Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1550: 3 star hero (7)

Yin Peng’s brilliance flashed, and Sun Hao’s clear voice came out from Yin Peng: “Agarwood is not afraid of the great war, and hundreds of millions of wild animals are only waiting for it. How about the 16th gold shortage? Do you dare to fight?”

Shen Xiang Jianming bursts, fighting spirits rise from the sky.

In various parts of the Terran, the morale reached the apex moment, Yinpeng belongs, wielding weapons, amnesty, war, war, war...

Several Terran leaders looked at each other.

In the bloody, there are also deep concerns.

Agarwood This is ready to be desperate!

The general commander even regretted secretly. As long as he knew this, he should not let Yin Xiang lead Yin Peng to rush out. He did not expect this kid to rise to the rise, and dared to face the powerful impact of the 16 gold shortage.

The army of the wild beasts led by the 16th Golden Famine is extremely fast. From the 16 directions, it has already rushed over.

A large number of long-range attacks attacked Yin Peng.

The cloud witch broke out with a sharp and screaming scream, but it was broken by Sun Hao’s ambition and could not affect any Terran warrior.

The various ethnic groups above the fortress were affected by the morale of the Yinpeng fighters, and they also shouted: "War, war, war..."

The fighting spirit merged into a torrent, and the incense sword was cited. The surface seemed to be a faint golden light.

In the Yinpeng dynasty, Sun Hao’s knowledge was taken care of, and the Yin Yuan’s monk Zhen Yuan rushed out and rushed into the agarwood.

Shen Xiangjian shivered slightly, and the five colors shone.

Five attribute swords appear in unison, and five colors bloom at the same time.

A little different from the use of the five-element Jianguang fan-shaped attack, the five major attributes of the sword are appearing together and appear at the same time.

The pressure that Shen Xiangjian has withstood, the difficulty of Sun Hao’s use of real yuan has undoubtedly increased a lot.

If Sun Hao did not complete the three swords, he would have a huge impact on himself.

Although the five attributes Jianguang is powerful, it should not be a waste of sixteen gold.

The Terran commanders watched Yin Peng, who was about to be overwhelmed by various attacks, and was about to be drowned by the tide of the wild animals. The palms began to sweat.

Sun Hao also knows that the five attributes of Jianguang Naijin are unavoidable, or else the gold shortage will not be so powerful to launch an assault on himself.

At this time, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile on the chest.

At the moment when various attacks are about to come, Sun Hao’s whole body momentum, the sea sword, the boundless fighting spirit and the killing momentum suddenly inward.

The entire Yinpeng seemed to calm down in the air.

Quietly waiting for all kinds of attacks to come.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

The Terran ministries seem to have seen strange slow motions.

They saw that the five-element lightsaber on the edge of Shen Xiangjian, along with Sun Hao’s imposing manner, quickly inwardly received and introverted into the Shenxiang sword.

Three feet Qing Feng Shen Xiangjian.

Unpretentious and introverted.

Like the entire Yinpeng, quietly waiting for the attack of the wild beasts, quietly waiting for the army of wild animals led by the golden rush that quickly rushed over.

It seems to give up resistance.

It seems to be waiting.

However, all kinds of long-range attacks from impacts seem to inexplicably rush into some unknown shackles, silently disappearing into the calm of Yinpeng.

The restrained Yinpeng is very calm, as if it can infect the surrounding space.

Any violent attack came to the periphery of Yinpeng and was calmed down.

The sixteen gold rush came over, although a little doubt, but still did not hesitate to extend the claws to Yin Peng.

The Terran commander shouted: "Agarwood is careful."

The cloud witch's claws are cold, the lion's claws are violent, and the one-eyed man has extended a huge fist...

In the sky, the cold light bursts, the ground storm whistling, and they all rolled to the middle of Yinpeng.

Yinpeng still waited calmly, without any signs of moving.

It’s too late to retreat.

All Yinpeng fighters are now in a state of mysterious and mysterious. Within the body, the five attributes of the real elements are running wildly. It seems to be a muscle within the body of a giant. A drop of blood is surging. Power, waiting for an outbreak.

On the top of Yinpeng, the unpretentious agarwood sword is the fist of the giant.

The fist is already clenched like a volcano, waiting for an explosion.

The sixteen gold deserts roared.

A sword of Shen Xiangjian’s sword.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

Above the sword body, fluttering, five pieces of five-color sword feathers.

This is a very strange sense.

Sixteen golden princes and handsome billions of wild animals, violently incomparably, the speed rushed to Yinpeng and Sun Hao.

Shen Xiangjian slowly swallowed, and the sword feathers floated in the air.

