Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: Pressure

Qi Tian was forced to come to the door. It was not an accident, nor was it happening within a year or two.

To say that, it has to be involved before the burial of the market.

The funeral sky market is a great event in the mainland, and it is also the yearning and pursuit of each generation of elite monks.

However, there are always some outstanding Tianjiao monks who are not at the right time. For various reasons, they missed the funeral of the market, which is a lifelong regret.

Very unfortunately, there is such a place in Baihuamen, which is adjacent to the Tianzheng.

Bai Huamen Kang Lejia, the true disciple of this generation, originally, he was bent on participating in the burial of the market. The cultivation was repeated again and again, and repeatedly restrained, and never spurred the Yuan Ying.

But the monks often have unsatisfactory things in their lives.

In another expedition, he gained the opportunity to go against the sky, and finally failed to suppress his own cultivation. He had to provoke Yuan Ying’s robbery and achieved Yuan Yingzhen.

Within the burial sky market, you can only enter Jindan real people.

Konka was very sorry to miss the Tianxu.

Moreover, his younger brother, Bai Huamen's seed player, Kang Leqi, was also eliminated in the top five battles of the South China Sea by Sun Yunxiang, Sun Yunmen, and became one of the stepping stones for Sun Haosun's rise to the mainland.

To be honest, Kanglega is not convinced of the ranks of the Jindan monks in the burial market. He does not feel that he is better than the monk who buried the ruins. He knows that his younger brothers are acquainted with the first name of the Sunshine Sun Sunsun. For a long time, if he goes up, maybe Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are difficult to qualify from the South.

Of course, in this case, he can only be buried deeply in his heart, and he can't and will not spread it everywhere.

Originally, this is not convincing, and there is nothing. At most, it is a scene of opposing battles between the two sides.

However, with the end of the funeral market, with the re-division of the southern continent, the problem has come.

Baihuamen's territory is close to the desert, bordering Qi Tianzong. Qi Tianzong is a heroic relationship because of his unique depravity. The territory has been greatly expanded. This expansion is still internal digestion.

Naturally, the expanded site will be cut from Baihuamen and one.

Qi Tianzong can't afford to return to one, only to provoke Baihuamen first.

Kang Lejia did not dare to violate the trend of Xianban, and his heart was reluctant to cut off part of the territory. Then began to wait and see, crouching. wait.

In the past few decades, the storm of the burial of the sky has gradually calmed down.

The strength of the great strength, the strength of the advancement of the Kangjia finally finally exposed. Five years ago, Shuai Baihuamen began to counterattack. Called Qi Tianzong.

The battle escalated rapidly, and soon, the battle with the Qi Tianzong ancestor Xiaoyu was launched over the desert.

Kangle is at this time. Shows the ability to suppress the strength of the early stage of the infant, the key moment. Qi Tianzong, another ancestor of Qi Tianzong, appeared in time, and with the strength of the two ancestors, he barely resisted Conrad. Return to the battle.

Subsequently, Qi Tianzong Zhenjun did not dare to fight, and the two began negotiations.

Concord has put forward a series of conditions.

The first one is to take back the inherent territory. To be honest, he only wants to take back his own territory, but he has no plans to develop into the desert. There is no objection to Qi Tianzong, but there is no way to disagree, unless it is to Xiangxian. The class seeks justice.

However, the second point proposed by Concord, the marriage, has made Qi Tianzong difficult.

The name of Kangle is to be known as Qi Xiaozong.

Qi Xiaoai did not agree with life and death, and the two negotiations were deadlocked.

Sun Hao, while flying on the sword, carefully analyzed the news revealed by Xiaoyu Chemical Library, but it was ridiculously discovered that Qi Tianzong’s current state of alertness is inseparable from his own attitude, and the demand for the marriage of the Conjoined, It may also be the meaning of drunkenness not in wine.

Three years ago, Kangle was asked.

Then, Bai Huamen’s attack began to slow down, and Qi Tianzong calmed down for two years.

At that time, Kangle was supposed to be testing himself, just waiting for Qingyunmen’s attitude.

If Qingyunmen responds at this time and promptly supports Qi Tianzong, or even asks Qi Tianzong to ask for a kiss, then Baihuamen’s action is bound to stop, and it is even possible to apologize in person.

However, three years ago, he was on the way to the desert in the north, and Qingyunmen did not contact himself at all, and he did not know his attitude at all.

At this time, Daewoo must also be in the Nanyang town, so Qingyunmen did not react to this matter.

The understanding of Bai Huamen is that there is no response, that is, giving up is acquiescence.

