Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1379: Palm pressure

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The heart-thinking Wu Xianlang first reacted, kneeling on the ground and shouting loudly: "Congratulations to the Master, He Xi Shi Zun, the genius into the gods, the avenue, the disciples are willing to make a wish, the altar, the ceremony, my teacher Xia Feisheng."

Millions of monks reacted instantly: "Congratulations to the ancestors, He Xi's ancestors, the avenues have success, and the lifts are rising."

Sun Hao smiled lightly and his hands were slightly pressed.

Millions of monks felt an invisible pressure on their face, and they couldn't help but close their cheers. They looked at Sun Ha, who was at high altitude.

Is he really a great power? So powerful.

Above the dome, the smile on Sun Hao's face gradually sank, and the tone was also heavy: "Agarwood promises to suppress the magical millennium, after the millennium, when it flies away, only this millennium has happened. There are so many things that make Shen Xiang feel a little concerned, such as the bones of the bones, not uncomfortable, today, the xià monk is here, and seeing the incense to dispose of some common things, can be regarded as a witness..."

After that, Sun Hao vibrates his arms, and the rushing weather rushes out of him. It seems to have broken through the sky under the sunset, and rushed out to the mainland.

From the bursts of imposing manners, the monks of Xianshan felt great repression, as well as the shocks from the heart, and even the monks in front of them, who could not help but under this momentum, squat down and be willing The top of the court worship.

The tall, three-headed and six-armed giants once again appeared behind Sun Hao.

After a thousand years, the magical law reappears.

This time, the power of the vast world of heaven, Sun Hao took on the great power of the day, and superimposed the power of the magical law.

Huge laws have enveloped the entire continent.

The mainland parties have seen this spectacular giant of heaven and earth almost at the same time.

At the same time, the monks who knew Sun Hao were all quickly recognized. The clear face of the giant is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Many people pay homage.

Many people cheered loudly.

Many people are scared.

Many people are sweating.

Sun Hao’s hands were thrown up.

The giant raised a high object and sang it all over Tianyu: "Xianling is here, and the monk of Xianban is not coming soon."

On the mainland, more than a dozen figures flew up and floated in front of the giants from all directions.

Sun Hao said slowly: "Is it just a few people?"

Zhuang Yi said: "Agarwood adults, five hundred years ago, Tiangong used the Tiangong order as the number, and then set up the Xianban class to deal with mainland affairs. Some Xianban monks, who have been honored by the devil, are independent from the Xianban. out."

Sun Hao said: "Where is Zhao Wei?"

In the sky, a huge cloud of palaces flew out.

Zhao Wei's body is standing on the top of the palace. He laughs and laughs: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, this seat is here, Tiangong is here, what advice, hahaha, you have lived for centuries regardless of the mainland, holding the immortal Ignore the big events in Xianban, I am Zhaoxu devil to be invited by all the friends, and then set up Xianban, but it is to conform to God's will, how? You have opinions?"

Sun Haofa slowly shook his head with a huge head: "If you really conform to God's will, then set up a fairy class, do things for the mainland, Aquilaria has no objection, personal honor has no meaning for Aquilaria..."

Zhao Xiaomo laughed again: "Then you call me out now, what is your intention? It is not that the little raccoon has married me. You are dissatisfied with your heart. Do you want to publicize your hatred? Hahaha, my Tiangong is the mainland co-owner, I am For the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, there is the first field in the mainland to protect each other. I am not afraid of your Sun Hao Sun Aquila’s fighting power, and can you resist me?”

Sun Hao's face is still calm, and his mouth slowly said: "If you really follow God's will, I have nothing to say, I will respect the choice of the little raccoon, but Zhao Wei, you can make a fairy class, but However, it should not break the supply of Wanshen Mountain, let the monks of Xianban be plain and unreasonable, and have more than three hundred years of the soul of the soul..."

Zhao Xiaomo laughed and laughed: "Do you have more than three hundred years? How can I not know? But, even if I know, what about it? It’s just a matter of your soul, with my heavenly palace, what about my fairy class? dry?"

Sun Hao did not follow the question of Zhao Yumo’s theory, but he still said calmly: “You should not destroy the mainland covenant, press the ice and snow palace, and isolate the temple of the Pluto, causing confusion in the mainland...”

