Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1282: 5 not gathered

Liuhe locks the sky, Wanlong town.

Xianban Dayi proposed a way to suppress the magic.

Behind Sun Hao, those monks who are fortunate enough to listen to you, look at me, I look at you, I feel an eye-opener.

It is really a rare experience in life to witness the most powerful group of monks in this circle to discuss the method of blocking the magic field. Some of the methods of the monks of Xianban are unheard of and open to the eye.

Now, just in the sky, the final decision of the four adults, you can see the most rare feat of the town.

The four top talents are not ranked, and their status is similar. The sequence of speeches is entirely based on their individuality.

The little old man screamed and said: "I don't know much about the Terran big bang! But what I want to say is that Liuhe locks the sky, can you really live in a stable space? I feel that even if it is stable, it is not how to rely on it. Spectrum."

It is quite casual to speak without a hungry, but his words make the monks of the immortals succinct.

Among the on-site monks, to understand the space, there is no doubt that the mouse is not hungry is the first, in his skinny body, there is a powerful space stomach, he said that Liuhe locks the sky is not very reliable, then it is true It may require a more powerful array.

The grand master of the dynasty couldn't help but glance at Sun Hao and then began to frown and meditate.

Sun Hao’s heart is also a slight glimpse, but also began to think.

Sun Hao’s understanding of the space of the Magic Yuan is not very deep. I don’t know what kind of array method is needed to meet the requirements of a stable space. Now, the mouse does not hungry and proposes a six-in-one lock. Sun Hao can be from the nature and use of this big array. Go to push a more powerful array.

The fish fluttering in white is not so close to the mouse, and then slowly said: "The six-locked Scorpio can meet the requirements of the blockade space. It is indeed the purpose of repressing the demon, but this kind of suppression, this kind of repression The effect of the blockade is really not strong. Even if it is closed, it will be less than a thousand years, and the Mozu will break out and endless troubles. I agree that the opinions of the friends should not be hungry, and it is better to seal them."

The main hall of Zhuang Da Dian said: "I will understand."

The boy's ghost is not dead. At this time, he also squints his eyes without color. He starts to talk: "Actually, not only the six-locked lock is Hu mission, the so-called Wanlong Zhenyuan is not very reliable..."

Speaking of this, the tone of the boy's speech changed, as if a person was talking, the voice was much improved in vain, and it was sharply sharp: "I really can't understand it, you don't tell the truth. Laozi. Don't be afraid of offending people, let's just say it. The mainland is not a big monk, but now there is a crucial one, the Emperor, his mother, the Emperor of Heaven, the kid is not coming, I will wait for the old life, it is estimated that it will be barely Sealing the town, the magical ambiguity, confusing to give an account of the matter, the big mouse, you don’t want to marry me, I know that you are afraid of death..."

The mouse does not hungry and blows his beard and blinks his eyes. He swears in his mouth: "Roll, don't talk, no one is when you are dumb!"

In the boy's mouth, he changed another voice: "The old man is the fairy squad. Although he is not good at telling the truth, but for the sake of the present, I suggest that you take out the two goods that the heavenly emperor is afraid of, and truly win for the mainland. It’s going to be stable for a long time, or else, hey, the power of your generation’s Xianban is bound to be stinking for a long time...”

The rats did not hungry and stopped, and sighed slightly.

The soul is not drunk and opens up the turbid eyes, looking at the magical field below, as if to say to himself: "That is true. Since the beginning of the history, the mainland has broken out, and Wannian is the most basic level of town closure. If we can't seal the town for thousands of years, our generation of immortal monks is really ridiculous and generous. More importantly, we have failed to fulfill the duty of guarding the mainland and let the mainland follow us to make a living..."

The soul is not drunk, and the monks of the Xianban are quiet.

The soul is not drunk, and the heavy sense of responsibility has made the monks who proposed the fairy plan resolutions flush.

At the Temple of God of War, the ghost did not die and changed the tone: "Not drunk, you finally said a word, how? We are now trying to fight hard, to give the mainland a thousand years of peace? ”

The soul is not drunk and turbid eyes look at the back of Sun Hao, slowly said: "Do you think? Do not want to brother, the four devils constantly keep breaking the magic, now how should we be good?"

The monks were stunned and looked over to Sun Hao.

Even Tiangong Palace Sirius, can not help but look at Sun Hao behind him.

