Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1176: Liwei World (3)

Between the words, behind Sun Hao’s, there is a shadow of two feet high.

This virtual shadow has three heads and six arms, and it has passed away.

Most monks did not understand the illusion, and did not understand what the phantom represented.

However, the monks saw that Shen Xiang adults extended their right palms.

On the palm of your hand, it seems that there is a ghosting flash, so that Sun Hao’s palm looks a few times larger than usual.

The palm of the hand is not gold, but a blue color with a thin layer of frost.

The light group is extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye.

Among all the monks' sights, the light group quickly hit the palm of the incense.

However, the big bang of the monks did not happen.

The even powers of the monks did not happen.

It was just a bang, and the light group hit Sun Hao’s palm.

And Sun Hao, his face is unchanged, the palm is slightly retreating later, the palm of the virtual shadow is slowly gripped, and the white light ball has been caught in the hand.

Opposite, Kang Lejia, who is looking forward to the development of the light ball, has changed dramatically.

His face is ashamed and his heart is splitting.

There is only one thought in my heart that turns over and over: "Impossible, impossible, how could this be? How could this be?"

Since the beginning of the Yuan Ying, Kang Lejia once felt that under the big monk, he would rarely meet the enemy, and he always felt that his own full blow, even if it is a big monk, do not want to take it easy.

But now, Sun Hao easily took it.

But how is that possible?

In the hands of the Kang Lejia's light group, Sun Hao's heart, but also a surge of admiration.

Yinhua Zhenjun can be said that Sun Hao has seen the most powerful early Zhenjun, and the strength is indeed good.

If the strength of heavy water is heavy enough to oppress the space, Sun Hao feels that he may not be able to step on Baihuamen.

The ball of light held in the hand contains the great energy of the real element, which makes Sun Hao quite jealous in his heart. Don’t look at Sun Hao as if he did not effort to hold the ball of light, but in fact. Which is contained. However, it is Sun Hao that is capable of killing most of the mid-term true monarchs and fighting against the great monks.

His face is the same, gently holding the ball of light, Sun Hao can feel the enormous heat contained in the ball of light. That is enough to melt everything.

If Sun Hao’s body had the chill of the ancient silkworm, it would be placed on the palm of his hand. Sun Hao’s palm is afraid that he has already been melted away.

Sun Hao can also feel the huge real energy contained in the ball of light.

This is a powerful spell that will show you the powerful spells of Yinhua Zhenjun. Because of the great perfection of the golden warfare that met the apex of this world, it has a strong anti-law ability. Invisible, the effect of the spell is greatly reduced.

More importantly, Sun Hao displayed the magical law. The shadow of the palm is the arm of the gods made up of peerless gods.

The almost extinct magical law in this world shows unparalleled magic at this moment.

The huge true energy of the light ball is held in the hands of Sun Hao's magical law. It is not a move.

Even the explosion did not sound, and in this way, Sun Hao firmly grasped the ball of Yinhua Zhenjun.

Standing on the white door. Sun Hao’s body, fluttering and dancing, holding the ball of light with one hand, said in a loud voice: “Yinhua Daoyou, a small ball of light, but it is a scent of injury.”

After that, the right arm slammed for a round, and the ball of light came out and quickly flew out.

The speed of the flight is unparalleled, and it is a bit faster than the Yinhua Zhenjun.

With a bang, the light ball hit the Qitiansha array, and the squad of the squadron set off the squad of the Qitiansha turf.

The attack of the ball of light falls on the node of the big array.

In the midst of a big explosion, the big bang suddenly faltered.

In the mind of the Grand Master, he was trying to use his means to stabilize the formation. Suddenly he felt that his body was cold. He found that Sun Hao was watching himself. Immediately, the great master of the ceremonial fascination distracted the real yuan and gestured to Sun Hao very innocently. .

And his formation, but in the attack of Sun Hao, was suddenly broken.

Shacheng's big squad, suddenly and again, the light once again, the power can increase a few points.

Yinhua Zhenjun’s heart sinks and sinks again, knowing that he has been completely trapped in a large array, no way to retreat, only a deadly battle.

Just look at the opposite, Sun Hao, who has successfully caught his own ball of light, Yinhua Zhenjun’s heart is a chill.

