Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1485: Large oil bottle (6 plus)

The Terran camp has been established in the battlefield of the virtual world for a short period of time. Around the camp, the safer areas that the monks have been cleaning up for hundreds of millions of years, as long as they are not too far away from the camp, are theoretically safer. Hao has always felt calm. network

Beyond this distance, the farther away from the Terran camp, the more dangerous it is.

Seeing the map in his hand, Sun Hao was the first to feel that the Terran camp was surrounded by a crisis, and tranquility was only an appearance.

Because the map shows that as long as the Terran camp is three hundred miles away, there will be a big wild beast, and five hundred miles will have silver beasts. After a thousand miles, all kinds of wild animals will be rampant, and the human races will be difficult.

The safety distance is less than three hundred miles.

After spending two days, Sun Hao read two books and had the most basic understanding of the virtual battlefield.

A little different from the records of the Lingtianjian faction, the information within the virtual battlefield records the root cause of the formation of the virtual battlefield.

The reason why the virtual world is called virtual is the instability.

Among the whole imaginary world, there are thousands of people standing in the world, and the tribes will explode from time to time. Even if they are ranked in the top ten races, it is difficult to truly guarantee that their races will not be attacked.

But this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that there are two fundamentally opposing camps in the virtual world.

The endless family of civil war is only the opposite side.

The imaginary world is a wise race, hoping to establish order, pursue longevity, and form a variety of ways to practice and seek truth.

In general, no matter how civil war, the general direction of the people is the same, that is to maintain the peace of the virtual world, achieve the soaring, and achieve true immortality.

The biggest wish of the imaginary monk is to cultivate to the point of succumbing to the vain, and to be eligible for the vacancy.

That is to say, the imaginary world that Sun Hao knows, including the demon in the lower bound and the human race, is a dead enemy, and in the virtual world, it is actually an ally of the camp.

The opposite of the imaginary world is what the imaginary world calls "chaos" or "destruction" and "destruction".

There is not much wisdom. I only know the instinct to kill, the non-stop expansion of the territory, and the plundering of various resources.

The purpose of the existence of the virtual virtual battlefield is to block its unrestricted expansion.

Don't look at Sun Hao's peaceful ten years, but according to the records of the classics, every 50 years or so, there will be a big explosion in the battlefield of the virtual world. At that time, all kinds of wild animals will be raging, and the most deadly threat to the virtual world. A family will also appear, and then it will be the real test of the virtual world.

It’s been less than forty years since the next explosion, and Sun Hao’s disciples are the swordsmen who have been handed over since the last time they’ve suffered heavy losses.

The classics also record that the Terran sent the monks in all directions according to the characteristics of the various monks.

The direction of the swordsman battalion defense is mainly the hills, the grasslands and the hilly areas of the lake. Of course, the key points of the different levels of swordsman defense are slightly different.

Within the entire Terran camp, the Knights Camp, the Shenying Camp, the Warrior Camp and the Five Elements War Department were also established.

The status of the four battalions is roughly equal and each has its own characteristics.

The swordsman battalion is mainly composed of sword repairs similar to Ling Tianjian.

The knight battalion is mainly composed of the imperial monk, the pike and the powerful imaginary beast. The book records that the knight camp is divided into many small branches.

As the name implies, the Shenying Camp is a large camp composed of long-range shooters.

The Warrior Camp is a large camp of Terran warriors.

The five-line warfare has the highest status among the Terran, and all of them are composed of monks and monks who have cultivated and succeeded. The five elements of the law are well-trained, come and go freely, and have a huge lethality.

Of course, the seniority of the four battalions of the Terran has a higher status. When it comes to the elite, the monks in the five-line warfare can still stand up against the court.

The data concealed that some powerful knights have their identity strength and status on top of the five-line warlords.

Sun Hao put together the information in his hand, and at the same time he was shocked by the grand and dangerous battlefield, his heart could not help but have doubts.

Among the lower bounds, Sun Hao swayed through the ghost field and saw many ghosts and various ghosts. Even Sun Hao and two confidantes were ghosts.

But when it comes to the virtual world, the situation has changed completely.

There is no ghost in the virtual world. The ghosts have become a dead spirit here, a strange race that only knows how to kill, destroy, and destroy the virtual world. Moreover, it has evolved many different from the lower bound. Branch.

