Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Battle of the Thunder Island (5)

In the city of Thunder, the elders of the spirits floated over the thunder pool, and each face sank like water.

Wangcun fell, and the battle situation turned sharply. Once the Thunder City fell, the situation of the island of the Souls would be even worse.

After half a ring, the elders asked: "The Lord of the Lord has not returned yet?"

Speaking of the lord of the temple, the elders are a little heavy in their moods. The reason why this war will change is that they are the result of the singularity of the lord.

One of the elders said: "I saw the Lord of the Temples go to the direction of Thunder Valley."

Elder Xing said: "What did he go there? Nothing to find?"

The elders on the scene were silent.

The two principals of Thunder Island, Long Yao now led the team outside, against the sea, the battle is unknown, and the Lord of the House actually turned into the Thunder Valley, suddenly, everyone produced a kind of heart, the building will be poor feeling .

Waiting for a half-sound, there is a Jindan monk who said: "Elder elders, the main priests came back, he was going to be in the vicinity of Wangcun, fighting with the devil, and he was going to make up for it and intercept the magic."

Fighting with the devil?

The elder's brow wrinkled and said: "Isn't the main lord not knowing that the Mozu turbid cloud department is the best at breaking it? Is he alone able to stop the Mozu army?"

Elder Jin Dan said with a bitter face: "Why didn't you say that we passed the sound and told the formation that it couldn't stop the magic repair for a long time, but the young master did not listen."

Xing elders frowned and looked at the full fox, and asked without hesitation: "The old man, now it is what it is now, you said, what should we do?"

Man Shenghu said with a smile: "Wait, wait."

The elders a bit hated the iron and said: "Old man, you are the most sinister in our generation. The old master asks you to assist the lord, perhaps it is to see your wisdom. Now, look at it. Look at what you have done, how can you tell the old master..."

The full fox still smiled and said: "Wait, wait and see."

Elder Xing flew a slap to the full fox: "Wait for a hammer. Full of old man, hurry and talk about how we need to defend the city of Thunder."

The sacred fox slaps the elder of Xing, and his body shook and pouted. Still laughing and saying: "Wait, wait, is true, a few brothers, you are waiting for peace of mind, everyone is really great, is this patience?"

The elders couldn’t help but look at the full fox.

The holy fox shrugged and waved his hand.

The elders of the Hall of the Souls are silent.

The information in front of the battle has been passed back.

There is no abnormality. Not the same.

The performance is also as expected. The array of the temples around the village is very powerful, but it has also been broken by the sorcerer of the cloud.

Most of the Mozu battles landed in Wangcun, and through the breakthrough of Wangcun, they went to Thunder City and followed the direction of the broken law.

Everything is normal.

But they are all abnormal.

What is not normal is the direction of the Mozu army to attack the soul of the island, actually directly into the Thunder Valley.

In this direction, because there is a natural mine pool, the soul of the island is not arranged. So, I don’t know what happened in it.

It is only very strange that the Mozu army has continuously sneaked into the Thunder Valley, and there is no army to return to normal.

It makes sense. Within the thunder pool, the thunder is booming, and the thunder is a masterpiece. If you go in and see it, you can find that it is not right. You should immediately turn around and walk the right path.

However, the result was precisely that the Mozu army did not find any abnormality and went straight to Thunder Valley. ← Baidu search →

It feels like. At this time, Leigu did not have a thunder pool, and it became a general road.

Is there such a ridiculous thing?

Where did the thunder go?

Because there is no eyeliner, everyone really does not know what happened in Thunder Valley!

After half a ring, Elder Xing asked with curiosity: "What will happen in Thunder Valley? And, what should we do now?"

Man Shenghu said with a smile: "Wait, wait and see."

The elders are a glimpse.

It’s as early as expected to see the old man’s relaxed look!

how so?

What is wrong with it?

The army of the Mozu, along with the channels opened by the turbid three, continued to advance carefully to the Thunder Island.

However, the strange thing is that there is still no monk coming out to intercept the battle ahead, but there is a layer after layer of the formation of the road.

