Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1368: Spiritual Mastery (2)

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In the hearts of mortals, surprise and worship.

The method of immortality, the power of the fairy family, and the salvation of the world mean this.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, now want to smash the disaster?

Is he the real fairy power?

In the mind of the monk, while worshiping, it is full of incredible feelings.

As a monk, I have never seen a horse running and I have seen horses grazing. Naturally, I know that even if it is a real power, I can’t do it.

What kind of mastery is this?

It’s hard to describe him as terrible.

It seems that the five minor monks are not so powerful!

Has Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang grown to such a height?

The Mozu monk hesitated in the air, and a head of the skull said: "Do you want to stop drinking and eat fine wine? Then, you will die!"

In the voice of the voice, one of the six palms slammed into the air, and reached out and grabbed it. In the huge palm of his hand, he immediately picked up a large wave of swords and fled, and the emperor was scattered, but no matter what the magic repairs. Flying, can't fly a huge palm, the giant's mouth is a glimpse, the giant palm is a grip, and the magical retreat of thousands of fleeing is directly crushed in the air.

Among them, a few of the masters who have been trained to be high-definition and able to move dòng quickly have not been spared.

Sun Hao’s majestic voice came again: “The last time, huì, who did not enter the palm, died...”

The magic repair was scared, and one of the giant palms had less magic repairs. Quickly, he did not dare to sneak, and the sword rushed into the palm of the law.

The law was held, but they were not pinched, but they were turned around in the air, and they were all transferred to the Sumiyal Air Tower and returned to the field.

The magical repairs in other places saw that Sun Hao was convinced that he did not kill the same person who entered the palm of his hand. He could not help but settle down in the heart, and Yu Jian rushed into the palm of Sun Hao’s palm.

Sun Hao waved his palms in a row, and transferred all the magical weapons that had come up to the field.

The monks of the southern continent, who are fighting against the demons, are not only stunned.

Everyone has been killed and killed for more than ten years. Everyone thinks that it is difficult to do it in a hundred years.

Now it’s good, and for a moment, the Aquila’s giants are stretched out, and the scorpions are stunned and confessed.

The realm of the monks can not be speculated.

The horror of the monks can not be understood properly.

In the desert, Lu Shan stunned and looked at Sun Hao, who stood side by side with himself, muttering: "Who are you?"

Wei Xingbing laughed and said: "I will say how you can recognize Laozi. You are a fake!"

Hao Anyi said in his heart that he was not angry: "You only see it, it is stupid!"

Wei Xingbing’s eyes turned and he quickly said, “You are amazing. Do you know what kind of supernatural power is Aquilaria? Is it so powerful!”

"Who doesn't know?" Hao Anyi said in Wei Xingbing's heart that he said: "Isn't it the magical power of the Fa? Many monks in the last session."

Wei Xingbing did not continue to talk with Hao Anyi, and he said with a big smile: "You friends, the sky is the magical law of the incense and adults. This is a rare thing for even the last monk."

Hao Anyi... The heart said, this guy is really beaten.

Above the desert, Qingyunmen, Qitianzong, and the monks of the five elements of the Mozong, Qi Qizheng shouted, and the voice went straight to the sky: "Agarwood, agarwood, French, French..."

In the high voice, Xiaoyu screamed fiercely: "Small library, small library, why are you? Come back, come back soon..."

Xiaoyuhuaku’s body flew out and flew into Sun Hao’s palm. He turned back and made a face to Xiaoyu Feitian. He vomited a tongue: “I went to see Master, Father, you should not come. ……Damn……"

Dizziness, Xiaoyu Chemical Library once again determined that he had fallen into a huge dark mountain, surrounded by a monk who was overwhelmed.

When Zhen Yuan mentions it, he wants to vacate, but finds that his true yuan has no reaction at all.

The original place was smashed a few times, but the highest was only half a foot high, and all the strength was banned.

My heart sighed that Master was a good means. Xiaoyu Huaku’s eyes turned around and finally saw the high ground. Sun Hao, standing on the top of the Sumiyag tower, waved his arm and shouted loudly. "Master, Master, I am a small library, the small library is here..."

