Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1090: Ice fire island

Ice peaks rise from the sky,

Fire column Yaohai;

Compatible with each other,

Life and death will always follow.

It is said that "ice and fire are born" ice fire island.

The ice and fire is one of the most exotic seas in the South Sea.

Iceland and Fire Island are only half a mile apart, looking across the sea, and they are in harmony.

Affected by the two islands, the surrounding waters of hundreds of small islands formed a peculiar sea area microclimate.

In the sea area, there are cold currents and warm currents. The two interact and collide, creating a very diverse sea of ​​living and sea cultivation resources.

A lot of resources are the specialties of Ice Fire Island.

The battles in the ice islands have also been heard. In a short period of time, the large array of islands laid on the basis of the strange mountains and rivers of the two islands will not be easily broken.

The two islands are based on the island. From time to time, they send small fleets to attack their opponents. They stubbornly persist in it. Although the dragon family has a huge advantage, they don’t want to eat it.

Yuan Yingzhenjun did not shoot, presumably want to wait for the two islands to protect the island from being smashed almost, and then lay the victory in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the Fengyun is an arrow, a total of eight top sea boats, a large fleet of more than 200 large and small sea boats slowly moving forward, the speed is not very fast.

Not eager to rush to the battlefield.

The fleet is made up on a temporary basis. Many tactics need to be run in, but they are eager to come.

Of the eight top-class sea boats, three were the first ships of the Sanshen fleet, and the other one was the new purchase of the Fengyun monk, but three of them made the monks somewhat inexplicable, and even more jaw-dropping.

These three ships are actually Longjiahai ships.

When the three top sea boats with the Baiyun Golden Dragon Flag appeared behind the fleet, all the monks were shocked and thought that the Dragon family had got the news and intercepted everyone in the waters.

Then, Yu did not want to appear unhurriedly, organized the manpower, and went to meet three top sea boats with few monks.

The first sea boat to hang the Baiyun Golden Dragon Flag. There is a peerless beauty sitting in the town, this big beauty at first sight makes people think about it, the belly is hot, but people feel a little lack of roots.

Her deputy. It is a milky baby with a jade carving.

This baby, wearing floral long trousers, draped in red short-sleeved sleeves, a pair of eyes dripping, and he did not want to wait for people to be very familiar.

The second top sea boat. A tall and tall monk sits in the town. The monk is as calm as a mountain. His deputy is a white hair with a smile on his face. He looks very harmonious and has a perfect monk, claiming Shen Jinyu.

On the last top sea boat, there are couples. The beautiful female repair is absolutely unforgettable and too white. Every monk who saw her is so lamented.

It’s just that it’s strange. The bright and beautiful woman's appearance seems to be very unseen to see the peerless beauty on the first top-class sea boat. Every time I look at it with a vertical eye, it is very doubtful whether the big beauty has hooked up her honest husband.

It is actually the top sea boat of three dragons.

Moreover, it seems that he is not familiar with it.

Of course, he joined the fleet, and the Fengyun was the main force, which formed the middle force of the fleet.

Most monks are puzzled.

However, many of the old monks of Fengyun, including the one-eyed three, seem to remember the origins of these three top-class sea boats, bursting with bursts of cheers.

just. They are still unfamiliar with the township monks of the three sea boats.

Yu did not want to systematically mobilize the power of some sea boats to enrich the three top sea boats.

Then, the monks who had been transferred to the past found that the township monks of the three sea boats were not reliable.

The peerless beauty is really lacking in roots, basically regardless of the size of the ship.

Big man monks are more funny. Actually seasick; the white-haired female repair couple does not seem to have the experience of commanding the sea boat.

Suddenly, the monks who were transferred to the three sea boats were worried and began to worry about their own destiny.

Because the three top sea boats need to run in, the entire fleet is sailing much slower.

Yu does not want to wave the flag on the Fengyun number every day, carry out all kinds of drills, and strive to make the three top sea boats quickly adapt to the battle at sea in the shortest time.

that's it. The fleet slowly entered the ice and fire waters during the running-in.

Immediately after entering the ice and fire, the fleet met two streams of different colors.

A tidal wave is formed by the warmth of the island.

The Kuroshio is named after the sea seems to be blue and blue.

In fact, its true color is as usual, just because of the depth of the sea, algae and other effects, making it look like draped in the clothes.

The black tide is fast, the water temperature is also high, and the hand reaches into the Kuroshio, and it can sense the obvious warmth.

