Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1495: Fisherman's profit

The golden frog frog jumped up and down, in the sky and in the water, there was no place where he could find himself comfortable.

After a long time of trouble, I found that this breath is also a little adverse to myself. It seems that I can’t really think about myself. Since I can’t hide anywhere, I just ignore him.

Suddenly, after roaring for a while, the Golden Wild Blind frog ran back into his lair and slumbered.

The bursts of gold gas, the concentration is more dense, slowly infiltrated into the nest of the golden frog.

Three days later, in the sky, a black cloud flew again, and the ravages came back.

If you don't come, the blind frogs that are usually seen everywhere on Lange Island will not be traced. The food itself will not be able to stand the hunger, and once again the idea of ​​the lake.

The Golden Wild Blind Frog suddenly woke up and still stood up very arrogantly, standing on the boulder and roaring, defending his own territory, and never letting the ravages go.

The battle started in an instant.

However, this war is slightly different from the previous days.

The wild sculpture found that the opponent's unicorn was not so powerful, and the steel-like **** skin seemed to be weaker, and the strength fell by more than one level.

The wild eagle itself is the natural enemy of the blind frog.

The golden frog blind frog is only relying on a steel-like skin to force the wild eagle to make it impossible.

But now, the sharp angle of the golden frog blind frog can not break the iron feathers of the wild sculpture, and the skin can't stop the claws of the wild sculpture, the battle situation is unfavorable.

Of course, the strength of the gold shortage is still not to be underestimated. Some of the attacking skills of the blind frog itself, such as water arrows and tears in the limbs, can still pose many threats to the wild sculpture.

Two behemoths are fighting in the air.

Taniguchi, the golden light once again appeared in time, the silver shard could not stop the little thief, and it was secretly killed by a weak blind frog, dragging out the valley.

The silver shortage chased out.

The wilderness slammed into a slam, and the golden frog was hit, dropped to the surface of the lake, and slammed up. It was unexpected that the lake suddenly appeared to be sticky, and the limbs were pulled out and could not be pulled out.

The golden frog blind frog is slightly puzzled. Above the sky, the ravages have captured the fighters, iron claws, steel mouths and swooped down.

Hey, three in a row.

The golden peasant blind frog that was unable to move was suddenly smashed, his eyes were dripping with blood, and a huge scratch appeared on his belly.

The blind frog of the golden age screamed in the sky, and the forelimbs slammed out of the lake and slammed forward.

The deserted wings were stretched out and they were about to fly, but they suddenly found out that when a pair of steel claws were stuck by the lake, they could not fly.

The golden wild blind frog claws are shot on its neck.

The ravages of the wilderness screamed in the sky.

Several small heads came out of the stone silently.

Ji Wei said softly: "It’s a hill that is doing ghosts. He’s just too sinister, and he’s made up his mind to make these two big guys lose both!”

Xiaoqing grinned: "What is the yin, this is called wisdom."

Two behemoths, fighting in the lake.

Anyway, as long as they take up a certain advantage, they will inevitably go out of their way and suffer heavy losses from their opponents.

At this time, the wild sculptures have already stopped, and they are in a hard battle.

The strength of the Golden Wild Blind Frog, especially its defensive ability, is not as good as before, and it has fallen by more than half, and it has caused frequent problems. The Wilderness has occupied a certain upper hand, otherwise it has already flown.

It is the possession of a certain upper hand, and it is possible to attack and retreat, and the wild sculpture is also in a state of inability to stop.

Over the lake, the water surface.

Two behemoths fought in a row, and for more than half a month, under the injury of a small number of people, the fighting power of the Golden Wild Blind Frog became weaker and weaker, and it was not an opponent of the Wild Carvings.

Lifting the claws, slamming, and repelling the wild eagle, the golden frogs slammed into the lake.

Just, the thing that made it horrified happened again.

In the lake, a huge wave of violently picked up, did not wait for it to sink, but was lifted by the waves, revealing a big belly.

How can the wild sculptures let go of such a great opportunity, and the sharp claws slammed into the sound, and the sharp claws slammed.

The fighting power is no longer exhausted, and the exhausted golden frog is finally completely broken by the wild sculpture. The white belly is opened and the blood is shining, a huge heart is also slammed by the wild sculpture. stand up.

The ravages of the wilderness have made a contribution, and they are excited to spread their wings.

The lake came in, wet its wings and entangled its claws.

