Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1258: Sneak back to the soul

Sun Hao gradually sneaked into the island of the Soul, while groping inside.

A huge, like a black dragon lying on the sea, a huge sea boat many times larger than the ordinary island.

A body is as high as five feet, and the ancient demon with a huge flag on the back is sitting on the mast. It sounds like a red bell, like a thunder: "Black water, what happened to you? It has damaged a fleet in vain. I couldn’t even catch a little **** from the other side. I really lost my face of the Mozu."

Luo Pengfei, the black water demon king, sat not far away. Compared with the ancient demon of the big waist and round, the Luo Pengfei at this time seemed to be much weaker.

Facing the question of relying on the ancient demon of the flag, Luo Pengfei said calmly: "The third-class magic soldiers, wisdom is a hard injury, I have said long ago that they are overwhelmed, can restrain the Terran ship, and will be annihilated by strong force. This is the fundamental manifestation of the lack of wisdom, Kim Il, if you listen to my opinions early, reuse..."

By the flag ancient demon, the Golden Day demon king laughed: "Black water, you are coming again, the lack of strength is the lack of strength, even a mid-infant boy can not grasp, really shameful to be with you..."

The black water devil Luo Pengfei nails a vertical, a little black light appeared, eyes in the eyes, coldly screamed: "Golden day, or else, we are playing a game, see if you can not pick up the king's Luo finger... ”

The Golden Day Devil stood up and waved against the wind and the flag: "Come on, I want to teach you lessons."

"Two, two, you are the boss", not far from them, the other two devils shot together, one person, and the impulsive two people, one of them said: "Now the soul is not down, the battle is continuous Can the two bosses not stop?"

The other said: "That is, everyone is a goal, the responsibility is in the body, what should be thought is how to work together to overcome the island of the soul of the soul. Right, black water, although I do not agree with some of the words and practices of the Golden Day However, I think it is necessary for you to explain to us why you really can't catch the one, the little **** of the mid-Yang Ying..."

Luo Pengfei put on his sleeves and rushed to the Golden Devil. Then he rushed to the other two devils and said: "The peaks, the clouds, the day, the king used the Luo finger, the magic yuan blade, Jiucheng magic body, but still can not hurt the roots of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, he was broken When he fled, the king showed his blood and he could catch up with him. On the sea, he pursued the battle for three consecutive months. Finally, after the Terran fleet took off the fleet I took, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang The speed is increasing in vain, I can't catch up, and I will escape by it..."

Speaking of this, the black water devil Luo Pengfei looked Shen Shen: "I said this passage, not to shirk responsibility, but to tell you the facts truthfully, that is, I am not a grandson of Sun Haosun. He is only in the middle of the Yuan Ying period. Others, you think about it yourself..."

Blackwater Luo Pengfei finished. A cold, a sleeve, sit down.

Opposite, the golden day demon who was dragged smashed, and then silently re-entered the throne of the tall throne.

After half a ring, the peak demon king said: "So to speak. The harm of Sun Hao Sun Aquille is indeed very large. In a sense, the degree of harm is more than five minor monks."

The turbid cloud demon king seems to be closed and contemplative. After half a ring, he also said: "Black water, according to your story, that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang should be within the magic domain at this time, but I just saw my Mozu The various islands, as well as the various battle sequences, are driving the magic cloud to sense it, but they have not been able to perceive any abnormalities..."

The Golden Day Devil is a slight glimpse.

The black water devil Luo Pengfei said slowly: "On the Nanyang, my avatar once battled Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, remembering that at that time, the embodiment of the blood handprint sneaked into the meditation of Sun Shenxiang, but it was very strangely from his Once in the body, he did not hit any entity, and the incarnation was eventually destroyed by Sun Hao. However, from the analysis of the battle process, Sun Shenxiang probably mastered a magical, spiritual-like secret technique. To be aware of his existence, it is not easy to be afraid."

The peak of the demon king brows: "So, if this kid is in a mess in my demon domain, it will be difficult to do it. I can’t catch it, I can’t find it. I didn’t expect this kid to be so troubled. ""

The Golden Devil swept Luo Pengfei and laughed happily: "If this kid dares to shoot in the demon domain, this strength will make him unable to eat and go, hahaha, Lao Tzu does not believe, a human race boy is in front of me, How much energy can you have, and when it is time, it will naturally be taken down by this seat."

