Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1059: Booklet

After a long time, Wu old wolf sighed and sighed: "I didn't expect that Xiaoheer was not a monk, not a spiritual root, but escaped from the robbery, but also left me with an excellent blood descendant like you, oh, but she died. Or else, I really want to see it!"

Sun Hao silently stood up and remembered his mother, and he had deep nostalgia in his heart.

Wu Lao wolf sighed and said, "Xiaohao, since our grandparents and grandchildren recognize each other, then simply, you also join me in the Heavenly Palace. You have accumulated yourself. If you can join the Heavenly Palace, you will be more versatile." Further, in other words, the little raccoon is very good for you, but it is a good choice..."

Join the Temple of Heaven?

Sun Hao suddenly found out that he could indeed join the Heavenly Palace. With his own ancestor, Sirius Zhenjun, with the support of Xiaozuo, he would undoubtedly develop very well in Tiangong.

However, Sun Hao’s face slowly showed a smile.

With a wrist, Sun Hao showed a token in his hand and his hand stretched out: "External, do you know this token?"

Gong Sirius saw Sun Hao’s token with a fissure in his hand, and his heart suddenly shook. He said strangely: “Isn’t this the order of the souls? It’s always the status symbol of the Lord of the Souls, strange, how It will be in your hands, and what is the crack?"

Sun Hao said slowly: "When repairing the **** of the gods, Xiaohao suffered a catastrophe, and the body disappeared, and then appeared next to the token. On the token, there was a silk. crack."

Wu Laowo closed his eyes and recalled the changes in the points on the Dengtian list. Immediately, he wanted to understand what was going on: "It turns out that the original Xiaohao is the soul that has not returned, and after the death of the soul of the soul, you Only to earn points as Sun Hao, so the score of the unsuccessful soul should be counted on your head, if it is true. Xiaohao, your real points, is not to open the devil One cut?"

Sun Hao nodded slightly: "I think it should be like this. The points are divided into two. I just want to complete the task of burying the sky market, but I don't want the points to be too high, too much."

"You!" Wu old wolf shot Sun Hao's shoulder and smiled and said: "You are not called the limelight, what is the limelight? However, I did not expect that you are actually not returning, then you are indeed not suitable to join Tiangong."

The mysterious and powerful island of the Soul of the Soul, Gong Tianwo is very clear, I did not expect that my blood is actually so good, but I really do not need to shelter myself. At this time, Gong Sirius understands, even if this time Sun Hao is excluded from Xianban and it is estimated that it will not take long. Sun Hao will also be ranked in Xianban.

However, after clarifying the identity of Sun Hao, another question will follow: "Xiao Hao, since you are not returning to the soul, what is the story of Soul?"

"That was just a arrangement in which Xiaohao confused people's ears." Sun Hao's face showed a smile: "I didn't know that the name of the soul was completely bleak because of the broken token, but it was unintentional. A mystery of the age of a burial sky."

"Ha ha ha ha", Gong Sirius laughed: "Interesting, interesting. You actually put a person out, instead of returning to the soul, this time, the second child of the second dragon. I also can't understand it for a lifetime, ha Haha, Xiaohao, you have to be better than me!"

As for how Sochi is going to bury the market, the Sirius really did not ask.

He has seen Sun Hao’s Shou Ning Air Tower. I also know that Xuanyuan Red has been mixed into the funeral market, so it is not a rare thing to mix it into a soul.

There are some things that know the result, but there is no need to ask for it.

Sun Hao can't join Tiangong. He feels that both the grandparents and the grandsons have entered the Xianban to attract people's hate. Sirius Zhenjun finally decided not to announce the relationship between the two for the time being. He gave a lot of precautions to Sun Hao and the rights of Xianban monks. After the obligation, Sirius really took Sun Hao back to listen to the announcement, he had to prepare for the grand ceremony.

Coming back from Tiangong, Sun Hao feels awkward.

I did not expect that I actually had a strong ancestor, and it was still a man of the Temple of Heaven. On the road, there was another reliance.

How many monks know the real reason why they can rank in Xianban?

What kind of possibilities are there in the world?

Quietly expecting, three days passed by.

