Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1397: Warriors come forth

In fact, Master Ji Jia, as long as he knows a few warriors who are ranked as warriors, he is not optimistic about Ji Shan. Even most monks do not remember who the No. 32 Warrior is, because it is ranked thirty-two. It means that the strength is really unreasonable, more than 80% of the object of elimination.

The Warriors rank, seemingly irregular, but for a long time, the warriors in some positions are still somewhat regular.

Usually, the first appearance, the last one is a very strong two warriors, and among them, every integer, that is, the tenth, the twentieth, the thirtieth... and so on The warriors who appeared were strong players.

And after the integer, it is relatively weak, after buffering the mood of the viewer, such as 31, and then, is the real weakest group of warriors, such as ranked third, twelfth, The twenty-second and thirty-second warriors, these people, are usually the existence of the bottom of the entire warrior.

Just happened, Sun Hao is one of them.

It is not optimistic, and the default object of elimination is in line with the strength of Sun Hao itself.

If Sun Hao is the last, it is not surprising.

In front, Ji Zhong is already preparing, his hands are firmly gripped, his face is red, and he tries to use the weight a little, and the big trip does not move.

The ceremonies, Qi Qi held their breath and stared at Ji Zhong.

When the horse stepped, the hair flew backwards, and there was a violent sigh in the mouth: "Let the mountains and the winds come to the world, see me Ji Jiu Ding, hehe..."

As soon as the momentum rose, it seemed to have a flash of light. The muscles of the arms were raised and drummed into small packets. The giant dings and the nine stone lions inside were slammed and lifted.

The top of the right shoulder was at the bottom of the giant Ding, and his face was red, but the horse quickly stood up, and Ji Zhong stood majesticly on the stage.

Once again, I screamed: "Hey."

With both arms in the air, one step up, Ji Zhong steadily lifted the giant tripod from the shoulder, his body was slightly sunken, his legs were slightly bent, as if he had withstood tremendous pressure, a little setback, but eventually slowly straightened again. stand up.

Arms like a mountain, steady standing.

After the twenty interest, Ji Liao screamed: "Well, pass, the power of the nine elephants, congratulations to Ji Zhong, two years of hard work, successfully obtained the strength of the A class of soldiers..."

Ji heavy arms pushed forward, and the giant tripod pushed away.

With his arms up, he ran around in the field and shouted: "Ah, ah..."

The viewers were instantly mobilized with passion and cheered.

Even Jiang’s and his family’s monks and monks also took a slap in the palm of their hand. The warrior is the backbone of a family. The first warrior of the Ji family can have this performance. It is indeed commendable.

It can also be seen that the overall strength of the Ji family is indeed not weak.

Uncle Shu gently waved his hand, and the giant ding that was thrown out by Ji Ji slowly landed, and whispered in his mouth, "Small tidal red, still give it?"

I admire the uncle's ability, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, and Ji Zhong shook his head slightly and said: "The power of the nine elephants is the limit of the small weight, not the third time."

Uncle Wu nodded slightly and said loudly on the high platform: "There is a second warrior, Ji Yun."

Another warrior was shocked and jumped out of the high platform and began to lift.

The first performance is so good, and the second performance is naturally not too weak.

He raised five lions and two tigers, which is the strength of the five elephants and two tigers.

The enthusiasm of the viewers was slightly reduced, but they also received warm applause.

The third warrior, Ji Yuliu, was actually a female warrior. Her strength was a little worse. She only raised one stone lion and two stone tigers, which is like the power of two tigers.

The double elephant is the soldier of C. The four elephants above are the soldiers of the B. The nine elephants are the soldiers of the first class. The female warrior barely obtained the qualification of the ordinary strength fighter. If the other aspects are not good enough, the result is It will definitely be eliminated.

Ji Yuliu’s face was as usual, and he slowly withdrew from the military field.

Because she is a female warrior, and her face is not bad, she still got some applause.

The strength test continues.

The result is really unable to escape the old law, the strength of the fourth to ninth is considered a mid-range, relatively average, two of the six, once again rushed into the category of B soldiers, there are two people, etc., there are still two It is an ordinary power warrior.

The tenth warrior once again set off a small one. He raised the eight lions and three tigers, and the eight elephants and three tigers won the applause. Although he is still only a B-power warrior, it is very close. A class soldier, performed well.

