Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1341: The dragon will return home

The dragon is hovering in the air.

In Zhu Ling’s eyes, there are crystal clear tears.

Former friends, their younger brothers, for the safety of the mainland, one by one, one by one, and one by one, sometimes, Zhu Ling even hopes that Xiaohao will be the first to come, it will be the South, then, You don't have to go through the painstaking parting time again and again.

Sun Hao hand-held the golden moon ancient demon, like a statue, standing under the dragon, in the eyes, there is also a mist.

In memory, the memories of Sun Hao and Zhong Xiaohao are completely overlapped, and the scenes are constantly being played back.

When I was a child, I went to the ground and smashed the picture of the new clothes together.

There is a picture of learning together in the theater.

When I was ridiculed and being bullied by myself, I stood up and still shared myself as a friend, sharing my own eyes and sheltering myself from the rain.

There are souls in the forest to save their own pictures.

Among the three villages, the two of them share the same pains and sorrows, and they are reluctant to wait for their hair, and they are silent, and they are fascinating.

I thought of Ermao as a friend and let myself kill the Wolf King; I thought of Ermao and a Taoist who is in the Liujia...

How can you not hurt your heart, how can you not wet in your eyes.

The monks practiced a hundred years of hardship, and the higher the repair, the more important the responsibility.

In a sense, their companions are actually doing their part for themselves. If they are not themselves, if they are not the masters of the Xianban order, if they are not responsible for repairing the four pillars of the mainland, perhaps they will Not like this.

Perhaps the four spirits of the four pillars and four poles of the mainland are not the East Jinlong, but the South Zhuque North.

Only so, perhaps because of myself.

Sun Hao’s right hand holding the ancient demon is still strong, but his heart is shaking slightly.

Helpless and desolate.

Among the white clouds, Jinlong wandered.

The Dragon Boat of the National Games emerged and turned into a tall pillar, which stood up and rushed into the air.

The golden dragon hovered and went straight up the column.

Among the white clouds, the pillars surrounded by Jinlong became bigger and bigger, and the body of Jinlong was slowly branded into the pillars.

The tall golden pillars bloom with golden light, shining on the people of Anyang City who are hundreds of millions of people.

Jinlong’s majestic eyes looked down at the Limin Cangsheng of Anyang City. In the mouth of the dragon, there was a thunderous sound: “The mainland calendar, May 5, 2016, the soul of the soul, the monk of the Xianban monk Sun Shenxiang, the battle of the soul of the island, the single-person alone to kill the devils elite 100,000, of which the real devil more than five hundred, the real king of the devil eight..."

Although Wang Yuan did not say it, he was still dissatisfied with the scorn and pride of the Eastern Wang Ting.

The opening of the East said that it was destroying the enemy and destroying the enemy. Now, Wang Yuan decided to let them know that compared to the island of the Soul, the Eastern Magic Disaster is worse than one level, and compared with Sun Hao’s strong record, the East is even more difficult. .

Thunder-like sound, continuous, blasting the sky: "Thunderstorm sea area battle, destroying the enemy 200,000 ... rushing to the fire soul island, the fire soul general Suzaku has struggled to defeat the enemy for 300,000 years, finally waiting for the temple The main reinforcements, the big victory, the division of the island, the decisive battle of the demon army, won a decisive victory, smashing the enemy, and the magic world will be rushed back to the abyss of the devil world..."

I heard a series of monks who spit out the dragon.

Anyang City is completely boiling.

Unexpectedly, the young agarwood on the top, actually in an unknown place, once had such a brilliant record, it is no wonder that his ability to smash the demon enemy emirates above Anyang.

And this series of amazing records was introduced into the ears of the upper Hanwang Ting, especially in the ears of the Star Masters, but it felt as if the fans had fanned a few big ears and the face was hot.

Recalling the scene of ignoring Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, and listening to the achievements of others, Star Master will once again be self-confident.

Zhao Wendi is also very shameful. It seems that he is too big. If he does not ask about the history of Aquilaria, he will first think that he is coming for help. Now it seems that it is really big.

The leader of the Great Han Dynasty, really, was shocked by the dragon’s next battle report.

"...The seven people joined forces to successfully suppress the magical powers. After that, the five minor monks and the Sirius really sank into the demon world to guard the centuries, and the agarwood adults were in charge of the soul, and the four wars of the mysterious souls would help the four sides of the mainland. Today, my dragon will be Wang Yuan, respecting the incense and adults, transforming into a dragon, guarding the East..."