A speed is violent, a calm and serene.

Curiously, these two different visual senses strike a balance among the distances between them.

The speed of the wild tide is still very fast.

Shen Xiangjian is still slowly flying Jian Yu.

But in the middle, the speed on both sides is comparable.

Curious feeling.

At this time, the sound of Sun Hao’s clear voice, from Yin Peng, was quietly spread out: “I have a sword, gather five elements of real yuan, merge the three swords, and transform the five elements of feathers; I have a sword that can block thousands of troops. Wanma; I have a sword, can be destroyed, 16 gold shortage..."

As soon as the voice falls, the five colors of the sword feather are divided into two, two quarters, four quarters...

The entire Yinpeng sky was filled with five-color sword feathers.

Like feathers, fluttering, the sword feathers danced in the wind, drifting past the wild beast.

The powerful shock wave of the 16th Five-Year Famine can't break the light feathers.

The weak sword feather hit the 16th Golden Army.

A bang.

The heavens and the earth seem to tremble in an instant.

The sword feather floated, hitting the sixteen gold shortage.

The space was paused, the time was quiescent, and there was only a huge explosion and shock. The people of the various ethnic groups smelled the color, the fortress was shining, the light was flickering, and the protective cover seemed to be unable to withstand the aftermath of this explosion. Trembling, crumbling.

In the huge explosion, the momentum of Jian Yu and the 16th Golden Famine is stagnant in the air, and the time seems to be still.

Then, the huge impact of the 16th Golden Famine seems to have broken the strange state of Yinpeng, and the senses of the monks are accelerating.

As the senses speed up, all the monks have an incredible surprise and ecstasy expression in their eyes.

The sound of Jian Yu, the five-color torrent "噗噗噗噗" kept shooting in the past, after a collision, it was not Jian Yu, but the sixteen gold.

The speed of the five-color sword light, can not help but break through the sixteen gold shortage, like the tide, rushed forward.

The weak defensive power of the golden sorcerer screamed in the feathers of the sword, and unwillingly rushed forward less than a foot, a bang, flesh and feathers flying, and directly disintegrated.

The top ten golden sorrows, without exception, directly annihilated in Jian Yu.

Among the six golden deserts on the ground, the four that rushed the fastest were instantly turned into pieces of minced meat. The strongest flame lions sprinkled a lot of fire, and after the body was 60% smaller, A mourning, back and back, hid in the endless wilderness behind him.

The best-eyed Cyclops were also cut off by a thick arm and turned to escape.

Sixteen gold shortages, instantly destroyed more than half!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

Agarwood this trick, five elements Jian Yu!

Deeply engraved in the hearts of every individual monk.

In the middle of Yinpeng, the silver armor, the swordsman who floated out, became the pinnacle of the human race.

In front, Jian Yu defeated the gold shortage and should have turned to the wild tide.

Hundreds of thousands of wild animals form a huge wave ~ ~ a constant stream of rushing.

Jian Yu has once again changed back to a state of lightness.

A piece of film, like a feather-like five-color sword feather, fluttering in the air, like a beautiful butterfly.

In the midst of flying, a headless beast is turned into a fly ash.

In front of the huge Terran defense fortress, the five-color sword feathers seem to evolve into a five-color feather sea, snow-like, flying in the sky, dazzling and spectacular.

Wherever passed, the sky and the earth, hundreds of millions of wild animals, clear.

This is a scene that people's monks have unforgettable for life, and this is also a scene in which the human race monks always think about it.

If, before this battle, Yinpeng and Aquilaria represent the new forces of the Terran, representing the future of the Terran, then, after this war, Yinpeng and Shenxiang have become the mainstay of the Terran, and the pinnacle of the sea.

Among the eyes of the great commander, there are crystal tears.

The Terran Right Camp has been held.

After this wild tide, maybe the human race can truly return to the top 100 races.

In the confusion between the eyes, looking at Sun Hao in the middle of Yinpeng, the general commander suddenly thought that with the agarwood, perhaps the top hundred, it is not the ultimate goal of the human race.

Above the fortress, the various Terran warriors shocked and quietly watched a cup of tea kungfu. They knew that before the sky-flowered Jianyu flooded the fortress, they drowned the wild tide and finally reacted.

The earth-shattering cheers, one wave after another, came from the right camp of the Terran.

The monks who were preparing to retreat flew under the protective cover of the valley, saw the dazzling scene in front of them, and cheered on the arms of their own hands.

At this moment, the entire Terran camp was over the right camp, almost full of high flying fighters, all the soldiers, are an action, shaking their arms. (To be continued~^~)

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