Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1285: Wanlong Zhenyuan

Sun Hao did not know that the power of the real wall manipulation of his performance had already shocked several top monks.

Sun Hao feels that his manipulation is normal, and that the real yuan manipulation has always been the strength of Sun Hao, so Sun Hao is not surprised.

But in fact, Sun Hao's real-yuan control ability is really beyond the routine.

After the meditation of the stick, it is the incomparable fineness and incomparable essence. This is the fundamental reason why Sun Hao can really manipulate it so well.

It’s not Sun Hao’s own thoughts, it’s the result of repeated use and repeated practice.

The sky is so large that the bursting burst of energy has been forced to the point where Sun Hao must launch the magical law. It is no longer a common means to improve the maneuvering proficiency, but must be its own real strength, or God. Knowledge has reached a considerable strength, in order to effectively control.

It is precisely that Sun Hao’s knowledge has met the requirements.

In fact, after the war, there has been no time to explore their own Sun Hao. I don’t know. Sun Hao is now the result of the outbreak of Jianhua Yu with the Fengyun. In fact, it is still the result of the incomparable meditation.

Otherwise, in this world, Sun Hao is completely impossible to cultivate swords.

Of course, the reason why Jianhua Yu can be practiced is that in addition to the basic requirements of the knowledge of the gods, Sun Hao has been training and training for so many years, especially the imperial concubine in the ice and ice, and after Sun Hao’s heavy water pressure Royal ambassador is also one of the important generation conditions.

At this time, Sun Hao thought that this was taken for granted.

The soul is not drunk, and the broom sweeps the sky and turns it to play a role. Then, the turbid eyes look at Sun Hao, and it is very rare to praise Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao is good, and the teacher is very pleased."

Sun Hao didn't know that the soul was not drunk, but he was grateful for his incredible knowledge of the gods. He thought that he was happy to complete the big battle. He couldn't help but succumb to the soul and said: "Xiaohao tried his best. Fortunately, not to be insulted. ”

The ghost did not die and said: "It’s really a **** of his mother, even more powerful than the old ghost!"

The soul is not drunk and puts a broom, and transferred the topic: "The seal has been completed. Below, you are friends, that is, we really show the strength, with the power of Zhenwanlong." The magic circle has been completely suppressed."

The ghost did not die, and Sun Hao glanced at him. He said loudly, "Well, who is afraid of who, we are better than one, to see who is stronger, more detonating dragons. The soul that can be suppressed is deeper... ”

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, I don’t know if this little devil, oh no, why the old ghost will target himself.

The mouse does not hungry and has a strange scream: "Old ghosts, than the strength, you can't beat the horse."

The ghost doesn't die, the finger doesn't hungry to the mouse: "The mouse. I never fear you..."

The mouse does not hungry and has a beard and is ready to speak.

The fish did not whisper and said softly: "Okay, well, it’s all old. I still like these arrogances, mice, come first."

The rat does not hungry and fish does not reveal a bright smile: "Okay, the fairy, this seat will definitely satisfy you, and it will make you cool to burst..."

Sun Hao...

The fish does not turn up and turn its eyes, as if the virtues of not hunger are used to it.

The mouse does not hungry and smiles. Inhale in the sky, the skinny body seems to be inflated, and a lot of strong. And flew high.

In the air, it suddenly turned into a huge flaming mouse. In the sky, it falls like a meteor.

In the fall, the body gradually became smaller. In the end, it completely became the shape of the old man. With a bang, he sat down on the Temple of God of War.

From the bottom of his ass, it seems to be a real dragon, shaking his head and shaking his head, and rushing to the mountains of the souls along the Temple of God.

Rumble, rumbling.

Wanshen Mountain seems to have been under tremendous pressure, and it has fallen sharply, pressing down a lot.

On the mountain of Wanshou, there was a burst of cheers.

The ghost does not die, the gray eyeball turns, and loudly screams: "The big mouse, in order to please the wife, you are really enough to fight, his mother, actually broke out the power of 1,500 real dragons, Laozi is also served, you Don't you feel stomach pain?"

The mouse did not hungry to see if the fish was not alone, his face was slightly rosy, and he said aloud: "Less his mother's jealousy, old ghost, it's up to you, see how much you can do?"

