Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1140: Goodbye Iraqi

The old town of ice and snow is now a variegated ice silkworm. The white elders did not dare to neglect. They quickly sent the news back to the Holy Palace and asked for support. ☆ tomato novel network ---``--`---

Sun Hao and other monks waited for the change, waiting for more than half a month, the ice and cold outside the old town of ice and snow quietly sneaked in and out twice to explore the old town.

Under Sun Hao’s attention, it was perceived and quietly pursued, roughly clarifying the way in which God’s knowledge was withdrawn, and the general situation.

However, even if Sun Hao did not really know where the ice silkworms are located, Sun Hao condensed to the ultimate knowledge of the gods. After approaching a certain distance, he still felt cold and cold, but only wanted to be frozen, but it was not. Dare to be too close.

But from the motives of God's knowledge, as well as the signs of the mask monk's activities in the world of ice and snow, the ancient silkworm should be in the idea of ​​playing the old town of ice and snow, or it is a prey in the old town of ice and snow. Object.

It’s just because Sun Hao and the few gods that once pursued it made it quite taboo, and it was nailed away by Sun Hao’s Aquilaria Sword, so it’s only a few times to explore, and the offensive situation is a little slow. .

Half a month later, outside the old town, a white ice shuttle broke through the air. The white elders led several disciples of the Holy Palace to meet each other and shouted in the mouth: "Welcome to the Lord of the Palace..."

In a snow-white blouse, Xia Qingyu, a masked shawl, stands on the ice shuttle, and the teeth are clear, and softly said: "Sisters are exempt, white elders, hard work, I don't know what is going on now?"

The White Elder respectfully said: "The Lord of the Palace, we have traces of the ancient silkworm, the specific situation, the subordinate details report. Tomato △ novel △ network -------``

Xia Qingyu nodded and said to the frost around her: "The frost-free elders, let's go on."

The ice is frost-free and laughs and says: "The Lord, please."

After the burial of the Tianxu Market, the old palace of the Ice and Snow Palace gradually retired, and more things were handed over to the management of the Shaogong Lord. Of course, they also explained the elders and other helpers.

The sanctuary monks surrounded Xia Qingyu into the old town shack. Inside the inn, watching the lively monks, it was a lively excitement.

Trapped in the old town of ice and snow, many monks have a deep uneasiness in their hearts. Many of the out-of-town companions have been surprised. Some time ago, before the ice and snow palace monks did not arrive, the old town was even more windy, but it was a blessing in disguise. Actually, because of the fusion of the old town, everyone was fortunate enough to witness the legendary monastic monk.

Today, it is even more rare to visit the palace. ☆◇▽☆☆Towfowl novel network-``---`

Legend has it that the Lord's Palace has no match for the moon, although the scarf is masked, but with a smile, it can make the ice and snow color, and make the flowers shy.

A few of the hard-to-repair eyes showed an admirable look. Some monks said, "If you are seen by the younger lord, it will be reached."

Immediately, a monk knocked him on a slap in the face: "You will dream. You have no repairs, no status, why do you see you?"

This sentence has made many monks silent.

A monk who can come to the old town, a monk who can still live a living and alive in this state, who is a little capable, and how many backgrounds, but compared with the Ice Palace, then nothing is .

I want to be seen by the younger lord. It is really a fantasy.

After half a ring, the loving person Wei Xingbing said something about everyone: "The fate of this thing, who can make it clear? Nothing, everyone has to go out and wander around, maybe there is a holy house fairy to see you right. Love it? Don’t stay in the room like Zhong Xiaohao..."

Sun Hao was dumbfounded.

Goodbye to the Iraqis, the Iraqis are still. Tomato △ novel △ network --`-`-``

However, Sun Hao did not take the initiative to meet, the main reason is that there is no frost in the ice, and Sun Hao has some sorrow in his heart, if not necessary. Sun Hao did not want to disturb the Holy Palace, or else the Holy Palace thought that his grandson Sun Shenxiang came to the door to chase the summer rain.

His grandson is just looking for heavy water.

There is a good relationship with Xia Qingyu, and it is not bad, but it has not yet reached the point where his grandson Sun Shenxiang chased and beat hard. Besides, Sun Hao feels that his emotional problems are a mess, but I really don’t know how to deal with it. The practice is to avoid talking, and to be natural.

Fortunately, everyone is a monk, lifelong practice is fundamental, in addition to Xia Wei a tiger hoe, there is no other red face directly to say, Sun Hao less worry.