Therefore, after this year, Bai Huamen’s attitude was once again tougher, and the attack became more and more sharp, and the demand for marriage was once again strong.

The tension between the two sides became more and more tense, and Qi Tianzong was in a state of high alert.

What makes Sun Hao laugh at all is that the whole Qi Tianzong has a bad impression on his grandson Sun Shenxiang. The reason is that he has promised to marry him. He has not seen the movement for decades. When Qi Tianzong is under tremendous pressure, Also chose silence.

When Xiaoyu Huaku said loudly: "Before, I also worshiped Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, and I was deeply moved by the feelings of my grandfather and Aquilaria, but now I want to say that his grandson Sun Shenxiang is not worthy. Grandpa’s friend, hey, don’t worship him...”

Hearing the words of Xiaoyu Huaku, Sun Hao’s heart is inexplicably heavy.

Along the way, Sun Hao hopes that he can do his best, the best for his loved ones, the best for his friends, and the best for Zongmen.

However, unconsciously, inevitably, Sun Hao found that many places in his own place were not doing very well.

Did not see the last side of the parents, Wang Qiong waited for himself for hundreds of years.

In the funeral market, he promised to look after Qi Tianzong alone, but the result was because of his own reasons, Qi Tianzong suffered unprecedented pressure.

Perhaps I feel that it is okay to ask for a kiss. It will be a matter of years and years later, but what about reality?

Then, from the case of Qi Tianzong to reason about Bai Jianzong of Bai Forging, what will happen?

When the Xianban was discussed, what efforts could be made to achieve the benefits for their sects?

Some sects still do not put themselves in their eyes, and still regard their own words as a whisper.

good very good.

Unconsciously, in Sun Hao’s heart, there was a fierce temper, and there was a thought that must be upright. The heart said: “Kanga, I remember you, I hope you don’t attack Qi Tianzong.

In front, Xiaoyu Chemical said loudly: "If you know what you know under the grandfather, you may climb up and ask his best comrades at this time. If I am the grandson of Sun Hao, I will never allow someone to bully my friend, let alone The friend’s sister is still a scheduled apprentice wife...”

At the end of the team, Sun Hao, who tried to follow the three people, suddenly said: "Chu Ye, maybe, that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang just heard about this, and it is not necessarily coming to Qi Tianzong."

"Do you think that his grandson Sun Shenxiang is like you? The imperial sword can still climb." Xiaoyu Huaku swept Sun Hao and said loudly: "He is a great energy of Yuan Ying, a momentary movement is Thousands of miles, come early."

Mu Qiangqiang said: "It is really possible that something will be delayed. It is inevitable that no one has a big house."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Yes."

Xiaoyu Huakuo stunned and said: "His mother, if his grandson Sun Shenxiang really came, at most, Laozi continued to worship him, and there is no relationship with your half-Mao Lingshi, I said Zhong Xiaohao, you will Can't hurry up? Qi Tianzong really wants to fight with Baihuamen. I still want to make a battle with a title, but I can't delay too much time for you..."

Sun Hao said: "I am eager, I have tried my best, and then I said, maybe you are accompanying me now, that is, to align Tianzong's greatest help. If you are a temper, you may add chaos on the battlefield..."

Xiaoyu Chemical Library said: "Rely, Zhong Xiaohao, how do you have a view with my grandfather, I am so unreliable?"

Mu Qiangqiang laughed talking with three companions, unconsciously, Sun Hao seems to have returned to the days of cultivation or foundation period, unconsciously, what Sun Hao did not find is The heart of the heart, once again brightened a few points, and Yuan Ying's demeanor was a little vivid, human touch, unconsciously and made some progress.

Among the three flavors of Sanweiyuan baby fire, human taste needs to start cultivation first, but it always needs to run through the whole Yuan Ying period. According to the description of Xiong’s ancestors in the real fire secret technique, Yuan Ying’s monks want to break through Yuan Ying. In the Yuan Ying period, you must experience this step of entering the gods.

The cultivation of human feelings is precisely to let Yuan Ying's monks begin to realize the various aspects of life from the beginning, and use it as a big medicine for Yuan Ying, and integrate it into the real fire, and finally achieve the goal of becoming a god.

What Sun Hao did not think of was that as he kept the Aquilaria sword in the desert, his speed was also preparing to increase, and he was able to keep up with the pace of the three Zhuji monks.

Inadvertently, after experiencing the imperial concubine in the heavy water, and carrying the heavy weight of Sun Hao to leap into the desert, the speed of the incense sword is also producing a quantitative change to qualitative accumulation. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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