Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1205: Heart and soul (2)

At this time, Sun Hao felt that he was no longer a monk in the Yuan Ying, but returned to the base period of the year, and his heart was full of admiration and dependence on the master of Ziyan.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao walked to the side of Yun Ziyan and sat down on his knees.

As usual, the cloud purple smoke sticks out of the white hand, carefully stroking Sun Hao's face, a pair of eyes sparkling, said in his mouth: "Xiao Hao, you are still the same as the year, it seems that there has not changed much."

Sun Hao said softly: "In the face of Master, even if Xiao Hao goes higher and goes far, he will always be Master's Xiaohao."

Cloud purple smoke nodded lightly: "Ziyan understands, in the heart of purple smoke, Xiaohao is the greatest pride, but the higher you go, the higher the purple smoke, the more worried you are, every time you go out Purple smoke is a frightening battle, for fear that you will never come back."

In Sun Hao’s heart, there is another inexplicable incitement, as if he saw the clouds and purple smoke fluttering, looking at the sky under the moon, waiting for his return to the general situation, beautiful and embarrassing.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao reached out and took the cloud purple smoke and touched his little hand, and his mouth screamed: "Ziyan."

The cloud purple smoke body shook a little, "Well," and then said softly: "Xiaohao, your heart, quite quiet?"

In the hand, like holding a soft jade, soft and smooth, the feeling of compassion in my heart, Sun Hao's face, a smile, eyes looking at the white and icy face of the cloud purple smoke, said in his mouth: "Yes The purple smoke master, Xiaohao is now practicing a special period of heart, and his instinctive desires are often in his heart, but he is as calm as water.

"Heart?" The cloud purple smoke eyebrows slightly wrinkled, then, the little hand gently grabbed Sun Hao's palm, said in his mouth: "Xiao Hao, for the teacher now, but can not help you, your The realm is high, a lot of cultivation, but the teacher has never heard of it, you know? Xiaohao, for the teacher, I hope that I can be as good as I used to, sheltering you from the wind, then, every time you go out, I If you miss you, you can always find you, instead of knowing nothing like this, you can only worry about you and pray for you."

Sun Hao gently rubbed the hands of the weak bones in his hands, his eyes were also sparkling, and the heart was filled with the impulse to hold the jade into his arms. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Purple The smoke is relieved, although Xiaohao does not say that the world is invincible, but the monk who can make Xiaohao unable to fight back, the monk who can kill Xiaohao in an instant, is not much, Xiaohao’s current state of mind is nothing but An expression of instinct, but also a pass that the monk must pass, no major obstacles..."

The face of Yun Ziyan showed a pure smile: "That's good, then it's good. Ziyan still thinks that Xiaohao has met any big difficulties? If it is just an instinctive desire, Ziyan suggests, Xiaohao can't be too Over-suppression, the best way, in fact, is to let it go. Although the teacher does not understand too many cultivating avenues, but the teacher knows a little, the so-called too much, too many things, as long as it is reasonable, courteous, and festival Let it go with the flow, it is the best choice and method."

Sun Hao’s heart moved slightly, and a bright smile appeared on his face. The hand touched the jade hand of the cloud purple smoke in his hand, and his mouth said: “Xiao Hao understands, thank you Master Ziyan.”

After that, Sun Hao’s body crouched forward slightly, like the old age of the year, squatting in front of the knees of the cloud purple smoke, and still holding the soft hand of the cloud purple smoke in his hand.

Cloud purple smoke slightly glimpsed, stretched out the other hand, gently stroking Sun Hao's hair, said in his mouth: "Xiao Hao, purple smoke this life, very happy, very happy to have a talented sister, It was my sister who gave me a safe haven and kept me in the fiercely competitive, cruel world of monks, keeping the original simplicity."

Crouching in front of the cloud purple smoke knees, Sun Hao can clearly smell the cloud purple smoke, a faint fragrance, a quiet and elegant attraction seems to have come from the cloud purple smoke.

Feeling the heart of the heart, I realized my heart and mind, and with great perseverance, I restrained my impulse to pour the clouds into my arms. Sun Hao said softly: "The purple shirt is indeed like an old hen. Care for Master."