Now, if you don't alarm, it's still not alarming.

As for Wei Bing’s evaluation of himself, Sun Hao can only laugh at it, but his heart is thinking, if one day, these monks will see themselves laughing and talking with the rain, will they say, “Look, look, this is the princess. Look at the typical representative of the grass roots, brothers cheer!"

Wei Xingbing looked at the tall building in the middle of the old town. He was a god, but he asked: "Boss, this is what you said about the iceberg snow lotus? It is really the best in the world. If you are boss, you have a way to get close to me, boss. It is the idol that I worship for life. ◇○◇`-`-```-"

Hao Anyi’s voice came from his heart: “Yes, this is the iceberg snow lotus I said, and it’s the best one among them, but the little soldier, it’s not that I hit you, this snow lotus, I don’t recommend you. According to my analysis, the difficulty coefficient is too high and the risk is too high. Our goal should be a second-level iceberg snow lotus like Snow Ruo..."

Wei Xingbing said uncomfortably in his heart: "Boss, you are too small to be too old, I am old Wei, you know, in the five elements of the demon, I am also a fascination, the fragrance is coming..."

Hao Anyi: "Get it, you, you are a **** in a group of chickens, people are now ice phoenix, is there any comparability? Let me know, as far as I know, that Shaogongzhu to Sun Haosun Shen Xiang I have a special liking, Xiaobing, if you can kill Sun Hao now, I will support you..."

Wei Xingbing aimed at Sun Hao’s room and said with a quick heart: “That’s it, I still want to live a few more years. I’m talking about the ease boss. Have you said that you’ve got it? Mother’s, it’s Sun Hao’s good, I don't want to mess with this little comet, yes, boss, you just said that Xue Runan is coming, I will be embarrassed, look at her, boss, tell me, how should this girl catch up?"

"This girl is a man, there are two ways to chase her. One is to fully show your masculine side, suppress her with masculinity, let her bow to you..."

Wei Xingbing: "This, the difficulty factor is a bit high..."

"There is only the second method. The so-called Bailian Steel is most afraid of softening. You can fully display the gentle side of your man, take care of it, and use love to influence her..."

Wei Xingbing: "This, it seems that the roles of men and women have changed positions."

"Love can't chase, chase, teach you the yin and yang dragon and the third layer..."

Wei Xingbing: "Whoever is afraid of it, chase after it."

After the heart finished, Wei Xingbing looked up and smiled softly at the unscrupulous long squatting on the infinitely smashing car. He said softly: "Dao Chang, we also joined the Holy Palace team to help, Xiaobing has a lot of research on insects, saying Maybe it will help a lot..."

Unscrupulous long only feels that the body is not right, the goose bumps are full of climbing.

Infinitely flying, Yang Tian "Oh..." a strange scream, it seems that Wei Xingbing was disgusted to the general, jumped from the snow, and ran away.

In the attic, I heard the howling, Xia Qingyu’s face was slightly stunned, and the hand stretched out, indicating that the white elders were quiet. Then, the gods swept over the infinite flying scorpion, and after a light bang, the mouth asked. Road: "White elders, is there a speedless car outside? Is there a long way to go?"

The white elder nodded: "Well, it means that people are shameless and unscrupulous, but they say that they are unscrupulous and unscrupulous."

Xia Qingyu show Yan Yixiao: "He has some origins with the Holy The infinite speed is quite magical, and it is best to bring him."

Xia Qingyu's smile blooms, and throughout the attic, it seems like a hundred flowers bloom, and all the sanctuary monks feel the spirit.

The white elder smiled and said: "I have already called him into the ranks. However, on his speeding car, there are now several passengers. The strength of the three is not weak, especially the sword repair, which is not much worse than me, but The other two are much worse. One is only a perfect foundation, and the other is already a good one, but it has just turned around. I am afraid that it will not help."

Xia Qingyu did not know that Sun Hao would arrive in the northern part of the country. He did not even think that Sun Haohui would be on his side. She is only concerned about the infinite speed of the car, but she is not very concerned about the monks inside.

Quite casually, Xia Qingyu asked: "Weird, a great foundation, a golden dragon, what did you do in the old town?"

Then wait for the white elders to give an answer, Xia Qingyu has said: "Forget it, no matter what they are doing, let them stay in the inn or stay in the infinite speed, it should be no danger."

The white elder said: "Well, just do what the Lord of the Palace says." (To be continued.)

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