Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1250: Shenzhou Feitian

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Three days and three nights of indefatigable attacks, the size of the magical sea beast has not changed much.

Bahai Shenzhou is still strong.

With the strength of this sea beast, it is possible to support Sun Hao's cultivation for a long time. For months or even years, the Bahai Shenzhou can be indestructible.

But at the same time, Sun Hao discovered a characteristic that the demonized sea beast is more difficult. After three days of fierce fighting, Sun Hao felt that if he wanted to dominate the sea, then the power of the revolving must be continuously strengthened, and the size of the sea boat The pulp will soon be updated.

The reason is that because the Terran ship's technique of "power" is not good for the suppression of the magical sea beast, the pressure on the bottom of the Terran ship completely falls on the whirlwind.

Even if it is extremely powerful, under the continuous battle, it will reach the limit and wear out.

This kind of wear and tear, the paddles on some small sea boats are more obvious.

Among the gods, Sun Hao, who has been astounded, discovered this sign.

If there is no cooperation with the "pressure sea" combat technology, the service life of the rotary shovel will be greatly reduced.

Enchanted sea beasts, without the slightest spirituality, do not fear death, but the "pressure of the sea" combat skills need to be improved one or two.

Above the floating mast, Sun Hao issued a series of three orders: "I don't want to, change the array; Idiot, a group of reels in the tower refining; Xiaozhang, stay in place to observe..."

After that, Sun Hao’s arms were on the Fengyun.

Above the main raft, the huge sails on all sides flew up and began to rotate rapidly as the main swayed.

The other large and small sea-going vessels were not greeted by the semaphore command. Under the traction of Sun Hao’s knowledge, they also raised tall masts and sails and rotated them.

Sun Hao is empty. With arms outstretched, the mouth said in a loud voice: "Build a military brother, please observe carefully, I am about to start Fengyunhao..."

Easy road lights and eyes burned, and the mouth said: "Well, I hope that Shen Xiang will show his power."

To be honest, the Nanyang War. At this time, it has aroused the strong interest of Yi Lu lights, among which the blood, in which the use of battle arrays, makes the easy road lights stunned.

The heroic posture of Sun Hao’s smashing horns has made him unforgettable for a long time, that is, he does not know what kind of power is the magic skill of Sun Hao.

God knows what to do. Throughout the ship's array, all the monks seemed to feel that the surrounding moments were quiet. The roaring siege of the sea beast seemed to have a certain sense of distance from themselves. However, it was wonderful, and with the Fengyun fleet, every other monk was born. Inexplicable induction.

This feeling. It is as if every monk has automatically become a part or a part of the entire ship array. Other monks are no longer a monk in their own eyes, but a group of real energies that radiate energy.

then. All the air masses slammed under the most dazzling air mass regulation at high altitude.

Sun Hao’s clear voice was clearly introduced into the ear at this time: “The wind and the sky are flying, the sea is spinning, the magic is generated, and it’s invincible...”

The huge tyrants of the Shenzhou Shenzhou state, with the sound of Sun Hao's scent. Crashing out of the sea.

The sky is full of power, with the tyrannical Shenzhou vacated, rushing. The huge wind and waves driven by the sails are like blowing up the wind blades. Wherever they passed, the magical seabirds in the sky were fallen like raindrops, and the surrounding seas fell into huge waves.

Under the sacred Shenzhou, the original black water of the ink, with the rotation of the various sea vessels of the tyrannical Shenzhou, turned into a group of dark red meat, which became a huge whirlpool.

The force of the rotation, the force of the sail, and the driving force of all the monks, let the entire Bahai Shenzhou completely empty, appearing on the sea more than a foot high.

Of course, some of the swaying oars are still sinking into the sea, constantly spinning and harvesting the magical sea beasts.

The huge fleet was vacated as a whole, and Sun Hao sang aloud: "Hey, let me fly."

In the sound of the boom, the Fengyun fleet leaped into the sea as a whole, like a large cloud that covered the sky. Under the control of Sun Hao, the various sea boats were made into a blue light, and they were integrated into one, and they rushed into the direction of the magic field. Fly away.

The airborne Shenzhou Shenzhou still has an unparalleled overall defense power, but at the same time, the rotating paddles and the rotating sails have become a huge war machine for harvesting sea beasts.

