Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1366: Master's degree (5)

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Seeing that you are going to be pinched by a bed bug.

The heart of Lancome is as gray as it is.

However, at the moment when she is about to collapse completely, the enormous grip is abruptly stopped.

Lancome’s heart glimpsed and looked at Sun Hao not far away.

She saw the smile on Sun Hao’s face.

In an instant, she was thoroughly aware of her, and her attitude quickly returned to normal. She struggled to climb her palms and giggled in her mouth: "I almost forgot, this body is small, giggling. Xiaohao, should you be reluctant to really blow her up? Giggle..."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Yes, I will not hurt Xiaoyan's body, but you shouldn't be too happy with Lancome Devil. I just need to trap myself for a while, wait for your magic to burn, you naturally I also got out of the body of Otaru."

Lancome Devil climbed up and smirked and shook his head: "Wrong, Xiaohao, completely wrong, but this does not blame you, Xiaoyan himself does not know, when my magic species is completely burned, Xiaoyan needs a lot of magic to supplement his own source, otherwise it will be smouldering, and giggling, if Xiaohao you hand over the Antarctic fire pillar, I promise you, as long as I complete my mission, I will take a small squat Go back to the Devils..."

Said, and is trying to climb up, continue to say in his mouth: "Or else, you will wait for Xiaoxiangxiang to eliminate jade!"

Sun Hao did not change his face. He grabbed Lancome’s giant hand and tightened it slightly. He said in a faint voice: “So, you must go back to the devil world with you, but it’s good, she once said that the devil is more Suitable for her practice, she does not want to fall too far, she wants to go to the devil to catch up with my progress, so that I will send you together with Xiaoyan to the devil world."

Lancome giggled: "Take me back to the devil world, Xiaohao, you have this heart, afraid you can't do it?"

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "That's not necessarily, Lancome, please see..."

The giant hand grabbed the Lancang demon and quickly sent it. Lancome only felt dizzy in the first place, and once again determined that he had been lifted to the top of the mountain.

At this time, the reunion of Xianshan was dead, covered with ice, and the monks who had not had time to escape had been frozen into ice sculptures.

I don't know what Sun Hao wants to see for himself. Lancome's eyes are swept down, and the bottom is a fairy mountain. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

But in an instant, she found out that it was wrong.

Among the thick ice, the ground of dozens of feet, there is actually a light, through the ice, vaguely revealed.

The heart suddenly trembled, Lancome could not help but scream: "Damn, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, you actually did not take the Antarctic fire pillar? You actually hide it in the return of a fairy mountain?"

Sun Hao reached for a stroke, stepped forward and appeared in front of Lancome: "The devil has a good eye, and at a glance he sees the Antarctic fire pillar and admire it."

Lancome's face, a burst of green and red, after a half-sound, the first low, did not say good-eyed: "You are playing on the palm of your hand, you will not hurt me, I am very curious, how do you hide in the South Pole The pillar of fire escapes from my perception. Also, I am very strange now. If you have just advanced to a great monk, how can you break through this space? No genius, should it be so powerful?"

Sun Hao’s face has a faint sorrow, and he said in his mouth: “Agarwood can overcome your perception and hide the Antarctic fire column in the sacred mountain. It is said that friends are helping each other, and friends are willing to sacrifice. The body, the conservation of the pillar of fire, the devil did not find it was normal."

Lancome stayed for a while, reacted, and said in his mouth: "Suzaku Zhu Ling, it turned out to be the case. I should have thought that if you didn't take the opportunity to escape, but when you struggled with me, I should think of it. Great, it’s a big deal..."

Sun Hao looked at the giant in the air and said in his mouth: "As for why I just got promoted, I can be so powerful. To put it bluntly, there are still friends who help each other. Some friends will not hesitate to sacrifice. When they fall, they still have achieved Aquilaria, Lancome. I have a friend who has the most dà desire. Do you know what their wishes are?"

Lancome understands a bit, but still says in his mouth: "Please enlighten Shenxiang."

On Sun Hao’s face, there is a faint commemoration: “They want to sing the soul, protect the mainland, the most dà desire, but it is to expel the demon, to smash the evil disaster, and to be my mainland’s grandeur...”