The spirit of the wind came to conquer Qi Tianzong, but the result was trapped in the Qitiansha array, became the shackles of the middle, hit and beat, escape and escape.

Yinhua Zhenjun can even find mercy in the eyes of the hatred of the Qitian monks.

"Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang", floating in the air, the white light of the body continued to flash, Kangle Jia once again said: "I really want to fight a fish to die, not endless?"

Sun Hao is not moved: "My generation of monks, dare to be dare, you have two opportunities to shoot, we continue, please."

"Ha ha ha", Kang Lejia laughed in the air: "Sun Hao, there is a kind of you attack me now, I bet you can't fly, hahaha, Sun Hao, today, if you let me go, I Baihuamen Admit defeat, willing to follow Qingyunmen, but if you really want to force me, then I will fight with you to break the net, good, I admit that it is not your opponent, but..."

Kang Lejia stretched out his hand to Xiaoyu Feitian and other Qitian monks, and said aloud: "Do you think they can stop me? At most, my Yinhua rushed into them and blew himself up. Do you think I can pull a few? Give me a back."

The ball of light was held by Sun Hao, and Kang Lejia already knew that he was really not an opponent of Sun Hao. There were several chances. It was estimated that it was a no-brainer. In order to survive, he could only find another way.

On Sun Hao’s face, there is a smile on the face: “Yinhua Road’s friendly eyesight is good. Agarwood is indeed not too long to vacate. However, Yinhua’s self-destruction is not indispensable. Agarwood does not feel yours. Self-explosion can hurt your seat, you have to blew yourself early, please..."

Sun Hao actually does not enter the oil and salt?

Xiaoyu Feitian stood upright in the air, and said in a faint mouth: "If Yinhua Zhenjun wants to blew himself, please ask for it early. There is nothing in Qitian, but it is bloody. See if you can drag a few people to bury you."

Yinhua Zhenjun had a flushed face, a little angry and angry, but it also aroused the arrogance and bloodiness of the true king. He screamed in his mouth: "If this is the case, then everyone will fight for a broken net, I will not believe, you Sun Haosun Shen Xiang really can hold back the magic of Benjun’s life, give me a..."

Bai Huamen was stepped on by Sun Hao, and because of the fantasies that he wanted to recover, Kang Lejia did not die with Sun Hao, but now, since Sun Hao does not enter the salt, it will come without loss.

At the foot of Sun Hao, Bai Huamen was once again shining, and the glaring white light shone.

Shaking, Baihuamen began to rush under the royal ambassador.

Sun Hao stood upright on the door of Baihua, with a sigh in his mouth, a light click on his right foot, and a virtual shadow on his body.

Bai Huamen made a creaking sound and rushed to the white flame, trying to burn Sun Hao.

One of Sun Haokou, the real yuan forced, in the right kidney, a frost crystal rushed out, the flame seemed to be frozen in general, and was extinguished from Sun Hao.

The tremendous power turned into a real dragon and spread from the foot of Sun Hao.

In the Baihua threshold, he was once again forced to go back.

Kang Lejia only wants to drop blood, his heart is stunned, and he screams: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, you forced me, Bai Huamen, give me a burst, burst, burst..."

The magic of this life is the monk's **** sacrifice, and it has been cultivated in Dantian for many years. Although it has been forcibly suppressed by Sun Hao's boundless heavy water and the power of the golden warfare, it can also force the imperialism.

On the white Baihua Gate flashed the crimson light, waiting for Sun Hao to dodge, a huge explosion, slamming from the foot of Sun Hao.

With a bang, a huge explosion spread throughout the Qitiansha city.

The surface of the oasis swelled with huge waves, and the ground seemed to be shaking a lot.

Wanli Huangsha Wanli smoked in the violent explosion of the explosion, continuous swaying, Qi Tianzong master squad Qiqi infused with real yuan, yellow light, shining in the air, finally barely stabilized the battle.

However, the huge explosion was still in the yellow sands, and it ignited a huge sand dune like a mushroom.

The agarwood adults who are dodging are completely submerged in the sand dunes.

Kang Lejia mouth spit out a blood, but the eyes are full of expectation and sternness, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is even more powerful, in such an explosion, should not be able to retreat?

Xiaoyu Feitian and other Qitian monks looked at the mushroom sand cloud with a little nervousness, and worried in the heart, I hope that Shenxiang adults can be safe. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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