Sun Hao is busy, and he is feeling the power of the heavens and the earth when he is promoted. With the power of the airpower that Wang Yuan has given him, he can eliminate the disaster in the South China, but he has no time to take care of the Xiaoyu Chemical Library. Since this kid is indifferent to life, Going back to the field, then dry cuì let him enjoy shòu.

As if he did not hear it, Sun Hao still kept reaching out to the parties in the South China, grabbed a batch of magic repairs, and placed them on the Yixian Mountain.

Fortunately, the Xianshan is big enough, or else it can't be installed so much.

Sun Hao's display of the world's magical powers has become the most dà wonders of the South China continent for thousands of years. The monks of the Mozus were shocked by Sun Hao, and they walked into the giant palms and were imprisoned.

And more Terran monks, more mortals, look up to the sky and look up to the one.

A large number of mortals fell to the ground and worshipped.

A large number of monks also fell to the ground and cheered loudly.

Above the South Sea, Yi Lu lights take the lead, all the monks of the Shen Xiang Bing regiment are in the air, vibrating the sword in their hands, shouting: "Agarwood, agarwood..."

Qingyunmen, all the monks are full of blood, tides, and shouting for their ancestors.

Among the clouds and purple smoke, there is a happy light, and the face is filled with beautiful looks. The mouth whispers: "Xiaohao, have you become the first person in the mainland?"

In the city of Jinghua, the monks and mortals are carrying a heavy incense and shouting: "Agarwood, agarwood...", Shenxiang, is the pride of Daxia, the legend of Jinghua, the Jinghua aroma of the old Jia’s compilation that was overnight. .

The old house of Sun Jia has been filled with the descendants of the grandchildren.

The big giant in the air seems to be his own ancestor!

My ancestors seem to be very good.

Sun Hao’s friends, Sun Hao’s relatives, Sun Hao’s disciple, Sun Hao’s confidante, and even the enemies of Sun Hao’s enemies, at this moment, look up into the air and look at the huge family, in the heart, Worship, there is shock hàn, there is horror, there is incredible.

A million mountains, an ordinary farmyard, a beautiful woman sweating, painful, and screaming from time to time: "damn little villain, **** little bad guy..."

Beside her, a round-faced, fat man looked up at the huge three-headed six-armed grandson, and screamed in his mouth: "He is not a bad villain, but really, the heavenly underground, the most bad guy... ”

The beautiful woman's handcuffed high-pitched abdomen, said in the mouth, "Is it all the time, crazy woman, you actually bicker with me..."

The mad woman let the window open: "Look at it yourself..."

"Ah...", the beautiful girl was ecstatic and exclaimed: "It's big enough..."

The mad woman laughed and said: "This is the second time you said this sentence, hey, it's big enough!"

The beautiful face is blushing and flies up: "The mad woman, that is what you said..."

The mad woman is gently floating: "Let each other, don't move, when is it, actually still hand-footed, really served you."

The beautiful woman yelled loudly.

The mad woman is watching the play on the side: "Resist, hold back, something, even if you cultivate it again, it is inevitable."

Sun Hao kept on going, one place and one place, sweeping the Mozu monks.

Obedient, was caught in the return of a fairy mountain, imprisoned, and imprisoned on Xianshan waiting for Sun Hao to fall.

Do not want to escape, a crush, or a dry cuì cover a palm, directly shoot into a powder.

An hour ~ ~ Southland disaster, but it was really swept by Sun Hao seven seven eight eight.

Sun Hao shouldered his hands and stood on the air tower of the Sumi, with his arms in the air.

The huge law is like a funnel, and it is quickly indented into the heavenly cover of Sun Hao from the sky.

When the last point of the law entered the body, Sun Hao’s body trembled a little, and the last drop of the real element was exhausted, and the body was empty.

In an instant, Sun Hao has become a mortal who has not been cultivated.

At this time, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly trembled, and in the blood, it seemed that there was a cry of a baby, and it was a sigh.

Involuntarily, Sun Hao slowly turned around and looked at Qingyunmen in a distant way, looking at the direction of Wanshan Mountain in Qingyunmen.

There, the voice of the crazy woman’s surprise came out: “I was born, congratulations, a big fat boy...” (To be continued.)

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