Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1474: Virtual battlefield

Sun Hao said: "Jian Zu said very much."

Indeed, the strength of the Tiger King is extremely strong. Although Sun Hao is not afraid, but the pressure is not small, this is an undeniable fact.

Don't look at Sun Hao, who has just blocked the Tiger King and a sword, but it is also a means to do it. It is not easy.

Sun Hao also found that even if his sword and sword are powerful, he is still greatly suppressed in the face of absolute strength.

In the face of the Tiger King, he has only the power of parry and no effort to fight back.

Sun Hao does not hide the fact that he is slightly weaker. Of course, Sun Hao does not think that the Tiger King can make himself a little weaker, but the Tiger King is hard to fight, but he does not want to get too much benefit.

The phoenix sword ancestor looked at the tiger king again: "Tiger, although you have taken the upper hand, but you are not allowed to Jishan, strong action, and ultimately can not put Jishan how, life and death, still uncertain What is the final result, can you be convinced?"

The tiger king snorted and glanced at Sun Hao, but he said in a realistic way: "Jian Zu said that it is really difficult for me to leave this kid on the spot. He really has the strength to talk to me and talk to me. But my ancestors, my disciple’s business today, if I don’t give a statement, I really don’t intend to stop it...”

Huang Yu Jianzu looked at Ling Tian Jianzu.

Ling Tianjian's sword in his hand refers to the same, free to sweep.

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly trembled, and the silent air of the sword rushed over. The tide of the sea slammed into the ground, and it was uncontrollable. After being stressed, it began to collapse. The incense sword swayed and the sea quickly flew into the agarwood sword. Cried in.

The agarwood sword swayed, and finally settled in the air with the blue watery brilliance.

The sword of the opposite Tiger King is also in general with Sun Hao's sea, and is broken by Ling Tianjian.

In the sky, there are no beasts and the sea, one is clear.

Ling Tianjian Zu revealed a hand.

Sun Hao and Tiger King are secretly surprised, the strength gap is very obvious, the swords of both of them are firmly suppressed, facing the sword ancestors seems to have no power to fight back.

"Tiger King", Ling Tian's ancestors spoke up: "Although Ji Xiaoshan is my disciple, I have never helped my family. I will give you justice today."

The tiger king gave a slight glimpse and said: "I am willing to listen to my ancestors."

Ling Tian's ancestors said: "First of all, Gushang Jiang's family is self-sufficient. This is no doubt, collusion of aliens, designing this disciple, and sin is unforgivable. This is my first opinion. Can you be convinced?"

Tiger King nodded slightly: "I know that they violated the Zongmen Iron Law and should be a fuss."

Ling Tianjian continued: "Then, let me talk about your big righteous question. You said that Jiangzi is a rare sword that has been rare for thousands of years. It should be repaired for rapid progress and should not be destroyed. Your avatar is also It’s hard to come, it’s not going to be destroyed, is it?”

Tiger King said: "I also ask my ancestors to be the master of me and severely punish Ji Shan."

Ling Tianjian's face is positive: "But the axe king, I have a slight difference with your cognition. You have to know that the hill is recorded in the Lingtian swordsman together with Jiang Ziqing. That is to say, in twenty years, Your disciple has become a sword king, and Sun Hao has made a foreign sword king. The gap is big, you know. Then what I want to say is that he is standing on the hill side.

The tiger king stayed for a while.

Ling Tian Jianzu said that it is true, you are the sword, and people are already the sword king, is justice right in others?

Has this been wiped out?

Tiger King still thinks this way.

Above, Ling Tianjian continued: "Of course, what Ji Hsiao did is a bit too much. How to say, Jiang Ziqing is also the core seed training object of my sword school. It is difficult to convince people, I think, we also need Heavy punishment, in order to show the strictness of the iron law of my sword school, in order to maintain the unity and unity of my sword school..."

When you see the phoenix sword ancestors in the heart, you will say that the sky is falling, and finally it will be lifted high and gently put down.

Ling Tianjian continued: "I thought about it. The disposal of Ji Xiaoshan, that is, Sun Hao is as follows. First, reduce the proportion of the distribution of its waste resources, and expand the Xinjiang, only give him 10% of the harvest, but, Retaining its contribution, and advancing to be the external sword king, this first article, do you have any opinions?"

