Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1132: Frozen soil

Sword unparalleled meets with Sun Haoping, but feels that this boy is gentle and courteous, and his attitude towards himself is also courteous, giving his senses very good, but it is a good junior, decided to be within the scope of his ability, with Sun Hao In the area, carrying one, but picking up a good relationship.

Sun Hao saw the sincere sword unparalleled, could not help but think of the heart of the heart of the sword hundred forging, the heart is slightly warm, hands and swords unparalleled slightly arched: "Thank you for the unparalleled friends, that Xiaohao is respectful and desperate." ”

Although it is said that the unparalleled strength of the sword may not be able to overcome himself, as a Yuan Ying Zhenjun, he is willing to take Sun Hao at this time, but Sun Hao must be grateful.

Looking at the three people, Wei Bing’s face also showed a bright smile: "Like me, count me, I am going to wander around, wherever I go, no brother, Xiaohao brother, count me One……"

In the heart, Wei Bing is asking: "Boss, I call you boss, don't you know that Sun Haosun is a comet? Why do you let me follow him?"

Hao Anyi’s voice sounded directly in his heart: “Stupid, two Yuan Ying Zhenjun, the strength is extremely strong, mix with them, your life is guaranteed, say again, soldiers, hurriedly with Sun Hao Get the relationship done, ask him for a mirror, that thing is useful."

Wei Bing smiled in the heart: "Boss, I saw Sun Hao's leg is soft, can be very good now, or else, you directly ask him?"

"I can find it early," Hao Anyi sighed: "Sun Hao has a prejudice against me, and my mother is a true woman who is a crazy woman.

Wei Bing asked: "Who is the real woman?"

Hao Anyi: "I don't know if you don't know, don't be curious about your baby. Well, Sun Hao promised you. Keep up with it. This is a good thing. I teach you the spring breeze."

Wei Bing’s spirit: "Okay."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The feelings are good, everyone is acting together. There is also a kind of care."

Guo Nalong did not speak. He is a businessman and will not go deep into the ice.

He did not speak, and he had special purposes and special missions. Not necessarily the same way.

Two months later, the infinite number of cars went deep into the back of the ice sheet. When I arrived at the small station with only three points left from the final destination, the dark blue in Sun Hao’s arms finally reacted and screamed softly.

A small fire appeared on Sun Hao’s shoulder. In the consciousness, he said to Sun Hao: "Brother, this strange cat said that there is treasure in front."

The fire did not fully recover. I really didn't think about who this dark blue kitten was trying to please, but she could still understand the cat's cat language.

Sun Hao reached out and touched the warm fur of the small fire. Then smiled and said to the sword unparalleled: "There is no match, I am going to explore the ice sheet. To the northeast."

The unparalleled smile on the sword's face reveals: "Unfortunately, I am also going to explore the northeast."

Wei Bing said with a little excitement: "Go with me, go with..."

The gathering wind said: "I am going north."

Wei Bing said: "Sorry regret. Can't be on the same road."

The unscrupulous road swept a few monks who were about to go deep into the ice field and said aloud: "The road leader will stay in the ice for two days, and it will not expire. Please be careful."

The ice shrinks and the cold current, the Sichuan condensation freezes, the moon shines on the ice, and the night winds are cold and cold.

Flying out of the ice, the cold wind makes the monk stand on the ground. Under the moon, it is even cold, making people feel cold and biting, soaking the bone marrow.

"My goal is to re-water," Sun Hao said before the road, openly and honestly said: "I practice a mystery, you need a lot of heavy water, especially to the north of the land to find opportunities."

"I need a million ice," Sword smiled and said: "Our goals are not conflicting, but they can help each other."

Wei Bing said unwillingly: "My goal is flowers, and the ultimate goal is that it is the iceberg snow lotus."

The three men looked at each other and looked at the northeast direction and flew over.

Less than half an hour, a dry riverbed appeared in front of the three people. In the riverbed, there were white glaciers everywhere. In the moonlight, the reflections burst into silver.

The baby of dark blue induction is on the upper reaches of the riverbed and can be up the river.

After discovering the riverbed, the spirit of the three people could not help but be a little bit.

The existence of a river means that there have been many diverse creatures in this area. There should be diversified cultivation resources. Even if the riverbed is dry, there should be survival after the evolution of life.