Lancome's face is positive: "The position is different, the views are different. My demon is a branch of the human race. I was rushed to the bitter land of the devil world. I am eager to return, but it is also the lifelong pursuit of my devil. Aquilaria only sees you thousands of people. Ten thousand dead monks, but I have seen my heroes and heroes go forward and throw their heads and blood?"

Sun Hao shook his head: "I don't need to know so much, Lancome, you have lived in the Devil for so long, you can't live without magic, that is, you have not belonged to the mainland at all. Now, I don't want to talk to you. Nonsense, where are you from, where are you going?"

After that, Sun Hao knows the movement, one of the three heads of the air giant, slamming his eyes and saying: "Southern Suzaku, this seat helps you a hand", a law with a big hand, a downward grasp, closed eyes The sitting Zhu Ling took out from the ice, and the end was sitting in the palm of the big hand.

The other arm stretched out, the food pointed out before the point, the road flame rushed out, like a practice, did not enter Zhu Ling's forehead.

Between Zhu Ling's eyebrows, the fire flashed, and a small pillar of fire blazed.

On Zhu Ling’s body, a loud bang, the fire spread, forming a huge lotus flower, holding Zhu Ling in the middle.

The lotus floated and floated over the back of the ice.

The ice below is illuminated by the lotus flower and melts rapidly. Not long after, it reveals a round hole of about half a foot, which extends downwards as the lotus rotates.

Sun Hao calmly looked at Lancome and said in his mouth: "The Antarctic fire pillar began to recover. I believe Lancome should have felt it. Your image has been rejected. Immediately, I will send you back."

Lancang devil looked at the ice hole under the flame lotus, and his face appeared helpless, but immediately and spirited, giggling: "Xiaohao, maybe you can send me back, but, giggling, you are Don't think about repairing the Antarctic fire pillar, giggling, although the four-pole and four-column Dafa of my demon world could not be completed, but I finally left a passage, giggling, giggling, Xiaohao, you must not make too mistakes..."

Sun Hao said faintly: "If Lancome hopes to be in the cold source channel, I am afraid that you are thinking more. If Lancome thinks that I have no way to completely repair the Antarctic Tianzhu, I am afraid that you still think more, how the result Lancome, you are in the devil world, naturally will clearly perceive, hope that when you do not be too disappointed, do not be depressed to vomit blood three liters, now, the words have been finished, you give me back..."

The flame lotus rotates in an instant, and the ice hole quickly extends down the bottom of the lotus, reaching directly to the bottom of the ice hug, appearing above the demon of the chill.

The face of the ancient demon to the tyrant was still frozen in the face of the demon.

Under the control of Sun Hao, the flame lotus did not unfreeze the ancient demon to go to the hegemony, but took his body and opened a magical passage. The strong coldness of the magical horn would have to be rushed up, but it was firmly suppressed by the power of the Antarctic fire pillar. .

The air law is a big hand, the arm is swung, and the force is always down.

The Lancang Devil was poured into the Devil's Eyes. In an instant, the magical force of the magical force pulled and dragged her down and disappeared.

Unwillingly, Lancome screamed: "Damn Xiaohao, you explain to me, ah... I will be back..."

The flames of the lotus flower are shrinking In the ice cave, the strong cold rushes straight up, rushing out of the distance, forming a high icicle, towering in the air, returning to the frozen area of ​​Xianshan, fast The ground spread again around.

The Lancome Great Devil was finally sent away.

Xiao Yan was also sent to the devil world, Sun Hao's heart, there is a faint embarrassment, do not know that this life has no machine huì to see Xiao Yan.

The mainland's demon disaster was sent away with the Lancang devil, which basically laid the victory, but Sun Hao knew that the great evil caused by the demon disaster, and waiting for his own aftermath, and the mainland, the Mozu embers are still not small, completely clear I am afraid it will take a long time.

More jiàn is that the Lancome Great Devil is well said. If Sun Hao has no special means, then the Antarctic Tianzhu will be difficult to be truly repaired. The Mozu’s four-pole and four-column catastrophe will begin to affect the mainland and eventually Open up the channel for the demon invasion again.

The cold source of the eye is the jiàn. (To be continued.)

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