The ghost did not die, the body floated up, the little body shook a little, a strong man, a zombie, a ghost... A total of five different shapes of phantoms emerged from the body, and they were visible in the air.

The strong man yelled: "Rely, do you want to fight like this, put all five of us out, and force me to explode..."

The zombie shook his head, and it was also a pair of fingers, a pair of sword-like nails, and also shot energy to gather on the body of the ghost.


The ghost does not die and sighs: "Five ghosts carry, move mountains and reclamation, give me pressure..."

The small hand stretched out and turned into a giant palm. Pressed down on the war **** palace, and instantly turned into a real dragon, and rushed to the Wanshen Mountain.

Wanshen Mountain was again in the thunder, and it was suppressed a lot.

On the soul of the mountains, the monks cheered again.

The mouse does not hungry and the ghost does not die. Haha laughed: "There are two fewer, two less than Laozi, hahaha, old ghost, Laozi said that you are not good, you are not convinced!"

The ghost did not die and slammed his eyes. He said with no anger: "There are two, and the play on the spot is a little worse, nothing strange."

It seems that I don't care, but, just finished, the ghosts are not dead, but the five ghosts that have not completely dissipated in the sky are empty: "Rely, who is, who is lazy!"

The five ghosts shoved and whispered, and they endlessly came out. So they did not enter the ghost and did not die, disappeared.

The fish said with a smile: "Well, you can't die. If you can completely command them five, you have already lost your spirits. As you said, to our level, the power of two real dragons is really worthy. If you don’t go out, let’s go down, let me come..."

The fish did not start to work, but Sun Hao, but looked at the fish is not alone in the meditation.

Judging from the performance of the fish and other people, I am afraid that it is difficult for the seven monks on the scene to be true to the town.

Five minor monks, their own master soul soul is not drunk the strongest, may be slightly higher than the power of 1,500 true dragons, but do not want to be completely out of state, difficult to count.

If you replace the palace wolf into a position that you don't want, the ultimate is that the five of them can almost reach the power of 1,500 real dragons.

After the five monks, there is still a gap of 2,500 true dragons that is enough for the power of Wanlong.

Even if you don't want to break out, you can break the power of a thousand real dragons.

Then Sun Hao needs to at least reach the strength of the mouse not hunger, the ghost is not dead, and the power of one thousand five dragons can be realized to realize the Wanlong town.

However, the reality is that the strength of Sun Hao is far from the one thousand five real dragons.

The true strength of Sun Hao is about 1-2 to 3,000. The calculation is the result of Sun Hao’s full force.

That is to say, the level of the golden warfare can be achieved after the great perfection, the magical powers of the Fascinating and the fighting sticks.

Sun Hao counted it, and I feel that in the end, there may be a gap of about 500 or so from the power of Zhenwanlong, which cannot be compensated.

Unless you don't want to break out, you won't be lucky.

Sun Hao’s mind calculated the balance, this time, the fish is not alone has become a big fish, flying down from the sky, full of more than the rat is not hungry, the power of two real dragons, the Wanshen Mountain is pressed down a lot .

On the mountain of the soul, cheers and screams sounded again.

Gong Tianwo looked at Sun Hao and found that Sun Haozheng was musing and seemed to be thinking about something, so he stood up and started the fourth shot.

The strength of Gong Sirius is indeed inferior. The huge Sirius virtual shadow is suppressed, and the power of the real dragon is about 1400, and the Wanshen Mountain is also pressed down.

The cheers of the monks of the Wanshen Mountain are much smaller. The reason is that because many monks can perceive it, the people in the sky can be afraid that it is very difficult to truly achieve the true Wanlong town, and the magic is afraid that it cannot be suppressed for thousands of years. .

This account will be understood with a little calculation.

What is more crucial is that the special nature of the large-scale closure of the sky has made the War Palace at this time a closed small world. Others want to help, and every monk in the big battle has only one mobile phone. The second shot will not produce much of the power of the town because the nature of the dragon is the same.

It is very likely that Zhenwanlong Township can only complete the process, and the time of Zhenyuan has been reduced to less than 9000 years.

Sun Hao is using his brain to find ways to increase the power of the real dragon.

I don’t know if the big squad will seal the empty tower, and if it is not sealed, Sun Hao can release the monk and help complete the Zhenwanlong town. (To be continued.)

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