Along the river, not long after, I found some traces of the original movement of ice.

Swordsman said softly: "Everyone is careful, the environment in the ice field is bad, the beasts that can survive here often have very special abilities, and must not be sloppy."

Wei Bing nodded: "Well, thank you brother."

In Sun Hao’s heart, it was a slight movement. His body was dusty. At this time, there was a faint craving, that is to say, above the riverbed, it should be able to find something that would help the dust and the soil.

The knowledge of God was swept away, and Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned.

In front of the riverbed, there was a slight snoring.

In the moonlight, some tiny shadows appeared on the riverbed.

Look closely, these black shadows are the size of a chopstick head, growing a pair of white and almost transparent wings, with a large mosquito that grows into a needle.

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly stunned, and the induction of dust is the mosquitoes that take off. That is to say, these mosquitoes actually help the growth of the dust?

Sword Musou said at this time: "Xiaohao, Wei Bing, be careful, this is the ice-winged mosquito, which is small, fast, has a strange toxin of ice properties, and the straw in the mouth can break the monk's body and be careful."

Between the talks, the ice-winged mosquitoes have discovered three monks who broke into their territory. In the snoring, they moved in the direction of the three.

In the air, a very white mist was sprayed to the three people. Then, an ice-winged mosquito doubles its wings and its mouth stretches forward. Like a shuttle, the straw is tied to three monks.

In the white fog, Sun Hao only felt that his body was slightly stiff and had a feeling of being frozen.

When I was preparing to shake the real yuan, when the white mist was scattered, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly moved, and the interest did not need to be directed by Sun Hao. He had already run his own way, and it seemed to be a bit hungry and sucked away from Sun Hao’s body. Extreme cold fog.

Sun Hao was really stiff because he did not disperse the white fog.

Ice-wing mosquito straws also came over, and Sun Hao did not seem to be able to dodge. He was stunned and whispered. Several ice-winged mosquitoes had already plunged into Sun Hao’s arm.

Almost instantaneously, Sun Hao’s arm bulged a small mole.

Sun Hao just woke up from the stiffness, hurriedly shaken his arm, shaken the ice-winged mosquitoes, and the sword of Shenxiangjian screamed, flew out, brushed a few swords, and dropped a large body of ice-winged mosquitoes in the air. .

At this point, more ice-winged mosquitoes came over.

Sword Musou gave a clear drink: "Xiaohao is careful."

Just now, the sword has nothing to deal with, it is not stiff, and it has not been broken by the ice-winged mosquitoes. However, he found that Zhong Xiaohao, who is weak in the ranks, is constantly attacked. He can’t help but think that he needs to be exposed. , rescue him?

Sun Hao slammed his arm and began to calm down the small bag on his hand. He said in a mouth: "I am fine, my brother, my natural body, can solve a hundred poisons. Although the ice-winged mosquitoes are powerful, they hurt me, don't I worry."

Sword Musou breathed a sigh of relief, and the gods recognized the flying sword that was about to be sacrificed. He said loudly: "Then you should pay attention to it, don't be stabbed by the ice wing, or it will be very uncomfortable."

Sun Hao said: "I understand."

In the internal view Sun Hao found that there was a small area of ​​frozen soil in his own condensate empty tower, and this area is still expanding gradually and gradually frozen.

The vagueness of the heart is somewhat clear. The soil is the soil. The sag of the sap of the soil of the soil needs to produce different soils. How do these soils come, and now they understand that it is the source of the spirits that absorb different soils.

The cold fog sprayed by the ice-winged mosquitoes, the cold poison in the straw, should be the source of this cold, but the soil absorbs the nutrients of the developed frozen soil.

The sword is unparalleled to see the true cultivation of Sun Hao and worry about Sun Hao.

However, Wei Bing is different. He knows that Sun Hao is fine, but he knows that he is confused. At this time, he is asking Hao Anyi in his consciousness: "I said Boss, Sun Shenxiang, what is this? Killed. I don't believe it, he will be frozen, and he is actually tied by the ice-winged mosquitoes. Which one is he playing?"

"Two possibilities", Hao Anyi quickly analyzed: "The first one is that he may need this ice wing mosquito to tie him, just like you need a female repairing squatting practice; the second is that he may not want to expose his strength, playing pigs Tiger, maybe this is what he is counting." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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