Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: Continuous bias

Ghosts are as gloomy as the face, and the hand is raised several times, but in the end, the hand is like a ghost: "The second child, I have been in love for many years, I let you go this time."

If the ghost doesn't look at him, he will say a little to the ghosts in the hall: "You friends, if you beg you, really stand in the sneaky position, the fate of the ghosts will be in our hands, as long as we are determined Without a third resolution, as long as we disagree with more than half of the power, then..."

The ghost is louder and louder: "Then, no matter how he does it, he can't close the ghost hill. In the end, he can't open the sneaky magical field. Moreover, the power of the Pluto Palace that he can call is quite limited. In the end, he will not be able to suppress the Dragon King, and he will not be able to suppress the Taoist friend..."

Ghosts point to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled slightly and nodded.

Ghosts like the wind sinking into the water, have been waiting for the two elders to finish the words, this is said coldly: "I am tired of the old second-hand, other people, you have to think twice, I can call how many big forces, you may wish Give it a try."

As soon as the voice fell, the five elders and ghosts stood up and said, "No matter how badly your ghosts say, I always believe that the Mozu prodigal ambitions, joining the Mozu, are absolutely harmful. , Daoyou, please think twice."

The ghost asked coldly and coldly: "Are you finished?"

Ghosts like a haha ​​laugh: "Da Chang "↖长" Hurricane "↖文" dropout, w☆ww.c ●∞t old, how, no one can talk?"

The ghost said coldly and coldly: "When you are finished, then you will die."

A bit of pale hands on the air, a ghost like the wind in the direction of the ghost, slamming the palm.

Nine days and ten places to destroy the gods of the big array of traction, the power of the big array, plus the ghost of the wind, the wind and the palm of the hand instantly, the air, lit up a white brilliance.

The ghost screamed: "The old five is careful."

Behind Sun Hao, Linger clearly saw that Sun Hao’s hand also quickly pinched a gesture, and his fingertips faintly glowed into the ground of the Pluto Palace, disappearing silently.

Sun Hao's speed is extremely fast. If Linger is just standing next to him, he is always paying attention to him. He really can't see Sun Hao's little action.

Linger’s heart moved.

Within the hall, the change was born.

The bleak white light of the nine-day ten-day destruction of the gods flashed and rushed down.

The ghost was careful to guard, and the body held up the defensive cover, but Guanghua passed by him.

A bang, not far from the ghost, is gloating, waiting for the devil of the devil to be killed, such as the blood, suddenly feels a pain in the body, once again set the god, but found that between his chest and abdomen There was a huge deep pit, and his own Dantian was instantly pierced, and was completely turned into nothingness by the gloom.

Difficult, the fingers are like a wind, and the ghost spits out two words: "Why..."

Ploping and throwing forward, but under the gloom of the white, was killed on the spot.

Ghosts screamed like a wind, and looked at their palms with suspicion. They looked at the big array on the Palazzo Pagoda, and there was a burst of uneasiness in their hearts.

How can it be biased, how can it be biased?

What went wrong? What is wrong with it?

Ghosts stunned, haha ​​laughed: "The great elders, thank you for your righteousness, hahaha, big elders, I thought you would kill chickens and monkeys, shoot me, hahaha, big elders, your control level It really made me open my eyes..."

Ghosts look at their palms, the heart is horizontal, and they don't believe in evil. God knows again, and suddenly, it is a palm attack.

It is also a pale white light.

The ghosts even took out a black flag, blocking the top of their heads, guarding against the second attack of ghosts.

However, once again, the ghosts are maddening, and the surprises of the ghosts happen.

The bleak white light of the sudden outbreak is even more ridiculous.

After flying out, it is far biased.

The target of the attack has become the second Kangxi Wang who stands up and supports the ghosts.

This time, Kang Yu Wang was still a little prepared to support the defense in time.

However, his repair is not enough, the strength is a little worse, the defensive hood has just been propped up, and the white brilliance has been covered.

I still don't understand what is going on. In the Guanghua, Kangxi Wang screamed and completely turned to fly ash.

Compared with ghosts, Kangxi Wang is weaker than a little. If he has too much time to say anything, he will fall on the spot.

One may be accidental, and two is inevitable.

Ghosts like the wind, and finally understand that it may be that their own big array has been moved.

