Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1526: ? 韬 ??? / a>

Flying into the sky and Peng, into the water and embarrassed.

In less than ten days, Yinpeng was like water and plunged into the lake.

The huge body seems to have blue light flashing, silent, no surprises, too many waves, has been tied to the lake.

Yin Peng is like water, and the big array changes with one.

The water sword is the head of the fish, the wind sword is the fin fish tail, the sword of love is still the fish body, and the light sword is turned into the heart of the fish.

Sun Hao’s position is still in the part where the fish head and the fish body are connected. The agarwood sword emits a burst of water blue brilliance, which hangs over the entire sword array.

Yinpeng turned into a huge silver carp, and in the lake, it swiftly moved forward and sneaked in.

Through the passage of the blind frog, it reappears in the lakes of Langein Island.

The silver eagle jumped up and flashed in the air, falling on the shore of the lake.

Sun Hao Yizheng Shen Xiangjian, light blue Guanghua gradually dispersed, his mouth said loudly: "This is Langein Island, we use this island as the base, strengthen our own cultivation, guerrilla above the lake, and watch the development of the war."

The spirit of the swordsmen was shocked. They found themselves separated from the entire sword array and once again became a single individual. They looked at each other and could not help but sigh the magic of Shen Xiang adults. They shouted in the mouth: "I am obsessed with the adults."

Xiaoqing has not used Sun Hao to order, and her mouth screamed: "Little fairy pear baby, I am coming to see you again..."

Flying away, he plunged into the pine tree that had already been crowned and forested, still in full bloom with white pear flowers.

The pear tree shivered gently, and the pear blossoms filled with trees danced like the wind, just like a girl dancing in the air.

Ji Ruxue glanced at Sun Hao and said with a fragile voice: "Ling Cang adults, there are many blind frog nests, which can be assigned to Jiandao to build Dongfu. However, the caves under the three megaliths are left, we need to have some Arrangement."

Ling Cang elite swordsman looked around, his face showed a sincere smile, said in his mouth: "I did not expect that there will be such a natural barrier, and will be hidden in the depths of Langeland, with this stronghold Our swordsmen can really be retired and flexible."

After that, I called a few swordsmen and began to arrange tasks.

Ji Ruxue took Xiaoqing to the frog's boulder and walked over to prepare for the restoration of the once-influenced Dongfu. It is very likely that everyone has to live on Langeland for a while.

Unexpectedly, just before going to the nest, a red shadow rushed out from the inside. Several people were shocked. When they were waiting for the sword, they found that they were the little red snakes with their wings and their relatives wrapped around Xiaoqing. Body.

Xiaoqing giggled.

Sun Hao also smiled slightly, striding a big jump, flying up, sitting cross-legged under the boulder outside the **** of the desert snake at dusk, throwing a wild beast down, knees and a plate, Shen Xiangjian appeared Above the palms, start meditating.

On the island of Weidao, Sun Hao continued to fight for a month, and now he is taking the entire sword array and leaping to the ocean. It is very expensive and must be restored.

It took two days for the swordsmen to really settle on the edge of the lake.

Within some important places such as Taniguchi and Lake, the defensive array method has been re-arranged.

The Jianpai monks divided the entire lake into different functional areas and began to rest.

Unanimously, the white pear tree has been loved by the monks, and under the fairy tree, it has become the favorite resting place for swordsmen.

The swordsman is on the sword, or there are three or five friends gathering, all choose under the fairy pear tree.

Of course, everyone is very fond of this pear tree, which is obviously Xiaoqing girl baby. Under the tree, it becomes a place where it is absolutely impossible to use force. Even if it is an occasional sword, it must also converge on the sword and converce the sword. If not, it will be The other swordsmen gave it away.

The white pear flower is always open and splendid.

The swordsmen who took off the silver armor, sitting under the pear tree, sniffing the pear blossoms, don’t have a feeling.

Occasionally, they will also look at the teenager who sits on the boulder and looms with the pear trees. In his eyes, he shows the light of admiration.

Sun Hao sat on the boulder for more than a month, restored his whole body strength, and sorted out his own self-conceived self-defense, and after really digesting many experiences and experiences after the big battle, this shouted and shook. Both eyes.

