Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1087: Icefire Island

Eight-legged deformation overlord chapter!

The legendary sea overlord.

More importantly, in the legend, Qingyun Shenxiang ancestors raised a large octopus and sealed it as a mountain beast.

Isn't it, Aquilaria ancestors personally arrived?

Suddenly, Qingyun Port was full of people, and many Qingyun monks even fell to the ground and worshipped the eight-footed tyrants.

Sun Hao did not disturb the Qingyun Port resident monk, found a hotel in the port to stay, let Xiaozhang play in the sea.

Waiting for more than a month, Fengyun’s wind and waves, the sails fluttering, appeared in Sun Hao’s knowledge.

Many Qingyun port monks said that it was strange that the Fengyun had just left Hong Kong and actually came back. This embarrassment should be a big loss.

Fengyun did not explain anything. He stayed quietly in the port for two days. Then, in a loud voice, he again swelled the sails, broke the waves, and rushed into the sea.

Quietly, sitting cross-legged in the Fengyun, Sun Hao's heart has a lot of embarrassment.

In the past few decades, Fengyun has been as old and ruinous, with many damages, multiple methods of failure, power loss, and glory no longer.

What makes Sun Haozhen even more so is that the group of monks who used to fight with Nanyang in the past have left only three or two kittens. On the Fengyun, most of them are strange faces.

The few monks who still stayed on the Fengyun No. are still in the wind and candle, and have retired from the front of the naval battle to provide the Fengyun with some maintenance.

The reason why Fengyun was able to rush back to Qingyun Port after receiving the news of Xiaozhang was actually a strong adherence of a monk.

This monk, who has been staying in Fengyun, has witnessed the ups and downs of Fengyun, and the scenery and sadness of Jin Dan are unintentional.

It is also one of the three guards of Jindan.

What makes Sun Hao very unexpected is that he does not want to cultivate. After decades, Yu does not want to cultivate quickly, and he does not know what kind of opportunity he got. The cultivation has actually soared to the great completion of Jindan. It’s only a step away from the broken Dan baby.

To be honest, Sun Hao’s revision of the unspokenness is unbelievable.

Of course, Nanyang Boda. There are countless opportunities, and it is also possible to take the Tiandi Dibao directly and go straight to the sky.

Fengyun currently has two Jindan real people, a Jindan mid-term Mu Xiaotian. A Jindan early Xingtai.

Both of them were Jindan monks who later joined Fengyun, but they did not know Sun Hao.

Among the Nanyang, there are countless big demon, and the Terran monk is not too arrogant.

Sun Hao only came to seek heavy water. He did not want to cause too many disputes in the South Sea. Therefore, when he was on the ship, he was quite low-key and did not slam on the Fengyun.

Then, it showed that Jindan was repaired in the middle. I met two Jin Dan real people.

Although the two real people have maintained the basic respect for Sun Hao, but in the words, they also expressed their dissatisfaction with Sun Hao.

The reason is that I just went out to sea, I haven't got any cultivation resources yet, and I have been told that I don't want to come back to pick up Sun Hao. I have a sinister fire in my heart. It is quite good to not sneer at Sun Hao.

After going out to sea, the four Jindan monks negotiated the itinerary, which made the two Jindan real people full of resentment.

Sun Hao said that he needs to go to "Icefire Island". Take the windy boat of Fengyun.

Yu did not ask for the opinions of the two companions. It has been taken for granted: "Well, Xiaohao brother, since you need to go to the ice island, then we will adjust the route and drive the ice island directly."

Mu Xiaotian and Xingtai Yi looked at each other and gave each other a look. Mu Xiaotian said slowly: "Yu Big Brother, so arranged, I am afraid that it is a bit wrong. The direction of the ice fire island with us to book the route south and north, bypass the ice island. Our trip to the sea is completely abolished."

Yu does not want to glimpse.

In his consciousness, Sun Haocai is the real master of Fengyun, and Sun Hao’s business is naturally taken first, but now he finds that the two Jindan real people recruited behind him do not seem to know. I have Sun Hao, and I don’t buy it.

Yu did not want to look at Sun Hao, a little hesitant, should not tell the true identity of two companions Sun Hao?

At this time, Xingtai said, he smiled and said: "Yu brother, you don't know. Today's Ice Fire Island is the eventful autumn. The Nanyang League is in chaos. The Nanyang Dragon Family unites a number of forces to launch an attack on Icefire Island. We slammed into it at this time. Isn't it nothing to look for?"

