Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1462: See also the lone wolf

A milky white brilliance, from Xiaoqing, quickly rushed into the body of Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue bursts into the light of the sun, and the sword is one, and he rushes to the ground without fear.

Above the boulder, the huge axe in the hands of the scorpion is tight.

Lin Hai lived in an instant, and the sound of the waves was great.


The huge impact sounds, and the muddy rocks on the open space swelled in the sky, and the blood red axe blade and the strong sun glare were intertwined into a ball.

~▽万~▽书~▽吧,ww♂w.w□anshu→ba.c∨om issued a series of crit.

Above the boulder, the brows screamed fiercely, and the mouth was violent: "Little girl, you dare."

The giant axe swayed gently, and the axe blade rushed out and slammed directly into the battlefield.

Xiaoqing shouted: "Despicable."

Pretty, laughing and laughing, I am preparing to refute, and suddenly it is a violent voice: "Who..."

With a bang, the pretty axe blade was not close to the battlefield. A branch flew right enough to hit the blade directly and smash it into the air.

Quite stunned and stood up.

Quite sullenly, squatting back and forth, his forehead was in the middle, and suddenly Ji Ji Xue's white flying sword, silk blood running down his tall nose, and gradually flowed down.

The board axe on the ground, slammed his hands and grabbed the axe, trying to stand up straight, trying hard to make two, a bang, overwhelmed the axe, and fell to the ground, the eyes disappeared.

Very sly eyes, staring at Lin Hai, snoring: "Who? Dare to dare to break this good thing!"

Lin Haitao Tao, the wind swelled, the leaves were like a wave of waves, a bright green light, the monk who could not see the face was slowly lifted up by the leaves, and the hoarse voice echoed on the spot: "I haven't seen it for a long time. The barbarian is still not growing up. As a great warrior, I actually shot the disciples of the younger generation. I am really sorry for you."

Quite a few times, the body trembled a little, and the mouth almost said a word: "Border, wild, lonely, wolf."

Sun Hao ignored him, looked at a few companions, and erected a thumbs and said: "For a long time no see, you are more beautiful, and the strength is also high, actually killing the arrogant barbarian first warrior again, you have to... ”

Among the four, Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing looked at each other and saw the unbelievable eyes in each other's eyes. There was also a deep congratulation. Ji Yuliu looked at Sun Hao with a double eye, as if to see the flowers. Come.

Only Ji Wei, slammed his slap, and said softly: "Oh, lonely wolf, you are not dead, but it has become so powerful, admire."

Sun Hao shrugged: "This wolf is very healthy, you have to retreat first, let me cook these inconvenient guys, let's talk about the old."

Quite a scream: "Where to go, give me a die."

Jumping up, the huge axe slashed to Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing.

The sound of the air in the air, the strong winds, the barbarian warriors on the ground, the unstable body, and the huge body was even overturned on the ground.

The giant axe instantly became bigger in the air, and it covered the sky and pressed down.

Equivalent to the swordsman's axe crit, Ji Ruxue and others have no possibility of picking up.

Sun Hao's body swayed slightly, and Lin Hai was like a moment to live. He screamed, Lin Tao made a big splash, and thousands of leaves turned into a cloud, flying in the air, blocking in front of the pretty axe.

At the same time, the root vines smashed out from the forest, like a snake entangled in the middle of the sky.

There are also some vines that are extremely entangled in Ji Ruxue and drag them back into the wild forest.

In the sky, the huge axe of the savage smashed on the leaves and clouds.

The leaves are flying and the clouds are splashed.

However, the power of the giant axe was wiped out, and as soon as the speed dropped, he could only watch as Ji Ruxue was dragged into the wild forest.

The wrath of the giant axe, rubbing a few times, cutting off the roots of the vines, the axe swirled, blowing away the leaves, standing on the ground, the giant axe pointed to Sun Hao: "Boy, you will die today."

Qingguang around the body, Sun Hao said coldly: "The brave warrior, if you leave now, I am not for myself, you can let you go, but if you don't know how to be good, dare to hand the claws again, today's scene So the barbarian warrior, one does not stay, you count yourself."

Jijiabao has changed. If the savage is retreating at this time, Sun Hao will not really be too true with him. However, it is obvious that he does not want to be willing to give up. Therefore, there is only a quick fix and a quick return to Jijiabao. .