However, the gods carefully checked, but the ghosts did not find any clues.

Stand upright on your own seat, ghosts like the wind sinking into the water, quickly analyze what is going on, and look for ways to deal with it.

At this time, the ghosts and the wind two attacks were all shot, but the morale of the ghosts who had firmly supported the Linger side were greatly shaken, and they stood up and opposed the return of the ghosts to the devil world.

Within the hall, it was full of excitement.

Originally proud, I thought that the great elders who were steadfast in winning the competition began to be at risk. Especially the third monk who stood up to support the ghosts and winds was cold and sweaty, secretly shouting in the sky, and kept praying in the heart, hoping that the elders would not Issue a third attack.

If you come for the third time, then you are quite likely to be attacked.

The elders’ control of the Pluto Palace is actually limited.

After understanding this truth, the Pluto Temple decided that the monk finally began toughen and began to refute the great elders in the righteousness. Among them, there were many monks who were originally standing in the camp of the elders.

Obviously, the great elders are demons, and the conditions of the devil world are still difficult to solve. There are many difficult problems to solve. From the perspective of sneaky thoughts, the best choice is not in the devil world.

The fire of the stars has become the trend of the original, within the hall, in addition to the monks who really speak on the position of the elders, most of the original neutral monks began to specifically prefer the Linger less.

The clerk of the Temple of Pluto also quickly registered the decision of Da Yi.

Just when the ghosts have not completely recovered from the continuous failure of the change, within the hall, the clerk’s clear voice has been heard: “The third article of Dayi was rejected by everyone’s vote. The ghosts still stick to their original position..."

The ghost is like a wind, and the eyes are gradually reddened.

After many years of planning, it has lost a lot of money. What is more important is that, now, he still doesn't know where he lost. He still doesn't understand why he is rude and he has been vetoed.

The evil spirits shouted: "The elders, what should I do now?"

Ghosts like the wind, this reaction, the body shocked, high, and laughed.

In the big laughter, his body gradually became taller, three pairs of thick arms stretched out, black hair purple, avatars into ancient demon form, mouth loudly said: "You chose to let me into the ghost, but I chose the position wrongly, so today, don’t blame me for killing, you are the devil, let’s show up...”

Outside the Palace of the Pluto, a shout came and a large number of black shadows appeared, surrounded by the Palais.

Ghosts floated in the temple, laughing happily: "The devil's clouded cloud department, the turbid wind has seen you all the friends of the Pluto, and you are given the last chance. You are now changing your course and you have time."

Linger screamed softly: "The son."

Sun Hao turned back and smiled at her, and her body rose up and flew up.

When flying into the air, the body gradually became real. When the front stood in front of the turbid wind, Sun Hao had completely changed back to the body form.

Yushu Linfeng, ragged, Sun Hao's face with a light smile, also said: "The soul of the Lord, Xianban monk Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang ~ I have seen you friends, you can rest assured, The disaster of the catastrophe is no longer enough, and the area is turbid, but this is..."

Seeing Sun Hao appearing, self-destruction.

The turbid wind instantly understood the root of the matter, no matter what the process is, no doubt, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang destroyed his good deeds, all the changes in the Pluto, all of which are undoubtedly the handwriting of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

The heart is taboo, and the **** ghost is like a wind, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang comes so fast, but his mouth is laughing: "A good grandson of Sun Hao, a powerful means, I have learned from the wind, only However, you shouldn’t have it, it’s in my nine days and ten days, and it’s surrounded by my layers. Now, let me die...”

The hand jerked up, a huge secluded light ball appeared in the hand, the gods were caught, the force of the big force blessed, the turbid wind screamed: "The light of the turbid wind, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, pick me up. ”

Sun Hao’s hands were shoulder-bearing, and his face smiled and shook his head: “Don’t you know that your big line is not enough?”

With a bang, the chilly light ball of the turbid wind appeared inexplicably outside the Pluto Palace, and exploded in the Mozu warriors.

A large Demon warrior in the sound of the light ball explosion, flesh and blood flying, the corpse across the field.

The turbid wind was a little bit, and the blood was flashing, and there was a violent voice in his mouth: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, then pick me up."

A wide-blade sword appeared on the hands, and the body vacated, raising the sword and slashing it to Sun Hao. (To be continued.)

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