The phoenix Jianzu’s heart is slightly stunned. This punishment is not light. Of course, a slap is also given a sweet date. The huge contribution can be controlled. It is also officially awarded the title of the external sword king. It is not a bad treatment. .

Feng Yu’s ancestors whispered: “I agree with this one.”

Others also echoed and cut off the resources of Sun Hao. The resources that everyone can allocate are undoubtedly more, and who is not happy.

Sun Hao also said in a deep voice: "The hill has no objection."

Ling Tian's ancestors nodded, and a hand in his hand, a jade Jane told Linghua Jianjun: "When Jishan is listed as a foreign king, he will report the peaks of Jianmen."

Linghua Jianjun would like to know, and took a glance at Yujian. He said in the air: "The swordsman monk Ji Shan, immediately promoted to the Lingtianjian sent outside the sword king, ranked fifth, sealed the 'Shenxiang' sword king."

Outside the sword king, the title is agarwood.

Ling Tianjian sent a little quieter, above the sword front, Qi Qi burst into bursts of shouting, cheers, and followed, of course, most sword repair at this time is not clear what the meaning of the outer door sword king, just Unclear truth does not clearly scream and scream with other swords.

On top of Ling Tianjian, another sword flower rose, and Linghua Jianjun said loudly: "Please have Shenxiang return."

Sun Hao's body flickering in blue, stepping out in one step, falling on the sword flower, the water blue brilliance in the air, and a sea has emerged above the thousands of swords.

Billionaire Jianfeng monk Qi Qi shouted: "Please abandon the fragrance."

Sun Hao sat on the sword flower, sitting on the sword flower, and whispered to the billions of swordsman below. "Thank you for your friends."

Ling Tian Jianzu nodded slightly to Sun Hao, and said: "Second, in view of the fact that Shen Xiang shot too hot, and several disciples of Ji family also participated in the whole incident, so after I considered it, I decided to use the wood king as the main, Aquilaria As a supplement, plus a number of Ji family and Jianjun swordsmen, go to the battlefield of the virtual world, guard for a hundred years, after January, start on time, no mistake!"

The battlefield of the virtual world, guarding a hundred years?

The on-site monks were quiet.

Huang Yu Jianzu brows slightly wrinkled, Ling old brain and cramps? The first punishment is almost the same. How come the second one?

This is a bit like his style!

The scene was a bit King said in a low voice: "I know, my ancestors are relieved. After January, I will lead the team on time and go to the battlefield of the virtual world. Strive for hard work."

Wood King is not unexpected, and has long been psychologically prepared.

The other sword kings looked at each other and looked at each other. Fortunately, they were not selected to participate in the battlefield of the virtual world. At the same time, they thought about whether the sword ancestors were too much.

The punishment seems to be biased.

Ling Tianjian asked the tiger king: "The tiger king thinks that I am fairly fair in this way?"

The tiger's brow was slightly wrinkled, and his mouth said: "Justice is fair, but it seems to be a bit too much. Is he tender? In fact, it is best to go to the virtual battlefield and I will go with Mu Wang."

Ling Tianjian's big hand waved, Yizheng said sternly: "I am Ling Tianjian, with the sword as the heart, the most stressful and straightforward, rewards and punishments are clear, I have decided, you must remember this lesson, do not think that you have been high, You can arbitrarily chase, Ji Xiaoshan, send you to the battlefield of the virtual world, you are self-sufficient, of course, you still have a month, I am chartering you to seriously find information about the battlefield of the virtual world, and also charter you to go according to their own The situation finds the right swordsmanship and swordsmanship to cultivate, but the contribution can not be less than one child."

Sun Hao said slightly: "The disciple understands."

Ling Tianjian Wang said with a black face: "You are my disciple. I must lead by example. I don't want to be arrogant. I hope that you can do it yourself. Do you have any opinions that you need to add? Nothing is gone."

The swordsmen shook their heads.

Huang Yu Jianzu and Huang Yu Jianzu looked at each other and saw the serious unbelief in each other's eyes. I believe that Ling Lao is as good as selfless and believes that sows can climb trees.

It was only a moment and a half, they did not find the key. (~^~)

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