Cloud purple smoke gently touched Sun Hao’s head, and there was a faintness in the voice: “Later, I accepted Xiaohao, and Xiaohao from strange to understanding, slowly, step by step, Xiaohao became My other closest relatives and relatives, many times, purple smoke sleeps at night, many times, purple smoke looks at the moon, my heart is full of thoughts about Xiaohao..."

Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao went out and missed the purple smoke."

This is not a lie, especially in the years when Wangcun was treating the disease. In the years of practicing on the island of the Soul, Sun Hao remembered the cloud purple smoke more than once, and worried about her injury.

Cloud purple smoke touched Sun Hao's hand, more and more soft: "Remember that I was fainting at that time, as if I was in darkness, lonely and helpless, but I was overwhelmed, surrounded by boundless darkness, could not see a light. At that time, I seemed to hear Xiaohao’s voice, and I heard Xiaohao tell me that we are fighting together...”

The voice of the cloud purple smoke, calm and natural, slowly telling the bits and pieces of her heart.

I remember that at that time, Xiaohao just joined Qingyun, I want you to be firm and cultivate, let you practice alone for one year;

I remember that at that time, Xiaohao was chased by a strong enemy, life and death were unknown, and helping Sun Hao educate his disciples became the only sustenance.

I remember when I came back, there was boundless joy in my heart.


The faint and unforgettable thoughts, like repeated springs, shed tears in tears. Sun Hao seems to see the purple smoke of Yu Jie, so he silently faces the blue light, facing the sandalwood, praying for himself, seeking happiness, just like this. Watching yourself silently, waiting for your return.

Impetuous in the heart, the intention of the heart.

It is difficult to control, and the heart that is eager to move, with the narration of the cloud purple smoke, gradually subsided.

In the clear eyes of the cloud purple smoke, in the sincere gaze, gradually return to calm, a heart for his own heart, in addition to his own heart, the heart of soft energy, gradually calmed the heart of Sun Hao That stunned heart.

Sun Hao is like a baby. He crouched in front of the knees of the cloud purple smoke, clutching her soft boneless hands, and the breathing gradually calmed down, far and long.

The whole body is relaxed, the breathing becomes nothing, and it has not appeared for a long time. It may not have appeared in a hundred years. Sun Hao is very rare, just like in a mother's arms, like a child who slept.

On the face of the cloud purple smoke, the glory of the sacred and gratifying, screaming and talking, and gradually squatting on Sun Hao's body, the voice is getting lower and lower, slowly and slowly sleeping.

Within the Dongfu, the blue smoke is dry.

calm down.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe it will be a long time, or maybe it is only a moment, and Sun Hao suddenly wakes up.

Looking at each other, I saw a pair of bright stars, no traces of impurities, but can see the eyes of care and warmth.

Feel it and find that I am still lying in the purple smoke cave house, and my head, I do not know when I was held in my arms by the purple smoke master, lying on her jade legs.

A touch of fragrant fragrance into the nose, soft and soft feeling spread throughout my mind, the strange growth in my heart.

Naturally, Sun Hao’s head arched in the arms of Yun Ziyan and then asked: “Ziyan, how long have I slept?”

Yun Ziyan said with a smile: "Not long after, about two hours, Xiaohao, I also slept for a while, I feel very good, it seems that there is no trouble, forget the sorrow, after a nap, refreshing, you feel now how about it?"

Sun Hao still did not get smiled and said: "I am now very good spirits, just a little energy, and I am worried about this thing. Once it breeds, it will take some time to completely calm down."

Cloud purple smoke touched Sun Hao's face and said softly: "Xiaohao don't worry, come slowly, since it is a problem that will always be encountered on the practice road, then face him, follow the heart, courteous and good. ......"

Sun Hao reached out and hooked up. The first show of Yun Ziyan was pressed down and his mouth was placed in her ear. Sun Hao whispered: "Ziyan, heart is actually a heart, and performance is the ability to control emotions. Not as good as before, or else I just can't help but fall asleep."

The cloud purple smoke stayed for a while, and on the ear, Sun Hao burst into a hot air, and his heart trembled slightly, and his mouth screamed softly: "Xiaohao, you won't mess around..."

Sun Hao screamed and laughed, and his head arched into the arch: "That's not necessarily, purple smoke, have you just said it, do you want me to follow my heart? My heart is, you know."

The cold face of the cloud purple smoke suddenly became a blush, and the mouth said: "Xiaohao, don't, don't do this..." (To be continued~^~.)

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