Sun Hao’s body could not help but feel a little shocked.

Nanyang Longjia, who almost revived the black dragon and really flamboyant Nanyang Dragon family, did not expect that they actually surfaced again, but also launched an attack on Icefire Island. This is really interesting.

Yu did not want to take a brief look, then asked: "Xing brother, this is true? Is the news reliable?"

Xingtai 泷 nodded affirmed: "Nature is absolutely reliable news. If Xingmou guessed well, this bell brother should have received a cry for help from Icefire Island. Going to help, Zhongxiong, I wonder if Xingmou can judge? ”

Sun Haoxin said: "I am afraid that you think more."

But on the face, it showed a faint smile. The mouth said: "This is indeed the case. Li Huoshu and Yingdao, who are on the island of ice, have comrades-in-arms with me. At this time, they have to go to help the boxing."

Mu Xiaotian grinned and was preparing to speak.

Yu does not want to stand up, Lang said: "Taiwan, such a big news, why don't you say that early, I thought that Li Huangshu, Ying Island Lord and me and Xiaohao brothers fight side by side, fight the ancient demon, what is that Heroic spirit, now I have a hard time on the island of ice, I am a man of the wind, I can’t sit still and ignore it."

After that, Yu did not want to laugh at the sky: "The wind is unparalleled, riding the wind and breaking the waves, turning the rudder is south, the goal, the ice fire island, the attack..."

The big laughter spread throughout the storm.

On the Fengyun, there was a sound of screaming and screaming.

Mu Xiaotian opened his mouth and said, Xingtai squinted his eyes and shook his head slightly.

Yu does not want to appear on the face, and a little embarrassed to say to Sun Hao: "Xiaohao brother, this momentum, this morale, compared to the year, but it is more than a little bit."

When Sun Hao remembered that year, he remembered the monks and gentlemen who were in high spirits. They couldn’t help but feel a slight smile on their faces. “I don’t want to, believe me, how long it takes, I’m not afraid of Nanyang, morale is rainbow, Invincible."

Mu Xiaotian grinned.

Xingtai smiled.

Yu does not want to take a deep look at Sun Hao: "I am willing to follow Xiaohao, and then show the glory."

Mu Xiaotian and Xing Taiyu looked at each other again, but in their hearts, they looked at the words and did not want to look at them.

Yu does not want to be a complete consummation of Jin Dan, but he is so polite to a mid-Mindan monk. He can only explain again that the unsuccessful warfare is very limited, and he can't keep up with the ordinary Jindan mid-real people.

The first meeting of the four Jindan real people was a bit unhappy.

Sun Hao did not care.

Yu does not want to shake his head secretly.

If Xiaotian and Xingtai know that Xiaohao is the famous Aoyun Aquila ancestor, I don’t know what they think?

Most of the monks on the Fengyun did not know that there was one more person on their own ship, and they still driven the wind and the waves.

It’s just that Sun Hao discovered that Fengyun had been attacking the sea for many years. Many of the arrays were damaged, and the power was no longer needed, but it needed to be overhauled.

In addition, Sun Hao has just learned a lot of theoretical knowledge of the battleship of the sea in the Hall of the Soul, but it is just a good practice on the Fengyun.

Slowly, Sun Hao began to wander around the Fengyun. Sometimes, he stopped to observe and touch.

The Fengyun bow, originally set with a triangular collision angle, has been damaged at this time, and the prestige is no longer.

An elderly monk trembles, like stroking his own lover, carefully stroking the rupture of the horn, the eyes have a deep memory and nostalgia.

Then, as he touched it, he found that the crack in the corner of the horn seemed to be moving slowly.

He couldn't help but wipe his eyes, and then he looked at it again, but found that he was dreaming. The corner crack was self-healing. He stared at the corner of the corner and looked at it for a while. He blinked a few times. It is true that the corner is healing.

Excitedly, when he looked up and opened his mouth, he suddenly saw a familiar and unfamiliar teenager. The teenager who dreamed many times in his dreams burst into a bright smile on himself.

"Shen, Shen, Shenxiang adults, you, are you coming back?", the old monk was very surprised, his legs were soft, he wanted to kneel.

When Sun Hao reached out and lifted him up, he smiled and said: "He four, no need to be, yes, I am back."

He was four times old and tears.

After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for the adults to come back! (To be continued.)

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