Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1472: 2 pieces of information

All the sword kings on the scene are unbelievable.

At this time, the tiger king was depressed and found that everyone seems to have forgotten the business that should be done now. They were all attracted to the past by the sudden emergence of the outer door sword king. The sword club issue completely went off and headed.

"You give me a shut up", Tiger King is angry, and roars: "Whether he is a foreign sword, the most basic fact is that he violated my swordsmanship, for a small family, actually I played a big fight, destroyed my avatar, and destroyed a future sword king seed. Everyone, now we need to discuss how to deal with him, instead of discussing these trivial things..."

The sword kings played haha.

Tiger King: "I want to worry about it. You don't give a statement. I will not stop with Ji Xiaoshan and ask my disciples."

The phoenix sword ancestors who had just been swayed by Ling Tiankeng were unhappy, and the eyes turned a little. The mouth said: "The tiger is rude, but it is not unreasonable to say that a sword king is separated, a disciple who is hard-working, indeed. I need a saying, boss, what should you do if you look at this?"

Ling Tianjianzu smiled and shouted to the bottom: "Linghua, you come up."

Linghua Jianjun, who didn’t know what happened above, flew up and said: “I have seen your ancestors, swordsmen, masters, what do you call me up?”

After that, I looked at Sun Hao strangely and said, "How did the younger brother come up?" Strange, how can the younger brother fly?

Ling Tianjianzu smiled and said: "Is the information of the deserted stuff coming back?"

Linghua Jianjun: "Just come over."

Linghua Jianzu: "Well, then you will convey to everyone present. To be honest, everyone is very worried, but the stagnation has been lost for a long time."

The sword kings are all in one.

The first thing has not been done, the second thing?

The tiger king opened his mouth and said that the phoenix sword ancestors gave him a look.

The Tiger King finally stabilized, okay, and continued to attack after listening.

Linghua Jianjun said: "Well, I will read this."

No worries, Linghua Jianjun swept through the information jade, casually read: "Swords calendar, China 3, 520 years, the ancient Cang bear out of the sea, the pressure of the wild, the space is turbulent, the desert is in jeopardy... ..."

Everyone has guessed this, and it doesn't feel much.

Linghua Jianjun continued: "In the fierce battle in March, the wild beast gradually awakened, and the Shuhan sword and Wang Shuai team stopped, and lost..."

Speaking of this, Linghua Jianjun screamed: "How is it possible?"

Ling Tianjian screamed loudly: "You should not make a fuss, give me a good read!"

Linghua Jianjun’s heart whispered, and he glanced at Sun Hao, who was sitting on the spot, and finally began to read it again: “At the crucial moment, my Ling Tianjian sent a foreigner’s son, Sun Hao, a sword, a strong attack, to the four seas. The sword, the sea sword, the powerful repelling the crit of the Taikoo Cubs..."

After reading this, Linghua Jianjun was afraid that the sword kings did not know and explained: "This Sun Hao is the pseudonym of my younger brother Ji Xiaoshan in Lingtianjian."

The sword kings said, this does not need you to say, we also guessed.

Linghua Jianjun did not dare to glance at the calm Sun Hao, and read aloud: "When the sun and the moon are co-occurring, the wind and thunder are rising together, the waves are soaring, the sea of ​​swords gathers the tide of the sea, and the sky is over the desert. Under the Taikoo Cubs, the Taikoo Cubs ignored the advice and insisted on attacking me. The Sun Hao adults sworded out the incense, the sea was the king, a sword, broke their arms, two swords, cut their feet, Taikoo Cubs want to escape, Shen Xiangjian Out, the sea is king, falling into the sky, and building a merit in the first battle. After that, the bears are bait, lure the beasts of the wild sea, the sea plasma, the bloodstains of thousands of miles, the corpses pile up like mountains, take the courage of the bears, and the grandson of Sun Hao personally More than 1,300 miles, the harvest resources are as follows..."

Linghua Jianjun read it here.

Already a look of silence.

Is this his mother really a younger brother?

Feng Yu Jianzu said in a timely manner: "Ji Xiaoshan, Shen Xiangjian, is it your sword soul?"

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Exactly."

