Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1447: Outside the sword king (1)

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Strictly speaking, if it is a normal period, how is Sun Hao going through the sea to the desert, it will be severely inquired and inquired.

After all, this is too strange.

But now everyone is very busy, especially the monks above Jianjun, but also need to fight the high-order big wild animals, basically every day there is a fierce battle.

After Liu Dajun was called away, he directly participated in a siege, a battle, and played for two days and two nights. He finally picked up the wild beast, and Sun Hao’s business had long since forgotten.

In this way, Sun Hao temporarily entered the combat squad of the inner door disciple He Kuan to defend a section of the city wall.

He Kuan is still quite good for Sun Hao. Arranging Sun Hao to be a logistics team, he did not let Sun Hao defend the city wall.

One is that Sun Hao is only a foreign disciple. He should have not practiced the sword array. He does not necessarily get along with everyone. Secondly, the strength of the foreign disciples is too weak. They can only help the little ones, but they can't be the main force.

Sun Haogang went to Ba Di, but he was not familiar with the situation, and the situation in front of him was still stable. He stayed on the wall safely. When he observed it carefully, he waited for an opportunity.

Fierce battles are staged outside the desert every day.

Sun Hao’s main responsibility has become to help the statistical work, to clean up the resources of the wild animals and report them in time, diligent and diligent, very serious, and the task is in place.

After more than ten days in a row, after Sun Hao observed, the wild animals in the wild sea were divided into four types.

An ordinary wild animal, a variety of marine fish, all kinds of amphibious and ridiculous wild animals have, the strength is not strong, but after the ruined, the ants are more likely to bite the dead, and must be cleaned up in time.

This is also the focus of the He Kuan squad defense and killing.

Every time, when the number of ordinary wild animals accumulated outside the city wall exceeds a certain number, He Kuan will lead the team to launch an attack, and clean up some of the unique cultivation resources.

Because there is no need to go out, it is only necessary to launch a sword attack within the array. Therefore, it is relatively safe. In a few days, the He Kuan team encountered this kind of attack.

A wild animal can be called a high-grade wild beast, or an elite wild beast. He has encountered such a defensive surface on the adjacent side. He will be much larger than the ordinary wild beast, and his skin is thick and thick. The ability to fight is very strong. The five inner disciples on the defensive side have been fighting for two days and two nights. This is the help of the city wall to help the high-level wild animals fall into the sea.

Of course, the difficulty corresponding to the killing is that the harvest after the killing will increase greatly. After the five inner disciples risked dragging back to the senior wild beast, there was a burst of cheers. Obviously, the harvest was good. On the face of the five inner disciples, even the expression of silky envy was revealed.

A wilderness beast that is more powerful than a high-end wild beast. Sun Hao calls it a "king-level" wild beast. This wild animal exceeds the limit of the defense of the monk squad like He Kuan. Every time there is a head, it must be alarmed by Jin Dan or even a sword. Jun came to kill.

Moreover, the king-level wild beast has already formed a deterrent against the protection of the wilderness. Sometimes it will forcibly tear open the big array, form a breach, and threaten the monks inside.

Once confronted with a king-level wild beast, a defensive team like He Kuan is quite dangerous.

They need to assist Jin Dan or Jian Jun defense.

Other wild animals that need to help clear the breakouts, if they are not careful, may be overwhelmed by a large number of wild animals.

The last kind of wild animal is the wild animal lying in the wild sea and screaming, and Sun Hao called it the "emperor"-level wild beast. He listened to the pessimistic remarks of He Guang and looked at the tension over the desert. The atmosphere, Sun Hao speculation, once the big guy is launched, maybe the desert will encounter the disaster.

At that time, it is estimated that only Jin Dan and Jian Jian will have some chances of surviving.

In the dialogue between He Kuan and others, Sun Hao also learned that there is a sword king guarding the desert, but the sword king is just the ordinary sword king who has just risen, far less than the sword pie. The top ten sword kings are so powerful, and it is estimated that there is only a share of escape to the upper-level kingdom.

As for the ruined array, can you prevent it? Sun Hao looks at the tall body of the wild beast, which is much more majestic than the wilderness. He can only shake his head and sigh. The huge body is pressed down, and the defense of the desert is estimated. It can't resist it.