A red tide is formed by the cold current of Iceland.

The red tide, also known as the red tide, is also known as the red ghost. It is named after the sea water has a tidal color.

In fact, the red tide is a singular phenomenon of seawater discoloration caused by a large number of strange cold-flowing algae that encounter rapid growth and rapid growth after encountering a warm environment.

The Kuroshio and Red Tide are the two most unusual sea currents on Icefire Island.

With these two currents, the sea of ​​ice and fire has formed a large number of strange sea creatures.

The fleet slowly moved forward and really entered the sea of ​​ice and fire, and began to harvest some peculiar cultivation resources.

There were also some islands passing by along the way. The island’s flag could not be seen on the island, but the traces of the sea battle could be seen, the bricks were broken, the fire was ash, and the islands were scattered.

Obviously, these islands have been conquered by the fleet of dragons.

Obviously, Icefire Island relied on the islands for a tenacious defense, and each island launched a certain offensive and defensive battle.

Fengyun retracted to the middle and rear of the fleet.

The three dragons' top sea boats raised the Baiyun Golden Dragon Flag, and the fleet swayed and slowly advanced into the depths of the ice island.

Along the way, there was no fleet interception.

However, I met several ships that were inspected. However, at first glance, it was the top fleet of the Dragon family. The high-spirited Baiyun Golden Dragon Flag was just a question mark from far away. Then, it was said that it did not want to pass a signal to deceive and advance. And go.

This can not be blamed for the monk's care, but in fact, the dragon's top sea boat can not be faked, the Baiyun Golden Dragon Flag is also real gold and silver.

What's more, the fleets that the Dragon family gathered are mostly sea thieves. They are complex in composition and unfamiliar with each other.

Mu Xiaotian, Xingtai, and other monks were stunned, but they also secretly complained. Their original intention was to play the autumn wind on the outside and hit the ball. Once the situation was not right, they immediately took the boat and looked at it. But now, it has already reached the ice. Deep in the sea.

It’s a good idea to get away with it, but at the same time, it’s really in the encirclement of the enemy.

Once the war is defeated, or if it is perceived to be wrong, it is equivalent to being dumped directly.

Many monks have drums in their hearts and are sweating.

Don't look at the fleet of eight top-class sea boats, but the strength is not good, the patchwork is made up, the combat power can be able to smash, when the time, don't kill the whole army.

In the midst of most of the ignorance of the monks, Yu did not want to wait for the people to happily command the captain to drive straight in, gradually approaching the core area of ​​the ice island.

Far from seeing the ice and fire island.

Ice peaks rise from the sky,

Fire column Yaohai;

Compatible with each other,

Life and death will always follow.

It is not only the shape of the Ice Island, but also the history of the two forces that are intertwined with each other.

The Icelandic Li family claimed to be a descendant of the ancient Tang Dynasty and the dynasty structure, and the monk Li Yuncong of that year was the uncle of today.

Fire Island is home, but it is a typical island management structure, and Ying Xuanhu, who was fighting side by side with Sun Hao, was the island owner.

Ice and Fire Shuangdao, Li Ying, two, for thousands of years, get along more harmoniously, consistently external, common development, repelled a lot of powerful enemies to look at the resources of Icefire Island, stand for thousands of years without falling, but it is the real ice and fire Landlord.

Only this time, they met the Nanyang bandit fleet that the Dragon family gathered.

It was a great disaster.

I don't know if I can finally get through the After saying that Sun Hao checked some of the information, I suddenly found out that Icefire Island was besieged, as if it was faintly separated from myself.

At that time, after Sun Hao led the Sanshen fleet and the Wansui family of death fleets to break the Longjiao Bailong Golden Dragon Flag, the Mou Zong and Wan Yijia launched the siege and clearing of the Dragon House. Sun Hao did not participate, but eventually The result of Sun Hao knows that the Dragon family has not suffered much damage, and abandoned the island and turned it into a theft.

Now, it is the island fleet that the Dragon family gathered to attack the ice island.

At this time, the Nanyang Alliance, which should have helped the Icefire Island, chose to stand by.

The reason is also very simple. The Dragon family itself is one of the most powerful forces in the Nanyang Alliance. For thousands of years, it has been inextricably linked with the major forces of the South Sea Alliance. The acquiescence and approval of many forces.

Among them, the greater possibility is the exchange of interests.

The bandits conquered the ice-fire island, and they went away, leaving the ice and fire area as a piece of fat at their fingertips. (To be continued.)

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