Moreover, among the virtual worlds, there is no ghost to repair such a monk.

Why does this happen?

Sun Hao is a bit confused.

According to the truth, the ghosts of the virtual world can also practice like the Baizu, and pursue the longevity avenue. Is it better for everyone to get along with each other?

But why did it change in the virtual world?

Sun Hao is even thinking, if he can now open the squirting tower, then what is the state of Linger? Will the Terran monks directly treat themselves as heretics and remove them?

There is a huge difference between the virtual world and the lower world.

The destructive family in the virtual world, who is extremely biased towards individual exhibitions, will automatically pursue numerous world resources and see what is destroyed, but at the same time, destroy a group of themselves, but under the accumulation of various resources, become an important cultivation resource. source.

For example, the crystals that Sun Hao refines the swordsmanship need to be used, which is a magical cultivation resource that they have nurtured in their bodies. They have a lot of magical magical effects with the golden dragon of the beast, and they are condensed into swords, but they are used for many purposes. one.

Crystals of all grades are also one of the most important sources of contribution to the virtual battlefield.

Judging from the current situation of Sun Hao, Sun Hao is basically unable to get the crystallization of the golden wild beast. The golden tire pill is the dream. Even if it is a silver tire pill, it is even more difficult for Sun Hao.

To put it bluntly, the strength is not enough.

After understanding this information, Sun Hao began to go out with Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing to perform tasks, and really began to enter the virtual battlefield.

Of course, at this time, Sun Hao’s identity is still a chores, and following the team’s outing is a miscellaneous. In the eyes of others, it is a drag bottle that helps to pack up the prey.

Large oil bottle.

Fortunately, Ji Ruxue teamed up every time, all together with the Ji family, rarely called outsiders, so, no one really knows the details of Sun Hao.

In the initial time, after Sun Hao entered the battlefield, he really stood in the auxiliary position. He only watched and never intervened. When he was free, he also helped several female partners to pack some resources.

Entering the battlefield, fighting is a necessary life-saving skill. When the war comes, Sun Hao does not dare to guarantee the safety of everyone. It is necessary for them to strengthen their practice and enhance their self-protection ability.

Moreover, now that Ji Ruxue is fighting in the area, only within a hundred and fifty miles, the normal swordsman activity area, even the middle-level swordsman area has not arrived, Sun Hao really did not need to intervene.

Such as Xue Xiaoqing's swordsman team encounters the most wild animals is a one-eyed carboxy, a huge sheep wild animal, one-eyed, double-angled, body-shaped like a small elephant size but four hoofs like the wind, can walk flexibly on the cliff .

The one-eyed carboxy likes to go to the team, and the counterattack after the attack is not The one-eyed can shoot the paralyzed light, the swordsman will be slow, and the attack power will drop drastically. The double angles are very sharp, piercing the cliffs is as simple as stabbing into the tofu, and the four hoofs can unearth the attributes of attacking spells, such as mud, traps, etc., and can be attached to the cliff to run.

Once the swordsman was recruited and fixed by it, the top was a very unpleasant thing.

Fortunately, the temperament of the one-eyed carboxy is relatively soft, and the attack is often smashed and scattered, and it is not siege. Otherwise, the danger is great.

However, the books of the Terran records that after the explosion of a large-scale wild animal, the Cyclops can become extremely scary. At that time, the one-eyed red blood will actively attack the Terran camp. Therefore, the Terran has the task of clearing the eye-catching carboxy. One-eyed, double-angle and four-hoof can get one or two contributions, which is one of the sources of contribution of low-level swordsmen.

Sun Hao integrated into the team of Ji Ruxue, followed the team to go deep into the wilderness of the hilly landforms, began to sway, and at the same time carefully judge the information useful to himself.

Other information has not yet appeared, and Sun Hao has already made a fact that touched him.

Regardless of whether Sun Hao admits or not, over the years, because of the care of Sun Hao, such as the snow squad's financial situation is extremely tight, there is basically no extra contribution, and rarely go to special cultivation sites to enhance their own strength.

Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun are weak in their own strength. After coming in, there is some progress. Xiaoqing and Ruxue are basically in the same place.

Not relying on his own will, Sun Hao knows that he has become a big drag bottle for the team.

In this situation, we must find a way to completely reverse it. When Sun Hao is watching, he is thinking about countermeasures in his heart. What should he do? (To be continued.) 8

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