Sun Hao woke up, no need to say hello, all the high-ranking swordsmen gathered together, and the Qitian swordsmen automatically spread out, waiting for the adults to make further decisions.

On the boulder, Sun Hao only said one thing: "We are based on Langein Island. The main method of warfare is guerrilla warfare. Around how to guerrilla, everyone can use their brains to make suggestions. Before that, I will modify our swords. The silver armor, let our swordsmen fly more smoothly, become a true flying swordsman, and fight flexibly on the lake..."

Flying swordsman!

Ling Cangjian Wang thought about it and said in his mouth: "The flying arms have always been the top arms that every race wants to develop. They have an unparalleled combat advantage. I can't fly in my own race. The basic arms, such as swordsmen, are hard to fly. If you can really develop a flying swordsman, it will inevitably increase the strength of my human race."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Ling Cang adults do not expect too much, I can not transform all the human swordsmen into flying swordsmen, I can only do so that the low-level disciples of my Ling Tianjian can fly, and let Our intermediate-level disciples are flying more level, well, you will understand when you arrive..."

In accordance with the requirements of Sun Hao, on the edge of the Langgreen Lake, the forged sword room and the alchemy room were built.

Sun Hao simply modified the swordsman drill method, allowing the swordsmen to practice day and night and quickly become familiar.

However, Sun Hao himself organized a swordsman who could refine the sword and began to modify the swordsman silver armor.

Among the 10,000 swordsmen, ordinary swordsmen account for half of the number, but the ordinary swordsmen here are strong.

Under Sun Hao’s equipment, among the silver armor on their body, they were equipped with wings that could be opened at any time.

A kind of hidden under the arms, connected to the body, usually can not see the abnormal wings, once the swordsman starts, the wings will become a film, like the blood bat meat wing film, can make the monk vacant and gliding .

The silver armor of the middle-level and above swordsmen does not have a similar device, but it has been re-introduced into a new material to reinforce the flexibility and destructive power of the silver armor without destroying the defense.

After practicing the swordsman, Sun Hao allowed the swordsmen to equip them, personally presided over them, formed the Flying Swordsmen troops, and conducted grading training for these units.

The lowest level of the flying swordsman must have a senior swordsman to host a large array. At the time of combat, the role of the sword array can be enhanced by the silver armor wing.

The second-level flying swordsman, who mastered the sword's senior swordsman, presided over the big battle.

The first two are mainly used to continue the battle after the big team is disbanded and can quickly and without command. These two flying swordsmen have two levels, one of which is Sun Hao. Personally led, all the monks participated in the Yinpeng big flying swordsman; the second is Sun Hao led the intermediate-level monk composed of the real swordsman who can represent the swordsman combat power.

After completing the running-in and formation of the Flying Swordsman, Sun Hao directed and practiced for a while.

Unconsciously at this time, Ling Tianjian sent swordsmen have arrived at Langein Island for almost a year.

Sun Hao and Ling Tianjian sent swordsmen out of the waters of the lake, and there was never any movement.

The Lakers simply could not find the lake on Langein Island.

On the island of Lange Green, there is a fierce gold stagnation, and it is the kind of gold shortage that sees the Lakers warriors endlessly chasing them. The Lakers do not think that the human swordsmen can go in.

In more than a year, I searched the Penghu Lake area and had no income.

When the Lakers almost forgot the Lingtian swordsman, a huge Yinpeng appeared from the lake.

This Yinpeng attacked several material gathering points of the Lakers, and the Lakers did not know exactly where Yinpeng came from.

It didn't take long for Yin Peng to appear again.

The Lakers were attacked by another rear resource point, and Yinpeng escaped.

Knowing that Yin Peng is Sun Hao is engaged in ghosts, and his anger is itch.

Yinpeng is extremely fast, slippery like mud, and there is no trace to go without a trace. It gives the Lakers a great influence on the family. It takes a shot to change places, which is very difficult.

Gradually, the Terran battalion in the fierce battle also found a strange news. It is said that there is only a smashing Yinpeng, always retaliating against the Lakers, and pinning the strength of the Lakers. It is said that the Lakers are against this silver. Peng hates to gnash his teeth, but it is not allowed.

It’s an exciting news. (To be continued~^~)

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