Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: 5 rows of water

The battle boat is booming and roaring forward.

As in the past, returning to the Southland, perhaps more than a year.

Of course, the mood of the monks is very different.

On the Qingyun battle boat, I witnessed the monks who buried the whole process of the Tianxu. Now, all of them have worshipped Sun Hao, and they all admire them.

However, Sun Hao himself gradually calmed down, and in his own cultivation room, he began to stabilize his own cultivation, and began to carefully check his own cultivation situation, and sort out the road for his next cultivation.

Among the Dantian, the area of ​​Danhai has doubled. The whole Danhai is still a cloud of steaming Xiawei, and there are thousands of weathers. From time to time, there is a real element of gas from the Danhai.

The condensate tower is standing in the middle of Danhai.

Yuan Ying, sitting cross-legged at the top of the tower, the clouds around the Yuan Ying, the fog from time to time shuttle back and forth between Yuan Ying's nostrils.

Yuan Ying’s body, approved a layer of blushing nails, holding a small stick, is practicing independently.

The sea of ​​knowledge of the gods has also expanded in a large area, and the space for recognizing the island has become rapidly growing. The small fire is sleeping in the island, slowly recovering, and does not know what it can be restored after waking up.

The fourth soul has been completely lit. If you find a suitable source of soul, you should be able to complete the fourth soul now.

Moreover, as Sun Hao advances to the Yuan Ying period, many things can be cultivated.

Thousands of thousands of thoughts smashed the spirit of the Dafa, and once again, the gods knew five points. By then, their own knowledge should have a greater progress.

The five elements of the wheeled spirit once again passed a piece of information, but finally, Sun Hao can start the next round.

The conditions of the five-line round of spiritual practice are very demanding and difficult, but there is no doubt that the powerful auxiliary role of the five elements of the wheel is the foundation of Sun Hao’s triumphant triumph, the process of spiritual rotation, that is, Sun Hao’s promotion. process.

So, always. The five elements of the wheel is the top priority of Sun Hao's cultivation.

This time. The five elements of the round of spirits did not surprise, given the "round water decision."

Sun Hao has been practicing all the way. So far, it has been a round of fire, a turn of the wheel, and a turn of gold. Today, it is the turn of the water.

Among the five elements. Jin Shengshui, Tu Ke Shui.

Among the five internal organs of the human body, the kidneys are water.

The principle of the water cycle. Similar to the same way, the method is similar.

only. The source of psionic energy needed for rotation is slightly different.

At the time of the turn of the earth, Sun Hao needs to find the aura of soil properties. Need to find five elements of gold.

But when you are in the water, you need something. It is slightly different.

When you are in the water, you need to use the metal element to cultivate, and use the soil attribute to suppress it. Through the refining of the world and the water, the kidneys are gradually enlarged, and the purpose of reinvigorating the spiritual roots of the water is achieved.

There are two key to the rotation of the water, one is naturally the strength of the practice, which determines the degree of accumulation of Sun Hao's rotation.

Another nature is that the water is good or bad.

There are different numbers in the heavens and the earth, and the fires in the heavens and the earth are actually different fires. Correspondingly, there are some strange water species between the heavens and the earth. For various reasons, there are some magical effects.

Compared with the fire of heaven and earth, in fact, the water is more rare.

In the past, there were monks who compiled the world's spiritual fire list, summed up some common fires on the list, and according to the special attributes of the fire, they discharged the ranks of the fire.

But the same is a monk. For thousands of years, it has not been able to compile a different water list. The reason is that a lot of different waters are actually unique to the world. If they are used, they will be gone. It is difficult for a monk to compile a list.

There are really records on the mainland, Sun Hao is exposed, and there may be only three different types of water.

One is weak water, the characteristic of weak water is actually a "light", the water is weak and cannot carry the boat, the Hong Mao does not float, it is "weak water".

The classical book "The Great Wild West" records: "The Kunlun Hill has a 'weak water's bottom", and the classical book "Hanshu Geography" records: "The west has to reach the pool, there is weak water, Kunlun Mountain ""

However, Kunlun Xianshan is the famous Xianshan in ancient times. It is still absent. Wherever it is in the mainland, it has not been verified. Although it is recorded, it is not easy to find it.

The second is heavy water. The heavy water is simple to say. It is well understood that it is water that is heavier than ordinary water.

Strictly speaking, there are many heavy waters on the mainland.