After watching the performance of the ten warriors, Sun Hao gradually calmed down.

From the current point of view, Sun Hao has already summed it up very clearly, and he should be able to lift his image.

The strength of Sun Hao's peacetime is the power of nine cows and two tigers. It is close to the edge of the elephant. Ji Jiaju Ding can use some means. Ji Zhong and several monks have a flash of light when they are in the throne. Ji Zhong also With the help of the shoulders.

In other words, Sun Hao can borrow the Sun masculine blessing, then, the weight should be raised between the two elephants, but it will not bottom.

Play well, but also hold down three or five ordinary fighters. Of course, this achievement is not competitive. I basically have no hope of becoming a Jijia warrior. Unless most of the previous thirty warriors voluntarily withdraw, it is basically impossible.

The strength test continues.

Twelve is really weak, and the twentieth is picking up a small one, reaching more than eight elephants.

Twenty-two is very weak, and Sun Hao has discovered an object that may be surpassed.

When Sun Hao didn't know, the twenty-two people still waited for him to make the bottom of the thirty-two.

The 30th is another special warrior specially arranged by the Ji family. Under normal circumstances, his strength is also at the peak of the B soldiers, but he will be weaker than Ji. After all, each time recruiting soldiers, a force fighter It is quite rare. It will be very rare to have one in the first phase. In this issue, there are two seedlings that have made Ji Jiamei smile.

But perhaps the family of Ji received the variegated Fuqin grass, or the family's qisheng prosperity is coming. The 30th warrior, Ji Yun, a seemingly weak wind, the female warrior of the 28th year, is using her tough The performance of the extreme, the audience was stunned.

When she stood lightly in front of Uncle Shu, and after the coincidence of the ceremony, the first sentence she said, she scared her uncle.

Bite lightly, Ji Xiao said with a light smile: "Uncle Shu, one tripod and one dragon."

Uncle Shu did not understand, could not help but ask: "One trip and one dragon?"

Don't look at the three rows of stone carvings in the martial arts field. In fact, the last row, the dragon eagle, is basically a display. The Ji family has been around for fifty years, and there is no big warrior to challenge the dragon eagle.

The dragon sculpture symbolizes the power of a dragon.

Follow-up is completely two concepts.

Uncle Yu really didn't respond.

Ji Wei had a little head and said with a chuckle: "Well, one dragon and one dragon."

Uncle Wu suddenly realized that he had a bright smile on Ji Yun and said loudly: "Ji Yu, challenge one dragon and one dragon..."

The viewing area briefly calmed down Then, the voice of the cricket was like a mosquito, and it sounded on the field. Many people didn't understand what it was, and asked.

The Jiang family, who had been holding a teacup and drinking tea slowly, suddenly stunned and his face showed an incredible expression.

Ji Jiaran has a special strength fighter who challenges Longli?

The emergence of the special power warrior means that in the future, the Ji family will inevitably have a powerful martial arts that can ride the battlefield, and it is very likely that it will eventually enter the martial arts of the practice road.

It is difficult for Wu Xiu to enter the practice road, but once he stepped in, the combat power is good.

Without paying attention to it, the monks of Jiang and the monks of the family could not look at each other.

Only the monk of the Lin family said to the emperor Ji Jia, who was accompanying him, "Yu brother, Ji family has developed very well in the past two years..."

Yu brother has not spoken yet. Under the martial arts field, Ji Wei has extended his right hand and gently grasped the foot of Ju Ding. He tried the weight, and his face smiled with a smile on his face. ..."

Huge, a big trip that was bigger than her, was pinched by her little hand, and it was easy to lift her head with one hand, as if holding a paper trip, she was not very laborious, very casual, In the direction of the ceremony, nodded.

Yu brother stayed for a while and smiled and said to the Lin Family monk: "After the prize, the prize is less, but it makes Lin brother laugh..."

Ji Liao announced loudly: "The power of one dragon, beyond the level of A, won the qualification of special strength fighters." (To be continued ~ ^ ~) (Zhangzhou Chinese Taiwan) "Nine Refining Guixian" only represents the author's point of view, such as If the content is found to be inconsistent with the laws of the country, please report it, we will delete it immediately, and the position is committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. [Actively cooperate with the "Special Action against Internet Obscenity and Pornographic Information\" Please ask the book friends to report! Thank you! 】

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