Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1477: Flying mystery

According to his own needs, Sun Hao also chose a sword, and chose several swords.

Yu Jianshu is a must after refining. Sun Hao went to the battlefield of the virtual world. It is impossible to run around with swords and swords from time to time. Naturally, he must prepare in advance.

Ling Tianjian's method of formation is also very characteristic, mostly related to the sword. For example, the sword court where Sun Hao is now has a high-level sword array in defense.

There are three types of sword arrays, one is the non-moving array, the other is the battle array, and the other is the sword array.

The array in the sword is not moving; when the monk is in battle, it is the battlefield; the so-called swordsmanship is the single monk to use the sword and the formation of the sword.

There are not many Sun Hao, or else you can really spend some time. In this research and research, finally, after reading a lot of information, Sun Hao selected several four-level fixed arrays, three battle arrays and two swordsmanships. On the body, after preparing to go to the battlefield of the virtual world, practice again.

The method of refining the air, the sword of the sword of practice - no - wrong - small - said -3.-quledu-com recruited, and Sun Hao began to really plan for the virtual battlefield.

First of all, it is also a matter of urgency. Sun Hao has to figure out one thing, that is, whether the state will be wrong.

According to the rough records of the lower squad, after the ascending monk came up, there was still a hundred years of catastrophe. It is estimated that Sun Hao has been flying for more than 30 years, not far from the first hundred years.

Sun Hao hopes to find clearer information in this sword, to make basic judgments for future development, and to handle it easily.

Going to the biographical biographies area, Sun Hao seems to have no goals and can read it at will.

The three-story Jiange, the relevant information that can be found, Sun Hao did not know the traces of the reading, the face is still moving, still as it is, but the heart has produced doubts.

According to the records of the Lingtian Swords, the flying monk is also called a natural monk. It has always been highly valued by the various ethnic groups. After the ascent, it will be vigorously cultivated by all ethnic groups and become the backbone of all ethnic groups.

However, this refers to the normal ascending state.

According to the records recorded in the classics, Sun Hao’s soaring is obviously not normal.

The normal flying state should be soaring above the medium and the virtual. The powerful races will set up various flying and picking points in the virtual. Under normal circumstances, the surging monks will be attracted, and the normal accumulation in the virtual world will begin. development of.

The monks who fly to the bottom are extremely rare.

According to the records of the classics, it is very likely that there will be two situations in which the ascend to the lower bound. One is congenital dysplasia, that is, the monk who lacks strength and cannot complete the ascending mission. This kind of monk is generally associated with congenital dysplastic infants. Defects, even if they are sected, are often not taken seriously.

The results of attention are often not good, because the congenital insufficiency of the soaring will make such monks cultivate to critical moments, suddenly break the chain, repair the pace, and develop hard work.

That is, defective products that are easy to break down.

After Sun Hao saw this description of the classics, his heart felt very uneasy.

Sun Hao feels that flying to the next imaginary, it is very likely that the strength is not good, the last moment, if there is not a fragrant incense to help, can successfully break the boundary, can not resist the strong resistance of the virtual world, come down to the virtual, are two Say.

Once the situation is true, is it not hidden?

However, if the whole body is broken and the bones are broken, it should be wrong!

If this is the case, Sun Hao feels that the situation of Zongmen should not be better, otherwise it will be confusing.

Of course, Sun Hao seriously recalled the ascending experience, and felt that the reason why he did not fly to the middle of the virtual, but in fact is not the strength is not enough, but just because of the huge drag, with the sake of several passengers, then, It should not be congenital dysplasia!

These speculations, no one will give Sun Hao the answer, even if it is Zhongxu, it is quite rare to meet this situation.

Sun Hao can only experience his own changes in the future practice.

According to the records of the classics, there is a second possibility to fly into the imaginary. That is, the world of flying monks is a lower bound that has lost contact, or has not been contacted for a long time, or the original just-created lower bound, such lower-level monks soaring. The destination is likely to be the next.