Zhao Wei’s konjac smiled and said: “The ice and snow palace, Xia Qingyu does not listen to the order, does not listen to the tone, does not listen to the announcement, should be discarded, the prince of the prince of the princes, the sin of the sins, the reason should be broken... Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, you are the master of the immortal, arbitrarily cheating, handing over the witch, sheltering the magic, my fairy class has not ruled you sin..."

Sun Hao still said calmly: "The magic repairs different demons, and the magic repair is also a part of my human race, but it is the negative energy practice of repairing liàn. The demon invasion, a large number of magical repairs are also in order to clear the magical problem, throwing The skull sprinkles blood, and how many merits have been established. You Zhao Mou is for the sake of one's own enemies, disregarding the humanity's intentions, opening the road to the magic war, and ruining the roots of the human race..."

Zhao Weimo did not wait for Sun Hao to finish his words. He had already spit out a sentence: "Short, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, you didn't see it? The Mozu invasion, how many demons became the devil's spies, how many demons became magic The family camp, my Xianban Daling, Fengming Wang Dian, completely annihilating the mainland magic repair, in order to protect my mainland Lang Lang, not a great cause."

Sun Hao said calmly: "I still only thought that you are a selfish person. Now it seems that you are still a narrow and ignorant generation. Do you think that all the monks of my race are suitable for positive energy repair liàn? Or, you really Do you think that the Mozu is really a disaster? Is it ignorant, the information of the Tiangong, you should read a lot, it seems that you are not only ignorant, but also conceited, people like you can actually act as the master of the Xianban I am very curious, what kind of goods are your fairy classes..."

Zhao Xiaomo’s face showed a green and red look, and he screamed: “Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, Xian Ban thinks that you are not worthy of the imperial order, and quickly hand over the token, or else, my Tiangong will be confessing to Qingyun. Attacking the Southland and completely erasing your Qingyunmen from the mainland."

Sun Hao’s face showed a playful smile: “Attacking Qingyunmen? Zhao Yumo, in the millennium, you seem to have launched two large-scale attacks, but I seem to remember that for the first time, you were stunned by my juniors. Xi pursued killing more than three years, almost fell on the South Ocean; the second time, you were also chased by my Qingyun Xiaolong children for five years, hid in the Tiangong, so far dare not come out, hahaha, really laughed at me. ”

The Qingyunmen monk who also overlooks the sky giant is very weird.

Above the main peak of Qingyun, a young monk was flushed and complained: "Mother, I am a few hundred years old. They are the famous Qingyun Longwang of the mainland. The agarwood ancestors actually called me Qingyun Xiaolong. Child, where do you let me go to this old face?"

When it was heard, a burst of chestnut knocked on his head: "Like your aging mother, I am older, and Aquilaria ancestors can call you a little dragon..."

The young monk suddenly looked like a dish, but he quickly asked in his mouth: "I said that my mother, my **** irresponsible bastard, isn't he?"

When the mother kissed her, she said: "What a mess, you want to come out, you have less nonsense, watch a movie, and see how Xiaohao can get out of this guy who doesn't know how to live."

Xuanyuan Xiaolong smiled and said: "How else? You can only look at it. His Yunxiao Temple is a tortoise shell, and it can't be moved. Otherwise, he will not stand so daringly in front of Shenxiang."

"That's not necessarily oh," said Niang, smiling. "You know, he is the only monk in the world who can call you Xiaolonger..."

Xiao Longer slammed his eyes again.

In the sky, Zhao Hao, who was scared by Sun Hao, turned his face into a pig liver color, and screamed loudly: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, Laozi forced marriage to the little raccoon, oppressed Xia Qingyu, sealed the ghost like a spirit, you can put How am I? Come, come, you bite me..."

Sun Hao slowly shook his head and said softly: "I really don't know how to live and die, thinking that a temple can keep you?"

After saying one of the six arms, slammed into the sky and pressed it over the Yunxiao Temple.

The shadow of the sky is shrouded in a sky.

Zhao Xiaomo’s laughter came from the Heavenly Palace: “Don’t think that the palm of your hand will be invincible. How can you resist me?”

Sun Hao shook his head and said: "Give me down. I will let you change the palace to the Dragon Palace and take a shower."

A huge single palm, press next.

The clouds and the violent earthquake, the white clouds together with the palace, were crushed by the birthplace.

Among them, the voice of Zhao Yumo kept coming out: "Impossible, how is it possible? Damn, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, stop, you stop..."

Sun Hao was not moved, and he continued to press down.

The Temple of Heaven quickly approached the surface of the sea and quickly sank into the sea. (To be continued.)

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