Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1351: Distinct battle (plus)

The Great Desert Association is very strong.

The three have reached a unified intention, formed a united front, and quickly launched an organized assault and offensive against the Mozu lineup.

At this point, the reaction of the Mozu is very strange.

The Mozu army collapsed at one touch and the front line collapsed.

The three coalition forces quickly recovered the edge of the desert, and the recovery area expanded rapidly. It seems that the Mozu was simply unable to withstand a blow.

But when the three coalition forces continued to move forward, the Mozu’s chaotic attack came.

What kind of attack forms are available, all kinds of different, but not a system, a shot for a place, slippery, the edge of the desert, wolf smoke.

The situation is quite different.

According to the comparison of bilateral strengths, according to the truth, the Mozu camp is actually more dominant, but the battlefield seems to have fallen over. It seems that the three coalition forces are in a state of arrogance, and the Mozu army can only survive.

The main body of the South China's magical disaster camp is the magical, magical or monk who cultivated the magical Taoism and favored the Mozu. Their nature and characteristics are unrestrained, smashed, and now enter the chaos. For a while, it was really like a duck.

When I hit a shot, I slipped away and set fire everywhere. It was their love and the old line that they played well.

The three coalition forces never imagined that the Mozu camp would actually be such a slap in the face, advancing too fast, and the battle line was a little longer. They were caught off guard by a magical warrior who was in a chaotic war. It really ate a lot of dark losses.

Many high-level demons even laughed: "All of them say that Sun Haosun is very fragrant, but it is just like this..."

The three coalition forces could not understand the intentions of the Mozu, and did not dare to care about it. The speed of advancement slowed down, and it was safe and secure, and it began to stabilize.

However, as a result, the huge team has become a live target, a big cake, a lot of magic repairs rushed up, slipped a bite, and took up a lot of cheap.

There was a sign of chaos and chaos in the entire battlefield.

The three areas of recovery are quite large, but they are not calm.

The two sides have a tacit understanding of the battlefield of the war in the vicinity of the desert, the deserted desert, how to fight, and there are many mounds and mountain Gobi terrain around the desert, suitable for everyone to display means.

The chaotic battle lasted for more than a month, and the scale of the battle escalated rapidly. It quickly transitioned from building a base to participating in the battle of Jindan.

Yuan Yingzhen is also eager to try.

In the second month, both sides of the Yuan Zhenzhenjun officially entered the war.

The total number of Yuan Ying Zhenjun in the Mozu camp is far more than three alliances, but it is also in groups of three or five, and does not concentrate on combat.

The first outbreak of the Yuan Ying War was also an anticlimax, and several real monarchs intercepted the Raksha Zhenjun, not long after the war.

Sun Hao took a flower, did not wait for Sun Hao to arrive at the battlefield, the real people of the Mozu were bombarded with birds and beasts.

Running so fast, Sun Hao can't catch up.

One shot in the east, one shot in the west, and a group of three people from the Mozu Zhenjun, and there was chaos everywhere. Sun Hao had to stand in three middle places and fight in the town.

Running east, I ran a circle in the west. After one month, Sun Hao ran a few laps, and the shadow of a magic repair did not catch.

The sorcerers laughed happily: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is just like this, and he is led by the magic to hold the nose. The legend is really exaggerated..."

Sun Hao was a little annoyed, and took Wu Yulang, Lu Shan and Xiao Yu to recruit them, so that they could find a solution to this unfavorable situation.

After Wu Xiaolang was the mainstay, after three people discussed for a long time, the three began to change their strategies.

After Wu Xiaolang’s analysis, he said: “The strategy of the Mozu should be a chaotic war. There are no signs and they are fighting each other. The advantage of this method is that it is flexible and it is difficult to grasp their movements...”

Xiaoyu Feitian said: "I always think that the actions of the Mozu are not normal. This is not like the normal method of combat."

Wu Xianlang said with a smile: "I have been thinking for a long time, and finally I want to understand why the Mozu monks are so. It is simple. That is, the Mozu is afraid of the agarwood adults, and they dare not face the pattern of agarism. I was afraid of being careless, and I was set up by the agarwood adults, so they had to do this..."

Lu Shan stayed for a while: "What do you mean by saying that the current situation is because the Mozu was scared by the agarwood adults?"

Wu Xiaolang smiled and said: "I guess it is not far from ten. After each time the Mozu asks for a little cheap, do you guess what their celebration words are? They will definitely say that Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are just like this, and they are We took it away..."