Luo Pengfei did not make a sound, the peak of the devil said: "There is Kim Jong personally shot, that dare to love, I believe he must be difficult to escape, but I suggest that before this, we still have to strengthen the defense in key areas, in addition, I In agreement with Blackwater’s opinion, we should use a lot of magic to get the intellectual support...”

Jin Ri snorted and said with dissatisfaction: "It’s not my family, its heart will be different. The magic repair is not an ancient demon family. It can’t be reused. If it’s not for me, it’s not easy for me to make birth, and I’m scarce. Don't leave a scum, even if he is a magic repair, don't forget, who is it, drive us from the mainland to the devil world, do you not be afraid of the recurrence of the mainland, and one day, we will once again be driven by the magic to drive out of the devil world? When the time comes, brothers, I don’t know where our ancient devils can be accommodated..."

In the sky, the four great devils were silent.

After a long time, the voice of the black water devil Luo Pengfei spread out vividly: "My ancient demon is actually a branch of the ancient people. I suggest that the ancient demon family be allowed to marry the human race, and the blood is merged with each other. One, in that way, can maintain the inheritance of my ancient demon..."

The sound of the thunder in the golden sun sounded: "Black water, rolling, my ancient demon family, how noble the blood, how can we marry the human race, your brain is in the water..."

The sound of the black water Luo Pengfei also increased in vain: "Golden day, his mother's, it is you who are rolling, my ancient demon family, is murdered in your arrogance, one day sooner or later, the ancient devil will be destroyed Above your ignorance..."

"Want to fight?"

"Play it!"

On the Black Dragon ship, the dispute between the two magic kings was once again troubled. Feng Feng and Yun Yun had to shake their heads and smile, and quickly persuaded them.

The murderous cloud demon king shrouded the gods and explored the moment of the demon domain. Sun Hao instinctively perceives the voyage from the air. At the same time, when the heart is shocked, he turns into a sneaky scorpion, puts up the agarwood, condenses in the air, and lurks for a long time before he senses that. A glimpse of the sensation.

At the same time, in the heart of Sun Hao, there is also a burst of heart.

Among the Mozu, the mighty should not only be one of the black waters. Fortunately, they are not chaotic in the demon domain. Otherwise, they will be blocked in the demon domain, or be besieged by several demon kings. It is estimated that it will not be so good.

In the ensuing time, at the right time, Sun Hao simply turned into a sneaky, floating, and rushing forward.

During the period, there were several sneak peeks from the air magic cloud.

Sun Hao can definitely know that among the Mozu, there should be great power to observe the specific information in a large range of the magic domain through the air magic cloud.

Of course, according to the analysis of the situation of the old war Luo Pengfei, the scope of the detection of the Mozu might have a certain limit. It is very likely that the focus of its exploration is the inner circumference of the island of the Soul.

The purpose of several explorations before and after is self-evident, that is, I don’t want to let myself break through, enter the area where the island of the Soul is not demonized, or simply want to find myself to annihilate.

The body is completely blurred, like a group of transparent gas. Sun Hao carefully moves forward to the inner island of the Soul.

Along the way, Sun Hao discovered that the density of the Mozu is getting bigger and The frequency of infestations is getting higher and higher, and the strength of the Mozu Warrior and the strength of the Demonized Sea Beast are getting stronger and stronger.

The Mozu sea ships and the squad that rushed past were showing the appearance of the rear of the big battlefield.

Even if Sun Hao is incarnation, it seems to be invisible and inferior. At this time, he has to slow down and reduce the height. He has quietly passed through thousands of ships.

Sun Hao did not dare to approach the tall sea boat, and tried to walk from the small sea boat to the inner island of the Soul.

The island of the Souls has been surrounded by the Mozu army.

There are three layers on the outside and three floors. There are magical and demon sea-going forces everywhere.

More often, Sun Hao is closely following the repair of the poor magic or the Demon warrior, slowly moving forward in a step by step.

The magic disaster in the core area is really huge. Sun Hao quietly touched a circle and calculated it. The entire army from the devil's homeland is no less than a million. There are tens of thousands of sea-going vessels. Such a large-scale ancient demon invasion, waiting for Sun Hao, will be a difficult battle to predict the battle. (To be continued.)

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