Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1387: Consciousness awakening

There is always something in my heart.

I always feel at ease in my heart.

Ji Ruxue has never felt like this five-hearted feeling. She carefully examined her heart. She found that she still remembers the strange ugly sword and has a feeling of eager to see the ugly sword.

It seems to be the feeling that my lover is about to leave. Although she has not experienced her feelings until now, she can’t even look at the great man in the wild, but now she has this strange thing. Can't tell the feeling of unclear.

At the end of the summary meeting, Ji Ruxue took Man Qing and left: "Qinger, go, let's take the sword back."

Man Qing raised his mouth: "Don't you break a sword? Who is rare?"

At that time, when the two men found the chariot, they opened the door and swept the car, only to find that the car was empty.

Strongly, the loss of the beloved, the feeling of losing the baby that he needs to protect comes to his heart, Ji Ruxue can not help but sit down on the ground, tears flow down.

Man Qingdun panicked: "Snow boss, Xueer sister, don't stop, don't cry, let's go find it, yes, let's find it, the sword is so ugly, the characteristics are clear, and it can't be put into the storage bag. I can definitely get it back..."

Ji Ruxue tears: "Really? Qinger, you help me, the sword is very important to me..."

Man Qing stepped forward and gently hugged Ji Ruxue: "Really, Xiaoxue, you can rest assured, I swear by my sisterhood, I will help you find that broken... Oh no, that flying sword, since Xiaoxue you are so valued This sword, I will treat it well later..."

Ji Ruxue feels a little better: "Thank you, Qinger."

Man Qing patted her shoulder: "Okay, well, you go back to practice first, or else, Laotaijun will come to arrest people, rest assured, give it to me, I will help you find it back..."

Full of love, persuaded Ji Ruxue, Man Qing turned around the chariot a few times, shouted: "Sword and sword, where are you? Xiaoqing, I promised to bring you back, you want If you are really alive, just give me some tips!"

After half a ring, kicking the chariot, Man Qing continued: "I know, you are just a broken sword... Please ask yourself, think about it, think smart, loving Xiaoqing think about it, Who is going to take the sword?"

Slamming a small head, Man Qing said with a sigh: "The clever Xiaoqing thought..."

The wind and the fire ran into a large yard: "Uncle, rolling uncle, you are in trouble..."

A moment of hard work, I got a broken sword from the uncle's mouth, oh no, it was the news of Feijian, Xiaoqing's fart, and turned into the family's big firewood room.

I found the firewood room designated by Ji Han and rushed in.

Looking up at the position mentioned by Ji Jin, Xiao Qing was dumbfounded.

Within the firewood room, it is just as empty.

The broken flying sword actually disappeared again.

The eyeball turned and Xiaoqing shouted: "Someone? Come, who is responsible for the firewood house."

With the call of Xiaoqing, within the Chaifang, a Tsing Yi Xiaoyan slowly stood up.

This little sister is very raw, Xiaoqing can be sure that he saw it for the first time in the family courtyard. However, when he first saw Xiaoyan, Xiaoqing’s heart trembled fiercely. The first feeling was Haojun. The little chores, I did not expect that there is such a best in the firewood room.

Then, Xiaoqing frowned again.

The little cockroaches in front of me seemed to be in a very bad state. It was a bit weak and it was very difficult to stand up. It was quite difficult to stand up. The hands clasped the wooden pillars around them, and the body leaned on the wood to seem to stabilize their body.

Moreover, this little girl seems to have some mental problems.

If it is not an idiot mentally retarded, it is a half dumb.

Looking at myself, I am arrogant, and I haven’t heard what he is saying.

It is also a gesture, but also a mouth type.

Xiaoqing finally understood a bit. This little name was called "Sun Hao", and the others could not communicate at all.

Resist the heart, and compared with Xiaoyan for a long time, several times pointed at the firewood, the sword marks that were thrown by the sword by Ji Hui, and after several times than the strange shape of the flying sword, the little one named Sun Hao I finally figured out my intentions.

I thought about it for a long time.

Sun Hao finally remembered something. Slowly, he took out the broken sword that Xiaoqing had been looking for for a long time from behind, and carefully handed it over.

Xiaoqing took over the broken flying sword with one hand, and his face showed a relief like a relieved weight. He finally found the flying sword that Xiaoxue was worried about.

Nodded to Sun Hao and smiled, Xiaoqing said: "Well, you are very good, help this girl very busy, Xiaoqing is a caring person, you are very uncomfortable now, I have a bones here, You can strengthen the body of the monk, it may be useful to you, you should accept it first."

The opposite Sun Hao should not understand his own words, looking at himself with a blank face.

Shaking his head, Xiaoqing threw his hands and bones and said: "A good rest, if you are in good health, you can practice well. Maybe we can meet in the future..."

After that, I raised the flying sword and quickly retired from the wood house and went to the inner house.

Xiaoxue is anxious about this sword, and he will bring it back as soon as possible.

Sun Hao took advantage of the bones and bones, and looked at the medicinal herbs in a thoughtful way. After thinking about it, after a little hesitation, he threw the bones and bones into his mouth.

Outside the house, Xiaoqing has not yet gone far. Sun Hao’s body has slowly squatted on the ground, flashing through the white brilliance of nothing, silently, like the air, disappearing in place.

Xiao Qing, who was struggling, felt his hands sinking, and he couldn’t help but be surprised to see the strange flying sword in his hand: "Hey? How did the sword sink a lot?"

Xiaoqing just felt that the sword in his hand was heavy.

But what she didn't know was that in the flying sword in her hand, a consciousness was gradually waking up.

who am I? I am Sun Hao!

Yes, I am Sun Hao, how can I be here?

How could it be like this?

Where is this place?

A series of problems arise in consciousness.

Gradually, the answer to the question came to my mind.

The consciousness gradually came to understand.

I am Sun Hao, I am flying, this should be the upper bound.

I am now incarnate in the sword...

When consciousness was thinking of this, Xiaoqing stepped into the inner house and shouted: "Snow boss, snow boss, Qinger is fortunate not to insult, and Feijian is looking for you back."

Ji Ruxue’s body flew in, and he took the flying sword from Xiaoqing’s hand and pressed it tightly on his pretty face.

The consciousness inside the flying sword instantly thought: "Who is she? How can there be a faint familiarity? I am flying up? Shouldn’t it be the upper bound? But why isn’t their cultivation so high? Will I also flew to a different world with unknown status..."

The tiredness burst into the air, and the consciousness fell asleep.

Outside, Man Qing found a white satin and said loudly: "Snow boss, this sword has a strong personality. Maybe we can wrap it with silk cloth, then we can tie it to the back, we put it Tied up a little more, maybe someone else would think that this is a good flying sword."

The hand gently stroked the flying sword, and Ji Ruxue flashed a light in his eyes. He glanced at the white silk cloth and said loudly in his mouth: "I suddenly felt that maybe I could invent a special sword to hold the flying sword. ”

Man Qing gave a slight glimpse, reacted, and his eyes were lighted. He clap his hands and said: "Snow boss is wise, good, good. We can make the swords beautiful and generous. People don't know the depth of the flying sword, but the snow boss. You have to pay attention to it. This sword is too personal. You better not take it out casually. Otherwise, if you are seen, you will be ridiculed that my Gusei family can't afford a good sword..."

Ji Ruxue spit out his tongue and smiled. "I know, Qinger, telling you, I can clearly feel that this sword must be unusual..." (To be continued.):

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