Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1360: Tune the tiger away from the mountain

"Xiaohao!" Lancome's face showed a strange and struggling look, and did not have the first time to shoot Sun Hao, his mouth cried: "Are you not sitting in the desert? How come here?"

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Slightly subtotal, Xiao Yan, now I have achieved the Antarctic fire pillar, leave, don't send me..."

In the big laughter, Shen Xiangjian was shaken, and Sun Hao’s body turned into a streamer, flying away from the one outside the Xianshan.

Take the Antarctic fire pillar?

Xiao Yan glimpsed a little, his eyes looked down, and his knowledge swept down. He suddenly discovered that the magical cold current lost the suppression of the Antarctic fire pillar and was already spreading at an extremely fast speed.

The fourth and fourth floors have been completely frozen.

The second layer has been frozen for more than half, and Xiaoyan can even see the second floor. Those patrolling Demon warriors panicked and were frozen on the spot like lifelike ice sculptures.

In my heart, I screamed at the damn, and I couldn’t think too much. I was stunned by my arms and my body was turned into a streamer. I quickly chased it out to Sun Hao, and said in a froth: "Xiao Hao, other little 婉Can be according to you, but the Antarctic fire pillar, you must stay..."

Sun Hao, who has already broken through the big array, said loudly: "You still catch up with me and say it again, hahaha, I am going..."

A scent of Jian Xiangjian smashed a space node.

Sun Hao swords streamer, rushing into the air, flying away.

Xiao Xiao’s speed was not slow, and it rushed out of the node. He lost a sentence: “Guiyi Xianshan will be frozen by the cold current and will quickly retreat.”

The sound is still floating in the air, but people have chased Sun Hao and disappeared into the night sky.

After returning to Xianshan, there was a panic, and thousands of monks and birds were scattered, and the flying sword fled quickly.

In less than a moment, the cold current spread quickly and covered the entire mountain.

In the fourth layer of the original ice prison, Zhu Ling has sat down on the knees, and there is a pillar of fire on the forehead, like a human heart, with a slight bounce.

Zhu Ling sat cross-legged, and her heart was full of admiration.

The judgment of Xiaohao and Zhichi is really incomparably accurate. The southern pillar of fire is indeed unable to be included in the space. However, if the monk in this sector is not afraid of death, it is acceptable to be included in the body.

Of course, among this world, there is no fear that no monk can swallow the Antarctic fire pillar. Even if the Antarctic fire pillar is damaged, after the swallowing, Yuan Ying can not support it for a while and will be turned into ashes.

However, Zhu Ling is swallowing.

Moreover, using the special magical cold current, and then using the speciality of the soul of Suzaku, using the sacred gods taught by Xiaohao, Zhu Ling reluctantly stabilized the position according to Sun Hao’s plan and successfully cultivated the Antarctic Tianzhu. in vivo.

And, as expected, as the small Hao expected, the Lancome Devil did not find the flaws in it, and already had Xiaohao’s adjustment of the tiger from the mountain, chasing Xiaohao and went.

Then, next time, it is time for Zhu Ling and Xiao Hao to face the real test.

Zhu Ling needs to resist the cold current outside, and use the Suzaku source to conserve the Antarctic fire pillar, and finally transform the Antarctic spirit to repair the Tianzhu.

Xiaohao, who needs to resist the avatar of Lancome Devil, needs to fight for his own time, and may need to repair the magical ice hole that was turned out.

In the heart, Zhu Ling said softly: "Xiaohao cheers, Xiaohao takes care..."

God's knowledge gradually sank into the source of Suzaku, ignited itself, turned into a cluster of Mars, and sprinkled on the Antarctic fire pillar.

Sun Hao stood on the incense sword and did not return, and quickly escaped.

Soon after the return of a fairy mountain was thrown into the brain, a stab, Shen Xiangjian rushed out of the scope of the magic cloud, rushed into the moonlight and clean sky.

Under the silver moonlight, Sun Hao, who flew by the sword, projected a flowing shadow on the ground, quickly passing over the alpine plain, and flew away in the direction of Qingyunmen.

Lancome flew like it, not much slower than Sun Hao, and quickly rushed into the moonlight.

