Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1420: Real strength (6)


The second volume of Jinghua Shen Xiang Chuan the first four chapters of the true strength (six)

One move killed five swordsmen and three barbarian warriors.

Is this the real strength of the wilderness wolf?

Inside and outside the battlefield, it was quiet and quiet. Even if the wilderness wolf spit blood and claimed that he was seriously injured, everyone felt that it might not be credible.

The momentum of the wild and lonely wolves is still strong, and the fighting spirit that emerges from them is still high.

Moreover, after killing so many monks, he still stood proudly on the spot, without any plans to escape.

Jiang Fuzhen and the savage sky are as dark as water.

This time the loss is so big, in any case, both of them are losing face and losing their reputation. Whether they can stop the lone wolf, the days of the two will not be too good.

What makes them even more uncomfortable is that at the moment, the lonely wolf is still like a strong boulder, blocking them in front of them and letting them ride the tiger.

At this point, if the wilderness wolf is a breakout, to be honest, they have no intention of stopping.

But the ridiculous wolf is not going to die, the meaning of death in the end.

Looking at the savage sky, Jiang Fujun said slowly: "It’s quite awkward, you lead the aristocratic warrior to retreat a bit, don’t let him borrow, and let my sword disciples teach him the trick.”

I don't know the extent to which the magical movement of the lone wolf can be applied to it, and it can be applied several times. The best way is to not let him borrow.

On the high platform, next to the hunting sky, the monk's face is sinking like water, and other monks are chilling.

One-time loss of seven named disciples who have been trained for many years, almost lost one-third of the participants in the hunting disciples, the loss is a bit beyond the psychological tolerance of many monks.

Of course, it is beyond the routine of hunting in the wild.

This time, the wilderness hunting was unusual, but the situation was unusual, but I did not expect that the biggest change occurred at the last moment.

There is no doubt that the disciples have become hunting targets for the wild and lonely wolves.

But so far, all the actions of the ridiculous wolf are within the rules. As long as the monks do not speak, they cannot force intervention.

Barbarian days slowly retreat with the barbarian warriors, and far away, the formation of the surrounding wild wolves.

The disciples of the swordsmen took up their courage and took another battle to launch an offensive against Sun Hao.

In the sound of Jiang Fu's screaming, he pulled the sword array and issued a huge sword. The sky flashed and he stabbed straight to Sun Hao.

However, Sun Hao’s move immediately scared Jiang Fu’s big jump.

In the same way, Sun Hao’s right hand was a slow move, and he accurately wrapped the sword into his own circle and pushed it outward.

Tianjian flew quickly and killed the swordsmanship hosted by Jiang Fuzhen.

Jiang Fu, who had been prepared, reacted in time to lead the disciples to quickly evacuate and avoid the sword.

But before the sword-study disciples completely stabilized their positions, on the ground, Sun Hao’s wrist turned over and a long bow appeared in his hand.

Hey, three times in a row.

Above the sky, a sword-skilled disciple who is escaping from Tianjian has no time to dodge. The abdomen has a forehead and is pierced by a sharp arrow.

Even if there was no time to scream, the disciple disciples fell down and fell on the spot.

Sun Hao’s long bow in his hand turned to another Ling Tianjian disciple.

Jiang Fu screamed: "Be careful."

The power of the sword array quickly stopped in front of this disciple.

Watching the warriors, watching the fallen disciples of Ling Tianjian, sucking a cold breath.

In the front, the Lone Wolf has been exerting strength. Although it has killed a large number of disciples and barbarian warriors, it is necessary to borrow the power of others to do things.

But now it is different, the longbow is in the hand, and the savage wolf shot the disciples as a shooting bird.

Just after the disciples had no chance to resist, they were directly shot on the spot. The other swordsmen’s disciples were even more earthy at this time. They were careful and dare not care. The nervous look on their faces can be seen. At the time of the ridiculous wolf, they were frightened.

Sun Hao holds the spirit bow and slowly points to another disciple.

The disciple suddenly looked like a earthy face, his body was shining, and the sword was standing on his chest.

Sun Hao laughed and shook his long bow. He also pointed to a goal. The newly-argued disciple disciple saw Sun Hao shifting his target. He was so determined that he couldn’t help but pat his chest and feel awkward.