After Sun Hao is behind, Yu does not want to stand up and stand up. It seems that he has not heard the general. It seems that the soul is not drunk and not talking about himself.

Is he the Heavenly Emperor Palace not wanting?

The monks who followed Sun Hao’s battles were all surprised. In these days, Yu did not want to be the flag bearer of Sun Hao on Fengyun. The command of Fengyun’s implementation of Sun Hao’s strategic intention did not show any abnormality.

To say the exception, there is also, that is, his name is actually not called!

It’s just that you don’t want it, not the palace!

After a half-sound, in the eyes of the monks, Yu did not want to finally look up, looking at the soul of the air is not drunk.

There is a bitter smile on his face. In his eyes, he is gleaming. "If you don't get drunk, you are a good eye. If I change, I can be seen by you."

The soul did not laugh and laughed, did not speak.

The boy's ghost is not dead. He has shouted: "His mother, the Emperor, you are hiding in the scene, relying on it, do you not recognize you, are you going to pretend to evade responsibility?"

Yu does not want to be identified as the real body, or it may trigger some ontological memory, no longer concealed, laughing, a big step in the air, reappearing, has stood beside the ghost.

I don’t want to talk about it. When I rushed up, it was a fist and a fist. While playing, I also screamed at the same time: "The ghost of his mother is not dead, and the ghosts of the remnants of the refining, like the gibberish, I will kill you, don’t move, move again. Can't hold back the Battle of the Soul, and get a punch..."

The palace does not want to play, and then staged the whole martial arts.

The ghosts are not dead.

Ghost is not dead now is sitting in the battle of the soul palace, really can not hide, a few punches, the face has been swollen face.

There was a shout in his mouth, and the ghost didn’t die, and the old man shouted loudly: "Get out of the way, die, you have to fight back with Laozi..."

Yu does not want to be the same as the palace does not want to be a few punches, fists into the flesh on the face of the ghost is not dead, the mouth said indiscriminately: "You still hand, you still hand! Lao Tzu, I am in this state Just wait for you to return to a complete return, tell you, don't die, after Laozi's return, you must pack your crying and shouting mother, and smash your ghosts into the sky..."

The ghost didn't die, and he had a few punches on his face.

However, I don’t know why, when I mentioned a small fist, I didn’t really fight back. Instead, I said aloud: “Old confused, old confused, can’t you manage him?”

The soul is not drunk with his own broom, and his mouth faintly said: "If his body returns, then his millennial Dafa will be destroyed. The most likely birth of the mainland will be the death of the gods, the old ghosts, Isn't it a skin injury? Nothing big!"

The ghost did not die and protested loudly: "Old confused, you are deliberate, absolutely deliberate, you are indulging in old hooligans and bullying honest people!"

There was such a scene in the Battle of the Soul, and it was not surprising that the monks in the past class had estimated such wonderful scenes in the past, but other monks, including Sun Hao who attended the Xianban proceedings for the first time, felt very weird.

This is the top monks in the mainland? It feels a bit less serious!

Sitting on the side of Sun Hao, Gong Tianlang coughed and said: "You, friends, habits, they are good, right, the three gods and two emperors are actually called "a mouse chasing beauty" in the fairy class. "Two hooligans are confused," you friends, you can now sit on the right seat!"

Sun Hao...

No doubt Now is the two major hooligans!

However, it is obvious that the Emperor’s Taoist line is higher, and the words are caught in the ghosts and not dying.

Sun Hao’s heart speculates that the ghost does not die in front of the sentence “The Emperor and the Soul, how good it is, but it’s a scorpio and a bastard.” It really makes the metaphor and the soul not drunk and hate, but now it’s just a play, a revenge.

Until tired.

The ghost is not dead, but the real nose is swollen, a pair of dark circles, and Yu does not want to sit down in the air, and then said loudly: "Not drunk, you know, my current state once returned to the body, that is The millennial road is destroyed, and the transformation of the gods into a bubble, now, this seat is also called out by you, you say what to do, anyway, I am not strong enough now, you four can be any one, can Call back my body, but you know it. The temper of my body is not very good. Hey, if you wake me up, you must fully prepare for the revenge."

The boy is not dead and he treats himself. He swears in his mouth: "Damn, what is this ghost boxing method? It hurts and hurts, but it can't be cured..." (To be continued.)

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