The blind frogs of the golden ruin that are on the verge of death are slamming their limbs and hooping up.

The wild sculpture was stunned by the lake, and it was not able to dodge it. It was held in the middle of it. The golden frog blind frog used up the last strength and slammed it on the neck of the abandoned sculpture.

Above the lake, two huge wild animals kept rolling.

The power of the wild eagle to beat the wings is getting weaker and weaker, and the lake is gradually stained with blood.

When the two behemoths finally stopped struggling and slowly sinked on the lake.

The lake was rippling, and a pale blue figure jumped out of the air, and fell on the top of the golden frog frog. In the water, Sun Hao showed a bright smile.

Under the stone, the four women jumped up and celebrated each other.

They witnessed the whole incident, and they could not help but count the subtle calculations of the hill.

Of course, they saw the whole process, but still can't fully understand how Sun Hao did this step.

Two behemoths are gone.

The lake was briefly quiet for a while, and after a while, a lot of blind frogs emerged from the blind frog's hole.

In particular, the silver-browed blind frog, turned over, appeared on his own stone, facing the lake, constantly turning a pair of eyes that could not be seen.

The boss hangs? The opponent is also hanging?

If you can swallow the boss's opponent, can you not get the opportunity to advance?

The nature of the blind frog, the silver frog blind frog did not have the intention of swallowing his boss, but the temptation of the wild eagle is not small.

It seems that no crisis has been found. The silver frog blind frog screams and jumps and slams into the water.

The huge body fell into the lake. The strange thing is that the lake seems to be affected by it, and it has been let go.

Then, it was very shocked to perceive that the direction in which it fell, the lake actually turned into a sword, and stood tall, as if it had become a trap, waiting for itself.

Very reluctantly twisted the body, slamming, the belly is still lying on the sword.

Hey, the blood on the belly splashed, barely swimming a few times, was preparing to jump out of the water, suddenly felt a blue-sworded flying sword, tied to the key points between his own eyes.

Turn your head and slam it into the front, and open your mouth and **** it.

With a bang, the unknown heavy object was sucked into the mouth and the forehead hurt.

The belly was squatting, and the bleeding hole was kept out. On the head, just a little horn of the forehead was born, and it became a deep blood hole. It was an instant effort, and the silvery waste that had been overjoyed at the previous moment had already suffered. Heavy hit, began in the lake, unwillingly struggling.

Sun Hao's pale blue figure drifted over again, and Shen Xiangjian stabbed into the head of the silver-wild blind frog. He slammed and smashed a crystal and flew out.

With a flash of wrists, Sun Hao smiled and smiled and harvested his third wild crystal.

Two silver shortages, one gold shortage, the harvest is big.

Sun Hao ventured to come to Langein Island and got huge profits. If he changed to the contribution of the sword camp, it was enough for Sun Hao to use it for a long time.

The lake was rolling, and three huge beasts rushed to the shore, piled up like mountains, and the whole lake was full of murderous gas.

The murderous temper of the three giant beasts at the time of dying, the four women in the formation were frightened and frightened.

The blind frog also felt great fear. Several princes were killed in succession. Finally, the blind frogs who were not afraid of fear were placed in the nest and did not dare to move.

The three wild animals, the greatest value is undoubtedly the golden wild blind frog, followed by the wild sculpture.

Sun Hao spent three days working hard to clean up the three giant beasts.

Until Sun Hao took away the huge heads of the three giant beasts, and repaired them into a slightly weaker four women, they came out of the began to give Sun Hao some help.

After collecting the sporadic resources, Sun Hao was surprised to find that the blind frogs living around the lake slipped away quietly, and there was no one left.

There is no such thing as an intention, and the phenomenon of rushing out to die, but it saves a lot of hands and feet.

Smiling at the four women, Sun Hao boarded the boulder and looked at the blind frog burial ground.

A huge **** that is not very blocked. I don't know how deep the deep pit is, and I can't see it at a glance.

What excites Sun Hao is that, as Sun Hao expected, there are some sporadic crystals on the slopes. Under the sunlight, there is a dazzling brilliance.

Xiaoqing jumped up and stood by Sun Hao’s side, and his voice exclaimed: “Wow, developed...”

Ji Yun also said aloud: "Ah, a lot of crystals, hills, you are so amazing..."

Sun Hao smiled slightly and said softly in his mouth: "Girls, this is the foundation of our rise in the battlefield of the virtual world." (To be continued.)

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