Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1469: Determined

Choose or not?

Sun Hao slowly sat down and began to close his eyes and meditate.

After flying up the upper bound, Sun Hao’s original intention was not to cast the sword bone, but to restore the bones and restore strength.

However, when it comes to restoring bones, Sun Hao has found better, not only able to recover, but also greatly strengthens his own methods.

It is in this state that Sun Haoyi Mountain is still looking at a mountain highland, and gradually has the ability to reinvent the unique and unparalleled sword bone.

However, Ling Tian Jianzu now tells Sun Hao that it is obviously not easy to recast the unparalleled sword bone.

So, do you still need to force yourself to pursue it?

The next level of unparalleled is at your fingertips, the unparalleled refining is completed, and Sun Hao’s strength is fully restored. At that time, even if Tiger King is coming over, Sun Hao can be more powerful than him.

Moreover, after the restoration, Sun Hao’s refining road can start to operate, and the refining road may have a newer path.

Undoubtedly, no matter from what point of view, this is a road to prosperity and a shortcut.

On the other hand, if you condense the unparalleled words, it is full of uncertainty. It takes a long time to say nothing, and the final result will be hard to say.

Take a step back?

No longer demanding?

Such thoughts flashed through Sun Hao’s mind.

Then, Sun Hao is not only asking himself, why did he have the idea of ​​condensing the sword of the world?

Examine your heart, is it really good to give up?

In the mind, the road of Sun Hao’s road was swiftly passing by.

When I stepped into the first step of refining, I worked hard to suppress and cultivate. I have been practicing into Wanlunmu, Wanlunmuchengdan, and I have been promoted. After thousands of years, Wanlun Mudan is still the most important cultivation of Sun Hao. One.

At the time of the foundation, the twelve building bases were swallowed, and they were almost poisoned on the spot, but they laid their own Wanshi Xianji.

Thousands of hardships condensed the heavens and the earth, and finally in the lower bounds, refining the peerless supernatural powers, three heads and six arms.


Step by step, step by step, as long as there is an opportunity, their own cultivation, are always implementing a basic theory, that is to use the foundation of the world to lay a solid path of cultivation.

In the virtual world, many places are different from the lower world. If you want to be like the lower bounds, the only way is to play stronger on the foundation. Otherwise, you may go as far as you can. .

The road to repairing the road, the thorns, as a monk, how can you fear the hardship?

I am afraid that there is no cultivation secret, and there is a peerless cultivation secret, can I be afraid of it?

The mind gradually strengthened.

With his eyes open, Sun Hao stood up, his eyes flashed with a firm light, and his mouth whispered: "Master, the disciple decided, still choose the peerless sword."

Ling Tianjian's eyes were beaming, and his mouth asked: "Determined?"

Sun Hao definitely nodded: "Decision!"

Ling Tianjian asked again: "Do you regret it?"

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "I am determined."

Ling Tianjian Zu Yangtian laughed happily: "Well, good ambition, no matter how difficult, I am a slap in the face, well, my Lingtian disciple, you need this courageous courage to support you."

Sun Hao said, sincerely said: "Thank you Master."

Ling Tian Jianzu laughed and finished his face. "I chose this hard road, but it doesn't mean we don't do anything. Hill, you sit down and listen to the teacher and say it to you."

Sun Hao Ruyan made the opposite of Ling Tianjian's ancestors and said: "Please ask Master to give pointers."

Ling Tian Jianzu said gently: "I just thought about it. You can actually walk on two legs in this situation. First, you continue to cultivate the situation of killing the enemy and fighting. This is not to stop, I am very optimistic about them. The combination of the three talents, in the end, how strong."

Sun Hao "Hmm" said: "This is my goal."

Ling Tianjian continued: "At the same time, it is the second most important place. You have to do everything possible to increase your life, and think of the two ways, the elixir and the refining."

Sun Hao’s spirit could not help but his mouth said: “Master, can this state of my bones be refining?”

Ling Tian Jianzu chuckled: "Stupid, you have cultivated the sword of the four seas, refining the general trend of the sea, naturally you can refine the gas, you can completely block the cracks of the bones with the sword of the four seas, so that the skeleton of the leak does not leak. Qi, use the power of the sea to prop up the backbone of your body, so that the refining momentum can not hurt your bones, how can you not smelt? Hahaha, hahaha, for the teacher really did not guess wrong, your kid is rooting on himself The strength of the sword is not strong enough."

In the heart of Sun Hao, there is really a surge of surprises. If you can refine your gas, then Shouyuan’s own is not a pressure on yourself.

He himself is the power of the gods, has a long life, and is worried about what Shouyuan, Lingtian Jianzu said that Yanshou Lingyao directly skipped.

Moreover, after being able to refine the gas, you no longer have to worry about the problem of the infancy of the baby. It is said that the foreign body in the body will be restored.

Sincerely, Sun Hao was on the ground and said to Ling Tianjianzu: "The disciple thanked Master for pointing. Master, the disciple has the confidence to refine the gas to catch up with the progress, and never use the Yanshou elixir."

Ling Tianjianzu haha ​​laughed: "Good, ambitious, hahaha, but, when, don't ask me to help the elixir."

Sun Hao has a hundred times of confidence: "Master is assured that if the hill can cultivate, it will definitely catch up with the progress, but Master, how do you need to do the hill? Can you achieve the sword as the bone Is the sword a ridge?"

Ling Tianjianzu smiled and said: "This is simple, wait for the troubles in your body to be finished. You go to the sword court and find some methods related to the application of the water attribute swordsmanship. The problem is solved naturally."

Sun Hao’s heart was happy, and at the same time, he remembered one thing and whispered: “Master, the disciple wants to go to the higher level of the sword court to check some information, completely rationalize his cultivation, and hope that Master will complete.”

Ling Tianjian ancestors nodded: "Well, I know, this is also easy to handle, as long as the identity of your outer sword king is finalized, you become one of the powerful ancestors of the sword school, plus you have a thousand miles in the desert The feat, your contribution, is enough for you to pack most of the swords."

Sun Hao was overjoyed: "Thank you Master."

Ling Tianjianzu said with a smile: "I can receive a disciple like you. It is not the blessing of my swordsmanship. It is not the luck of my Lingtian. You don't have to be so cautious. Now, you play with me, then I will accompany you to play a play, it is a matter of course, send you to the right place to practice your killing swords, we can do so, like this..."

Ling Tianjian ancestor sang in the ear of Sun Hao.

After half a ring, Sun Hao said softly: "Master, this is not good?"

Ling Tianjian Zu Xiao smiled: "Nothing is bad, I want to see their eyesight, plus add some fun to them. Whoever makes the two guys have nothing to trouble me, not all of them are not comfortable!"

Sun Hao...

Ling Tian Jianzu finished, his face is a positive: "You really chose to condense and kill the sword, take the road of peerlessness? You must know that the place, if you don't go back for more than a hundred years, and absolutely kill you softly."

Sun Hao "Hmm" said: "I am determined, but Master, what kind of virtual field do you say, can you elaborate?" (To be continued~^~)

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