teacher feels, all this seems to be accidental, but in reality, it seems to be between the Ming, Someone is holding a line that forces you to go down. If you can't put it down, it's "to be continued." ..

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