Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1339: Killing the golden moon

That feeling, it is inexplicable, the Golden Moon Devil will look at the East Pole in the air, and finally understand, why Sun Hao will be so much nonsense with himself, the original purpose of the original people.

If he can come again, his Golden Moon Demon will go to the East Pole with the East Pole early, and smash the East Pole. It may have been successfully destroyed at this time.

But now, I have paid such a big price, but the result is to give my own opportunity to Sanhao.

The sorrow and anger in the heart, the anger of being played in the heart, and the failure of the task have failed the self-confidence of the devil world, so that the golden moon demon will finally succumb to the heart.

As a magical cultivator, I couldn't help but spurt a blood.

The injury that has not recovered is aggravated in an instant.

At this time, above the sky, Sun Hao was golden, his hands were holding a stick, and he slashed down. This stick had a faint sorrow in Sun Hao’s heart, and Sun Hao’s heart was a friend. Strong desire.

Although this stick did not reach the apex of Sun Hao, it also contained Sun Hao’s strong restraint and determination.

Plus the golden moon demon will be in a state of state that is not very good at this time, the strength itself is a bit worse than Sun Hao, so, a stick down.

The golden moon demon will rush to the "snake" of the magic sword from the lower imperial concubine, and will be cut off by the scorpion, and the stick is still cut down to the head of the ancient demon.

The golden moon demon will exhale, the black brilliance flashes, the arms **** up one, and the mouth is violent: "Hey..."

Only, right away, his violent voice became a scream of screams.

On Sun Haodou’s stick, there is a layer of golden light that looks like a sharp-edged sword. Like a tofu, the brush slams open his arms and thunders like a thunder.


The Golden Moon Devil will scream, rushing, shaking his head and fleeing.

But he only escaped his head and could not escape his body.

With a bang, Sun Hao’s hands were like a chopping wood, and the old man’s tall body was smashed into two halves.

From the ancient devil's right shoulder down, a small half body, was born from the top to the bottom of Sun Hao, a brush to open.

Above the body of the ancient demon, which has been escaping, has seen the skeleton that has been cut off, the internal organs that have been cut through, and the blood that is already penetrating outward.

On the half of the debris that was opened, there were three arms and half legs, which were unwilling to catch and dance, and seemed to be controlled by the Golden Moon, and tried to fly to the body.

Guo Shi’s heart sighed, and the great Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, the speed is not slow, Jin cut a wave, turned into two golden dragons, rubbed and rubbed, the body that was cut down by Sun Haojun in the air is like cutting paper General, instantly cut into seven or eight.

Jinyue ancient demon screamed: "No..."

Half of the bleeding, seeing the visceral body trembled above the sky, Jinyue ancient demon smugly swept Sun Hao and Dahan Guoshi.

Regardless of disregard, I rushed up and attacked the dragon in the air.

Even if it is dead, it will also impact the East Pole.

"Give me down", Zhu Ling's crisp drink in the air, countless fiery red flying down.

The Golden Moon Devil will not fight. At this moment, he is surrounded by enemy forces and fights alone. His only hope is to be able to get close to the sky dragons and hurt the East Pole. As for his own safety, he has already set aside.

The huge body swayed in the air, waiting for Zhu Ling's legs to smash, and has already started to move.

Sun Hao, who was chasing after him, screamed: "Small fire."

The small fire slammed into the air, slammed into the air, and swallowed it.

A large space in front is like an instant meal.

The Golden Moon Magic will stay for a while, and the momentary movement will be interrupted by the students.

Hey, Zhu Ling’s leg shadows smashed with a burst of fire, and the body of the Golden Moon Demon was slammed down from the air under tremendous force.

Sun Hao rushed up from the bottom with a stick of the sky, and the tip of the stick swallowed the cold.

The dragon on the sky is "just ang", the dragon horns wave, the top of the national transport dragon column is above the dragon's horn, as if it has produced a huge attraction, the body of the national transport Jinlong was broken, and constantly to the national transport Longzhu Gather together and gather together under the dragon to form a huge white cloud.

Long Hao’s forehead opened his eyes again and turned to the bottom. He looked at the past again: “Looking at the ages...”

At this time, I chose the trident on my head, swirled a huge blue transparent vortex, and waved my arms forward, still to the golden moon magic that was suppressed by Zhu Ling.

Xiao Zhang is eager to try.

Luo Mei shook his head and said: "No need..."

After reading it, look around and find that no one pays attention to himself. The right hand stretches forward, and a **** water flies out. It quickly rolls away the golden moon and the ancient devil is cut into pieces of minced meat.

Air battles have also produced results.

Long Yao's vertical eye is limited, and the speed is extremely fast covering the body of the Golden Moon. The golden moon ancient demon feels cold and the body is declining. The injury on the half body is instantly aggravated, and the blood penetrates faster.

Forced to shake the body, Jinyue tried to cheer up the spirit, the feet, the vortex wrapped up, fixed him in the air, keep spinning.

On the head, there is a slash of flames, and a vortex is pinned down.

Sun Hao holding the stick of the day and rushed up, Jin Yuemo will face the desperate moment.

In the heart of a horizontal, Golden Moon Magic will begin to burn the body of the baby, body, rising black flame, even if it is dead, but also to pull a back!

The black flame will smash, the golden moon magic will be full of momentum, the arms will be displayed, forcibly tearing open the whirlpool, and when I am going to open up Zhu Ling, I suddenly feel a pain in my body.

Looking down, Jinyue Devil will find out with grief. When I don’t know, Sun Hao has quickly broken into his body. The unbreakable Stickman has been from the bottom, like a skewer. I stringed myself up.

In the heart of the cross, trying to drive the Yuan Ying Dagu burning.

In the eyes of Sun Hao, he flashed his mercy and said softly in his mouth: "Daoyou, all the way, oh..."

The right arm is moving forward and slamming.

The stick of the sky suddenly rushed into the Dantian of the Golden Moon, and brushed it, wearing the burning Yuan Ying.

The Jinying Devil’s Yuan Ying was broken, and the body’s Yuan Ying was instantly settled by Sun Hao’s fighting stick.

Difficult, Jin Yuemo will finger Sun Hao and said: "You..."

Sun Hao spit out a word: "long", the right arm is a shock forward, the fighting stick is very strong, the stick tip Jin Mang spit out, in the golden moon magic body will fly forward and rush.

Finally, with a bang, the stick of the gods was smashed out from the head of the Golden Moon Magic.

The Golden Moon Devil will twitch and unwillingly struggle for a few times. His eyes are twinkling, but he feels that he is at this moment. Whether it is Yuan Ying or the soul, he is under the stick.

The huge darkness came up.

The golden moon demon that was strung on the stick of the sky will burst into a terrible horror, and the huge head will be smashed, and it will be softly placed on Sun Hao’s stick.

The national teacher’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the foot stepped on the golden shears. Standing in the distance of Sun Hao’s, I couldn’t help but look at the handsome boy in front of me, and my heart was full of shock.

The Golden Moon Demon will be a little stronger than his Dahan Guoshi. Now he is killed by Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, and he is very powerful. In theory, Sun Hao, Sun Xiangxiang, has It is also possible to kill yourself on the spot.

It is also very likely that Sun Hao Sun’s strength is better than himself. But did he enter Xianban for a few years? Only after a few years of promotion to Yuan Ying, will progress be so fast?

Perhaps, some monks really cannot be based on common sense.

Zhao Wendi flew far away, looking at Sun Hao, but he was thinking, perhaps, his own judgment on the strength of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is still insufficient, and he still underestimated the young and horrible power. (To be continued~^~)

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