Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1178: Liwei World (5)


The charm of Luo charm is a short time, but the time is so long.

Sun Hao’s body like a bomb has already collided, and Kang Lejia’s ideal self-detonation position is a little bit worse.

There was a slight regret in my heart, and I was able to feel the weight of Sun Hao’s huge impact. In the heart of Kangle’s heart, there was a scream in his mouth: “Explosion...”

Just before the heavy pressure of Sun Hao, just before the escape of Jin Dan’s monks, Kang Lejia blew himself up.

A bang.

Like the sun, the Kangjia was slightly in the air, and then the sun burst, a more powerful explosion than the Baihuamen, which exploded.

Not far away, Xiaoyu Feitian, who had no time to rescue, waited for three Yuan Yingzhen, and with this sound, the ears were instantly deaf.

I only see a scene that I can’t forget for a lifetime.

The huge explosion of air, rushing out, bombarded on the Shacheng big array, swaying, and the entire huge sand city, trembled.

Escaped from the last three or five Jindan monks, as if the quicksand was blown by the wind, the whole body was blown away in an instant, and there was no bone.

In the center of the explosion, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang showed a huge virtual shadow of three heads and six arms, but it was also washed back by the huge air waves to the back of the leaves.

Sun Hao’s body burst into blood, and among the five senses, tears and blood flowed out. However, his face was still calm, and his eyes were full of mercy.

At this time, Xiaoyu Feitian and Xiaoyu’s tigers also felt a pity in their hearts.

It is not easy for a monk to suffer for a thousand years.

In particular, Conrad is so talented and talented.

However, he died young and was forced to blew himself on the spot by another more outstanding contemporary man.

This is the world of monks.

In the midst of a huge explosion, several Yuan Ying monks lost their minds instantly.

Then, they saw that Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang had several turns in the air and a single leg. Half a squat in the air on a huge sand dune.

The dunes sank slightly. Stable in the air, turned into a few tentacles, carefully stabilized the body of Sun Hao who kept retreating, and erected a sand wall. Blocking the waves that are still coming from the impact.

The streamlined flying sword of Sun Hao is a "squeaky" sound, inserted in the spire of Qitiansha City. The blue light rushed down from the flying sword and poured into the sand city.

Shaking the Shacheng, the force of the formation suddenly increased. In the violent explosion, it has stabilized a lot.

then. Outside the big squad, the grandmaster who had been waiting for it seemed to hesitate a little, and also raised a real yuan. Rushing into a battlefield.

The Shacheng Huangsha Grand Array finally stabilized its position in the violent explosion, and failed to be defeated as expected by Kang Lejia.

The Jin Dan people who escaped into the battle. On the face, there was a happy expression of the rest of the life after the robbery.

When Sun Hao slowly stood up from the back of Xiao Zhang, the ears of Xiao Yu Fei Tian and other monks finally recovered some of their hearing.

The huge explosion finally passed the strongest explosion.

There is still energy in the impact of Qitianshacheng. However, it has not been able to shake Shacheng.

In the air, Sun Hao did not sigh with the slightest killing of the strong enemy. He sighed casually in his mouth and said softly: "The Yinhua Taoist all the way."

Xiaoyu Feitian three Yuan Yingzheng looked at one eye, Qi Qi a right leg, half a squat in the air, in the aftermath of the big bang, Lang Sheng shouted: "Agarwood adults are mighty..."

The Jin Dan, who was just rescued, also stood in the middle of Qitiansha City and shouted loudly: "Agarwood is awesome..."

If Sun Hao did not save, they must have turned into quicksand at this time, and they died with the waves, cheers, but from the heart.

The violent explosion of high altitude caused the entire Qitian oasis to oscillate. Many houses with relatively fragile structures collapsed directly in the explosion, and there was chaos in Qitiancheng.

When the people were horrified, the cheers of the high altitude passed down, and the aftermath of the big bang was gradually subsiding.

Immediately, in the Qitian City, the panicked people exchanged for a pleasant cheer. Everyone knows that the war has once again won.

Involuntarily, more monks and mortals screamed in the sky: "Agarwood is awesome..."

On the occasion of life and death, when the fear is trepidation, the cheers are thoroughly.

A quicksand rushed from the explosion around the explosion, and the flesh and blood of the Kanglegar burst into the quicksand with endless sand.

After a while, the aftermath of the explosion has not completely subsided, the voice of Luo Mei sounded in the heart of Sun Hao: "Master, dear master, did not find his soul, this guy is suspended..."

