Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1510: Murderous

When the gods knew it, Shen Xiangjian disappeared from Dantian and floated in front of Sun Hao. The sword body shook gently and made a whisper.

Sun Hao reached out and touched it. Shen Xiangjian seemed to be very excited and burst into five colors.

Ji Ruxue looked at Sun Hao by the sound of the sound. After a long time, he said softly in his mouth: "Hill, this sword soul, you are afraid that it is a bit wrong, five colors, five kinds of lines, five colors of brilliance, it looks beautiful, but In fact, it is mottled and complicated."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "No matter, I will slowly polish, and finally combine the five colors into one. At that time, this soul will truly become the perfect swordsman of the five elements."

Ji Ruxue groaned, and the cold face showed a heartfelt smile. The mouth said: "Also, you are a high-minded hill. Since you have condensed the five-property swords, you have to plan, I still have plans. Looking at the hill with the eyes of ordinary people, it is my position that is wrong."

Sun Hao’s wrist was lightly shocked, and Shen Xiangjian flew out. He slammed on the back of Ji Ruxue. Ji Ruxue took a shot of the sword and Shen Xiang cooked his way through the road.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "If the snow continues to help me back for a while, your scaleless sword heart can effectively calm the suffocation of the five elements of the sword, and I will polish it later, or it can do more with less."

Ji Ruxue stood under the pear tree, and the white face and the white pear blossomed each other. It looked sacred and noble, and said softly in his mouth: "As long as the hill needs it, I will be willing to wait for a long time."

Sun Hao’s heart was warm and his face was bright and smiling: “Well, then, if you are snow, you will help me for a lifetime.”

Ji Ruxue's face is slightly red.

Xiaoqing emerged from the pear tree and said loudly: "Nature is natural, the woman is backing the sword. This is natural. I said Grand Master, do you need to clean the sword every day?"

Sun Hao’s heart moved and stood on the boulder. He smiled and said: “Well, if Xiaoqing is not too troublesome, you can really take half an hour every day to help me wipe the agarwood. However, when you wipe the sword, you must Use your benevolence and sword meaning, that is good for agarwood, and perhaps also help your sword."

Xiaoqing’s face showed a very surprised expression: “Okay, okay, the room has finally found something to do, ah, snow boss, come and come, give me the incense sword, I want to wipe the sword for the first time. ......"

Ji Ruxue smiled slightly, and after a shock on his sword, Shen Xiangjian flew out.

Xiaoqing floated up, catching agarwood in one hand, falling down under the pear tree, sitting cross-legged, spirited, concentrated, and began to rub the sword.

Sun Hao smiled and looked in the other direction. He whispered: "Why is the situation outside, is it clear?"

Sun Hao’s process of repairing the agarwood seems to be simple. In fact, it took more than a month to spend the time. In a month, the 媂 媂 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 兰 兰A lot of information nearby.

Ji Yuliu nodded.

Sun Hao jumped in the air and strode across the lake. He said in the mouth: "Some of you come over, let us discuss **** Langein Island."

Sun Hao’s main cultivation task in the battlefield of the virtual world is still the three major trends.

The reason why Ling Tian Jianzu sent Sun Hao came because, whether it is killing or fighting, he can find a suitable honed object in the battlefield of the virtual world. On the top of Zhangzhou, it is much worse.

The gods in the mouth of the monks in Zhangzhou, in the virtual world, are the iron beasts that transcend the ordinary wild beasts, that is, the wild beasts that can generate iron and crystal in the body, the Taikoo bears killed by Sun Hao, actually did not find Avalanche, and this ancient cub, has formed tremendous pressure on Lingtianjian.

If Sun Hao continues to stay in the sword school, if you want to find a practice or a boundless killing, it may really take a long time.

In the battlefield of the virtual world, Sun Hao really took advantage of his own sea swordsmanship and successfully sneaked into the lake. When he entered the island, he killed a large number of blind frogs and refined them into a killing sword. Murderous and soaring.

Next, among the lakes on the island, Sun Hao’s opportunity to merge and pass through some cultivation, get the blessing of the stick, and completely cultivate his own fighting spirit.

In other words, among the three major forces that Sun Hao needs to cultivate, the only thing that needs to speed up the progress is to kill the general trend.

Once the three major forces are formed.

Sun Hao will start the cultivation of the peerless sword.

The three major trends, the lack of killing.

And Sun Hao, the cultivation and understanding of the killing trend is not weak.