The level of the array is very high. It is not ruined by the turbidity of the turbidity. Of course, with the means of the Mozu Cloud, there is a way to forcibly open up a passage and pass through.

I have never seen a monk, and the leader of the Golden Day Department of Devils will have doubts in my heart. I can’t help but ask: “Cloudy three, will there be any sequelae in this method of breaking up? Will the broken formation be started again? Running, trapping us in the battle?"

The turbid three smashed the iron and said: "Golden armor, you can rest assured, absolutely not. The passage that I broke open is to directly destroy the various layouts of the road. The other side of the road is high, for a while. And can't stop our retreat."

Jin Jia made a gesture, and a Mozu warrior from the Golden Japanese Department quickly flew away.

After a half-sound, the news came: "All is normal, the army of this family is constantly coming from Wangcun, and the broken array has no signs of re-operation."

The gold armor swayed his head and sighed: "I always feel a little wrong."

Zhuo San thought about it and said: "If you want to say no, there is too. The front is too quiet. Not only does not have a monk, but there is no half-life. It seems to be dead and dead, and the silence is terrible."

The gold armor gestured, and the demonic team that advanced in front stopped.

Jinjia stood in the same place, thought about it, and said to the turbidity three: "The turbid brother, break open the sky, you and I go up and see."

Turbidity said one sentence: "Good."

After breaking the compass, the mouth was swept up, and several mouths were launched, and a golden light was rushed upwards. The space laid in front of them was suddenly clear.

Jin Jia burst his arms and flew up.

The turbid three also flew up.

Still no abnormalities, even, far away, they saw silver, a small Thunder City.

The location of the Mozu Warrior is already a straight line away from the Thunder City.

The turbidity of the choice of the turbid three, it is also true, straight to the road of the city of Thunder.

God knows to sweep forward, there is still a layer of arrays in front of the road, but still no half-personal shadow.

In the city of Thunder, with the eyes of the two demons, it seems that there are several Terran monks floating in the air, and they are looking at this direction.

There is no danger, the route is correct, and the Terran monks are waiting in the Thunder City.

Jin Jia made a look to Luo San and fell.

In the city of Thunder, the faces of the elders are very strange.

After a half-sound, the elders said, "Their position is already in the thunder valley. The strange thing is that we can see them clearly now, and the original Thundercloud and Lei Lin disappeared. ""

Elder Xing also said: "Not only their position, in fact, everyone pays attention, the entire Thunder Valley, now quiet, look at us from here, do not see any silver snake, is this Thunder Valley?"

The elders looked at the full fox.

Elder Xing said loudly: "The old man, how is it going, honestly, do you want to die for us?"

Man Shenghu said with a smile: "Wait, wait and see!"


In the Thunder Valley, Jin Jia said: "Before the leader of the team, the Big Devil repeatedly told me to use the soldiers carefully, pointing out that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang may be scheming. But now, I can't see any abnormality."

Turbid three smiled and said: "The spirit city should be against the city and fight ~ ~ Jin brother wants more!"

Jin Jia: "I wish I thought a lot! In this case, Kim Il Sung listened to my order, and the three floors vacated. All of them were there. I accelerated. I think, no matter what he has, we quickly rushed to Thunder City, naturally. See the points, the brother, please also cooperate with your department to speed up the steps..."

Turbid three smiled and said: "Okay, but their strength is not enough, can not break the array, or only I come, rest assured, within the height of ten feet in front, despite the fly, I definitely give you a break, no need for high And it’s too expensive, we are going fast.”

Jin Jia nodded: "Well, all have, accelerate."

The body swelled, and the golden armor flew up and took the lead and rushed forward.

And a lot of magic repairs, also flying in the air, in the air on the ground, formed the upper, middle and lower three, arranged very neatly, rushed to the soul of the city.

The Mozu warriors came fiercely, and in the far distance, they could perceive a chilling temper and went straight to the Thunder City.

In the city of Thunder, the elders suddenly feel the spirit, and there is a sense of pressure from the enemy. (To be continued.)

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