At this time, Sun Hao also produced the same hopes for most sword repairs. I hope that after the big guy wakes up, he will leave directly, and don’t do it casually, or else he will only be desperate.

The arrival of Sun Hao has brought some changes to the He Kuan team.

Half a month, the team came to the statistics and division of the cultivation resources. At this time, the problem came.

The five-person squad has one more grandson, and does not give resources to Sun Hao.

When He Kuan asked for their opinions, the two younger disciples, He Lin and Fu Liantang, said that they could divide a little, but the two older swordsmen did not agree, and Lida and Liao Baoba expressed their grandchildren. Hao is completely dragging the oil bottle, without any contribution, Sun Hao doing those things, they can do it when they are free.

Sun Hao is actually not very concerned about the harvest of ordinary wild animal resources.

On Kaimao Island, at least 80% of the golden spears that Sun Hao has destroyed have reached the elite level. Sun Hao’s harvest is really not comparable to those of ordinary wild animals.

So from the beginning to the end, Sun Hao was calmly faced and did not express any opinions. Moreover, Sun Hao did not have any prejudice against the two older Jianpai disciples. They should be the kind of real mature, knowing that resources are hard to come by. Swordsman.

Their reason may be the rule that the monk world really must follow.

He is the captain and has the strongest strength. He occupies 40% of all the harvests. At this time, he saw that the two elderly monks did not agree. He did not say much, and he divided the harvest under his name into a semi-finished .

Sun Hao accepted it with a smile.

After getting this small problem, the team's defense returned to normal again.

However, on the twentieth day, Sun Hao, who was dealing with wild animal resources, couldn’t help but move his ear and turned to look outside the city wall.

After a few glances, Sun Hao’s eyes flashed in different colors, shook his head, and kept moving, and continued to pack up his resources.

At this time, the wild beasts outside the big array once again accumulated to a certain extent, and He Kuan shouted: "Architecture, preparation, and attack with me..."

Five inner disciples, Qi Qizheng, infused the real yuan into the big array. At the same time, the sword tip shot the blade and rushed out.

Sun Hao eagerly packed up the resources in his hands, and naturally walked up the wall and began to watch from afar.

Hey, the wild beasts outside are attacked, like the dumplings, which are not falling deep into the sea. More wild animals are instantly devastated and swallowed up the killed companions.

The situation seemed to be all right, but when He Kuan slammed a blade and hit a sea beast in the shape of a otter, the body of the sea trembled slightly, and the sword of He Kuan was bounced off, and he was fiercely opposed to He Kuan. Rubbing your mouth.

He Kuan gave a slight glimpse, and his face showed a surprise. He shouted: "This is a gold ridiculous. Be careful not to tear him apart. Let's cheer and get it down."

The morale of the squad was greatly enhanced. Under the organization of He Kuan, the gold elites and beasts of the outside were under siege.

For three days, the gold ridiculous finally fell in the whine.

He Kuan shouted, He Lin, fast, drag it back.

He Lin’s hands spurred, and the identity token quickly swept through the protective array and flew down the sea under the wall.

Still not falling, he heard someone around him say, "He brother, I will help you."

Turning around and seeing a smiling Sun Hao.

Above, He Kuan said loudly: "Sun Hao, what are you doing? If you forget, come on, don't be surrounded by the wild animals behind."

The value of gold is ridiculous, and the face of the monk on the side of the defensive side reveals an envious look.

He Lin smiled at Sun Hao, and in front of the flying sword stretched out from the golden ridiculous eye sockets, raising his hand and lifting it up. The gold was ridiculous and flew out above the city wall.

But when He Lin picked up the gold, a touch of golden flashed quickly, flying from the golden ridiculous, and biting lightning to He Lin's neck.

He Kuan exclaimed: "Why are you careful..."

He Lin at this time Feijian is still rising, where to get the reaction, it will be bitten by the sudden wild animal.

Beside him, a flying sword is not very fast, but it just happened to appear in front of He Lin.

A slamming, flying yellow phantom, just hit the flying sword that suddenly came across.

Sun Hao’s astonished voice passed from the earless He Lin’s ear: “He’s brother’s speed, I’ve just got out of the sword, you’ve already picked it up, hey, what is this? How did it hit it? Above my flying sword?"

He Lin stayed for a while.

Above, He Kuan has shouted loudly: "Come up, come up, fast..." (to be continued.)

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