On this day, above the sky, the Temple of Heaven, the Ice Palace, the Temple of the Pluto, the Temple of the Demon and the Temple of the Sea are all shining, and the melodious bells are floating from the Temple of Heaven.

The monks of all the warships and airships appeared in the boat, stood up and listened to the bells.

Among the bells, the colorful clouds rose and fluttered in the air, forming a huge colorful cloud, flowing slowly in front of the Temple of Heaven.

The fairy music played, it seems that a hundred birds are humming, only the colorful butterflies dance on the colorful clouds.

Above the Temple of Heaven, a row of girl-in-law girls floated, fluttered in long sleeves, danced with the butterflies, and then slowly divided into two rows standing on top of the colorful clouds.

The crisp sound sounded on the colorful clouds: "The book is sealed, now it starts."

The top five ancestral gates, the monks of the mainland, the monks and monks, Qi Qi came forward, the body of the sky flashed, people have fallen on the colorful clouds, the fairies are all welcome.

The ceremonial grand ceremony was presided over by the single prince. Today, her demeanor is much more solemn. The dress is also very decent and generous. It has a great contrast with the previous image. It is steady and rhythmic, and the agenda of the ceremony has passed.

"Hundreds of Jindan 闯 墟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The heroic deeds of the ranks of the Golden Danes gave high praise to the ranks of the Golden Dans and placed high hopes.

Ice frosted read the hero list.

Rat Duobao read the Pluto.

The hero list and the Pluto list are collectively known as the mainland heroes.

However, it records the heroes and heroes who have fallen into the ruins of the Tianxu. Sun Hao’s friends are alone and Jian Bai Forging ranks among them, and the rankings are not low.

In the sky, solemn music sounded and grief spread.

Everyone stood up and remembered the fallen ranks of the Golden Danes.

Then, it was the theme of the ceremony, the book.

The first batch of Jindan, which was the first to be booked, was the first place in the ruins of the Tianzheng. They had little meritorious service. Some monks did not even get a glimmer of points. Just entered.

Of course, the appreciation of these monks is only symbolic, they are not able to rank heroes.

It’s just a pass in the “Ancient Funeral Sky Market”.

The number of these monks is as many as twenty.

In any case, they went to the funeral market, degraded and contributed, but they could not be treated badly. They all obtained the title of the mainland.

The Zongmen where they are located also received a lot of compensation, at least the actual reward of a country.

The second batch of the book was acquired, but it was the fallen golden dragon in the heroic spectrum.

The soul has not been hung in the hero spectrum, but is the only monk who is still ranked in the top ten.

The attitude of the sea temple resolutely gave up the reward of the soul.

The fallen monks of the South China Sea, in addition to Luo Peng, Li Min, Du Yi and Jian Bai Forging are in the forefront.

Looking at the name of the row of fallen monks, listening to the rat Taobao slowly read the heroic deeds of the fallen monks.

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but think of the scene when the funeral sky was opened.

At that time, everyone was full of enthusiasm, and hundreds of people rushed to each other, bravely climbing the rooftops, and all the spirits were flying, and they were free and easy, and they were admired by the mainland monks.

However, time has passed.

After more than ten years, the Tianxu returned, and the rows of monks fainted down. One by one, the sky was turned into a was no longer able to return to the funeral market.

Hundreds of Jin Dan entered the Tianxu market and returned only 30%.

The book was sealed, and it was a bit tragic and a bit heroic.

Hundreds of forgings, singularity, auspicious real people, great brave real people, proud of the real people, one by one, get the mainland title, one voice and smile looks like one by one from Sun Hao's eyes.

Silently, Sun Hao, who stood up and said, said: "You, friends, all the way."

The rewards for these high-ranking mainland heroes are very rich. Of course, these rewards fall more on their sects. Although they have fallen into their own talents, the huge rewards have made these sects a lot. make up.

Many sectarian monks also faintly excitement while secretly sorrowful. With this batch of resource rewards, Zongmen may be able to obtain excellent development opportunities.

After the book was sealed, the Grand Ceremony finally ushered in the highlight.

The triumphant return of the triumphant Jin Dan. (To be continued.)

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