Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1551: 3 star hero (8)

The endless grass green wasteland is like a layer of grass-green carpet, rolling up and down.

A huge grass green land flew up and floated over the wasteland.

Below the ground is not mud, but a cloud of white clouds.

The clouds lifted a large piece of green and slowly turned in the air.

A huge, tall city that is several times larger than the most majestic Chongtian City that Sun Hao once saw, stands in the middle of the green grass in the air.

A tall, green arrow tower stands on the tall and thick walls.

Within the city wall, there are large swaths of grassland. After the huge grassland, it is a huge city, a variety of towering buildings, floating fairy mountains, hot trading markets, flying monks, making the whole city look vibrant. exuberant.

Above the highest mountain, there is a pagoda that rises from the sky.

At the top of the pagoda, it seems to bloom out of the white brilliance, shining in the mountains and rivers.

The sun's rays, which were originally like the setting sun, were captured by the white light above the pagoda, and a large green wasteland surrounded by flying grasses showed a vitality that was completely different from the rest of the virtual battlefield.

This is the holy place in the virtual battlefield, the city of heaven.

The imaginary people scattered in the battlefield and defended the city of Tianxu from all directions.

Tianxu City is also the last line of defense against the waning of the tens of thousands of people.

Every time the wilderness, there are a lot of camps that have been broken.

After the camp is broken, the wild beast will continue to rush to the virtual world of Kyushu.

The virtual field of the wild city, the wilderness, is the only place where the wilderness has passed.

Now that the barren tide has just started, most camps are still insisting, and the wilderness is still quite calm, and the earth is green. Once the wilderness is coming, the wilderness will be bloodied and corpses will be everywhere.

Above the highest Xianshan, the towering pagoda is the most important Tongtian Lingbao, the virtual list.

It can automatically and timely reflect the virtual list of virtual battlefield events.

In the city of Tianxu, there are always people who are concerned about the changes in the virtual list.

After every major change in the virtual list, some people will timely report the war report and inform the virtual world.

The change in the virtual list can be seen by the naked eye.

Pay close attention to the tower body. Every moment, every part of the pagoda is blooming with different colors of brilliance. Different colors represent different meanings.

The intensity of light represents the magnitude of the change.

Before the tall pagoda, there were no fewer than ten monks sitting cross-legged, recording the major events.

Suddenly, a bright golden light was lit up above the pagoda.

Some monks gave a surprise and shouted: "Golden light is good news, good, look at which family, what kind of record has been achieved..."

In the direction of the golden light, the long-eared monks quickly rose from the sky and carefully looked at the pagoda. The air said loudly: "The Terran camp, the third wave of the main force, should be able to survive this crisis." ?"

The monk was surprised and stunned and said loudly: "The Terran right camp has never been held, this time actually held! Wait, wow, powerful, a sword to destroy the fourteen gold beasts, awesome Samsung fighters... ..."

The voice just fell, and the other direction was another golden light.

A flying monk's monk flew up and said in his mouth: "There are soldiers who have made great contributions to the virtual battle list..."

Comparing the changes in the Terran warfare, and then looking at the virtual war list, it almost happened at the same time. Everyone has a point to understand that the Terran should have come out with a singular genius.

Sure enough, the flying man monk shouted in the air: "The Terran Samsung Warrior Sun Hao, the Yinpeng team commander, a sword, killing the 14th gold shortage, hundreds of millions of wild animals, warfare, promotion, promotion... How is this going back? thing?"

The Flying Warrior cries in surprise: "It’s still a Samsung warrior, but how did the color change? Who knows what is going on?"

The monks of all ethnic groups who performed the task before the virtual list looked at the virtual list and found a very strange phenomenon.

Among the top 100 Samsung fighters, one of them, the color of the big name is very different from other monks.

Seriously to see, it is really the word of Sun Hao.

The ranking is still in Samsung, very close to the position of four stars, but the color is high above, the heroes of the long-eared heroes, the high-top, the Mugeri is very similar, all are royal blue, but the blue of Sun Hao is light. a lot of.

In this situation, after the start of the wild wave, the first time I saw it, the monks could not figure out the situation.

One of them shouted: "Lo, you look at what is going on?"

A huge nose stretched out, a pair of huge eyes appeared in the air, swept the virtual list and said aloud: "Hey, the strange little boy, actually a Samsung warrior, has become a quasi-hero, well, this The kid named Sun Hao already has the conditions to become a hero. It is only the current lack of military skills, so it is still a Samsung fighter. You can call it a Samsung hero..."