Sun Hao has come all the way, and the killing in his hands can be quite a lot, especially before the lower bounds soared, the years when Sun Hao smashed the wrath, and the number of demons that Sun Hao destroyed in his hands was inexhaustible.

Besides, after learning from the Dragon Spider Killing Palace, after seven killings, Sun Hao has been in the process of long-term cultivation, has been in the dream of Bai Gong, practicing his own seven killings, and has accumulated a lot of wealth. experience of.

At the time of the lower bound, Sun Hao was initially involved in the techniques of killing and killing.

Moreover, in many battles in the lower bounds, these two secrets related to killing also helped Sun Hao a lot. After the virtual world, these two secret techniques still have a certain effect.

Therefore, Sun Hao is not very difficult. In the process of killing blind frogs, he realized the meaning of murder and soaring, and gave birth to his own intention to kill.

Otherwise, just this first step, Sun Hao may have to practice for dozens of hundred years.

The murderous and soaring is the first form of the four-style "killing sword."

Next, what Sun Hao needs to cultivate is the second type of murderous sword, murderous.

Sun Hao has already learned about the murderous cultivation tips.

The fundamental element of this trick of cultivation is "killing, continuous killing, killing the murderous body from the soaring state, exuberant to the tumbling, endless."

To cultivate this trick, Sun Hao needs to find a training place that allows him to draw swords one by one, kill one step at a time, and kill one by one.

This kind of wild animal can not be too strong, too strong, Sun Hao can not kill fast enough, can not afford to kill, but not too weak, too weak, there is no cultivation effect.

Draw a sketch at the lake and find out the distribution of the wild animals around the lake. Sun Hao thought about it again and began to sketch his own route on the ground, and explained Ji Ruxue, Ji Wei and Ji Yuliu. Fan, as for Xiaoqing, Sun Hao did not let her participate in the cultivation of her own killing road.

After the explanation, rest for half a day, Sun Hao smiled lightly, and the gods moved, Shen Xiangjian flew over and fell into his hands, gently stroking the incense sword, Sun Hao smiled at the women behind him: "Let's get started, you guys Take care of yourself."

Standing side by side behind Sun Hao, the three beautiful women in white fluttered nodded, Ji Ruxue whispered: "Hill, you are also careful."

Qunying, gently on the agarwood sword, aloes sword whispered, Sun Hao striding a meteor, rushed out to the valley mouth, mouth screaming in the sky: "Men are in the killing field, timid like a bear like a wolf The man’s sword is a thousand miles away, and the **** sea is all the way to the wild crab.”

The three women looked at each other and saw the admiration on each other's faces.

At this time, Sun Hao showed the heroic spirit of the heroic let them feel at ease.

Outside the valley, as Sun Hao shouted out of the sound, sure enough, in front of Sun Hao, there was a large amount of ground, a giant crab with a diameter of only one foot, waving huge double tongs, and crawling up quickly. Attacked Sun Hao.

Wild crabs in Langley Island.

More powerful than blind frogs, each wild crab has the strength not weaker than ordinary high-ranking swordsmen. Double-clamp is the main attack method, with a steel-like iron shell, the sword is hard to hurt, it is an offensive and defensive Very sharp, the beast that the monk is not willing to face.

Its iron shell and double pliers are even rare materials for refining.

When Sun Hao rushed out and began to fight against the wild crabs, the condensed aerial tower rarely transmitted the demand information. That is to say, the iron shell of the wild crab is a kind of refining material needed to condense the empty tower.

Sun Hao, who had no intention of letting go of the wild crab, was suddenly inspired.

The body's light blue brilliance flashed, and the wild crab was still not close. It had been rushed up by the swell of a wave like a wave, showing a white belly.

Sun Hao screamed: "Kill."

Holding the agarwood sword, rushed up, the wrists slammed, the agarwood sword "squeaky", such as cut tofu, plunged into the soft belly of the wild crab, the sword tip backwards one by one, the wild crab was opened and smashed, 甩Towards the rear, the wrist was a spurt, and the sound of "噗" plunged into the abdomen of the second wild crab, picking one by one, and the wild crab slammed out again...

The layers are like the air currents of the sea, and they are moving forward.

A wild crab was rushed up and up, and Sun Hao’s violent voice, Shen Xiangjian was accurate, and one quickly picked up the past.

On the island of Lange Green, the situation is abrupt.

Sun Hao, a sword and a sword, opened his own murderous road on the deserted island. (To be continued~^~)

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