However, if this is the case, Sun Hao can't easily reveal the origins.

The reason is that once such a lower bound appears, it is likely to be a huge battle. In the end, the lower bounds will reshuffle, open up wasteland, and perhaps wait for the lower bounds of the people, it will be the end of the eternal.

According to the records of the classics, the ranks of the Terran in the virtual are still not high, and they have not been able to enter the top 100 races.

Without entering the top 100 races, the lower bounds that can be born to fly the monks are quite limited. Once the lower bound of Sun Hao is not a human race, the result is not necessarily good.

Among the classics, many powerful ethnic practices after the lower bounds made Sun Hao shocked.

Naked plunder, slaughter, or colonization.

Sun Hao did not want to soar in the lower bounds.

By consulting Feisheng data, Sun Hao has an unexpected harvest, which is to find out the huge difference between the virtual and the virtual.

The imaginary and vastness is vast, the vast sea of ​​wasteland, the land of ruin, the area of ​​uncultivated land, I don’t know how big it is, the land of many people, can’t be imagined by Sun Hao, and the battlefield of the virtual world that is going to go is the sinister The big stage.

The majesty and grandeur of the illusory, let Sun Hao have a longing for life, not a lifetime, can sway through the virtual territory, how many strange and intelligent races can be seen.

However, there is absolutely no comparability between the sublime and the virtual.

At the same time as the imaginary world, the world is still vast, and each powerful race also has many backyards as a backyard and a reserve of talent.

Among them, the powerful, top-ranked race often has more than ten lower bounds.

And the vast area of ​​the lower boundary is not under Kyushu.

Really seeing these books and touching these materials in the virtual world, Sun Hao’s feelings are shocked or shocked.

The frog is at the bottom of the well, and only the wellhead is big.

When Sun Hao thinks that the mainland is very great, it is very large, compared to the next imaginary is only the tip of the sea, when Sun Hao sighs the illusory grandeur, compared to the imaginary, it is only the sand of the Ganges.

Moreover, because the grades are too different, the classics are only mentioned, and in the virtual world, there is a higher level of existence.

In the end, the virtual is a look, the records are incomplete, just saying that it is a vast starry sky.

The road to repairing the road is really long and endless.

Relatively imaginary and majestic Hao feels that the road to be taken is still very long and long, not to mention, in the legend, the imaginary cultivation to the extreme, but also the sky and the sky, the achievement of true fairy.

What is true fairy?

Where is it?

There is no record in the classics, but thinking about it also makes Sun Hao longing for it.

Like the beginning of the cultivation of immortals, Sun Hao feels the magnificence of Xianlu. In general, Sun Hao has the same feeling. The magnificent world, the vast starry sky is waiting to explore and pursue.

Maybe one day, you can become the brightest star in the sky.

Sun Hao did not fully understand the mystery of the soaring, but it is still determined that the information of the flying monk will be concealed, because in either case, it is not good.

Moreover, judging from the situation of the lower bounds, Sun Hao feels that even if he does not lose contact, it is estimated that he is not far from losing contact, because there are few surviving monks.

In the classics, Sun Hao also saw a theory about flying up, but also a little thought, but the realm has not arrived, it seems useless to think more.

If you lose contact, or if you haven't been in contact with the lower bound monk for a long time, once you fly to the next virtual, you don't have no direction at all. However, this direction is mysterious, and Sun Hao can only look at it now.

The records of the classics, the lower bounds of the loss of contact, if there is a strong to the sky when the monks are on the rise, flying to the lower bounds, the guide is the cause and effect.


Will it cause cause and effect if it rises? Sun Hao said that he does not understand at all.

Of course, when Sun Hao saw the word "causal", he still thought about Xue Xue and Xiao Qing. They are the guides in this world. What is the cause and effect? (To be continued.)

The first four seven seven chapters flying up the mystery

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