Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1573: Kaita Road

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, Mirage Muge Day.

The two biggest heroes in Chongtiancheng.

As for the contribution of the ascending Tiancheng, each has its own merits.

Sun Hao led the Yinpeng team to completely change the overall situation of Chongtiancheng's battle, and it has made great contributions. Therefore, both the virtual list and Chongtiancheng have identified the first hero of this battle as Sun Hao.

However, this does not mean that Sun Hao’s battles in this battle are the highest.

The phantom team of Mugeri alone guards one side and shoots the wild beast more than Sun Hao.

In the end, after Mugeri was released, the peak of the shooting was also more than that of Sun Hao. Therefore, in fact, the biggest winner of the Chongtian City is actually Muge Day.

To break the deadlock, the biggest hero of the defending city war is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

The first battle, the mainstay of the defending city war is the Mirage Muge Day.

In calculating the rewards of the Yinpeng team and the phantom team, the average reward standard of the Yinpeng team is much higher than that of the phantom team, but at the same time, the number of phantom teams far exceeds that of the Yinpeng team. In fact, the total number of rewards for the two teams is combined. no big difference.

When awarding rewards to Sun Hao and Mugeri, the upper level of Chongtiancheng is treated equally.

The contribution of 100,000 Chongtiancheng, three inferior spirits, three privileges, three chances to pick.

The imaginary Lingshi is more cherished, and the most popular Lingshi has its aura content exceeding the lower bound.

Moreover, on top of the top stone, the trade is the spirit, a lower spirit, equivalent to the aura of the top ten spirits.

Three threads, that is the real big deal.

Only the tyrannical top ten strong people like the Chongtian people will be so generous.

The Terran, afraid of taking out a spiritual vein to reward will hurt.

Three times of privilege, you can ask Chongtiancheng to do three things for yourself. Of course, it is not everything. These three things must not be contrary to morality and must be within the capabilities of Chongtiancheng.

Three times to pick the opportunity, that is, Chongtiancheng four-class warehouse, low, medium, high to special, you can go in and pick any resources or treasures.

When Sun Hao handed his own silver armor helmet and flew up, among the monks who received all the rewards, the last one received the reward, and the whole audience rang with a warm cheer.

In the Chongtian City, on top of the fairy hills, there are five colored fireworks, a large number of Chongtian warriors, and a large number of low-level monks living in the Chongtian City.

Among them, including those who once robbed Sun Hao's rogue, Tauren warrior!

The sun shines on Sun Hao's body.

A silver armor that shines in the sun.

Compared with the crowds of the sky, Sun Hao’s body is not tall, but at this moment, the floating Sun Quan has given the Chongtian people an invisible sense of height. Sun Hao’s body is full of vigor and sunshine. Self-confidence and fighting spirit, people do not think he is thin.

Compared with the long-eared family, Sun Hao’s face is not handsome, but the floating family’s grandson, Sun Hao, has given all the monks a feeling of incomparable English. Yushu is in the wind and his hand is holding a silver helmet.

A good adolescent.

A good grandson, Sun Xiangxiang.

Won a fame.

Unlimited scenery.

In the city of Chongtian, no less than five hundred people of various ethnic groups witnessed the strong rise of the Terran Sun Hao.

In the city of Chongtian, many singers within the race have even begun to compile the story of Sun Hao. The heroic deeds of Lei Peng Tianjian began to sing in the streets.

Every time the wilderness breaks out, there will be some dazzling geniuses.

Although the current tide has not yet completely ended, there is no doubt that Sun Hao has written a strong and colorful stroke in the virtual battlefield.

After Sun Hao received the reward, the Chongtian City lord, a tall and ceremonial warrior, delivered a passionate and passionate speech, celebrating the victory of Chongtiancheng, and surviving the wilderness. In the cheers of the crowd, the celebration ceremony fell. Curtain.

Sun Hao led his own Yinpeng team, under the leadership of the enthusiastic Bubwini, stayed in the "Leipeng" Xianshan, which was arranged by the Chongtian to the Yinpeng team.

Xianshan originally did not call this name, and the Chongtian people felt the power of Lei Peng of Sun Hao, and renamed it "Leipeng" Xianshan.

After Yinpeng stayed, Sun Hao gave the Ling Chong elite swordsman with rich management experience as the mainstay, letting Arda and the car as the deputy, and sent the Ji Yun Liu, who would be careful, and Ji Yun, who saw the money, to help. A management team began to arrange the things of Xianshan in an orderly manner.