Quite a slight sigh: "Beat yawn, a big tone, the ancient iron battle body, but also dare to put a big word, see the ax."

The giant axe swung one hand and the ground slightly slammed, rushing forward a few steps, huge steps, slamming the ground, shaking like an earthquake, the right hand axe spinning, being violently violent Throw it out, flying in the air, Sun Hao.

The barbarian fights, the violent savage moves, and the recruiting force is heavy, and it looks even more powerful.

Under the huge axe, Sun Hao above the leaves is very small.

Ji Yun could not help but scream: "Be careful, lonely wolf."

Sun Hao snorted: "You are obsessed, come out, agarwood."

With a heart and soul, Shen Xiangjian appeared on the top of his head. A beautiful arc crossed, and the air was gently stroked. The mountain leaves rose with the sword, like a wave, flocking to the giant axe.

Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing saw Shen Xiangjian, and they couldn't help but exchange their eyes, and they showed a flowery smile on their faces.

This guy is finally revealed.

A giant axe that rotates at high speed.

A huge axe.

It seems to be a large piece of wood that rushed into the waves. After rushing in for a while, it couldn’t be moved. Involuntarily, it was rolled up by the forest, and it crashed into the forest and fell back.

Quite slyly and poutingly: "At this level, I dare to speak out and give me a break."

Stepping into the sky, I jumped up and slammed into the huge waves of the leaves. The big hand stretched and the axe flew back.

With a bang, the huge waves that Shen Xiangjian picked up were smashed and smashed, and the leaves were scattered and flew away.

I couldn’t stand the impact of myself. I was thinking so much in my heart, but I suddenly realized that the leaves that I had knocked on were turned into a stalked sword and killed down.

Pretty in my heart, the darkness is bad, and I am screaming loudly: "Be careful."

Below, the barbarian warrior reacted slowly and erected the axe, forming an axe wall, trying to defend against the leaf sword.

Hey, a series of crit sounds, the details of the leaves hit the axe wall, the axe wall seems to be unable to withstand, and gradually back backwards.

But finally it was prevented, and the axe wall could not be completely destroyed.

The savage and barbarian warriors were slightly sloppy, and the blue streamer flashed through the axe wall.


A series of sounds like the punctured leather sounded, and the axe wall collapsed.

After the axe wall, the nine barbarian warriors helped each other with a look of horror in their eyes. Their foreheads were in the middle, and there was a huge blood hole running through them, and blood rushed out.

After a few squats, the nine warriors ~ ~ East fell to the West, and fell in front of the boulder, but with the savage brothers, sleep in the wilderness.

Pretty stunned.

Looking up at Sun Hao, his eyes are full of anger and hatred.

Shen Xiangjian swung in the air and returned to Sun Hao's side. He floated silently. Sun Hao reached out and gently touched the agarwood. His mouth faintly said: "The brave warrior, this sword is agar, today, under this sword, will There are a few more souls, but this is caused by the ignorance of the Great Warrior."

The awkward axe slowly lifted up, and the whole body kept rising. The mouth snorted and said: "Today, under my giant axe, I have to add a few more souls."

Sun Hao and the arrogant impetus, Shen Xiangjian and the giant axe are far away.

At this time, Ji Wei suddenly smashed Xiaoqing and said softly: "Small sister, you found no, the sword of the lone wolf, Imagine the shape of the ugly sword that you said in your mouth!"

Xiaoqing rolled his eyes and said, "It’s not like, but it is simply, the mouth said: "Yeah, I am also wondering, how can the young lady’s sword go to the lone wolf?"

"Maybe it is stolen? Unlike, oh, I know, Xiaoqing sister, maybe the lone wolf and the snow boss are private for life, yes, it must be like this..." Ji Wei seems to suddenly realize.


Ji Ruxue...

The air banged, the violent violent scent of the axe and the agarwood sword slammed together like a sea-like sword, and made a loud noise.

Lin Haitao's masterpiece, among the green leaves, seems to be a real blue wave, a wave and a wave, with the Shenxiang sword, rushed forward.

The tall and tall body, like an island in the sea, finally can not stop the rising tide, buried in the sea.

A few women had too many reactions to repair, and they heard the ridiculous wolf and said: "The brave warrior, all the way to go..." (to be continued.)

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