The moonlight shines, Xiaoxie’s body is not trembled, looking into Sun Hao’s eyes, there is a hint of tenderness, and his mouth gently screams: “Xiaohao.”

Sun Hao Yu Jian speed is a little slower, look back: "Little?"

Xiaoxun’s speed is not slow, catching up, and said in his mouth: “Xiaohao, what have you done with anger and anger? I feel that Lancome is very angry and swears not to give up. I can’t suppress this moon night. She is."

While running, Sun Hao said: "No big deal, I just retrieved an important item belonging to the Terran monk..."

On Xiao Yan’s face, there was a struggling expression. It seems that the two kinds of consciousness are deadlocked, and it seems that the ideological struggle is very complicated.

After half a ring, the cold expression floated on the face, the speed of chasing speeded up a lot, and the voice of the speech was no longer gentle: "I am very curious now, how did you take away the Antarctic fire pillar."

Sun Hao’s escape speed has also accelerated a lot: “There is a little trick in the district. As for how to do it, please ask Xiaoyan to guess it yourself. Right, Lancome Devil, who has no faith and does not stand, should now be Xiaoyan’s Time, isn’t that appropriate for you?”

"If you want to manage it," Lancome’s tone is cold, but between words, in any case, it is always influenced by the will of the little, and it is a bit like flirting.

After I finished speaking, Lancome felt awkward on her own face. The silk blush floated on the delicate jade face. The mouth was not angry. "Agarwood, you now hand over the Antarctic fire pillar, I don't For yourself, otherwise, be careful, I will completely tear my face and not finish it with you."

Sun Hao, while Yu Jian, said with a loud voice: "The so-called position determines the attitude, the Antarctic fire column is important to you in the devil world. It is not a matter of life and death for my continent. I said Xiaoyan, can we not talk, do you talk? You This is so bad that the horizontal nose is vertical."

Xiao Yan’s eyes flashed in tenderness, and the flash of light flashed in the blink of an eye. Lancome’s voice came out: “Damn, agarwood, you are mean, shameless, actually use the small 婉 to your good, to this seat Show charm, oh..."

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Wrong, this is not a charm. This is the technique of dreaming. You will dream. It is because of these things. It is what you want in your heart. Hey, I didn’t expect you to actually I want so much, haha..."

There was a blush on Lancome’s face.

In the air, the Lancang devil shouted: "Agarwood, are you really obsessed?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "As long as you can catch up with me and win me, then naturally there is a chance to get back your Antarctic fire pillar. Otherwise, I can only say sorry, Xiao Yan, we are not saying good. Are you doing something right? You are showing me a beauty plan now, but it has no effect at all."

On the face of Lancome, there was a strong look in the face, and the mouth said in a deep voice: "Agarwood, now, I warn you for the last time. If you really don't cooperate, then I will really take control of the body." The body of the little cockroach is projected over. When it is time, don’t blame this seat for not thinking about the old feelings and killing you on the spot."

Sun Hao’s body was slightly stiff, and he smiled and said: “That, Lancome Devil is right, I think you should do it, the price must not be small, or else, you will not talk to me so much nonsense.”

Lancome’s face was still The silky tenderness, the soft voice of Xiaoyan came out: "Xiaohao, go away, she is forcibly taking control of the body, she said yes, she There are ways to borrow my body to come to the real body. After coming, it will be very scary. I can hold back her for a while, Xiaohao, you are going to escape..."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, and said, "I am now adjusting the tiger to the mountain, but I can't just run the road." Once Lancome didn't catch up and ran back to Yixianshan and found Zhu Ling, then all the plans would be lost.

Inside the mouth, Sun Hao said quickly: "Oh, I don't believe it. There is no price for such a forced projection. Xiao Yan, you said that after she projected, there are some shortcomings. I can find a corresponding response. ”

Xiao Yan thought for a moment and said quickly: "After Lancome projection, there are not many weaknesses. Her only flaw is that the projection needs to consume the magic species in my body."

Sun Hao said quickly: "Is it true that after the projection, the magic species is consumed, and then her will will hardly occupy your body?"

Xiao Yan: "For the devil, the demon species is equivalent to being separated, and the devil is taken back. I am equivalent to her daughter." (To be continued.)

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