After that, the big eyes and big nose disappeared.

A jade monk who performed the task asked aloud: "Is this a war report, and a brief report?"

"His mother, Samsung hero is hard to see forever, you have to dare not to inform, those old guys will alive to tear you ...", the words did not finish, there have been a burst of snoring.

In front of the Terran Right Camp, the sword feathers fluttered and danced for half an hour.

Shen Xiangjian’s air in the air.

The sword is turned into a five-color and five-color torrent. If it is flying back, it will be returned to the agarwood sword.

Sun Hao recruited, Shen Xiangjian fell into the palm of his hand, gently stroked and touched the blade, then his hands jerked up the agarwood, his mouth shouted: "Yinpeng, Yinpeng..."

The Yinpeng warrior squatted on one knee and held his weapon with one hand. Following Sun Hao, the momentum was like a rainbow, and he shouted loudly: "Yinpeng, Yinpeng..."

In the right camp of the Terran, millions of monks and army members echoed in a high voice: "Yinpeng, Yinpeng..."

The eyes of the Terran commander were full of tears, and after shouting two Yin Peng in their mouths, they shouted: "Agarwood, Aloes..."

Yinpeng, Yinpeng; agarwood, agarwood...

The high voices rushed into the sky, and the morale of the various ethnic groups was like a rainbow.

In front of the Terran defense fortress, a thick layer of wild animal flesh and blood fur was spread, and blood and water spread around. The wild beast in the distance seemed to be affected by the morale of the Terran Warriors, and it began to stop.

Sun Hao shakes his arms, and Yin Peng vacates, swooping down and falling on the fortress.

At this point, his wrist was slightly shocked.

Looking down at the right hand, it is still three stars. It is not surprising that he has not entered the Samsung Warrior for a long time and should not advance to the four-star warrior so quickly.

But the strange thing is that the color of the stars has changed. It is no longer a faint, almost invisible color, but it has become a royal blue.

How is this going?

While thinking about it, Sun Hao stepped out from Yinpeng. In the cheers of the soldiers, he went to several leaders of the Terran. He smiled and said: "Fortunately, not to be insulted, Aquilaria is assisted by Yin Peng’s friends. , annihilated the fourteen gold shortage, the right camp should be able to hold ..."

The general leader stepped forward and hugged Sun Hao tightly. He said, "Thank you, Shen Liang Shuhe also stepped forward and hugged Sun Hao, mouth. Said: "Thank you, Shen Xiang, you are not only repelling the gold shortage, but also saved my swordsman team and brought me hope, thank you..."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "I am also a member of the right camp, don't thank me, thank you for thanking our soldiers, everyone is together, holding our camp."

The sound of the clear voice spread throughout the Terran camp.

The Terran Warrior responded with a loud voice: "All the people are united, united and united, and work together to defend the right camp..."

At this point, the three stars on Sun Hao's wrists vibrated again, and Sun Hao knew it, and took out the latest battle report from the stars.

The Terran Sun Hao, the Yin Yin Peng sword array, a sword to destroy the fourteen gold shortage, hundreds of millions of wild animals, advanced to "Samsung hero."

Sun Hao couldn't help but look at his wrists. He was puzzled in his heart. He seemed to be a Samsung soldier. How could he be a hero? In doubt, what is going on in becoming a hero?

After the jubilation, the wild beast began to gather around the fortress and slowly began to tentatively launch the attack.

But there is no gold shortage in these wild animals, even the ridiculous lions and Cyclops who have escaped have disappeared. I don’t know if they have completely escaped, or they are unconsciously drowning in Sun Hao’s Jian Yu.

There is no strong wild beast, and it is not a hazard to the fortress. The morale of the Terran warrior is like a rainbow. The great commander has decisively opened the fortress gate and personally led the Knights of the Knights to attack the wild beasts in the wilderness.

The wild beast was scattered by the knight, and the front of the fortress was safe. A large number of soldiers began to organize their resources in an organized way. If there was no new strong shortage, the Terran Right Camp would have passed the current tide.

Even if there is, the right-wing soldier looks at Yinpeng, who is still in the fortress, and is proud to believe that it can't stop Yinpeng's Yinpeng strike. (~^~)

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