Xiaoyu Feitian said: "Intelligence shows that this is indeed the case. Those who are devils, Yuan Yingzhen, when they shoot, they often say that Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, you can't catch up, you can't catch up... It seems that this kind of situation in front of them is really deliberately created in order to guard against agarwood."

Lushan was speechless again. After half a sigh, he said: "It is true that the reputation of Agarwood may make the Mozu fear of a decisive battle with us. It is also afraid of being intercepted by Aquilaria. This has caused this wonderful battle now, so now we should How to do?"

Wu Xianlang said with a smile: "If this is the deliberate creation of the magic, there may be a next step, we really need to be careful, but now, I think that the Mozu is doing this, it is actually convenient for us to break, Effectively targeted."

The three men discussed for a long time, based on Wu’s opinions, and took out the action plan and reported it to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao only said two words: "Agree."

Wu Xianlang immediately began to organize implementation.

Under Wu Xiaolang's organization, some brick-like communication bricks are said to be called the strange instruments of mobile phones and distributed to the hands of three backbones.

The Deacon Church, which was organized by Wu Xianlang and composed of three monks, quickly released some small tasks.

Many small tasks are very strange. In addition to Wu Xianlang himself, Lu Shan and Xiao Yu Fei Tian can't understand, but with the cooperation of mobile phones, the entire desert edge has instantly become Wu Xiaolang's eyes.

According to this information, Wu Xianlang issued a series of combat missions under the cooperation of Laojia, and three monks were free to pick them up.

These tasks have clear time and number requirements, but most do not explain the origin and cause of the task.

After receiving the mission, the three monks naturally formed more than a hundred small groups. Under the leadership of the Jindan monks, they quickly launched a battle against the Mozu around the desert.

Wu’s arrangement seems to be inconspicuous, and many of them are not very scientific. Some arrangements even seem to have no goals, empty and nothing.

Xiaoyu Feitian said that he was not optimistic. He looked for Sun Hao privately and asked Sun Hao to ask him personally.

However, Sun Hao hahad the sky, saying good in the mouth, that is, not acting, as if it were an outsider, and did not interfere with Wu’s arrangement.

More than one hundred monk teams, under the dispatch of Wu Xianlang, started a battle called "Hundred Regiments" in the periphery of the desert.

The biggest feature of the Hundred Regiments is the absolute advantage of forming the strength of the monks in a partial range, and the encirclement of the monks.

The state of the chaos of the Mozu monks was instantly divided by Wu Xiaolang.

At this moment, the Mozu monks found a very cruel fact. In general, the Mozu forces should actually have the upper hand, but after the war, the Mozu monks were often encircled within the local scope and were not much rebellious. Clear.

If it is not okay to send more reinforcements, once the reinforcements are added, they will immediately encounter a support from the perimeter and increase one.

On the edge of the desert, the Mozu army was completely in chaos.

Completely into a state of chaos.

One is more flexible than the maneuver. However, the key is more than the speed of information transmission, and the battle of the incomparable grievances instantly makes the demon monks on the edge of the desert suffer.

The Hundred Regiments battled and quickly harvested the Mozu monks.

The Mozu Yuan Yingzheng tried to disturb the battle, but found that Sun Hao led a more powerful monk, and also launched a sniper and siege against the Mozu.

A small team of three Monarchs unfortunately fell into the design, surrounded by, actually failed to ignite the magic baby, inexplicably, was born on the spot by the three associations.

The situation is getting worse.

The dust-cleaner eventually had to fight in advance and encounter Sun Hao.

The two people in the desert each show magic, fighting for ten days and ten nights, difficult to win.

In the ten days and ten nights, the Mozu army was once again hit hard by the Hundred Regiments, and the Demon army lost its damage and it was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, the Hundred Regiments were so strange that they quieted down, and Sun Hao could not stop the people who went to the dust. The Master rescued a demon and broke out.

The coalition forces and the Mozu army temporarily formed a stalemate.

Although the Magic Army was hit hard, the demons analyzed and concluded that "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is not terrible, and the three coalition forces are not particularly powerful. The root cause of the defeat in the previous stage is the transition overestimation of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang. Leading to chaos, in fact, everyone's layout can be more reasonable, and the fighting style can be more diversified..."

According to the opinions of the demons, after returning to the dust through careful analysis and conclusion, I feel that everyone is very reasonable. Finally, I can’t help but send a message of help to the defending Lancome Demon, saying that it is completely possible to fight the coalition. Above the desert.

It is said that it is completely possible to crush the three coalition forces. He should be able to stop Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang. (To be continued.)

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