As soon as the thoughts moved, the agarwood emerged and calmly floated on the top of Sun Hao’s head.

The sword kings looked at the incense, and they couldn’t help but have the same thoughts. It’s so ugly.

However, everyone is a good person, watching the sword naturally does not look at the appearance.

Although the sword is ugly, but the sword bone is proud, the aura is intrinsic, when it is not a thing, more importantly, this sword is the natural sword soul of Ji Hill, and its fit with Ji Shan is even more above the life magic weapon. It can also improve rapidly with the progress of Ji Hill.

It is no wonder that Ji Hill can kill the Taikoo Cubs fiercely, killing the savage, and destroying the Tiger King.

The four seas swords, the sea swords, and the natural swordsman, the outside disciple Ji Hsiao, have risen proudly with his unparalleled strength.

The sword kings at the scene have already understood that even if they are full-fledged, can they fight over the outer gate of the Jishan Hill?

If you don't say anything else, you can't do it by Ji Jishan.

The horror of the sea sword might also be the endless pressure, the opponent's strength is slightly insufficient, trapped in the sea, may want to escape difficult.

In this case, the sword kings also judged a basic fact. Today, the tiger king can discuss some of the arguments, but they don’t want to take advantage of it.

Huang Yujian sang a few eyes of Sun Hao’s Shen Xiangjian and nodded and said: “Yes, very good sword soul, have a chance to repair it?”

Sun Hao nodded: "Yes, the disciples themselves have found some eyebrows, and they will be repaired after the level of the refiner is raised."

The phoenix sword ancestors were also inspired by the spirit and said loudly: "Well, the natural swordsman who can be repaired is worth looking forward to."

After that, look at Linghua Jianjun and ask: "Is there still intelligence?"

Linghua Jianjun nodded: "There are also listed resource incomes after the drought and the distribution of resources after the extension of Xinjiang, more detailed."

Huang Yujian ancestors said, "Well, then continue to listen and listen, anyway, we are not bad at this time."

Linghua Jianjun began to read down, a large number of wild animal resources income, so that the sword king who used to see the big world can not help but be shocked, the real body of the wild animal body has a real feeling, this has to kill how much The beast can have such a huge harvest.

Linghua Jianjun had read it for half an hour before he finished the large amount of cultivation resources listed in Shuhan, and his mouth had a feeling of dryness.

The high-level members of the Sword Club heard this was a slight movement in the heart, and the harvest of the desert was very big. There were three thousand miles in the extension, and many rare resource points were obtained. Some special resources even pointed to the sword. The cultivation of the kings is beneficial.

This time, Ji Xiaoshan is well developed. These resources, at least 30% of them, will be placed under the name of the extension.

Even the grumpy Tiger King was quiet and violent, but he did not see the situation. He also understood the intention of Ling Tianjian to let Linghua read this shocking intelligence.

Ling Tian's ancestors undoubtedly told him that the tiger king should be able to stop.

After reading this information, Linghua Jianjun remembered something and said: "You adults, Linghua just received the information from Gusai, did you read it?"

Ling Tian Jianzu said: "Read."

This information was collected by the disciples after the return of Fang Jianjian, and did not bring any information. The inside was very concealed. The facts were named after Jiang Ziqing and the barbarian collusion, but only the side of the wild wolf was re-emerged. The body, expelling the barbarians, did not explain the results.

The information within Gusei is very detailed.

Before and after, even Ji Xiaoshan did not give the tiger king face, strong defeated the tiger king avatar, and finally, the Thunder means, killing all the information of the Jiang family to repair more than 800 soldiers, Ji Shan lives. The intelligence of Jiang Ziqing was registered one by one.

When the sword kings heard the information, they couldn’t help but feel a little cold. The seemingly harmless Ji Hill was actually a slap in the face, but it was a bad master.

In the end, the information recorded the facts of Gusei’s family, and commanded the two monks to kill all the low-level soldiers of the Jiang family and thoroughly cleaned the facts of the Jiang family.

Upon hearing this information, the face of Tiger King was blue and red.

It’s just too embarrassing. I didn’t give him a half-hearted feeling. It’s hard to bear! (~^~)

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