The last passage of Wang Yuan involved a lot of secrets. It was not suitable for being too thorough. It was quite streamlined. However, as a monk of Xianban, the Dahan Guoshi got several pieces of information that shocked him.

One of them, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang ranks in the ranks of the monks in the mainland.

Two of them, with the five minor monks and the mongoose Zhenjun suppressing the magical distance, in fact, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's ranking and combat power may have already crowned the mainland.

Among them, the current Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is both the owner of the soul and the first person in Xianban.

No wonder he will be so powerful, no wonder he can kill the Golden Moon Magic.

Four of them, Sun Hao really led the team to come to the rescue of the Eastern Continent. The reason why the monk of the Xianban did not come to help, but because the pressure of the island of the Soul is far greater than the East.

Listening and listening, the national teacher slowly, kneeling in the air, said in a loud voice: "Oriental carrier, Mengxian Ban Daen, thanked Shen Xiang adults, dragon will be adults ..."

Zhao Wendi stayed for a while, and he quickly thought of it. The national teacher is listed in Xianban, how honorable is his status, why should he marry this agarwood and dragon? Can it be said that the symbol of what the dragon will be in the mouth is not a symbol?

Zhao Wendi thought so in his heart, but his movements were not slow. He quickly sneaked out on one knee and said: "Thanks to Shen Xiang, the dragon will be an adult."

Above the Anyang city wall, with the launch of the Dragon Column, the defensive power gradually strengthened. Although the Mozu mourning army was fierce, it was firmly blocked.

Above the sky, the voice of the national teacher, the voice of the emperor came, the morale of the soldiers on the wall, the morale re-emerged, the original Xianban came to the reinforcements, the original Shenxiang adults and dragons are from Xianban.

Together with the people in the city, the cheers rushed to the sky: "Thank you for the incense, the dragon will be an adult..."

In the heart of hundreds of millions of Anyang Limin, the picture of this moment has been fixed for a long time.

On the tall wall, the soldiers shouted and screamed at the Mozu.

In the high air, the dragon **** circling and flying, winding the national transport dragon column, the higher the higher.

The national division and the great emperor are kneeling and kneeling, their faces.

A handsome green shirt boy, the right hand long stick pointed to the sky, above the long stick, stringed a huge ancient demon.

As if the youngsters of the invincible **** of war, the majestic golden dragon, people will never forget, and become a monument that will always be engraved in Nanyang City.

After talking about Sun Hao’s record, after talking about “guarding the East”, Jinlong’s huge leader looked at Sun Hao, and his eyes showed a firmness: “Xiaohao, let’s start.”

Sun Hao Yang Tian shouted, opened his mouth and spit, and asked to condense the empty tower to spit it out.

The small pagoda rotates to the forehead of the dragon, and the dragon's eyes are closed, letting the pagoda draw its own blood and spirit.

Tea martial arts, a small golden dragon appeared on the forehead of the dragon, attracted by the pagoda, quickly blended into the pagoda.

Sun Hao’s right hand trembled into the sky, and the stick of the sky was golden, and the whole body was shaken. The body of the golden moon was exploded and turned into blood and rain.

A trick in the left hand, the condensed empty tower fell into the palm of the hand.

Left hand-held tower right hand-operated stick, Sun Hao single-shouldered and half-shouldered, Lang said: "Agarwood is here, there is a promise, Shenxiang promises, as long as the agarwood is still alive, I will do my best, inherit the dragon will, Protecting the mainland, guarding the human race, the sun and the moon as evidence, the sky can be learned..."

Above the sky, Sun Hao’s slightly heavy voice echoed for a long time.

Jinlong opened his mouth and laughed happily: "Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, good, good, the moment I walked out of the small fishing village, I never thought of you, my brother, today will be the mainland security, good, hahaha, I go , Xiaohao, long legs, goodbye..."

Zhu Ling also squatted in the air on one knee, and said a little hoarse voice: "Two hairs, go, I believe Xiaohao will take care of Xiaobai."

The single 涫涫 is stand beside Sun Hao, with tears in his eyes, and the singing voice is heard from his mouth.

Jinlong's huge dragon body gradually stabilized on the dragon pillar of the top of the sky, no longer hovering, and the faucet slowly leaned over to the top of the dragon column.

East Pole repair.

The dragon will return home. (To be continued.)

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