The accused disciple was nervous immediately.

Jiang Fu blinked his eyes and was about to organize a sword array. He saw that the lone wolf had a squint and the longbow pointed at himself. He was shocked and involuntarily also a flying sword, which prevented his own positive.

If you can't prevent it, the three arrows that shot the disciples of the swordsman, Jiang Fuzhen may not really be able to withstand it.

Sun Hao laughed and laughed and screamed: "Look at the arrow..."

Jiang Fu was shocked, and the swordsman took a lead and laid a sword in front of him to form a wall of light.

"蹦蹦蹦", three consecutive sounds, Jiang Fu was shocked, and quickly retraced.

But the accident is that the light wall in front of you is not damaged.

On the other side, surrounded by Sun Hao, a barbarian warrior armed with axe, was widening his eyes, showing an incredulous look, and his body slowly slipped down the axe.

On the huge body, the forehead, heart and abdomen still have three arrows feathers deep in the flesh.

The sound of violent anger was passed over: "Lone Wolf..."

Sun Hao turned slightly, and the longbow pointed to the sky.

The huge body that was rushed by Sun Hao was very flexible, and the huge axe stood in front of his body. His mouth was still violent: "Lone Wolf..."

Sun Hao whispered softly: "Hey, what is your advice?"

Quite awkwardly said: "We have not attacked, how do you want to shoot me barbarians?"

Sun Hao raised his head and laughed: "Since the beginning of the wild hunting, your barbarian warriors and Ling Tianjian sent slaughter of other tribes or my side of the ancient warriors like slaughter pigs and dogs. Have they ever attacked you?"

In the voice, the hands are hard, the longbow is pointing at the sky, and Sun Hao said: "I saw with my own eyes that you a barbarian warrior, when my human race monk escaped, he still chased more than 30 miles like a mad dog. I have taken away more than a dozen lives. Now, I will ask them a statement. Do you think so?"

"Oh..." a series of bowstrings sounded.

I don't know what direction Sun Hao shot in. Jiang Fuxi didn't dare to care about it. He pulled the sword array again and sprinkled a light wall in front of the sword array.

Quite a slap in the air: "Everyone retreat..."

Standing behind Sun Hao, the barbarian warrior with a slightly relaxed attitude, suddenly felt only a pain in his head, his heart was cold, and there was too much thought, and he rushed forward to the ground and was shot on the spot.

In the hunting area, watching the monks and warriors in the center battlefield, I saw that Sun Hao once again made a big splash, and shot a fierce barbarian warrior with great strength, and cheered loudly.

The battle at this time is already clear.

A lonely wolf, a barbarian warrior and a sword disciple.

And the strength is extremely incomparable to occupy the absolute superiority, but now the family warriors who remain in the core area, the small tribal barbarian warriors are also good, there is no need to cover up, you can show up and watch the show.

Just after Sun Hao’s remarks, it has aroused the resonance of many people and won the support of many people. The cheers naturally rise to the sky.

Actually, he was shot and killed by a companion. The barbarian warriors were terrified.

Undoubtedly, the bow and arrow in the hands of the lone wolf have unparalleled penetrating power. The barbarian barbarian defensive technique can't resist it at all. With the huge body shape of the barbarian, there is no doubt that it will become a huge living target.

Don't be obsessed with it, the barbarian warriors have made birds and beasts and fled.

Somewhat smart For example, it is quite awkward, but it is also careful to guard against Sun Hao while fleeing directly to the direction of his own axe battle flag.

Sun Hao stood on the spot and raised the longbow in his hand and opened the bowstring.

Just did not wait for Sun Hao to shoot the bow and arrow in his hand, above the sky, the sound of the thundering sound: "The junior, just enough..."

A huge slap came out from the sky and a cover to Sun Hao.

Almost at the same time, another clear voice sounded: "It’s quite awkward, you and I are rushing to hunt, but it’s not compliant..."

A long sword flew out and hit the giant palm of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s heart was awkward, hehe, Zhang Gong shot a series of arrows again.

With a bang, another escaped barbarian warrior was shot on the spot.

The most dense arrows rushed to the barbarian first warrior like a raindrop. (To be continued.)

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