If it is not a reminder of Luo Mei, under the great care of Sun Hao, it is really possible that the Kang Lejia will cross the sea.

When God saw it, Sun Hao reached out and grabbed it in the air.

A small Kang Jia was seen by Sun Hao from the long sand.

Quickly, the limbs kept struggling, and the Yuan Ying of Kangjia was ingested by Sun Hao.

On the face of Yuan Ying, there has been an expression of anger and extreme fear.

In the air, the Kang Ying's Yuan Ying fell in front of Sun Hao, waiting for Sun Hao to start, Yuan Ying has already bowed in the air and bowed, begging for Sun Hao to spare his life.

Xiaoyu Feitian several Yuan Yingzheng Jun also looked at Sun Hao.

Nowadays, Kang Lejia has been greatly hurt, even if he can escape the Yuan Ying, it is bound to be difficult to advance, and the strength is bound to drop, but it can not continue to harm Qitian.

Sun Hao wants to open the side of the net, let him go alive, and go up and down, no objection.

Moreover, God has a good life, and the mainland monks have become a great opportunity to cultivate Yuan Ying, but it is not appropriate to kill them.

Sun Hao’s face always has a faint smile.

Sun Hao, who looked at the air and kept squatting in the air, said slowly: "You can't spare your life, but you can't do it. Sun Hao is not a person who is guilty, but today, Shen Xiang has to stand on the world. To warn the various factions who dare to disrespect the heroic spirits of the market, the Yinhua Taoist friends, knowing today, why should you go all the way..."

Speaking of this, Sun Hao turned his head and looked at the sky. He said, "The charm is handed over to you."

Luo charm giggles, a trick.

Kang Jia's Yuan Ying fell into the hand, a small mouth, Yuan Ying danced, and she was sucked into her mouth with horror, and sticking out her tongue, squatting around, Luo Luo seems to be very useful, and it is still unfinished.

The monk Qi Tian looked at the eyes of Luo Mei, and he was cold in the heart. This great beauty is really the appearance of the fairy. It is terrible to eat people without the bones.

In the room, Xiao Yuhua’s library couldn’t help but step back and said with trepidation: “His mother’s, Shen Xiang’s beauty servant is simply too...”

Sun Hao shook his head slightly, although Kang Lejia was self-defeating, but after the real kill, the heart is inevitably a bit intolerable.

There was no smile on his face, and Sun Hao’s eyes looked into the distance, and the array of grandmasters waiting to be sent off outside the line.

Seeing that Sun Hao looked at himself, the Grand Master of the dynasty couldn’t help but feel a slight shock. His face was a smile: "Agarwood is an adult, and the squad is only seeing the joy of hunting. I want to teach and teach Qi Tiansha. I didn’t want to offend the adults, but I also hope that the adults can open the net."

Sun Hao nodded slightly: "You are a rare master of the mainland. Although people are obsessed, but the heart is not bad, just you did not take the opportunity to escape, but also promptly helped Qi Tiansha, it is not a crime. To death."

In the heart of the Grand Master of the dynasty, a large stone landed, and both hands were arched: "The adults are wise, just I don't really shoot, the Qitiansha array will not break, I just add icing on the cake, icing on the cake..."

Sun Hao’s face looked positive and said loudly: “But, after all, you have to make a mistake, you still have to pay the price. So, I have a few things to explain to you. If you finish, this seat will not be awkward.”

The great master of the squadron bitterly screamed and said loudly: "Although the adults told me to go to the ceremonial array is absolutely dedicated and will not be supported by the adults."

Sun Hao said: "First, you ran a trip to Qingyunmen in Qingyunmen, let the young disciple of Shenxiang come to Daewoo, and he knows what it is. You took the words in the past. Second, the Grand Master put today's report. Seeking truth from facts, including the attitude of my grandson Sun Shenxiang, don't pass it on to Guiyi, Baihuamen, and Wuyuedong near Wanjianzong. Can you do these two things?"

The Grand Master of the dynasty sighed with relief. It turned out to be something about errands. This little comet didn't find his own troubles. It was a great gospel. With both hands arched, he said quickly: "No problem, no problem, Dian A certain guarantee to complete the task, Aquilaria is assured."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, let's go."

The great masters of the dynasty, such as Meng Daxie, turned around and moved a few moments, and the flight also went. Today, they were scared enough. Once they were stared at by Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, they were really sleepy and worried.

The grandmaster of the squadron flew away, and Sun Hao smiled slightly and turned to Xiaoyu to fly. He said: "Qingyunmen Sunhao Sun Shenxiang, especially to the nobles, there is something to be..."

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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