Sun Hao himself, but with the snow and Xiaoqing began to wander around in the sky city.

Chongtiancheng is a famous big city. The three levels of Xianshan float in the huge city. It takes ten days to fly from the city to the city.

The majesty of Chongtiancheng is evident.

There are more than 500 races in the city with settlements. Some races are like the human race. They directly own a fairy mountain, but more races are not treated like this. Many races are just setting up similar transactions in the city. The stagnation point of the place.

In the huge city of Chongtian, there is no doubt that it is a huge gathering place for resources.

A variety of resources, from the various ethnic characteristics of the resources, varied, in a variety of ways, only you can not think of, without you can not find, it will really dazzle.

There are two main ways to deliver resources in Chongtiancheng. One is Lingshi, the upper, middle and lower three spiritual stones, as well as the spirit of the upper, middle and lower products. Of course, the spiritual pulse itself is a very precious cultivation resource, and it is necessary to use the spirit. The level of resources exchanged is even more impressive.

There is also a delivery method that is the contribution of Chongtiancheng. Chongtiancheng will issue a large number of contribution tasks every year. Many special cultivation sites and many special cultivation resources must have basic contribution as the access conditions. Therefore, The contribution of Chongtiancheng is also hard currency.

Sun Hao has just got a big contribution, and there are three spiritual veins. It is a small upstart, and Sun Hao’s accumulation in the next few years has a lot of resources. You can go shopping in Chongtian City. Go shopping and see if there are any resources for cultivation that are useful to you.

And Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing still rewarded a lot, and the interest in visiting various grades of Xianshan is very strong.

From the second level, starting with the middle-level Xianshan, which is flat with the Yinpeng team, Sun Hao took Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing successively to visit several large-scale trading markets in Xianshan, and visited the hypermarket in Chongtiancheng.

Among these fairy mountains, Xiaoqing is the most interested, the harvest is also the biggest, bought a lot of gadgets, seeing Sun Hao shaking his head, Xiaoqing Yu Lingshi bought these things, to be honest, seems to be her cultivation Nothing helps.

For example, she bought a spiritual tree to cultivate mystery, and spent a hundred contributions. Sun Hao knows that Xiaoqing bought this, may want to take care of the little pear tree; for example, she bought a cloud of Bailing people. Shou Tianyi, a peculiar, seemingly transparent, let people see the vestment when they see it, Sun Hao said that this vestment Xiaoqing completely dare not wear, who knows, out of Sun Hao unexpectedly, that night Xiaoqing will wear it to him, but he is still dancing... Sun Hao looks good and is very eye-catching!

Sun Hao did not expect that Ji Ruxue also bought a lot of things, among them, there are actually some things that did not help her cultivation completely Hao once again surprised to understand, the world of women repair, themselves It doesn't seem to be too clear.

Perhaps because of the hierarchical relationship, most of the resources on the intermediate Xianshan can not afford the reaction of the condensed empty tower, and there is not much demand.

However, when Sun Hao unintentionally reveals the breath of three inferior spirits, the condensed empty tower reveals a strong desire for craving.

In other words, the lower product spirit is beneficial to the repair of the condensate tower.

Sun Hao suddenly felt that he might need to find a way to earn a spiritual stone, because the value of a spiritual pulse is actually stronger than the top ten spirits. If the demand for the condensed air tower is large, Sun Hao will have to worry about it. It is.

Sun Hao continued to take the two girls in the middle of the fairy mountain for a few days, but found some resources that helped the various foreign bodies in their body. The price of these resources was not put into the air tower. It is also relatively reasonable. Sun Hao changed some of Lingshi with some stones and put it in the storage bag for use.

At present, the focus of Sun Hao's demand is the wood attribute, because the wheel wood can be practiced. If the suitable wood property can be found in the city, Sun Hao can complete the five elements of the wheel.

The resource level of the intermediate Xianshan is not particularly high, so Sun Hao's harvest is not very big.

But when Sun Hao led the two women into the high-level Xianshan, Sun Hao immediately felt that he might really need to find a way to earn a spiritual stone.

Because, among the grades of the Xianshan, the condensed towers have revealed different levels of demand information for many resources.

Some of these resources are in great demand, exceeding the intensity of demand for the spirit.

Simply consult the price of these resources, Sun Hao found that his contribution and Lingshi are not enough, and the Lingmai is one of the resources needed to condense the empty tower. (To be continued~^~)

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