Where the storm clouds crossed, on the sea, it was empty.

The seabird was fallen and the sea beast was plowed.

A huge circular large flesh vortex whirls in the direction of the sea and the sky.

Easy street lights can not help but say aloud: "Great, a good shot of the sea."

Fengyun monks, under the leadership of one-eyed Haosan and Hesi, etc., cheered up in the sky: "Hefei flying, hegemony..."

The sound is as high as the clouds.

Every monk completely released his passion and cheered for Sun Hao.

The state of the sea of ​​Shenzhou.

Flying from the sky.


Every monk who had the privilege of witnessing this record was shocked.

Among all the monks, I really know the source of the tyrannical warfare, and I know the most difficult thing about this warfare. In fact, it is the first time that I have seen this martial art.

The old man’s face was surprised and excited at the moment, and his mouth kept muttering to himself: “It turned out to be true. It turned out to be true. The Shenzhou flying in the records of the sacred souls is actually true, not a legend, not legend……"

Then, looking at Sun Hao, the main battle in the sky, the old man said: "Understood, understand, this kid must have been from the Battle of the Soul, yes, it must be the Battle of the Soul..."

Only the Battle of the Soul Palace may have the inheritance of the Lost Temple.

Of course, it is one thing to have inheritance. Whether it is possible to reproduce the glory and reproduce the glory of ancient times is another matter.

This stuff even if he is full of the Holy Fox, it is estimated that only the Cloud Temple.

Seeing Sun Hao above the sky, Manchu Fox suddenly thought of a very important question, that is, Sun Hao’s masters and apprentices, two of them rushed out of the Temple of God of War, and although they almost rushed out, they finally went away with the Palace Pisces. The three guys have a very similar feature, that is, the income of the God of War Palace, did not make any report to the Wan Hun Temple, today, they must be very different.

Unexpectedly, the old man smashed his throat and screamed at the grandson: "Agarwood, some things, you three, you have to give back to the soul, can you just take it and say no..."

Sun Hao wholeheartedly presided over the Shenzhou flying, completely did not hear it!

However, I also thought in my heart that perhaps, taking these things and going to the island of the Souls for other cultivation resources is also a good choice.

Fighting against the sea, Shenzhou is invincible.

After the **** road of Shili, the huge Shenzhou crashed into the sea.

The huge waves, as the Shenzhou fell into the sea, rushed out and rushed out.

In the midst of the bang, the tyrants of the sea steadily landed on the surface of the sea.

And around Shenzhou, it was quiet in an instant.

I don't know the danger, regardless of life and death, there is no spiritual demonization of the sea beasts and seabirds, and the birth of the sea is overwhelmed by a huge hollow.

Knowing that the Bahai Shenzhou landed on the surface of the sea, the sea water swayed back and forth several times. After a full fragrant effort, the magical sea beast returned to the world and began to surround it again.

Sun Hao smiled and looked at the light of Yi Road. He smiled and said: "Building a military brother, I have taught you this trick. How about, do you try it?"

Driving the tyrants to fly the sky, at least need Yuan Ying repair.

Moreover, the quality of the real yuan is very high.

Among the on-site monks, Zhizhenjun and Yu do not meet the requirements, but the only thing that can be tried is the easy road light.

After all, Easy Road Lights is also a true contemporary person. It is followed by Sun Hao to mourn the ruins of the world market. The ranking is the true master of the top 20, its foundation and heavy, but not the original Shen Changfu. Can be compared.

Of course, Yu does not want to be special here. It is hard to say whether it can be the main battle after the outbreak, but Sun Hao estimates that it is not possible, because Feng Yunhao did not appear in the history of the world after he left.

Now, just look at the easy road lights can not drive the sea to fly.

Easy road light refers to his nose and said with surprise: "Let me try?"

Sun Hao nodded slightly.

Easy road lights suddenly geared up: "Try it and try it, haha, Jianjun also wants to see if he can like the agarwood, gallop the sea..."

When the two talked, the monks who had turned around from the magical state of the tyrants of the sea had finally returned, and they couldn’t help but cheer up: "Agarwood, agarwood..."

In the sky, Sun Hao showed his arms and let him open his position. He smiled at the easy road light and said: "Build a military brother, please." (To be continued.)

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