A lot of water weighs a little more than ordinary water, especially in the deep sea and the bottom of deep lakes.

However, the real water that can really enter the eyes of the monks and the help of the monks must reach "one dollar" or more.

It is a heavy water.

Legend has it that heavy water is also graded, with ordinary heavy water, one yuan heavy water, two heavy water, and three yuan heavy water.

However, this monk can collect one yuan of heavy water on top of ordinary heavy water. That is hard to add. The dual heavy water is already very rare, and the three-yuan heavy water is basically extinct.

However, among the classical books, there are indeed records of three yuan and heavy water. Moreover, in the classical books, it is called "氚".

Moreover, in the classics, the abbreviations of one yuan, two yuan, and three yuan heavy water are also given as "氕, 氘, 氚".

The principle of naming is also very simple. When water is heated, it will turn into gas. Below the gas, one vertical represents one yuan.

The third is Xuan Shui, the classical book "Zhuangzi? Knowing the North Tour": "Knowledge North swims above the "Xuanshui" and climbs the hidden hills, but it is worthy of nothing."

Eight of the Taoist Steps: "The North is near Xuan Shui, and the South Palace is born."

The origin of Xuan Shui is "Northern basaltic, the main black, so Yun Xuan Shui."

Xuanwu is the crown of the water. It is the top representative of the water. Strictly speaking, it is the reason. Many unknown waters are named after Xuan Shui. Xuan Shui is actually a special name for many waters with strange functions.

In general, with heavy water, there is also a difference between the high and low, the grade.

The name is different from the heavy water. From low to high, it is “people metaphorical water”, “earth metaphysical water” and “Tianzhu Xuanshui.”

People are more common in Xuan Shui. In the secular world, there are often special springs that come out of the world. They can cure all diseases and cure hundreds of diseases. They are regarded as gods by ordinary people. They often wear red color and worship.

But after a short break, this magical effect will be lost, and it will be turned into a water droplet. The reason is that Xuan Shui Ling can be exhausted and its power is no longer.

The metaphor of Xuan Shui is very rare, mostly in the mountains of Daze, or in the Lingshi, or born in the **** tree, is the real spiritual thing raised by the earth.

In a certain sense, some of the metaphors of Xuan Shui are not under the sacred waters, but the way they are generated is different.

For example, the "spring of life" recorded in the classics of the billion-year-old **** tree recorded in the classics is not weaker than the top-notch Tianshui.

"The Spring of Life" is also one of the most fascinating waters that Sun Hao is currently eager. If there is such a mysterious water, there is no doubt that it can be extremely beneficial to the recovery of small fires and intellectual idiots.

The most typical representative of Tianzhu Xuanshui is the “Dragon Drops” after the monks advanced. This is a kind of Xuan Shui that can greatly improve the foundation of the monks and help the monks to be firmly cultivated.

However, this kind of Tianzhu Xuanshui is generally one-on-one. It is basically only for the monks who are robbing the monks. Even if others can take them away, there is not much effect, and the effect is also most suitable for the monks to advance, but it is not Suitable for round water.

In addition to the Tianlu nectar, there are some Tianzhu Xuanshui is also very unique.

For example, the mainland sometimes drops sour water, a kind of rainwater that is extremely destructive, like sour vinegar, corrodes the earth, burns mortal crops, and makes large areas of large particles unrecovered.

For example, the mainland sometimes has fish and water in the sky. In the heavy rain, there will be many fish that are jumping and jumping, which makes people lose.

The biggest feature of Tianzhu Xuanshui is actually When will it be difficult to grasp.

Then, once these mysterious waters land, it will take a long time to naturally become ordinary, and simply can't wait for the monks to collect.

Sun Hao realized the five elements of the water cycle, while quickly thinking about his memory of the water, and tried to find some clues quickly, to find some specific ways and means of the water.

However, after some thoughts, Sun Hao found that it was not too easy to be afraid of his own water.

So far, Sun Hao has accurate information. I have seen only heavy water.

On the day of Nanyang, Sun Hao once fought side by side with Li Dazhu and Huang Shucong, and Li Yuncong’s life magic weapon should be a heavy water, at least a heavy water of more than one yuan.

Then, in order to make a round of water, it is necessary to go back to Nanyang and visit some old friends Li Yuncong and Ying Xuanhu.

I don’t know what grade Li Yuncong’s heavy water is. If the grade is too low, it is difficult to meet the requirements of Sun Hao’s turn to water. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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